Thursday, October 31, 2013


Wow, not sure why I didn't get this entry earlier but.. As of November 1 Google's home page, I-Google, will be no more.. This is in ode to a friend.. Cut that.. I had gotten i-Google as my homepage two years ago give or take for reasons that I've written about elsewhere here, and I had all sorts of trouble customizing it because I wanted it to be just so ultra .. GREAT...  PERFECT ..  So much great that it was the envy of all who might see it.. and then a little over a year ago they announced that as of November first they would stop supporting it.. So it folds and with it just a few memories because just like with reader I found something to replace it.. And in the case of i-Google I was looking for something better before they announced they were ending it.. Found what I thought was better and then when they announced the shut down, I decided to have the speed dial be my homepage which when it opens I have my homepages set to open.. Why be limited to a single page?? Basically the i-Google that I set up had so many pages ready to open that the idea of having the speed dial was the next logical step and like I said the next step..

What will I miss about i-Google the most?? When they announced the shut down I set the speed dials up and situated them the way I wanted them and deleted a lot of what was on i-Google to the point where me shuttering it was going to happen.. Then I decided to keep it as a dial just to look at every now and then.. The things I will miss are the sports "gadgets" and the weather as well.. News not so much, most of the news gadgets never lived up to their potential.. As most of the gadgets never lived up to their potential.. The number of hits to i-Google speed dial will end at 382. Put that into perspective  my main email and Facebook both sit at 967 hits and then Blogger site sets at 1385.. It gets hit more because I have three blogs there..  Facebook would actually have nearly two thousand hits on it but I think I had to reset the speed dial after it went off kilter for a short time..  But you get the picture.. What I will miss mostly is the few gadgets that I couldn't replace, but instead got something relatively close, settled for second best and got used to it.. There was a time I was going to delete that dial but decided to wait, just as I did with reader..  Reader was a sad day when it went bye bye.. But the reader I found works almost identical to the G reader.. Can't complain much, but as with everything computer related I have learned not to get too attatched to them.. They could any day be gone, just the way it is and has been ever since the internet got popular..

So a goodbye to the only friend I ever had..  Well the potential was there for a sad day but I was ahead of this one..

Badge Henry

Picture this

 In one of the latest local news papers we get there is a Halloween colouring contest pamphlet .. For the kiddies..  My mom took it to the boo yesterday and wanted him to colour it to see how he might could do.. He did a little but quickly lost interest in doing it.. I had scanned the pictures into the computer to do something with them, maybe with a little time I might could get them done.. Truth is I used my favorite programs to do them and the day might very well be coming where kids won't be using crayons to do the pictures but will use the computer programs.. Hard to believe??  Not really at all...
 The previous picture as well as these here were done completely different than I usually do them.. These were done with PDN and then altered with Adobe photo shop and image ready using their little goodies.. Mostly the glowing edges effect..

 The pumpkin was the first to be done, the one above was the easiest to get done.. I was always into abstract painting when I was in school and with the several picture rendering programs I find myself going the abstract route again..

 The original completed pumpkin above and the glowing edges effect below.. As well the ones above but a few other things from PdN to add that multicoloured effect.. That's how it was done..

 These were done with a full on coloured by painting them in kind of a blob/blot idea where it was almost a remedial idea.. Kind of a set the brush to paint over the lines and not try to stay in the lines except in parts of it.. Using textured setting for that certain look...

