Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What's yer news??

My older brother asked a question about what news sight everyone prefers.. I was all set to answer a smart ass answer "The local news paper, right wing rag that it is..."  Fully tongue in cheek because that paper has been a right wing rag for years and years... Joke paper and I would hope people would get that I am joking fully.. Truth is that paper is more local news with the word pamphlet on it from many years ago when the kids in school tagged it that way..  Really when it has four pages and one is the help wanted and legals in there.. But it really can't be taken serious now that it has only two days that it is out.. Had the two days been Tuesday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday I could see it still being legit.. We let the subscription lapse towards the end of last year with fear that the paper was about to fold so we get it in the paper distribution box, paying a few quarters to get it..   But what do I use as a real news site??  Well.. Strangely enough I rarely use online anything for real news.. I do get stuff from Facebook but don't consider it to be a serious news site.. More often than not I use what I see to antagonize people who disagree with my views..  I did so right before and after the election getting right wing people to freak out worrying that if their man lost the world would end.. Yea, it likely will end no matter who wins and as it turns out it might, Trump won... So shortly after the election I made a statement that made one of my uncles so mad he unfriended me.. No big deal, but then he didn't just unfriend me, he blocked me.. So I am dead to him on Facebook and you know what???  That is just fine with me... He is sadly a hypocrite saying how much his god is watching out for Trump when in fact Trump is a serious piece of shit but... Whatever.. Recently I posted
 This and a friend said "Finally..."   Like he agreed with me.. Well alright, he sees Trump a fascist and Tyrant.. I never expected him to ever agree with me but then I replied I'm not sure you read that right... No response, then I said well alright welcome to the dark side I guess..  How do I really feel about Trump??  I think he will get impeached by fathers day.. Or start the process...  Why??  He really isn't a president, he has yet to get any legislation passed, everything he has signed has been by way of executive order, there is yet to be a law that has been hammered out by the congress, house and senate....  Nada...

So what do I actually watch or read for my news, what do I trust??  Well in the past three months we got Reuters on the Roku, they have a preset amount of time you want to put towards your news, ten, fifteen or thirty minutes and watch that block of time.. Most of the time I go fifteen..  I also use CBSN on the roku, which is more set for mainstream America, is that good??   Good question...  ABC news online again with the roku..  And NBC on the roku.. These last two have issues with the way they play, mostly they need extremely fast internet I guess...  Then there is Newsy which is fine but uses many news sources to get what they need news wise..    Sky News is what I used sadly to get the election called hours before it was called by any American news outlet...  Online there is Breitbart.. I never have used that site.. I looked recently when someone said he switched to the site because of them being more trustworthy..  Well that could be true but just as you think that is the best way to get the most trusted they can shit the bed on equal to anyone out there.. I think you just have to use multiple sites and realize that there really isn't one you can lean on constantly..  People watch FNC to the point where they trust it to be so honest but in truth they are only able to be trusted less than five percent of the time..  I rarely watch them because they have no news that I trust.. Sorry guys.. I watch multiple sites and read many sites...  I don't trust republican anything to be honest..  I'm yet to hear Trump do anything but stroke himself.. This tonight is the perfect opportunity to not watch at all, which I won't.. Hope everyone gets the opportunity to watch anything they want, watch the clips later or tomorrow and enjoy the piles of bullshit you are avoiding..  I will...

Badge Henry

(P.S.  after posting my own response on my brothers FB site...  :  I think it fully depends on how you want to be lead.. There is no news site that has any bias... Ask anyone and Reuters is great and anyone who doesn't like them will scoff at you for liking them.. Simply put it is in the eye of the beholder and how you like to have your news presented to you.. Or go without and read Mad Magazine...

I'm not sure I posted what I meant to say but...  At any rate I posted this.. Got a direct reply : The question might be, "Do I want an echo chamber or neutral information about current events?"   In all honesty not a bad reply and to be completely honest yes, Reuters and other news sites are just echo chambers, they break absolutely no new ground.. But that is kind of how I like it at times.. I want my news to be brought to me by who I like it brought by.. It is an echo chamber, by Reuters, CBSN, ABC (online) as well as NBC (online)...  Breitbart however how much they say breaks new ground in whaty they present can be the same echo chamber if you get into the same trust issue.. To me there is no single news outlet that you can put full 100% trust in how it is delivered or how you can trust it, after a while they all throw you for a loop..  Some people responded to that question with "Fox news is the best.."  which makes everyone have to laugh.. You cannot say that FNC is the best without knowing that they are leaning so far right...They toss their opinion at you almost all the time... I rarely if ever will quote a news source on FB mostly because it doesn't make sense to.. I will toss a meme out there and some people will reply to it.. A meme on facebook means absolutely NOTHING..  Most of the time it's more fun, tongue in cheek type of stuff... You want to have fun???? So do I...  You want to make sense?? Well... sometimes..  I do get news items from FB and post them here which might be a mistake but I want, things like Trumps impending impeachment to be true so bad I can taste it... I hope the stories in the coming days are true.. Having Trump getting impeached by fathers day.. I mean I didn't bet on that date but... My fingers are crossed...) 

