Sunday, March 31, 2013

For the fun of it

April Fool’s Day is one of the best days of the year. On no other day are you “legally” allowed to play jokes and pranks on your friends, family and co-workers and have a built-in excuse. Some people will go to great lengths to pull off elaborate gags on those around them but sometimes it’s just as fun to play smaller, simpler pranks on as many people as possible throughout the day. That’s where we come in. Here are 50 pranks you can play on people with very little effort, yet still reap much joy out of the end results. (And be sure to add your own great April Fool’s Day gags in the comments so we have even more ideas!)
50. Borrow someone’s cell phone and change the language setting to a foreign language.
49. Change the language for Google on someone’s computer.
48. Change the coffee in the office coffee maker to decaf.
47. Swap the signs on the men’s and ladies’ rest rooms.
46. Hide scented air fresheners all over someone’s office.
45. Add food coloring to milk that comes in a cardboard container.
44. Add food coloring to the windshield washer fluid of someone’s car.
43. Switch around random keys on someone’s keyboard who isn’t a very good typist.
42. Switch the Push and Pull signs on a set of doors.
41. Hide food in a trash can and when someone comes by grab some and eat it.
40. Replace Oreo cream-filling with toothpaste and offer one to someone.
39. Dip the tips of someone’s cigarettes in Orajel so their lips will go numb.
38. Bring multiple sets of clothes to work, change every hour, and act like nothing’s different.
37. Cup some water in your hand and pretend to sneeze on the back of someone’s head.
36. Take something from someone’s office and leave them a ransom note.
35. Add several odd appointments with alarms set to go off during the day to a co-worker’s Outlook calendar.
34. Hide all of the desktop icons on someone’s computer and replace the monitor’s wallpaper with a screen-shot of their desktop.
33. Put a “Please Use Other Door” sign on the entrance to your office building if it only has one entrance.
32. Put a balloon on the tailpipe of a someone’s car so it will pop when they start their car.
31. Glue the headset of someone’s phone down to the cradle.
30. Take the door knob off a door and put it back on backwards, then lock it and leave the door open.
29. Put plastic wrap around the door frame of a commonly used door.
28. Cover a toilet seat with plastic wrap.
27. Take a squirt gun into the rest room stall next to someone and shoot little drops over the wall every couple of seconds while pretending to pee.
26. Leave a note on someone’s car apologizing for an accident that never actually happened.
25. Glue all the eggs into the carton.
24. Hard boil all the eggs in the carton and place them back in the refrigerator.
23. Paint a bar of soap completely with clear nail polish so it won’t suds up.
22. Turn every setting in someone’s car to the maximum: the heat, the radio, the wipers, the seats, etc.
21. Place a small piece of Post-it note over the ball under someone’s computer mouse so that it won’t work.
20. Switch the handles on the refrigerator to the side that doesn’t open.
19. Conference call two people then don’t say anything, just listen.
18. Place a ‘house for sale’ ad in the newspaper for someone’s home.
17. Paint the tips of someone’s pen and pencil with clear nail polish so none of them work.
16. Hide a small radio in the ceiling tiles above someone’s desk and turn it on very softly.
15. Fill someone’s hair-dryer with baby powder.
14. Put marbles in the hubcaps of someone’s car.
13. Leave cryptic notes warning someone of an impending prank then do nothing all day.
12. Rubber band the sprayer on the kitchen sink into the “on” position.
11. Place a pair of pants and shoes inside the only toilet stall in a rest room to make it appear someone is using it all day.
10. Pour vegetable oil on the exhaust of someone’s car so it will smoke when started up.
9. Hide an alarm clock in someone’s bedroom and set it for 3:00 a.m.
8. Remove the shower head and place a Lifesavers candy in it, then put the head back on.
7. Remove the shower head and place a chicken bouillon cube in it, then put the head back on.
6. Rearrange somebody’s drawers or file cabinets in a different order.
5. Tape magnets to the bottom of a cup, put it on the roof of your car and drive around.
4. Put food coloring in the hand soap dispenser.
3. Put an ad in the paper for a garage sale at someone’s house beginning at 6 a.m.
2. Buy some underwear, write a co-worker’s name in them, then leave them on the floor of the office bathroom.
1. Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone’s computer.

From another site ...


Another holiday

Happy Ester   er Easter everyone..  I remember a few years where Easter was getting to be like Christmas lite.. We would get something for Easter, mostly it was for all three of us rather than each of us getting a gift type of thing, and it wasn't wrapped in anything fancier than the store bag it was in.. One year a game another year some little something.. Then there were the kite years.. Seemed like a tradition on Easter we would get a kite and then go fly it either at the bins or just east of town by the water pump station.. 