 These final four were done with preset textures on the PdN program and then using the glowing edges on photo shop..
 Happy Halloweens to you.. The most wonderful time of the year..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The tree

The window opened and then closed, with a door followed shortly after.. This was an odd situation as had been the case a week earlier, the opportunity to get things done for a short time, to do somethings around the house that were neglected during that week before.. How could you pass up on this.. So I did.. Mowing that the lawn was so important to me only at that time.. Return to some regularity situation that left me with some amount of satisfaction even though it wouldn't last.. Recap to this point.. There can be no recovery of the events, it's been too long to remember.. It was too long ago a year after the events.. Writing about it a year later didn't happen, and it took maybe two years to think that it was a good idea, that getting to write about the events and the empty spaces that developed over the short amount of time and then for three years in a row trying to remember what happened.. The day before or even two days before everything broke free.. The feeling the day after it all broke free and all the emotions that hit the third day, that Sunday, and the feeling of relief only to realize that it wasn't fine and two days later knowing in the back of my mind that the end was coming.. Everything he meant to everyone, everything he did and everyone he touched... And then he was gone and in the coming days seeing that it was next to impossible to show how I really felt.. I now feel like I neglected him.. I was oblivious to the obvious as I say on so many occasions, WHERE WAS I WHEN THIS WENT ON??  I was there but it didn't sink in.. When I was available to help but didn't know I was even needed.. The regular mundane everyday things he did, had troubles with a few and even fell at different stores.. Why didn't he ask for my help??  "Could you come with me today?".. My answer might have been a reluctant yes but now, looking back (that 20/20 hindsight thing being what it is) I can't believe I didn't jump in..  As far back as when he had cataract surgery, I should have been there.. Taken him..  Mom took him for that.. I should have.  I thought my job was more important.. NO JOB IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FAMILY... EVER!!!..   I was a head case of sorts as most people think they are more important than they are.. No job can be done by one person exclusively.. "God if I leave this job tomorrow they will have fits replacing me and what I do there"...  Now that's a load of crap everyone tells themselves at least once in their lives.. The grand lie.. Even the president gets replaced, no job can be one all being great unreplaceable...  The grand gesture is that one day this will all stop.. Two weeks later everything is returning to "normal" where normal is the constant in some grand math quotation.. There is no normal ever again.. Normal gets replaced with an absence that will remain constant forever..  Watching from a perch high above it all trying to get it together, writing and playing like nothing happened.. It did.. And does.. Evolution to the next day, week, month.. so on and so forth..  The tree sees all and lives on..

Badge Henry

Monday, October 28, 2013

I forgot to put this on the last entry...  GUN with Shame On You..   From the Taking On The World album  and

Steal Your Fire...   They were fairly big everywhere else in the world but.. Not in America, they didn't sound like Madonna or Britney or whoever was selling enough records in the male side of the industry at that time.. Bummer because they were quite good enough to develop a crowd here..

HALLOWEEN be coming quickly.. Seems like the same stories come flooding back at this time of year.. All those stories, the scary and the fables.. Back when we were young and stupid we went out doing things to the town.. Mostly when I was in high school but also a couple years after although it lost it's fun by the time I graduated.. All those things we did in just a few short years.. From the class that put the jungle gym in the street every year, tho the caper was when they put it on the grade school roof.  Not a small feat..  The year that me a friend of mine went out the week before Halloween night raiding gardens of their squishy delights (tomatoes and other pleasantries).. We had one of those big ass trash bags you put leaves in full of fun tossables.. and were set for the night.. you've heard of the all your eggs in one basket saying.. This applied here.. Sadly everything we had was in that bag.. We get less than a hundred yards into the nights events and we are at the corner of a building and set this ton of fun down and look out around the corner all sneaky and this car comes along and we say to each other that wasn't the cops.. NAH!!...  Oh.. AW SHIT IT'S THE COPS.. RUN..  We both tear out running through the ally and we don't have any idea what or where to go.. I don't think ahead but just run, I get around the back through the ally around the next corner and head across the back yard of three houses diving head first through  a hedge and then stop..  Why stop?? I needed to see where my friend went and he kept running, I got up and walked to a tree and hid behind it.. I wasn't caught.. Neither was my friend, as we met up just a block away from where our bag of goodies lay right there where the police were picking it up and loading it into a pick up with other contraband ..  Bummer, now what do we do??  Well learned something right there.. And I thought we were going to do this, put the bag somewhere hidden and then go get our little bombs o fun and leave it there..   Oh well a fifty or greater pounds of gooie nastiness we didn't have to worry about for the rest of the night.. A lot of the Halloween nights were down right COLD.. Some kids were of the mind to retaliate against other kids that were dicks to them.. So different then than now where now you get a gun and shoot them, then we retaliated in light vandalism ways, flattening their tires, greasing their door handles, egging their windshield..  Throwing cow crap and pig shit on their cars.. All these things were deadly sure but no death ever happened (that I know of).. Then there was the year my little brother and his friends went out and me and the guy I did my big bag o fun joined them.. They ran at the tracks going across, or running just to run.. They never actually did anything.. I thought screw this and climbed up a tree and stayed there as the police ran right under me several times.. That was fun but not like it was when you did something.. Let's have fun.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, October 25, 2013

