Friday, September 30, 2016

Then it got deep

In a way it feels like she is saying bring it on.. I basically said the same thing, if Trump would rather talk about the Clintons marriage, and let's face it, he should be the last person to bring up marriage fidelity, then go ahead.. He is just proving time and again that he would rather deflect than to answer a true question.. He needs that phone a friend option when he gets into a deep hole.. But if he were able to get out of a deep shit situation that way then what will he do when the shit gets deep when he is the president...  

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Waspesitoes are at it again..

Sitting out on the deck again earlier and .. Well you know this is wasp season, not that they aren't around earlier in the summer, but this is when they are assholes.. Serious assholes, not even a pretend feeling of these are nice at all.. they aren't.. Spiders are no fun, but they don't normally fly and freak you right out..  So I'm out and watching these things flitting around and they remind me what my older brother says.. There really is no good use for these insects, why are they even around.. Truth is the choice between mosquitoes and wasps there can be only one clear cut winner that I would like eliminated...   Moaqwasps.. Ok I can't decide.. During the wet times of the summer mosquitoes are turds to people who sit outside.. During 4th of July I got nailed a few times.. But wasps.. You know.. They are day light pests and as soon as the sun goes down they are generally gone to wherever they go..  Today I'm swatting them here and there and I get creative with the swatter as one was on the metal frame of the gazebo, hes walking ever so slowly to where he is just barely there and I swat with full intention of getting the part I think turns out the lights..  Headless is the way I would describe him from that point on.. Then there was these two that seemed like they were fighting.. Or they were doing something else but I can't imagine love is in their lexicon..  So I'm saying they were wrastling over that place there on the shelf thing on the deck and I was out of position, I know the best thing to say was I nailed them together as a two for one kill shot.. But I didn't.. I was having troubles just nailing one here and there..

Here's another thing I've been thinking about the past few weeks.. Put yourself in their place.. I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump for president.. I know... You might think differently what with all the entries I put on here.. But i really don't want him as our president.. But then I think but what if he was on the democratic ticket??  Well is there anything attractive as a candidate to make me vote for him if he were on the democratic ticket.. My dislike of republicans for the party itself, the fact they would rather do nothing than to help the current president being the main reason and I couldn't vote for these knobs ever again... So what if Trump were a democrat?? Not to switch things completely up, rather having Trump against Hillary and Sanders and the third guy (whats his name, there was a third guy in the fight for a time.. I think) Anyway with Trump was a republican as far back as ... when he was a democrat (or so they say)  But had he changed to democrat and had voted that way for... three elections (is that long enough to be democrat.. I have no idea, does it even matter??) So he is a democrat, goes against Hillary and Bernie and starts with the same diatribe he did last year.. The thing that went against Bernie was he was an independent that changed to Democrat and I still feel that was ..worked against him seriously.. She got a lot of super delegates, and even though Bernie won some primaries, she still got super delegates, meaning even though Bernie won, he didn't win.. From about the end of February on you felt like Hillary was the anointed one.. So would Trump have won very many delegates??  I hate to say but he might have wiped the floor with Hillary..  Had he done that and gotten the nomination, would I vote for him, being the democrat.. Now here is where you begin to understand how much the republicans stand by their nominee with such fervor.. No matter what it's Donald Trump NO MATTER WHAT...  You see it even though he is.. not nice..

So he is our man, but because of his being the way he is I can't in good conscience say I would.. I would say flush this year.. The reason besides him being nasty to most every type of person.. He knows nothing about certain things, with nuclear weapons being the biggest thing.. Sorry even though he might be talking small field nukes, I can't see a war with those being controllable as I have written about in another entry or two..    Then the debate the other night was embarrassing, he was unprepared and it showed.. There is no way I could see him being elected.. Election day comes and I'm not voting for him.. Others are say we have to elect him, the supreme court justices are the main if not the only reason to elect him..  Well.. Still not enough.. listen, if he gets us into a nuclear war there will be no "I told you so"  ... It will just be commonly known, we screwed up, the supreme court isn't that important...  When the bombs are falling.. Voting for party over country safety is just not right...  But.. Hey who am I to say..

Something else I want to write about here..  I really didn't get American government when I was in school.. I mean I think we had to take it back then.. But I was bored.. No shit.. But here's the thing.. I wish I would have paid more attention..  The electoral college baffles me.. I gotta look it up and read more about it or something.. What I don't get is.. Every year two states elect the president.. The most important states are Ohio and Florida..  WHY??  Seriously why can't each state be equal in importance.. Have all states have five electoral votes.. That way the United States are each one as important as the other.. I mean the bread basket of America, the entire of these states that feed the country don't get much say in who gets elected..  And why do we have a two party system only??  I'd rather see a five party system, and make it to where they are all viable to win.. No more Republican Democrats only but rather with those two you have. the TEA (barf) party, the neon green party.. something that is radical like the libertarian party.. "OH THAT WOULD NEVER WORK, YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR THINKING THAT WAY..."  Yeah, that's not a good idea to have three or more parties.. How many people are truly happy with the choices we have this year??  The discontent is getting greater and greater and the feeling that we aren't getting good representation by the presidential candidates and for that matter our congressmen..   Are you happy that the congress men spent so much time trying to overturn Obamacare??  Or Benghazi (yazi)...   It sure would be nice to have representation looking out for us, the population of the United States... That may never happen again.. If the Democrats got control of the house and the senate and the president then there would be no excuse for there to not get anything done.. Would there??  The republicans have had control of the house and senate for the past almost two years and yet they have gotten nothing done...  Could a full on democrat run house and senate and president get things done better or more than the republicans have??  likely not..  But why not try..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Not that funny

If Trump gets elected... Well ... I think I'll buy a bomb  shelter.. That's funny.. But he does want to alter the first amendment..  Maybe even abolish it.. Highly unlikely that would happen but he would have a better shot at doing that than Clinton would have at abolishing the second amendment..

This isn't what Trump has done but rather what Republican TEA party idiots are doing in Kansas.. i live in Nebraska and our governor is trying to do here what brownass is doing there..