Watching the grass grow, or at least starting to this year I don't think we will be getting our lawn done by the people who normally do it.. I wanted to not have them do it last year and just did it myself, part of it..  I wanted parts of it done and others not to see what the difference would be.  This year I think none of it will be done.. I think I will try to do something different.. Last fall (late summer) I did part of the front lawn, turned the grass over and tilled it to get a weed control going.. During the process I first went over the grass it just loosened it but didn't turn it over, just got some of the grass.. So I might try this idea in parts of the lawn this spring, try to do an experiment of sorts.. Checking the way the lawn looks right now it is greening up fairly quickly.. Needs rain.. Not a lot of rain, although we are in a drought, a few days here and there of blues day rain would be nice.. We didn't have any dreary days last year.. By this time I had the salsa kit planted (starter kit) and the pepper kit as well.. This year I keep looking at the pumpkin seeds, looking for the variety I really want.. They have a potato bucket planter I am looking to maybe try.. Maybe because remembering last year by now it was warm, and I remember thinking it's going to be a long hot dry summer and I was right.. I wish I would have been wrong.. This year could be more normal temp wise and has been so far..  But I think it could go either way.. The prediction for temp and weather  moisture is about normal which is anyone's guess what normal is anymore...  Heading into April the feeling is the worst of the weather is behind us or at least that was always my feeling.. April and May being the more favorite months in spring because of the potential for the season to come.. My favorite season will always be Fall.. The colors and the smell.. The drama of the sunlight becoming less with each and every day..  Can't be beat, plus there's football, 'nuff said..

Badge Henry

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring cleaning

Normally I am for a fast moving month especially when it is March but holey crap this month halled ass...  Where did it go??  I don't know..

Next music entry on the PNOP site (tomorrow) won't be Easter themed, I wouldn't have known how to do that anyway.. All this talk about religion recently makes me nod my head.. I don't get it.. I really don't get religion because to me all it really is, when it comes down to it, a sense of community more than anything else.. A sense of belonging to a greater good than being selfish except that it brings out the worst in people..  I'd rather not go to deep into it but when people use god or anything like that I just think they have security issues.. It's nice to go into that valley but the truth is it is you.. Single.. One..  So there you go, that didn't make sense and it wasn't supposed to either..

This week coming up will see yet another expansion in the family.. Donald will be getting another addition to his family when he welcomes his second child, a second son, and things will really start to move because like I've said kids seem to be the reason time flies..  Stop having kids people, the clock moves too fast now, stop having kids.. Too late, oh well...

One of the Easter weekends I remember the most was one year me and another kid slept out in our back yard for whatever the reason and it was nice but still chilled out to the point of cold to me.. One of those events that was  a non event.. 

Checking the roku streaming player this past week and checking the "channels" to see what I might want to keep and some of the stuff I checked was sites that have really odd movies.. More than likely they would be dubbed  "b" movies.. Checking a few of these and they have commercial breaks in them which isn't horrible but it is when they put them in that doesn't make sense.. The public domain sites are the best for old material.. If you are in high school or younger this is maybe a novelty, but to those of us a bit older these represent a part of our life.. Old commercials as well as tv shows are on here.. They still don't have some of the old shows from when I was young like that but it's getting closer.. We had one channel that came in clear, KTVS out of Sterling.. The other channels were very snowy.. Then when I was a little older we got KDUH out of Scottsbluff and KTNE, the PBS channel. three whole channels, and yes I remember that and it is the reason why the idea of having HD tv isn't that big of a deal.. I can remember when we got cable, then satellite tv.. The satellite tv with the digital signal was great to see.. DVD is clear and HD isn't that much better but everyone is programmed into thinking it is a better picture because   well why would they lie to us.. 

The latest channel to be scrutinized is the Pub D Hub  or Public Domain Hub has all these old commercials a lot of old shows that are about parenting and studies like that..  seriously interesting but twisted at the same time.. There is enough interesting stuff here to keep this channel.. Some of the movie channel sites have been removed mostly because of the commercial aspect, but also I haven't watched anything on them.. They are off my lineup but could be brought back if I want to check them out again..

BASEBALL SEASON STARTS TOMORROW ...  So what..  By the way I was trying to check my standings on the big tournament and I can't find it.. After yesterdays games I think I still have two teams that are picked for the title game.. Will they make it??  Doubtful..