Those severed head blues

As I am sitting here the song Bohemian Rhapsody starts on the radio and I think of those days listening to this massive opus of a song, listening to it on those distant A.M. stations and hearing that fading and high pitch of it going in and out as the signal glided over the ionisphere and get to the radio in waves.. Today there is satellite radio so there is none of that, it is true to the digital age, gone are the days of wanting to hear that song because I heard some of it, but the channel faded out or I tried to find it and it was just not... there.. where did it go??  It was right there and now it's gone.. Oh well, let's find out what's on KSTP or KOMA...  Back then they were true to form rock and roll, back when rock music was ...    

Today I decided to "unlike" the sirius xm radio Facebook page because, well because I no longer need to look at their site and have confirmation of many others unhappy with their programming decisions.. The service is fine for mainstream listeners and those who like what little talk radio they offer.. People asking the company to bring back the Clear Channel programmed talk channels won't happen anytime soon.. If I controlled that part for CC I would not offer any rebroadcast of their programming because they have their own platform to offer it in i-Heart radio.. And it's free, sort of..

Last night we watched the little guys club, Ian and Ryan, and as we pulled into the driveway getting home, I got the car unloaded and had the feeling hit me of deja' vu as I stepped on the ramp to go into the house,  the weather reminded me of that fateful night when I had to call for the ambulance to come pick up my dad.. That night, the weather was almost identical to last night except it wasn't foggy... The start of the ordeal that would be... the end..

The previous entry I wrote about a few groups that were .. kinda special from the time in my life when I played the drums for a rock band..  The Hanover album I had just bought and taken to the party, literally bought it that night and was playing it in the car stereo and thought this might need the guys to listen to it.. I thought it was good but it was beyond anyone in the bands ability to sing it.. Check it out:

Every time I listen to this album the memories of that night come flooding back.. The perfect party, with the band and our fans back in the early days before our popularity started to fade..

And then there was Wrabit with Anyway, Anytime...  Just my kind of Rock music.. The first album was the best, but isn't that the way it usually goes.. 

Badge Henry

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I can't find my Gun(s)

You ever have one of those days when you just can't find it.. I had this idea, all the music I burned from records to cd  I wanted to verify if everything I did was still good or in the "chuff" zone.. What is the chuff zone?? I got my cd recorder back in 2000  (I think) and... with the idea of taking all my records (most of my records, the better bits anyway) and having them forever on disc.. Trouble with this idea is they don't last forever in compact disc form.. In fact I'm not sure they last very long if they are on a zip or flash drive.. Why??  You ask questions of me I have no clue to the answer, just Google it.. I haven't googled it I just assume consumer discs are just to have for a short time because that is what they are for.. I remember seeing discs strewn all over downtown and the only reason I could think of is they either didn't play or the songs fell out of favor from the first part around six when they were kick ass tunes to eleven when they got tired of those ten songs.. Hit delete on the i-pod has cleaned the streets right up.. Anyway Gun was one of the three main groups I had tapes of to be transferred to disc..

Gun with the two albums and Wrabit with their two albums (West Side Kid released after I figured there were only two) records ..