People are putting things like this on their FB pages and truth be told I respect them for this.. They're wrong.. Just because this guy was dropped on his head alot as a baby and then went into the profession of destroying brain cells doesn't mean he is right..  Why don't I agree with this??  Because anymore standing for the anthem or the pledge is becoming more and more empty, the words mean nothing if they don't apply to EVERYONE.. And they don't..   More people are being killed because the police really are giving up on doing their jobs correctly.. ... and JUSTICE FOR ALL...  That should mean EVERYONE.. But it really should read justice for whites and privileged.. If you are black..  You are a target.. But not to worry.. Eventually the police will shoot just anyone..  that is why I support anyone who kneels for the Anthem.. Because Justice for all should either be followed to the letter for everyone.. Or should be stricken from the pledge entirely..

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands... blah blah blah...  Where the rest should be and to the republic, for which it stands one nation with liberty and justice for all...  That's liberty and justice for everyone, not just whites...  EVERYONE...

Badge Henry

Aliens are about to get us.. Or something cool like that..

WOW... That was odd.. weird really.. Sunday after the broncos game I went out to the deck and was sitting there (watching the grass grow) and eating peanuts (shit nuts if you know what I mean...)  when suddenly I see this white light south of town..   What the hell is that??  It was bright then disappeared rather quickly.. I kept waiting to hear that someone else saw this.. was it a meteorite burning up brightly in the daylight??  Did anyone else see this??  I waited through Monday and Tuesday thinking someone else would mention this phenomenon.. But.. Nothing was said.. Then yesterday I was setting out there again and suddenly there it was again.. And not just once but over and over again..  Seeing it in real time happening as many times as it did was freaky.. What was it.. long white strands that i had seen on the ground or eye level... They were spider web strands.. They were above tree level, floating along from west to east on the wind current, very slight wind (hard to believe it was hardly a wind out there) The sun caught it and was an incredible looking strand.. With others that were fairly large.. My brother and I were out in the country labor day and saw this huge strand of silky stringy web..  Very large mass of mess catching on anything that would drive through it..  But seeing it fly through the air like that was quite an interesting thing to behold..

Badge Henry 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fact checking the debate

From last night, I didn't watch it..  the debate, mostly because I thought it might become a circus so.. I watched bits of it on CBSN later and they said there was no clear cut winner.. I'm thinking they were told that no matter how big the route by Hillary you must call it very close.. it was very close. Alright, reverse psychiatry to get people off their ass and vote..I GET THAT..  :

Read this and see for your self.. Seriously though.. if you watched very much it was frustrating with Trump interrupting constantly.. I kept waiting for them to start slinging poo at each other, not last night.. Maybe the next debate.. Maybe...

Badge Henry

(P.S.  a little extra piling on here... From Rolling Stone... :

There was a segment of the debate where I thought, wait, what did he just say??  I didn't understand that at all...  The taxes issue, and that reply of that makes me smart when Hillary said something about Trump not paying any taxes.. That might be why he hasn't released his tax returns.. I've said that is the reason people shouldn't vote for him...  One of a good number of reasons but that is a huge reason..  He said he won't release them because no it is too late.. It isn't but if he doesn't want to make that effort then it's his neck he is slicing..)

Snap polls mean absolutely nothing... And they never have.. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hello President Trump ... GOODBYE WORLD..

Ok. A few things.. First off...  The other blog.. T.... ....E  has been kept afloat for the past nine weeks or however long it has been for the specific reason of having it be changed to what it will be as the final product.. Final... well you know...  But now as we get to the final five entries before the big switch I am having reservations about changing it at all.. Don't ask me why, the blog was either going to be something else or deleted completely...  And right now as we stand on the precipice of the final I felt today maybe deleting was the better option...    Maybe I'll change my mind..

Why do I feel this way... Last night I watched a show that scared the hell out of me.. 60 Minutes and the new cold war.. If that doesn't scare you nothing will.. What did they say that should scare you like it did me??  Alright.. Here is what scared me the most, now you know that they all developed huge megaton bombs, gigantic weapons that when detonated could wipe out hundreds of square miles, people buildings and everything, that is what has kept the three major nuclear weapons countries from using them.. MAD Mutual Assured Destruction...  Well last night the both the USA and Russia are developing smaller nukes, some that won't destroy everything but will only do a small portion of what the big guys will do.. So in other words the use of these small nukes could conceivably be used to destroy each other marginally.. Assuming each side could keep their dicks under control..  But anyone who has seen simulations of nuke wars has seen where they start, one side bombs the other, the other bombs within reason the same amount but the other side sees there was a tactic to bombing this or that area and so they do one more to even the score, then the other sees that as an escalation and bombs some more... All this shit will take maybe three days..  When in fact it might take less, depends who is at the controls...  It scares me more than anything else because once the president gives the order to launch, he doesn't control how the weapons are used after that.. It will end up as full annihilation of every living creature on the planet.. Oh and by the way your bomb shelter better be buried way deep.. and be double barrier (i.e. cement ten feet thick in all directions)..  The best place to be when the missiles fly is.. Well as close to a launch pad as possible.. Trying to be safe will just prolong the inevitable.. There is no good ending with  a nuclear war.. Just an ending..

Anyone who says "well yeah but the president needs congress to justify using nukes".. NO HE DOESN'T..  Just to let you know that if Trump gets his panties in a twist he can order a full nuke strike because "we have them, why can't we use them if we have them"..  yep.. That could happen.. 

Badge Henry

Yet more political crap

Listen.. I have no idea how horrible Hillary really is, I think of myself as being fairly open minded and would  set entries to be more biased towards the middle if I could find anything stating that Hillary is that horrible.. It seems like everything they say is bad about her or that she did anything horrible is while in the line of doing her job.. And yes she wasn't perfect but to be honest who would be.. Knowing what she has had to deal with through all of her dealings while being a congress person, the secretary of state... Head of the Clinton foundation...   But getting enough about Trump.. That seems so easy and very easy.. So here's some more..

I've said schools would be changes, and that's not all..

The republican party is NOT a governing party and they even admit as much..  So why are they in such powerful positions when they don't actually help people out.. 

For whatever the reason, the debate being held tonight will not change the voting publics views.. I feel like the republican viewers will likely be watching and drooling as Trump spews bull shit at every chance and the thing is these people just eat it up.. They know he is full of shit but still love him for it..  Listen, on any of the questions, if he starts his answer with blaming Obama or Hillary then he likely has no true answer and is deflecting.. When he does this just keep the number of times he does this in mind.. And if you want to take a shot of your favorite booze and see how full on drunk you get but be forwarned you might want to keep the number of your local ambulance services (911) to take you to the hospital for alcohol poisoning..  Or hopefully you won't have that much to drink...