Badge Henry 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Like lab rats

So the debate over capitol punishment is starting to heat up and I was on the side of not getting rid of the death penalty.. But then I had a quick thought.. Instead of ending these peoples lives let's do the opposite.. Let's try to extend their lives..  That's  right, make them all test subjects.. Instead of testing new medications and operations on regular people or monkeys or whatever, let's test these things on people.. You do the crime you do the time, and if you are sentenced to two life terms, we will do our best to make sure you serve EVERY DAMN DAY OF YOUR SENTENCE..  Cruel punishment ???  Hmmm  ....

A new idea has popped  into my mind for music videos.. I have these box sets (compact disc) that span from the fifties up to the late nineties or even dare I say the early 2000's music.. At one point I had done what I called a best of each of these box sets so I could listen to them going to work or more to the point after work when I'd go on my little adventures (wink   wink).. and they each had maybe twenty songs sometimes more.. And then I realized that I had put together enough of these that it was a box set of it's own.. I called it the Rhino rock box and it contained what I call the essential set of music, one of those if you were stuck on a dessert island type of things.. so from these discs will be the entire music entries through the summer.. Starting the second week of April and going as long as these will take me.. Should prove to be quite interesting..

I watched a couple of POV  videos via streaming on Netflix..  POV is Point Of View and most of the time they are also the type where the video camera is the POV and you see only what they see.. And they funk the video when there is a bouncing of the camera off the ground or whatever (me knowing full well if you drop the camera it's full on LIGHTS OUT.. stop working).. Think shows like Blair Witch or Cloverfield, a lot of the camera bouncing and out of focus, lotsa fun if you like this type of thing.. The movies I watched were Grave Encounters one and two (yes they thought it was good enough to make a second.. The first was about a a tv show that searches out haunted buildings (kinda like the show on Sy-Fy)  and then the second show was about some kids who wanted to prove the first one was a hoax.. There was a point in the second movie that it took a little from that movie Cube, and if you've seen both of these movies then you know what I am talking about.. I predicted most of what happened in both movies (Grave Encounters) but as with scary movies they are fairly predictable..   I guess that is why I like to watch them.. they can be scary, but also very predictable..

I watched one of those Shocker Internet Drive-in movies the other night.. How cool this was to feel the way it felt, took me back to those early days.. the previews showed different movies and the R rated movies didn't hold anything back.. Then part of the way through the previews it showed a six movie marathon type of thing, one of those from dusk til dawn type of things and it made me remember they days when after prom everyone would go to the drive-in and watch movies until dawn.. By the time I was old enough to do this the drive-in was no longer working.. A right of passage gone forever.. But maybe they will put together one of these packages on the internet Drive in..  Dare to dream..

So here I go again shooting my  mouth off.. Well not really speaking but rather writing on certain sites Facebook and what a lot it is.. So on the Alex Jones FB site he has a "Deport Jim Carry" thing going and Alex has a lot of gun toting second amendment thumping fans and they all have that red neck mentality. Jim Carry has a video on YouTube about the gun loving gun nuts out there and he pokes fun at them.. Alex Jones wants him and anyone who has a thought against his to be deported.. And I wrote, let's get rid of the first amendment then as well.. Why not??  At least then we would still have our guns!! Bet these hillbillies are a lot of fun on the weekend..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lap of Luxury..

Joe Shmo the original subtitled "Lap of Luxury"  was slow for me to get into but by the third episode I was hooked again.. Best part of this show from this year and here in the first run through, I watched by way of torrenting.. I think I heard of this show way back in was it 2003 or 04  or maybe earlier than that.. I think I just rolled my eyes, yet another lame ass reality show..

When I watched the first episode of this years shmo show I got it to just look for a quick lark.. Then I thought, this is kind of a cool concept if it is real.. Not sure if any of it is real, even the Lap of Luxury has it's moments of this can't be real..

Here I clipped the recap show into four parts, the first three have the entire season recapped into a concise showing of what was what.. The forth part is the big reveal and aftermath..

 I just started watching the second season Last Chance For Love.. So far the jury is out as I did just watch show one.. But from what I've read this was the reason the Joe Shmo show was sidelined for a few years..  There is just too much access to programming out there, too many reality shows and yet the people who watch these type of shows are a faithful lot.. The "Last Chance For Love" was a takeoff of the bachelor/bachelorette franchise, the likes of which I don't care for mostly because it is on ABC, a true network.. if it was on E! I could see it..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The next day

When Bob was down with Tabitha and her girls, I don't think he realizes how much that does for mom, to see those little girls.. But as they were leaving the thing that happens every time anyone visits, happened again.. The guard cat comes out and has that bosslike attitude of I repelled those people.. She gets that tough cat attitude of see I chased them out, see how I did that??  And I notice this every time, she just has that way about her.. All the time anyone is here she is a well hidden kitten.. As soon as they walk out the door she appears and has that attitude thing.. What a nut cat..