And the great party album Hanover (from that wild night, you know which one I'm talking about)..  I went in search of these but just can not find them dargnabit.. But the great thing about the internet, all music that is lost really never is completely lost, you just have to know where to find it.. And I did.. 

These three groups were the initial reason for getting that cd recorder, and then I went off my nut and did just about every record I had..  And then the computer came along with it's internet and then..  That's when the fun began..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On the fly

Saturday morning I checked the usual sites I do and that includes the eztv torrent site, and this show popped up.. Called Alaska Gold Diggers and for some reason I thought it might be related to Gold Rush on the Discovery channel...  It isn't, I mean it's on one of the Discovery channel relatives in Animal Planet, but isn't relative to Gold Rush.. Actually it is somewhat related to Gold Rush and as the first little bit shows that the shows are somewhat related in that both are about greenhorn miners (rookies)  but in the Gold Diggers show it is about the offspring of a guy who built an empire way back in the day only to be murdered before he could enjoy his riches.. And those offspring are WOMEN..  So that alone is reason enough to watch...  Sort of..  This scene is the opening segment to show what the show is about, and there were two episodes back to back.. But this shows the "rough and tumble" beginnings...

In this scene which I call mining gear ..  Women have a different take on just what equipment is important.. Hey this could be really important stuff here you know??  

This scene there are just no words for..

Ok, there has to be a question of is this show one of those scripted reality shows??  Well is it??  Truth is I doubt it but I also think there has to be a suggestive direction.. They get together in their "huts" and decide what is going to happen in tomorrows scenes.. Maybe not.. Also where does the film crew sleep over night??  I know the Gold Rush film crew stays on site at the mines but you don't see extra trailers at the mine because if anyone was going to be in a trailer it would be the women.. In what I call the "bicker and argue" scene, some of the more dynamics between the women "miners" and the men they hired to "help" things get ... interesting... To say the least.. In a previous scene the women were in the cabin (hut) talking about the previous days mistake when the men did the clean out and they weren't there to witness it. Later  talking about the men while the men were outside sitting around the fire and stating that they didn't think they could trust the men.. The top guy says these women must not realize that the walls on these huts are really thin, they could hear everything the women were saying.. So when they say they don't think they are trusted, that's why.. Some interesting things in this scene though..

This scene speaks for itself.. Things go from bad to worse.. but in the end..

The second episode they have an event that brings them together.. if you are reading this as a review all I can say is if you like Gold Rush this could be a show for you to watch.. Having the women literally being like the Gold Rush guys from the first season, the women have only six weeks to prove there is enough gold for them to go at it full time.. It's an interesting show, a little predictable and I'm not sure if it can be scripted at all..  Just the same as Gold Rush, I doubt that this is scripted.. But there are a few feelings that there is a directive input some..  They showed the preview for next weeks show where they go to the second mine...  Two mines, one by Nome and the other by Fairbanks ... Both in the coldest area, close to the artic circle.. Fun, don't forget to pack your yo-yo..

Badge Henry

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ahhh You're kidding

The week that was.. Actually this goes back a ways, the discs from Netflix over the past bit here.. It's been quite an interesting little bit, check it out.  I try to get a true classic movie every fairly often, that included recently "The Bridge Over The River Kwai" great world war 2 movie..  Well recently I kept that string alive with getting Casablanca..

Warm Bodies the movie that is the reversal of the "zombie" movie formula, might have been better but worth a look see..

A movie that blew me away, watching the previews and wondering if it was as good as it looked, "Upside Down"..  A sci-fi love story.. It's the premise of the idea that two worlds could be so close and yet so far away..

Then I got High School and Ten Years on the same weekend and so there was some cross reference when I was trying to remember which was which..  High School was about a guy in highschool that happened to relax his standards and went out partying one weekend and then got caught and the school principal decided to run a drug test on the whole school to punish all those who use drugs.. In Ten Years it is a reunion movie with everyone getting back together for their tenth year out of school.. Interesting movie..