Badge Henry

(Oh P.S.  I wouldn't vote for a republican even if there was a chance he might have the ability to save the world, mostly he would be lying because THAT IS WHAT THEY DO...)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

More political horse shit

I was only joking that Hillary could be impeached before taking office.. Now it turns out Trump actually will be if he gets elected.. 

Awe shit, this is like a Greek tragedy... 

Here.. Watch this.. For fun and the fact most republicans don't get it..:

Hard to believe most republicans simply don't get this...  Beyond their sense of humour...

Badge Henry

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Daily show clip.. These are red necks???

These things come quick and lose so.. This one from a recent Daily Show.. Check it out..

This is funny to those of us who have an open mind, but if you are a Trump supporter you see absolutely nothing wrong with it.. My uncle would likely say so where is the problem here... Blows me away, if you can't see the problem with Trump and you are old enough to vote this year you might want to think about taking this election off...  and the next one as well...

Badge Henry

(P.S.  another one about what Trump wants to do to education.. Please read..

Again if education is important read that link there.. Also I think the education system needs work but I have no idea what to do to fix it..  There are many people with greater ideas.. ) 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Night Football Night

I've said this before in previous entries and elsewhere..  American football the way we know it right now in its peak of greatness... Most popular, violent beyond belief and legal violence is at it's peak.. The end is very near for the sport as it is.. Why do I know this..  Check the number of players getting hurt, and not just tweaking an ankle here or a knee there.. They are getting really hurt.. And people are taking notice and it will begin to take it's toll on participants.. There are already a lot of people choosing to not let their kids go out for football... This trend will continue even though the league everyone strives to play in is trying to get less violent and improving safety..  Example of them getting safer, Brandon Marshall for the Broncos first game was taken out early in the game for concussion protocol, a set of tests they run in the locker room.. Well later in the game Cam Newton for the other team was dinged and should have had the same thing happen to him.. This was deep in the fourth quarter and would have had him out the remainder of the game... There can be no two rules about this.. It can't only apply to a player in the meat of the game and not the same rules for the two minute warning on..

Chargers lose Danny Woodhead for the season...   Thinking about this was when they were negotiating with Von Miller and all that money and if he gets this kind of injury the season is severly in trouble...  He isn't the only great player on a defense that is set to wreak havoc on every team they play.. But imagine losing him and another great and suddenly they are talking about a completely different scenario for the season..

I listen to the radio and there are different hosts that say that football might be outlawed in the not too distant future..  It is a rough sport but.. I have seen videos of kids playing high school football and they get called for this or that penalty and the kids hit the refs.. To me if a kid hits a ref that is assault and that means the kid should be carted off to jail.. The coaches need to tell them if you attack the ref you are no longer playing a sport, you are assaulting an unarmed civilian and can face jail time.. 

Things are just getting out of control with football and truth be told the coaches should be in better control.. Do some refs deserve to be attacked if they are calling a game wrong or in more favor of one team or another.. That is wrong, and should be watched by an officials official.. Keep things being called right.. Does a ref deserve to be attacked by a player??  no.. NEVER..  Just play right.. 

I never really played football when I was younger, mostly because when I was younger I was at best puny.. I was small and not aggresive enough to pull off being a football player.. I went out when i was in Junior high but after two years of "playing"  (riding the bench) I decided it was not that kind of fun for me.. I mean why go out, go through all the fun of practice if i wasn't going to play a little..  Didn't hurt my feelings not to play but I practiced all that time why bother.. I was easily confused but not really.. I wanted to play but.. not really..

Getting hurt is always on your mind, it was on mine anyway.. And so not playing is easier than bothering with it.. Some kids aren't aggressive enough, and some aren't big enough.. Size matters and players who start in the pee wee leagues are players who's fathers likely could play.. Mine didn't ever play football, he didn't care for the sport, but when I was growing up I liked the game.. My brother would get the tv set to a game when we were little and he would watch it, and so I watched it a little, and I asked him about it and he told me a few things..   From then on i've really liked football although it was nest to impossible to see the college team we wanted to see, we did get to see different pro games.. We had two channels to choose from.. My brother would put on the game we would watch and that is what we would see...

When will football end??  Really I've said by 2050 it will likely still be played, but it might be virtual reality..  There won't be any physical injuries but virtual, and that might be worse because the player won't have an actual scratch on him.. But the computer world will see him as banged up.. That's going to be hard to get used to.. Hard to say I'll be around for that,,, You never know..

Badge Henry

Thursday, September 22, 2016

another quickie..

Please understand that this story here is.. well you can read it.. :{id}

When I first saw it I thought oh shit, they gone and got rid of him because of the controversy.. But as you read it you find out it is bogus.. But even though I knew it was pure BS I wondered if it was true.. Then I thought, I wonder how someone could figure this out.. But how could it be done.. Oh.. I have an idea.. Use a search engine.. Now the tricky part.. if you type in Colin Kaepernick gets fired from the 49ers, the likelihood is you will get a confirmation on the story by getting that very same exact story..  But if you go the simplest route and type in Colin Kaepernick and then see what you get, you find that there is absolutely nothing on the first few stories to confirm it.. Why isn't it at the very top??  That is where something like this would be.. Guess what, the right wing goofballs will believe anything that stokes their fears, and this would make their day.. Trust me, my uncle hates this guy, which likely isn't important to him because he is nobody to him but because he kneels down during the anthem being played, it's freakout time.. Listen, I don't care one way or the other what he does.. Again I will state this fact, people need to find out what he is doing this for.. Yesterday being a prime example, another man of colour was publically executed on a highway in Tulsa Oklahoma.. (a recent story I posted here)  and I fully agree with all the athletes who support this..   People need to read the stories on this event and not just one but several.. Watch several news channels on the tv.. Then form an opinion..  Don't just see a football player kneel down and then point your finger and scream "HE'S UNAMERICAN.."   He's fully American, he is exercising his first amendment rights.. Americans don't see a protest unless it involves guns, a shitload of violence and an equal amount of blood..

Get over it...

Badge Henry

Politically motivated to ....
If you are voting for Jill Stein you are throwing away your vote..  In  a way that is true.  In the way where voting for an independent candidate, it is quite true.. Sadly the electoral college doesn't support anything more than the two party system... I dislike it as well..  Read this story and realize it is true..