My main browser has been the Firefox  or Aurora  whichever I felt was delivering the goods, but yesterday they both were crapping out on me... Enough so that I did the unthinkable, I started to try to get Chrome to work.. Chrome was retired as my browser of choice two years ago after it crapped out completely, I mean it wouldn't open any  pages.. I had that happen before and deleted it then reacquired it and everything was fine for a while again.. Then it happened again.. So why go back to Chrome this time??  The speed dial that chrome has as part of the base browser I don't know how to set the dials up.. There are eight and I just never got how to set them up.. Then last year when i-Google was announced that it would stop being supported I knew I was going to have to have a new homepage idea and went with the FVD speed dial and it is also on the chrome platform, trouble is it wasn't the same as the Firefox.. The Firefox version was updated earlier in the month and now the two browsers are the same... sort of..  After trying so many times to get chrome to be the same as Firefox I gave up.. Then yesterday happened and I decided to try one last time to get the FVD speed dial to work and after a little messing around it got set up.. And again sort of, I have to do the preset pictures on the main page but it is worth it.. So Chrome is almost ready to be the main browser but today I start the Aurora browser just like before and it works fine.. I think I only really want Chrome to be a really good backup browser when shit like yesterday happens.. And life goes on.. 

Everybody is complaining about the weather saying it sure is cold.. It is March and March was never my favorite month mostly because it can start to warm up and then cool off.. But there were years when we would get just a ton of snow, around Easter we got dumped on.. The past few years hasn't been the case.. In fact last year by this time the leaves were starting to come out, by the middle of April the lillacs  were full leafed out and then the flowers were out.. By about now I started the experiment with the plants, I got brave and went against my better judgement and bought a salsa planting kit, actually two.. And as things went last year and I'm not sure it was the heat or what but nothing grew after July.. I didn't get the Earthbox set right and won't do that again.. Sure enough this year when the weather got nice I thought of what the grand plan was going to be, watering when the temperature got above fifty degrees.. That has changed because anytime I am figuring the town will announce watering restrictions.. I think I am ready.. I am still looking at sprinklers but might stay with what I have.. Might only have to water the front lawn anyway..

Badge Henry

Monday, March 25, 2013


Everything that can be streamed by the Roku is on the internet.. The magic is that they have the app put together to include everything and then stream it to your tv set.. So was the case with what I was talking about the other day with the drive-in theater double feature that is on the private channel called nowhere archive.. And here is the link not to that particular movie but rather another..

The video is rough to watch especially if you just have to have everything you watch be in HD.. But the archive is great, I find myself looking at old stuff like this on the roku more and more.. They now have a full channel dedicated to silent feature movies from way back.. There is a section of the Internet Archive that has silent movies.. There is a section with old commercials from way back.. Old television shows and news events..  Internet Archive has all sorts of things in the public domain realm.. Amazing how new some of the public domain is...   I have had the Internet Archive site bookmarked since long before getting the roku player.. 

Badge Henry

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Todays music entry on PNOP was short not because of any other reason but because I preset it two weeks ago to be that weeks entry but then some artists died and I moved the entry back a couple weeks.. Thought I would return to finish the entry and then when I looked to see what the entry looked like I just thought ...  leave it alone, a quick two video entry is short... concise, to the point I guess..  

I filled out a bracket for the big tourney.. I've written about that I think, but up until last night I was doing fine.. Then Gonzaga took it in the shorts, I had them going to the final four.. OOPS..  Damn, well you know it had to happen.. Still I'm doing fine, better than I have ever done this late in the tournament, which after today might be not so good at  all.. 

How about that latest blizzard??  Truth be told it wasn't supposed to be a blizzard this time so we thought with the numbers being down that we would get nailed royally in this storm, but no we got not much yet again.. It's like I said if we would have gotten the max amount they were predicting in every storm we might still be digging out.. But we didn't, and heading into the Easter time this is when we have been dumped on back in "the day" as they say.. as it were..