Killing Season with John Travolta was really a good movie as well..

The Sessions was an interesting movie,

 as was The Best Exotic Marigold  Hotel..

Culminating in a trifecta of great movies this weekend starting with Phantom

Next is The East.. This is my favorite idea of all..  Make people who ruin the lives of normal people pay or at least see what the ultra rich who don't have to live amongst the trash piles..

Finally there was Trance.. Trance deals with hypnotism and mind control so shortly after they go to see the therapist everything from that point onward has to be taken with the mindset that nothing is real, or take what you see with the proverbial grain of salt.. Sometimes this kind of movie hits for me and other times I get the idea that the director and story teller are trying to be way over the top with their story telling.. But most movies like this have sequences where towards the end of the movie they show what was what and this one had that set in several instances.. Which do you believe??

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I thought I'd through a post script in there fully unrelated to this entry.. The PNOP entries are done through the end of the year, except for the 24, 25, 31 of December.. Might have something special for those three days, although I'm not sure what it might be.. As for the start of next year, I'll try to get January done by the end of December.. Being anymore that two full months ahead isn't a really good idea.. Last week with the government issues coming to a head I didn't alter the entries (much) and it kinda showed.. I don't want the site to be political anymore than it is.. I don't see myself as democrat or republican (I'm registered independent)  but i don't identify with the GOP at all, and the TEA has taken the GOP for a rip roaring ride to nearly over the cliff.. But I did vote republican back when Ronny was in there and looking back I think I wanted to be on the winning side rather than vote who I wanted in there.. Wow, I didn't mean to be this derailed into politics..  Another thing I wanted to write about was SiriusXM screwing the pooch recently by taking off almost all the CC channels and they are losing subs right and left because people who listen to those channels found out what I knew and that is if you like listening to talk radio, they don't have anything near what CC brought.. (CC being Clear Channel)... But that's for another entry.. )

Friday, October 18, 2013

When programs update

This one is directly related to the subject matter, "When programs update".. On most computers the latest version of a program means it has a few new goodies and is more stable than the last version.. And that is true, most of the time.. So what program have I had update recently that has sparked this entry??  The torrent downloader.. The programs name is microtorrent or microdownloader.. It has a u type of look to it, the u has a curve on the front and rear (left and right) side of the u.. And micro has been the only torrent dowloader I have ever used.. Well last week, on Friday I was having troubles with it and thought I should get the new version if there was one..  usually all programs update on their own weather you like it or not, but this hadn't updated to the latest version and so I thought might as well let it update, it was crashing anyway.. Upon further review I thought, maybe this wasn't a good idea.. The latest version is ad supported which I didn't care if it was or not.. I figured if it had ads like it does then maybe it would work better.. And as I downloaded the first few I noticed that the five torrents I wanted were going two at a time.. And there was no way to get it to do the five I was used to.. How to get it to go back to the way it was??  the settings screen wasn't allowing me to get what I wanted so.. The dreaded delete and reacquire the program would have to be done.. The first try didn't work, it would be having to delete it completely to keep from getting it even remotely the way I wanted it..  Then I went in search of the version I thought I wanted settling on a little over a year ago version hoping that it was early enough.. I guessed right as the version does exactly the way I wanted it to act..