Now as for me.. My uncle got into it with me  a few months back when I said I was likely not going to vote at all... WHAT???  well you can't complain then if you don't vote.. I said yes I can to complain.. I'm an American, I can and will complain weather I vote or not, it isn't like anybody cares anyway.   But now if he were to ask me what I would do if Trump were looking like he would win.. well you weren't going to vote anyway..  Shows you what you know.. I do plan to vote and I'll even tell you who I'm voting for...  I'm voting for ... ME...  That's right, I'm writing my name in on the ballot box and I'll tell you why.. I am just as qualified to be the president as Trump is... Just think of that.. Anyone who would rather vote a third party candidate would do just as well to vote for themselves and truth is you might be more qualified to hold the office.. And if you put down mentally challenged people, rip into another nationality about them being lazy, or bums... Or Canadiens.. Come on you know they have some sort of issue of some sort.. They all can't be that nice...   I wanna be elected.. Just joking of course.

Badge Henry 

(P.S.  I have no beef against skittles, I think they be tasty.. )  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A quickie adendum...

Alright.. I'm thinking people who know me or who read this and know I'm white are thinking why do I care about those shootings by police officers, there is no way that will ever happen to me.. I'M WHITE...   It's the principle of the thing..  Yeah I don't worry about being shot by over zealous police officers.. not yet anyway because it hasn't happened yet.. But it could start.. What is to keep it from happening???  What did that guy in Tulsa do to warrant being shot besides looking "like a bad dude"??   When will the first white person be shot for no reason happen??   I don't want to be the one..  I live in an extremely boring part of the country and I will be honest with you, I'm actually glad to be living here.. My mom got a call the other night from a neighbor asking what that was going on next door to us.. Well I checked and it was a fire truck setting there ..  doing..???  setting there..  But mom called her back and they got talking and the lady tells mom, better lock your doors to be safe tonight.. We would if we could... YOU DON'T LOCK YOUR DOORS?? Lady.. We haven't locked our door since the lock stopped working.. When was that???  1970...  WHAT???   It's true... 

But why I agree with Colin Kaepernick is that I am alright with him doing a peaceful demonstration unlike last night in North Carolina when things got a little out of hand..   If you have an issue with him kneeling during the anthem read about what he is protesting..  Google it.. Don't just jump on the bandwagon of he is anti American.. He wasn't last year, why would he be this year??  Think a little... And yeah it might not effect you directly now but in the future it might very well..  

I don't know why it would effect people that a has been QB in the NFL sits during the national anthem. He sits during the game... What the fans of the 49ers should be more upset about is that he gets paid what he does for doing less than the ball boy does.. but.. That's my opinion.. Such as it is..

A quick one.. while the doctors away..

Alright, for the reason I forgot this..  I watched  a series on the netflix that was a short series (all of six episodes long)...   The first one here is extremely good..

Last Chance U  about a college football program, junior college football program for kids that have really screwed up at the last school they went to, they go to this school to try to prove they deserve a second chance.. Most of them do stupid things and end up being there for school to get video proof that they can play still as well as get their shit together..    I read reviews on this and a lot of peoples comments are on the coach and how he is to the kids.. Listen, this is the way coaches are.. The can be total assholes to the kids and it is just the way it is.. And if you have problems with this coach, you have troubles with all coaches..   But it really isn't the coach I was watching.. It was Brittany Wagner the athletic advisor.. Although she is more the education advisor or something in that effect, she was constantly chasing the players down and getting them into class.. She was the reason the team stayed together as long as they did...  No spoiler here, you want to see a great show on football, here it is..

Couple of series I currently am watching.. Quantico...  Two shows in and it's interesting so far..

Person of Interest, season one.. I watched this I think pretty much until the last season which was this past May and thought I would watch the entire season from start to finish to see how it raps up...

This last one is just a try it and watch here and there.. Drugs Inc.  to watch and observe.. The first one was the drug Krokodil which is mostly Russian but is making it's way to America.. This is so weird.. The drug is a heroine type that is made with codeine and mixed with all sorts of weird shit and the one thing that would make me say no... Gasoline is in the mix.. Seriously who would shoot something that caustic in their veins.. And it causes your skin to rot from the inside out...    Horror shows have got nothing on this shit..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

This is America..

Just a short entry... Recently this happened..:

Sorry, should have warned you ***** WARNING THIS VIDEO IS GRAPHIC******

Hopefully you read ahead and saw that and were warned a bit... Anyway for those who are  not too bright.. This is why Colin Kaepernick as well as more and more athletes are doing what they are doing at football as well as other sporting events...  Instead of shitting on these people why not find out what they are protesting.. Do at least that much.. These people aren't doing this because they are unAmerican, they are doing it because they are Americans and they are trying to look out for others that don't have  a voice like they do.. Quite simply if you feel they are in the wrong, find something out, read about it, don't just listen to the radio to Rush Lumbar and think what he says is gospel because you should never listen to only one news source and make decisions based on that..  America is more diversified than that...   Open your mind..   

Badge Henry

Monday, September 19, 2016


Short weekend of shows but they were important.. First ....

London has Fallen...   thing Olympus has fallen and .. there you go.. Very predictable.. Felt like I wrote it, or I had something to do with the twists and turns in the plot.. It was ok, poor Londoners will have to rebuild their city, but then they will be at the international Home Depot fighting over the toilet fixtures.. UNHAND THAT FLUSH STOP VALVE YOU.. RAPSCALLION..

 The Last Survivors..  Kinda a movie set in the very not too distant future where a guy tries to corner the water market in his valley of the world..  Kinda like..  road warriors feel but you know.. Fairly easy to watch be predictable.. 

White Helmets is a quick doc about the people in Syria who help people who get buried by rubble from the Russians bombing them..   Very good but sad and it has no English dub track, so you pick the sound which I kept as the language it was done in and then English subtitles to read.. Yippee but still worth a quick read...  It was a short movie.. 

That brings us to the final movie.. Extremis ...  Basically it is about the end..  The end of life itself and how we deal with it.. Very moving and really hard to get although to be honest when you have fought the good fight to stay alive at the end, at a certain age people just seem to know it's time to give up..  I remember that being with my dad, he got a very serious infection and was in the fight of his life..  He died of an infection and doctor incompetence.. Basically he was in the hospital for the infection and then they wanted to put in a stint because they said he had a heart attack.. It was a serious case of the doctors for the heart not knowing he  was in there for an infection.. And this is what I keep saying that the doctor on that very first day told us he would be lucky to walk out of that hospital and so explain to me why the next day he was sitting up and eating and seemed fine.. Why was it so god damn important to do the stint the following Monday if the infection was that deadly..  Why we didn't sue for their incompetence is beyond me...