Video projects up and coming: The new project name will be "WORLDS COLLIDE" and will start to be worked on maybe in June.. The Pink Floyd music project is shelved indefinitely.. Although a few ideas surfaced the entire idea was never there.. I though something might come about by now but I have to face reality, it was never going to happen..  When I started the infinity project it spelled the end for the floyd music video project.. Just as well, I mean I did five videos and maybe that was good enough.. The infinity project gets a video completed about one a week now which is good,  a nice slow pace will see this project done maybe in June, or July.. the Worlds Collide project has three videos starting place and are more concept.. Those ideas are showing themselves little by little as videos I'm getting from various sites..  Instead of more "acid trip" computer animated stuff, they are more true forms..  What music will be used??  That will be in the realm of Neal Schon and Craig Chaquico type of music..  I think..

Badge Henry

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday music night

A return to somewhat normal viewing on Friday night, the return of Midnight Special videos.. I started this back in January but stopped after a few weeks because I felt a new feeling of depression that I never have felt before.. Most of it from the way I felt from when I was younger and watched these  artists originally "live"..  Thinking of that and this past Thursday I watched that Eagles program that was on Showtime recently.. Watching how the band went from obscurity to full blown stardom and the falling apart from drug induced head cases..  Then last night I went from midnight special to nowhere archive and watched a thing the site put together.. It is a little return to spring & summer right of passage.. A little piece that I think was a double header in the return to the drive in theater.. The piece started with a featurette called Welcome Back and showed the snack bar and everything, then after that clip it was previews to upcoming movies, and it had that clip and cut feel (more because it really was) from back when the film broke and it was pasted back together.. It just felt so cool to be back in the old car with the windows rolled down and that speaker hanging like that and watching a movie just like we used to do before daylight savings time ruined that experience..  There are nearly no drive in theaters anymore.. 

tested a few more channels on the Roku to see if there was anything I wanted on these channels and ended up getting rid of three more, both popcorn channels (flix and classic tv) and extreme movie channel was returned to the channel store.. They can be reacquired later if I want them but I would stop on them and look through them and then when I heard the number of channels there should be on a Roku at any given time I knew I better cut a few more and will have to cut more shortly.. The Roku tends to lock up if there are too many channels on it, and I had about every free channel there was..  I have so many private channels, almost as many private as those that are open to the public..  I did look for the big basketball tournament on on roku and there was a preview of one of the games but the game wasn't on.. Not sure if any of the games were on there or elsewhere, I don't care..  I heard that HBO GO channel on Roku might be opened to everyone, not just those who have HBO on their cable/satellite, which if that is the case they will be the first in a long line to move this direction.. Showtime has a channel on Roku but it is a preview channel more than anything else.. Revision 3 (cube)  is a really good channel, I said I'm evaluating channels on the roku and finding stuff I was hoping was there and others not so much.. Finally being realistic where it comes to the fringe channels.. Keep, don't keep, just have to be realistic, I don't want this box to be like the digital cable box and not watch 90% of what's on there, looks good. Look at all those channels, but what's on them??   You know??

Badge Henry

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

That's a the music of the spheres..

I've been through this so many times.. What was that song??  Here it is.. The lyric goes like this.. Something like this..  "...  hope I die before I get old"...  and what Roger was saying (Daltry) that they didn't trust the establishment.. The government..  Pretty much anyone over the age of thirty.. But when I think of those words I thought of there would be little chance I would be very old.. I thought if I lived to see 42 that would be a miracle, not because I was terminal or living on the edge.. Not really living on the edge at all although I did a few things while in the band I was in that could have been tough to live through if done too many times.. The one time I came the closest to being not alive anymore, we were coming back from a gig one Monday night (early Tuesday morning, yeah we played a Monday night gig, go figure) and we were coming home on what could only be called a sheet of ice.. We get to this place called Peetz hill and gradually we come to a slow down.  Really slow as I could tell even though I was watching the speedometer showing sixty miles an hour I could tell we weren't going very fast.. I opened the door of the van and looked out and thought maybe I should get out and push, so that is what I did.. Hopped out of the van while the speedometer said sixty I hopped out and turned around and yelled back in "you want me to push?"..  That was a stunner for the guy driving, I think he thought we were actually going that fast..