Last Saturday morning as I started to stir awake, I listen to the radio overnight to keep my unconsious mind from thinking.. That and I have such serious tinitis that I need to have any sound that keeps the ringing down so nobody outside my own head can't hear it..  Just joking there of course.. But as I am waking to the show I am listening to on satellite radio, I hear a message on there and they are saying this channel is being removed from the lineup.. WHAT?? Did I hear that right??  So I come and check that tidbit of information on the computer.. Turns out yes that channel would be leaving the lineup by Friday (today).. Back when XM satellite radio was starting they got help from a company that was in the radio business Clear Channel.. AKA the satin of terrestrial radio, they owned almost every station in the nation.. Well they had a certain stake in the company and had the ability to program some of the channels, some dozen or so, most of this being talk radio variety but also some very popular music channels.. So when they shut down today (at midnight eastern time) they ran a disclosure of the channels being removed.. I checked the FB page to see if anyone else was upset and they were, VERY upset to say the least .. Most of the people rambled of the one channel they listened to and said they would cancel..  I had already been through this before shortly after the merger with sirius they dropped several of the music channels, and replaced them with nothing remotely as good as what these were.. Sadly the music lists got extremely shallow, being able to hear a song about once every two hours..  But I was already listening to the talk channels and when my show was off last night I had troubles finding anything to replace what I was used to hearing.. This morning I looked for replacement channels and found only three, which was all I needed but they are sub par.. So where to go to find these shows that were on.. Well most people will have to get a gadget (i-tablet or pad or whatever they are) and get the i-heart radio app.. I reacquired the i-heart radio app for the roku Saturday and found the two shows I was after and will look for more.. My biggest problem is these shows run early in the morning and they run on internet stream..  I'm hopping that the satellite radio gets some of these shows back but I highly doubt that they will.. They are owned by Clear Channel and the likelihood is they only want people to listen via their gadgeted devices.. I'm in bumbed out mode but I'll find something to replace the shows I liked.. Hopefully..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Next to the end..

Well here it is been a week or there about since the last entry here just why does it seem to take so much to get an entry???   Well first let me say this is the third or forth entry I have written here lately but the first to be truly intended to be published, the others were either deleted or set to draft.. Some of the entries were bordering on .. not bordering at all.. THEY WERE rants.. Mostly about the government and what we are going through and my knowledge that wee would default, and weather or not we go fully into default, we are there now, and starting the process of the default.. Good for you United States, we've always knew you were the dog wagging the tail..

Caught my second cold in as many that were offered up.. The first cold was a late summer affair, late August through the first week of September.. I thought this is great, I'm over the cold and then a few days later I caught another here a week or so ago... Not as bad as the earlier one but a salt water taffy type...

We got a new router.. The internet was acting up getting slower by the minute and the old router was part of an earlier issue in the summer so I thought this was the router going into dying mode.. Turns out the router was like still fine, (sitting in the box for reclaiming it's position of usefullness.. likely)  and this means after frustration with the network, another new name but the same password... Well the main network has the same password, the new name remains the same as it was .. CASPERS DEEP was the new name just before the new router was installed and because I couldn't come up with a new more clever name with the new router that is still the name of the network.. Where did this name come from??  Good question, and it goes back a couple months but it was an odd reasoning situation.. I just renamed the network, after yet another rastling situation... The new router has a second access channel and it's name??   GUEST WANKER..   The password on this channel is relative to the name of the channel, sort of..

I plunked my elbow on the doorway, kinda a wet my shorts moment.. THAT HURT!! and as you know my elbow is screwed up and so I thought does this mean it is even worse??   So far a couple weeks later the answer is no worse for ware..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  FEEDSPOT::   What is.. just what is feedspot??  I don't know, why don't you ask an easier question.. Just joking, Feedspot is a reader much like the Google reader was.. Ah Google reader, you were the best.. So why am I bringing up Feedspot in the P.S. portion of an entry that was done??  Because I got an email from them last week stating that they have my PNOP (Phudge Nuts On Parade) site featured as a site that is getting a lot of hits...  How many??  well by my count via the stats kept by the Google analytics the number is a staggering  ...  none really, I mean I don't think readers count, or maybe they do.. I'm not sure when those stats are updated, but so far there hasn't been a bump.. The letter they sent me stated that there are around a hundred (100) people who subscribe to my site.. Subscribing and reading are two different ponies because on my reader I subscribe to several hundred sites but read quite a few less daily.. It's nice to have a reader, it cuts the sites I look at to the meat of the site and leaves the adds and BS out..   So I guess my site could be worth continuing.. I will go at least until the end of next year, maybe longer depending on things.. )

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pictures from the paper..