Badge Henry

Friday, September 16, 2016

A funny thing happened on the way to the white house ...

Donald Trump... Love him or hate him...  Only joking, listen.. More light reading here.. How will he pay to increase the size of the military???  Here, read this...:   Unbelievable but likely very true...  Then there's this.. :    There is only one reason to like Trump... I don't know what it is.. SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME!!!..   Then there is Mike Pence... He's the logical one of the two.. The likeable one in this  odd bit of nasty.. But then I found this little story on Pence.. Check it out.. :   Who knew smoking was good for you.. Well not good for you but.. Doesn't always cause cancer.. And that might be true but have you seen someone with COPD before??  Read this good news story..:  .. Listen the good news about smoking is most smart people quit before they are thirty with the knowing that the people they were trying to impress are likely no longer around because they moved on.. Time to stop, nobody thinks you are cool being a smoker and truth is you are just annoying, and you always were..   Give it up..

Badge Henry

skip to my lou

Should this be a separate entry or add to another???  This should be on it's own..  Recently Kieth Olbermann went off on a rant and it was epic.. This is the video he puts down Trump.. I will say any one or two of these that he says should be enough to make you vote for anyone other than him..  If he didn't offend you at all in this video then you are of some cold personality that really shouldn't be allowed to vote in ours or any other countries democracy.. Check it out.. Get some popcorn... :

Like I said if there is anything that offends you don't blame Kieth, Trump actually has said or done everything said in this video.. Most of which was said or done since last July, July of 2015...  Just a little over a year.. Imagine who he can get us into a war with..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

another row

Next Row Starts with Ultra Toxic TV..  This is a whole lot of weird B movie and some light grindhouse material.. UTTV is a private channel and as such still has limited commercials thrown in there..  There is a cool little thing in there as well but I'll mention it shortly down the list..   Next is Breaking News.. it was a toss up as to what I would have be this site from the Fawesome channel directory.. There are a lot of channels within this Fawesome umbrella but what is great is you only really need one to access all of them.. It might take a while to do it this way, all of them can be added to your lineup but to me the better way is to have one channel then find another you like.. having all that you like on the roku lineup will clutter things up so..  That's my reasoning, others would likely rather have the individual channels to show they have a thousand channels.  Good for them..  Then there is TUBI TV... This has a lot of really good programming that I can tell but... This is another potential programming channel.. I am yet to watch anything on this.. Well why have it then?? Well good question.. I think the day might come where I might try these channels that are promising programs but right now...  Not so much..

First Amendment.. again..

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.  It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices.  It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.  It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.   

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

 With all this being said I understand and defend anyones right to a peaceful demonstration such as what is going on throughout the professional football ranks.. Peaceful demonstrations and the like.. Do I like what they are doing??  I'd rather they all stand for the national anthem but I'm not torn apart by it s so many people are calling these people traitors or antiAmerican.. If they are anything they are true Americans standing up for their rights and the rights of black Americans who are being shot and killed every day for doing what Americans should be free to do every day in this county and that is live a life.. 

This meme on FB is making the rounds and these four are NOT insulting the people who gave them this right, if anything they are making them proud to have fought to give and protect the right to a peaceful demonstration.. Simply put if these players would be supported and asked well what can we do to help, maybe they would stop kneeling or sitting during the national anthem...

Should a serviceman get housing before a refugee??  I think so, but why isn't he?? Is it because he has issues and can't figure out how to get housing??  When the veterans of wars are released from duty they are likely just cut loose.. My feeling is it took special training to get them ready to go and shoot his fellow man, there should be a way for them to be brought back to life in society.. Not just say well there you go, don't call us if you have troubles, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN NOW..  That is pure horse shit.. Help them out.. The government in all their wisdom have eliminated more VA hospitals in a time when we were in two wars.. How much sense dose that make.. And yet the politicians (um.. mostly Trump)  want to take us into more wars and make the military even bigger than the largest there has ever been...  So if you are going to do that make the support for them universal.. Not just to go to war, but to return to live a regular life.. And not just a six week or six months.. Sixty years..  in other words they have given their lives, you give them their lives back...

Badge Henry

Hurry man

So I get upstairs last night, hear the guys from somewhere calling confirmation on leaving the barn.. Turns out they are Chappell VFD and they are headed to a twelve alarmer as it were, and they call for mutual aid.. All I could think was I hope our guys go out quick and don't need the CP whistle to get them there.. They went out without prodding which is nice.. Then I hear they have arrived.. One more guy here at the barn here in town wondering if he should go.. The guys on scene tell him to bring the equipment truck.. I can only assume they forgot the deals that they cook the weiners and the marshmallows on.. Hurry man.. 

My mom was talking to her brother recently and he was telling her how his "hobby" was going. He makes wood pocket knives and other really cool things out of wood.. He used to make things out of metal and ceramics.. But then the topic turns to the election and he is a big time republican   supporter and so are both of his brothers.. Strange since only one is rich enough to pull that notion off and he just had bypass surgery..   But he says boy he really likes to laugh at the things I (me) put on Facebook but what's going to happen if Trump wins...  Well she tells him just will be alright.. Well here is my answer..  I won't be happy but there really isn't much I can do, prepare for the extremely dumbing down of America.. But more to the point I will enjoy the last days on Earth because the likelihood that we will all be blown into the upper atmosphere is very real..  Dumb dumb Trump and his I will use Nukes is a very real possibility.. And if you are lucky you will get a quick trip into the upper atmosphere.. Those poor souls who survive a nuclear war...  Good luck there.. Like I said in the event that happens there won't be enough time to call everyone and say I TOLD YOU SO...  We'll just have to assume they will all know.. And even though they might be thinking it they won't be able to BLAME OBAMA.. That ship sailed and we got stuck with an ego driven limp dick thin skinned child as the commander in chief..  yippee... 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thump trump

Listen.. Been a while since I put an entry about the orange messiah here.. So here.. Some lite reading for you to look at.. Read it, it'll be good for you..