Monday, February 20, 2017

3% and more

Well been a while since I've done a what I've watched entry...   What have I watched??  Well I can't remember where I last did an entry from on this idea so...

3% is about a reality type of show where the contestants are vying for a spot on an island where it is like paradise, compared to the real world.. This is a foreign language show dubbed to English and seems relatively a good show but as it got to episode six I started to doze during it and stopped wondering if they would make it.. I don't care... What will the island be, a nice place to be eaten???

I think I might have done this one before but just in case.. Crazyhead about a girl who is an exorcist of sorts.. This is a dark comedy and I include it here because I like this show and will be another show that is like it shortly, give you a glimpse at my  odd taste in shows...

Hell on Wheels was finaly completed as the first ever transcontinental railroad wrapped up in Utah..  Interesting to watch, I watched it from the start in October and ended up getting done in the first part of January.. I'll miss you Colin Bohannon...

The OA lost me and then found me.. I liked the show but I'm not sure I would watch it again and they are supposedly making a season 2... There are shows like that where it seams great as a first season and a season 2 seems like a why bother even though it ends in cliffhanger form..

Speaking of a show that lost me at the start.. The Crown.. Sorry this put me to sleep and I'm not sure I will watch it again.. Sorry..

American Crime Story : the people Versus O.J. Simpson... A ten part story and I had said why watch this if you lived through it??  Well I did live through it but didn't watch it on court tv or any other channel.. I simply lost interest.. But to see this story was very interesting.. Especially getting to episode nine.. That will keep you awake and on edge because that is when a mistrial was very possible.. That many months into it...

No Tomorrow with Evie being a gluten for punishment but was she believing all this that Xavier was saying.. Sounded hard to believe..  But anything could be possible.. Couldn't it??

A Drummers Dream... Latin percussion at it's finest.. I like the Latin style but in this that is all you get..  So if you don't like this style you will likely not like this.. I do like it and seeing some of these guys as the fastest drummers in the world it is very interesting to see a one handed drum roll..  Yeah, I could do that but with the whole hand and not just the stick..

Santa Clarita Diet, remember the last movie, Crazy Head, that I said sets the tone for my odd taste in shows??  This is the one to watch only if you don't mind really dark humour.. Drew Barrymore was doing the talk show circuit sounding apologetic at every stop.. This is a fairly good show for my taste in shows.. I know a lot of people dissed this show and my comments towards this as being good, I like it.. My taste in Monty Python might help me, and most people really just don't get it.. Well in the latest episode Sheila (Drews character) was having an issue with trying to reattach her toe.. And then as the show was ending she bent over to grab something and when she came back up she had a whole new issue...   Really there isn't that much wrong with this show, you just have to have an open mind.. She is a zombie in the early stages of being undead..  Really and truly what you need to do is watch it sober.. Don't hit the pipe for anything...

Badge Henry

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

This is scary

If President Trump were to fix this problem I would change my mind over night..

The opioid epidemic in America... This is very real and needs to be addressed NOW...  Trust me I know from first hand experience not me but family...  The drugs are easy to get..  When the doctors don't monitor what their patients are being prescribed, this needs to be changed..

The woman at the start of this story got it right when she called it a pandemic, because that is what it is... A national crisis...


In other news...

Yeah Trump is a wienie big news there...

The actual clip...

Badge Henry

Friday, February 3, 2017

Soon baby soon...

President Dumb Dumb Trump has taken us yet another step closer to all out war... WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is imposing sanctions on 13 people and a dozen companies in response to Iran's recent ballistic missile test.
The Treasury Department announced the action Friday.
President Donald Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said this week that the administration was putting Iran "on notice" for its missile test Sunday and for supporting Shiite rebels in Yemen.
Trump tweeted Friday that "Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how 'kind' President Obama was to them. Not me!"

Iran, Yemen, maybe Mexico...  Why not Canada too???   Listen, Trump wants to prove how much tougher he and his administration is than Obama ever was, well...  This isn't getting it done... I'm sorry, if you want to prove you are a big soldier and a tough guy, going to war in Vietnam was the place to do that, don't send our sons and daughters to war, and using nukes???  That will just end life on the planet as a whole, there is no small nuclear war, it's all or nothing... President Dump Dumb just wants to push us to the brink and then pull back ... Or is that the case??  I think he wants to prove how great he is by trying to do what the Kennedy's did, put us to the very verge of war then pull back.. The only difference being JFK was trying to keep the Russians from making nuclear warheads just minutes from the USA from Cuba, Trump is trying to make several country's pissed off enough at the USA to push the button..  What a fucking retard he really is, and in the mean time the Retard republican lead house and senate is trying to pass things that will end up making America a cesspool with dumping coal ash and other crap like that in rivers.. Why not??  Like I said Trump hates China so much he wants to live there without moving.. What a turd... Thanks Donnie twitter boy Trump... 

Badge Henry