Some pictures from the Silverton Standard news paper from the past few months... The picture above the caption tells it all.. A true chamber of commerce picture..
These two pictures are the same.. From the burg during the "Vote YES" campaign that was for the bump in tax for a new k-4 mega grade school that would have meant??  But this house was one of the few that had the balls to actually have a "Vote NO" placard (home made by the way)..  The measure was defeated on what was the day after the big wind nailed the town with plenty of clean up duties..
Vintage Vehicles, driven over the pass to get there?? Not sure.. I do remember seeing an old car there a few times while we were visiting..  Really an interesting thing to think about..

Fugitive pig..
From the local paper with the excuse of it being  extremely hot..  Then the paper gave the excuse it was really cold rainy and windy for this past weekends thumping..

These two are the same exact story.. If you are able to read one, the other is exact.. The reason I put both on is because I couldn't tell which could be read better..  But .. What it tells us is.. Well two people I know are in the class officers.. The senior president is Bob Davis, a guy I am related to.. Go figure right.. Then the secretary of the freshman class is related as well  Georgia White..

I saw the changing colours via the webcams for the roads around the southwest Colorado area.. I'd love to go up there about the middle to end of September some day..
These two pictures (the picture above and the story below) are related.. Moose is loose in the hoose ...

This one caught my eye.. The Prosser Building.. Furniture and Undertaker in one building.. How was business??


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


A few things I needed to write about before I FORGET!!  First of all  here we are as fall begins to winterize us, suposedly the blood thickens up when it gets colder out and I drink enough water to put that to the test.. 

Today the government shut down and that means??  The brats in D.C. can't play well together.. No matter which side you come down on this issue it just is the saddest state of affairs that really show when the two branches of the United States government can't work together at all. and it shows right now as to how bad things can get.. They couldn't get it together before and now they shut down.. Great news..

Hey, I watched the final episode of Breaking Bad "live"  Sunday.. That was the only episode I watched on the tv.. Every episode prior to this was either watched on Netflix or torrent..   I watched the final show by torrent Friday so I could watch the very ending on Sunday if I remembered.. And surprisingly enough I did.. was it as good as I thought it would be, did it end the way I thought it would??  I had no preconceived idea of how it would end.. I wanted it to be an ending and not one of those ending but could continue SPOILER ALERT******************  Having any of the involved cast live, the ones who did the dirty deeds, was a no brainer.. They all had to die.. Except for Jesse..  Could there be a continuation with him??  Likely no.. I think even though he was trying to give his share of the money away, he had to have a good chunk left, I mean if those barrels of Walt's stash equaled ninety million dollars then that little duffle bag that Jesse was tossing from wasn't that much, he still had to have plenty stashed, so why bother going back to cooking again??  Walt wanted to retrieve all of his share from the "meth nazis" and that plan was flawed.. When Walt was rigging up the gun I had this "Butch and Sundance" ending going through my mind..   But in the end I was happy with how the show and series ended.. Now I will go back and watch the entire series from start to finish after the first of the year, after Walking Dead ends its next season.. 

So the PNOP site will have all the entries preset for the rest of the year by next week all of December will be set except for the 24th and 25th and 31st...   The Infinite Improbability site will get the music videos set ahead of time to get them done, rather than doing them when I have a minute here and there.. I changed the video clips for PNOP from long run (some of them) to just three minutes being the longest.. And thinking that the clips should be maybe two minute cutoff length.. There are entries with longer clips, they were set in early September or late August, but will be the last of that type (sometime in 2014).. That's right, some entries are set through May of 2014.. With the final entry set for......   November, maybe,,,  

The big news and the date quickly is approaching for this..: Freda is going on a trip to... GREENLAND..  That's right, she has always wanted to see Paris.. While her husband (my brother) wanted to point out the flaw in her plans, he decided to go to Paris and phone her from there..  What an expensive prank but.. To see her face when she gets to her destination.. Priceless..

Badge Henry