Very worth the time...  pasted it on twitter as well..  Please realize that the man is throwing the things that everyone has said about him back at Hillary.. He has no original thoughts.. It's just a matter of time that he will use Hillary's diplorables comment at her.. saying something in the same exact vein that she used against him..

Bill Maher's tweet sums it up..

Can you imagine saying the words President Donald Trump..  That should scare anyone to death..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  Forgot this one as well...  :    )

Next row...

The next row on the roku is more private channels than not.. Starting with What's On:  What's on is a tv grid like the digital box or satellite tv has, and so that is what it has.. It also shows what movies are showing at theaters nearby, shows trailers and little clips like that... 

The next channel is Nowhere TV.. This is the channel to get when you first get your Roku, you look for it via computer search and then add it to your lineup.. It has quite a few channels kinda like X-TV only where X has over three hundred sub channels, nowhere only has a fraction of that, but has a really nice selection including web exclusive stuff from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.. As well as a lot of other great programming..

Then there is Fontell Well which has a YouTube base for it's programming.. Interesting channel but it is the newest channel this high up and I am still trying to see what all it has to offer...

Badge Henry

Monday, September 12, 2016

Next Row

Things get fairly predictable through the whole line up of channels..  The next row starts with the channel OV Guide.. What this is, I believe, is short for Online Video guide, strangely enough this channel is basically a potential channel, the possibility that there is something that could be watched.. I never have watched anything on the channel and recently they changed their UI (user interface) and it takes a while to load.. Sometimes when a channel takes a while to load it has the feeling that it has locked up, so I sometimes push the home button to make sure it is still working..  Potential for watching a movie, tv show..  Something and truth be told since I haven't watched anything at all on this channel it should be on the delete list.. But it's that potential thing that gets to me.. Sorry I just can't delete it.. I know I can reacquire it very easily but...   The next channel is.. Yahoo! screen.. This channel is a very good channel but it wasn't in the early days.. In fact that locking the box that I was talking about in the previous channel, is what Yahoo screen was most noted for in the early days of it working... But they got it fixed, and now it rarely locks the box but that can be said for all the channels really.. Yahoo was just very famous for locking it.. What's on this channel?? Well a lot of video clips.. Entertainment, political shit..  late night clips as well as sports.. NHL hockey clips and Major League baseball highlights and the really great is recap where they replay the games pitch by pitch.. Rather than showing the whole games.. They have nascar highlights as well..  Then there is PBS.. PBS is the app/channel to have for a lot of the programming that is on public broadcasting.. The biggest problem with watching anything there is finding the time to watch it.. All the programming on your local PBS station is there..  Fantastic to have, hard to find the time...


With Football season starting watching this has changed again.. Sort of.. But here we go..

Super Volcano about the volcano under Yellowstone erupting and having the fun of living with that happen..  The problem I have with this "true story, it just hasn't happened yet"  movie was that while having it be dark when the eruption was going on, when the eruption chilled the sky returned to pure blue like nothing had happened.. They said the northern hemisphere would be many shades darker and yet it was very nice looking.. I thought using a colour wash filter or effect was needed for that but.. Oh well, guess scarring the shit out of people was good enough at that..

This isn't available on Netflix, not this as it shows here..  What it is .. is called Slow TV.. and I read about this last week about this being added to Netflix,, What it is.. Slow tv which is a full days trip from one end of Norway to the other in the Arctic circle.. The way it looks is really fantastic, I've always said if I could visit any country it would be Norway..   The version of this video that is on Netflix is an hour long.. This her is the original ten hour opus epic journey..  Slow but exciting.. Enjoy the trip..

Who Took Johnny...  This documentary is a sad statement on the police state that at the time (1980's) and there was still some innocence back then.. I remembered as this was playing that back then we had that Tylenol scare where someone poisoned Tylenol and that started the state of having child proof tamper proof adult proof containers.. Keep people from tampering with products.. A sad state of affairs with this little boy being taken is a lot of things changed.. Back in the day kids walked to school without adult supervision.. That changed about this time and not just because of Johnny but also other children were being taken.. That's where all that started..

Sky with Diane Kruger .. And Norman Reedus he of The Walking Dead fame.. It was strange to see him actually cleaned up..  This movie had an art house feel to it as well as independent production.. Very nice little story..

Star Wars IV A New Hope... this is the original Star Wars movie from 1977.. And no it is not available on Netflix.. I decided since there is a subchannel on the X-TV channel on the Roku to try it out.. It isn't the original movie.. I don't think it is anyway.. There are bits that are changed.. I think anyway although I have to say I haven't seen this is a very long time.. How long ago?? My parents gave me the original three movies to me on VHS tapes back.. when they did, it was before I had a dvd player which doesn't say much, I held out beyond the dvd being around.. i'm always slow on the change of technology, I like it to really take hold, that reasoning was after the buying a Beta vcr when it was quite obvious that VHS was the main format.. I wrote about this elsewhere.. Anyway this is quite the movie, and my plan is to watch the entire series since all of them are on this channel, all seven of them..  We'll see if this rates somewhere in the snooze category..

Badge Henry

Saturday, September 10, 2016


O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,
’Tis the star-spangled banner—O long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Ok, I'm only going to write about this this one time.. Just a quickly here.. Kneeling or sitting during the playing of the national anthem at any sporting event.. I'm not for that unless there is a physical condition preventing the person from standing up.. That being said I support for the reason that Brandon Marshall is kneeling.. I support his and anyones first amendment rights.. This is essentially a peaceful demonstration and beats the alternative of deadly force, which is the way most people seem to think that a demonstration must be conducted.. Seriously there is nothing going to happen, let them do this.. I personally can't see anything coming from this however I defend their right to do this.. If they could wear a sweatband I would rather see that because it would be there all game long.. But the NFL only supports breast cancer awareness in October and that is it.. They should have a month of unnecessary  violence against our fellow man month..  Yeah, that will never happen...

Badge Henry

Reply to..

On Facebook I follow all sorts of sites and read the comments and replies..  Sometimes the replies are good and other times.. incoherent .. This one you could blame on autocorrect..  Or not..: "Mark Williams Maybe you should do some research before running your cock sucker. We are only letting the Russians know were our planes are operating so they don't shoot at them. We our targeting ISIS were the Russians are targeting anything that Assad wants destroyed."  The guessing at the spelling or the meanings of what they are actually trying to say...  Yikes.. Alright anyone who says American schools are great need to be on Facebook and try to read the comments and replies... Very scary to think some of these people might have graduated high school..   There is text speak (writing) and there is auto correct and then there is just plain guessing while typing...  You tell me what that slodge up there is.. 

Badge Henry

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Then it was cooler out..

Is it time to do something with that blog yet??  Not quite..  Three weeks and then.. Doneski..  between now and then.. or then and now depending on what way you like to look at it.. There is going to be a lot of interesting things.. Videos, some music and some not so much music will be on there.. Until about the first of October when the first background that will show what is about to be there will show up.. And then.. Darkness.. Completely dark.. And then.. Not so much.. 

This past weekend was rather light on the movie front, we had a local celebration and while I wasn't involved in any of it.. I just watched some of it from our deck..  First off this one..

War Pigs,  about a platoon of soldiers dropping into enemy controlled Germany to retrieve information about a secret weapon that Hitler was developing..  A fairly good movie.. Worth a watch eventually.. Then there was this turns out to be a gem..

Undefeated.. This about a guy who decided to coach a local high school football team.. Spent six years trying to put together this team and this movie shows the result of all those years effort..  Really an interesting show.. Very emotional and worth the time to watch...

Badge Henry

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

And then it gets weird.. FAST..

Why do I like weird things on the roku?  Well not everyone can just watch the nice things all day and night and not get bored with it.. Ok  it really gets weird fast here so keep up with me.. First in this next row is the Blue Mermaid Drive In Theatre, with content that seems quite forward and it is.. There is a certain amount of Grindhouse and of that most of it is the double feature variety.. So three hours later you put the car in drive and head home  except there is no car..  But it is fairly interesting to watch..  Trouble is this is commercial controlled which means there are video ads that are three to five minutes in length which late at night will put you to sleep which is kind of the point.. sort of.. Then the next channel is Zombie Survival Films channel which has some really odd shit to watch of which Vixen highway: It came from Uranus (pun intended I'm sure)  and this "movie" consists of clips of ideas as well as a concept of sorts.. This opus is over four hours long.. Most marathons aren't even that long.. But marathon is exactly what you see here.. Most of the time I put this on and watch it to fall asleep to and it does the trick, so I can watch about thirty minutes every night.. And still.. I have yet to watch it all because I'm still seeing weird shit I haven't seen before..

Then there is Theatre for The Insane.... sensory overload, and that is exactly what he is trying to accomplish and doing quite a good job.. There are something like nine shows at about just shy of an hour each.. I keep hoping I'll find it on an online video sharing site like YouTube or that some such.. But haven't yet..  It is like the old Lost Friday night video collection.. ALMOST.. What is missing??  That odd shit... Don't get me wrong this is great it's just not quite there yet..

Badge Henry 


So here we have a recent headline from the local newspaper.. It reads what a difference a year makes.. That's an understatement...  The housing market is flooded with homes for sale,, 200 sellers seek buyers.. It's a buyers market out there right now and you can almost name your price..  What I remember in the ten or so years before this past year was the headlines "housing shortage in Sidney"  And that was so true, you just couldn't find housing, either it was too much (too costly) or it wasn't the right house...  To me right now is the perfect time for Sidney to get the housing they need built for the future.. Trouble is this:  the article states the Cabela's weakness is to stay..  No one knows what is about to happen there and it is the reason why every block in town has at least one house for sale..
September 24, 2015   in which the story tells of 70 employees were let go at Cabela's  shortly after the news of Elliott investment buying x percentage of stock in the business which made a lot of people excited for some reason.. I at the time read all the  people saying how great this is and my answer was don't bet on it.. And two weeks later they found out why...So Sidney sits, waiting for the answer to the great question well now what??  To which the answer is anyone want to buy a house??  It's in the Ranch subdistrct and is fairly cheap??   Cabelaville still hasn't gotten off the ground.. I remember this past February seeing them start this house above and hearing a lot of people say this means Cabela's will stay here, they aren't going anywhere...  And in the story it says the house isn't completed yet, it's just the house, the inside still has to be finished...    Nice picture though...  Now may be a good time to sell your Cabela's stock.. I wondered why with the sale might be happening or a buyout that the stock price might rise for just a moment then collapse again because the stock never has done much since being issued.. It was a cash grab, the type that will be their undoing because the family didn't think enough about it to buy enough to be at the 51% majority to keep this type of thing from happening...  Hopefully the company stays put.. A year ago the story says if Cabelas goes this becomes a ghost town.. and it might be headed that way.. Very sad if it does happen.. A lot of people from here may not be here in another year or two...

Badge Henry

Is this True??

I see shit like this all the time and most of the time I figure it's a B.S.   story and with this being an election between two not very well liked candidates you have to wonder so with that in mind here are two links to read..

Both stories are essentially the same.. so if you read one and not the other then you get the gist.. But read them both for in depth knowledge.. Why not.. If education is an important issue in the election and most of the time it's an important issue in every election.. This is important..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

News Channels

After the weather row comes the first of two full rows of new channels.. Now back a few years (more like ten of fifteen)  I likely wouldn't have included news channels and likely might have had one new app to read a bit on the headlines.. But now there are six channels.. The first three are the more common news channels.. To me the FNC or CNN aren't qualified for my taste in news.. What I have, and these aren't in any particular order of liking, in fact they are only in alphabetical order with ABC news being first, CBSN being next and NBC being last in the first row.. ABC is fine but has issues.. CBSN (CBS News, available only on line)  is the better of all the news delivery systems.. To me I could watch this all the time..  NBC news app is.. ok.. It seems to be the slowest to load taking quite a while to load.. Showing the splash screen after  awhile then showing the splash screen, then going full dark then sound comes on the eventually video.. It reminds me of the early YouTube channel in the early days (two years ago, this streaming stuff is new, really new) It seemed to feel like it was nervous like a boy wanting to ask a girl out for the first time.. Felt very tentative and even locked the box up on occasion.. NBC has that same feeling... The next three are Newsy, Sky and More News Now. com.. Truth of why these three are there, Newsy is a really good news channel kind of like Weather Underground is for the weather.. But in this case video clips.. Sky is out of England and gives a full world view on events instead of only American new crap.. Can we please be told what is going on somewhere else please..  And then More News Now is in depth news stories and really worth keeping..    The first few rows of the roku are pretty much loaded with must have channels, then it starts to go away from that feeling but still tough to delete.. Keep working.. Stay on track..

Badge Henry

Friday, September 2, 2016

How to buy a gun...

In Japan they have to jump through these hoops.. We should adopt some of what they have.. They used to do hunter safety course in high school or after school and the kids had to go through that course..  

Row two on my Roku has three really... interesting channels (apps)  contrasting my taste and showing what you can see on the entirety of the roku.. First channel four or the forth placed channel is X-TV  a channel that has so much to offer and it is currently free..  It is a private channel which simply means it isn't in the channel store and you have to click on the link you have saved wherever you have it saved (you have it saved, trust me) to look up the private channels selection which will have about a smaller percentage than the channel store has..And some are worth at least trying and others are.. crap but you never know...X-TV I tried back in July after finding it, tried it for a day, saw a shitload potential and moved it from the lower end of my list (around 100) to the 4th situation because of what I saw as great potential including at the time NBCSN which can only be gotten with the digital cable or second or third tier on satellite.. And when the Olympics were on this channel was on for like all of three nights (days as well)  but was soon shut down.. But this channel also has the networks from the east feeds, reminded me of the days when dish had the east and west coast feeds and you combine those and the local channels and you could see what you wanted without a vcr or dvr... The full number of channels I haven't counted up but there are a lot of them.. Some only work in Canada (the global channels which is sad but oh well)  and Australia..  But there are a lot that work here in America.. How long this channel will work is anyone's guess.. my guess is if it is still working by Christmas I will be stunned.. (as it is free)..

The next channel in the row is OSI74..  This was ZOM-BEE channel but that went toes up about a year ago and then the one of the guys who had programming there started this channel.. Outer Space International 74...  Which has quite a selection of odd things to watch.. Cinema Insomnia being the top show but there are quite a few others..  The Ministry of Slack...  Pantry Manor..  As well as the great 12:01 beyond.. A three plus hour extravaganza.. I think of that as being actually watched very late at night after a night of bar hopping and going home and turning this on and just watching some of the odd shit from this show as well as the channel itself.. Fun for the whole brainless plastered..

Betamax tv takes position six.. It's a VOD site but also can be a continuous streaming site if you choose that option.. Why is Betamax tv where it is.. Back in the day I actually owned a beta player.. The tapes were slightly shorter, 4.5 hours max and they seemed to have better quality.. Mine was a very basic vcr it could be programmed for a single program.. So I would likely program it to record Letterman...

The next row is the weather row..  Three weather channel/apps starting with the Weather Network.. This channel has a fifteen minute loop, three and a half minutes weather update at the top of the hour then repeated, same with the long ranger for long term weather guessing (forecasting)  Then time lapse and another segment that involves video segment as well as a return from break videos of weather from around the globe of weather aftermath..  Really interesting with no commercials..   They have local weather breaks but since what we have is the direct feed, there are no commercials nor local weather updates..

Weather Nation and it's local weather regions..  They have the radar and ten day forecast..
Weather Underground is like the version on the computer.. No live personality, just the radar and the forecast of the next four days.. This is where I go for the weather for a quick look.. Are any of these 100% accurate???  Are they ever???

Badge Henry

P.S.  I want to clarify on the X-TV channel.. It isn't great and we have better speed on our internet an a strong 5Mbps and still there is issues with the sub channels  within this channel... Depending I suppose on how many people are on that particular channel.. When the channel first came out, or rather when I first found it the logo seemed to be the X in the Plex logo and I think that is where it comes from is the plex server somehow.. I always wished that plex could operate that way.. And now it is there.. How long will this channel work??  Again I have no idea..  Hopefully through football season this year.. But again the signal gets interrupted regularly.. Might be the router might be.. Just the channel.. It is beta and private as well...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tiny Houses

Here we go..  Tiny houses.. Some people love the idea and some don't..  Personally I do like the idea of being in a small house like that..    I had that in the Netflix that had people looking for tiny houses to live in, some are just summer getaways and others are more for living in permanently..  Some seem like they wouldn't be that great.. There are some that really do hit my sense of a place to live..

This is a nice introduction to the tiny house movement...

This house seems perfect.. Two lofts, one a bed room the other a living room type of thing..  The only real setback would be.. She is like 5 foot six inches tall.. And the house is designed for her height.. The office and bathroom are just tall enough for her to walk in without bending over.. I would have to have it just a little taller.. But the design would be what I would like to have.. Really cool..  And there are more videos to watch on the YouTube so give it a look see...  See look..  Either or neither..

Badge Henry

(P.S.   Ok, I've thought about this and while living in a tiny home (house) seems like something I would love to do there are certain things that I think about.. The logistics of doing such a thing.. There are certain houses that are really small (I had to go outside just to change my mind)...  There is a certain amount of romance to the idea of living in a tiny house.. Just as having a tent or a camper, this is to me the house I would want to live in.. So what specific do I think of??  The bathroom.. Seriously this is fairly important, I mean it doesn't have to be a big room, when I was looking at some of the smaller campers the toilet is doubled as the place to sit while taking a shower.. That isn't a bad  thing, but you would have to remember that.. Also the toilet paper, would it get wet when you take a shower or.. Take it out of the bathroom when you take a shower.. the bedroom.. I slept in a bunkbed in a hotel in Silverton one time when we were there, it seemed like not that big of a deal.. The thing is it was right up next to the wall and was very limited in space..  It was the top bunk there was no bottom bunk..  I wasn't stuck with this, I actually wanted to sleep there having seen my brother sleep there the year before..  The bed in a tiny house would be the mattress pretty much only.. The bed in the lilly pad from the video above looked small but it likely was perfect for her.. Now other things about the steps to get down, to go to the bathroom late at night.. Might need a dim light to make sure you get down the stairs safely..  The stairs are narrow.. Could be a recipe for trouble that way..  The Lilly pad house has the second loft as a living room idea rather than have it down on the main floor.. Really  a good idea.. The main floor should be more the kitchen and the bathroom she also had an office there which was great.. Heating in the winter might be a problem.. Small house = small furnace or no furnace..  and rather a wood furnace or alternate therein.. How warm would this house be in twenty miles per hour wind and twenty below zero temperature..   Really interesting house though.. I really like the idea don't get me wrong, tiny houses have a serious appeal but there are things that I think about with the idea of living in a house like this.. )