The disc part of Netflix rental are still out of sync since the Salmon flick fiasco but that really isn't a problem.. I watch a movie of Wednesday night because Wednesday night is dead night as far as television is concerned ...  Last night was Robot and Frank, kind of reminded me of that movie with Robin Williams in it where he player a robot type of thing.. But in this case the robot looked like the old robot from years past.. It was sort of funny but not completely.. As the lead character was the elder "Frank"  his son brought him a companion robot to help clean the house and help keep him healthy with his eating habits..  Frank was a thief and soon saw a  way to incorporate the robot as a tool to help steal things..  It was a really good movie but it was the previews that got my queue a little fuller.. Yeah, I watch the previews for inspiration as to what to get next.. Here's the movies I thought were worth adding, Company of Heroes (a world war II movie looks fantastic as most movies about our greatest generation are)... Looper (everyone has seen the previews of this movie).. Seven Psychopaths (with a star studded cast and it looks like a lot of fun).. The Intouchables (is a movie that is a reader that is a French movie but looks to be really good, I don't mind a really good movie to read if I'm interested.. I hate to admit that I have dozed off during a movie that I have to read the subtitles.)...Last night I finished watching a movie I started the night before called Monster.. This was a movie I started streaming from Netflix and stopped mostly because I started it just before one and didn't want to sleep through it so at the midway point stopped it.. the movie reminded me of that movie Cloverfield from  a few years back. A POV movie with the shaky camera and troubled video with the pixelized and other effects to the video to prove the point that something scary was happening..  We get it.. Stop these type of movies.. I Think they just wanted to try to improve on the genre of the POV movie.. Not horrible of an idea but Monster wasn't much different from Cloverfield.. Not much anyway, with a (spoiler alert) same ending... What made it maybe a little more scary was that it was in Japan and the language difference made it a little more tense..

I made my bracket out for the final four tourney.  Truth is I care about college basketball about the same as NHL hockey which is to say I DON'T.. But just for fun  S&G's I filled one out with little knowing of what was what or who.. This wasn't the case some 25 years ago I loved everything about college basketball, and watched like no tomorrow.. What happened to change that??  I'm not sure.. I think it was watching guys throw a ball through a hoop thing.. Or maybe it is the redundancy of the sport.. Not sure.. I might only see a few minutes of the tournament at most.. Very yawn worthy.. I'll check on Roku to see if the games are being streamed.. Just for fun.. 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hows that fit

I know anyone who reads this is like great what's he going to rant about this time...  I put on some jeans last week that I hadn't worn in quite a while and just figured these wouldn't fit.. Well long story short they fit.. the end...

Well not quite the end, I mean if you want a quick story that ended well stop reading now.. Fair warning.. Anyway I put those old jeans on and they did fit quite well.. The waste and length are equal, they were 32X32   or as I call them 32 by..   That was the size I wore for so many years and regardless of brand or style they were the same size, sometime smaller waste wise.. Then in the past five years or so the waste size has changed, no surprise I'm getting bigger.. But why did those old jeans fit perfectly and nothing I get now fits right??   I put on some jeans I got at Christmas time and they were from an outdoor supply store, and were on sale.. I bought them just to try.. They were carpenter style which are so easy to wear and are perfect for me to carry a cell phone with, otherwise I don't have the phone on me (hard to believe anyone out there with a cell phone/gadget fixation that I wouldn't step foot in the world without a cell phone).. These jeans were lose and fit oddly and within a week or two the pocket split from the main material.. Then the jean material started to fray.. Then the crotch split out and then things got seriously bad from that point on..  My point being these jeans I even tried on before buying and they felt fine.. But they are always so long.. I've worn 32 length since I graduated from high school. Now I walk on the leg part, that being nearly under the balls of my feet now on almost every pair of jeans I own.. The new style??   The waste rarely is where it is supposed to be, and...  Well this seems odd to say but has the world of clothing changed that much??  Yet I put those old jeans on and they fit right.. What gives Harriet??...

Roku last night I checked into the Nowhere Stream channel and ended up watching a tutorial on Adobe lightroom for a while.. Then found myself popping in and out of channels (streams) here and there one of which was Philipino news.. They had a global weather thing I've never seen the weather presented this way before, they had the globe spin and the temperatures for cities around the world, sort of like Google Earth type of thing..   So there is yet another site that will be kept..  I had mentioned about a channel on Nowhere tv that was called Challenge and it was a favorite, is now no longer there because the programmer changed what was on it, the Nowhere tv dropped it, and replaced with what is called Vintage music video.. They run music videos like MTV only based out of England so there will likely be more British music or that seemed to be the case last night.. Heart tv is still the better of these two for music videos, and Capitol television plays the now music videos.. Speaking of music video channels the Vevo channel was added again.. I added it after dropping it.. They have a good lot of videos but most is from the now era.. But there is a search link that lets you look for something more tolerable..  I was thinking earlier, I think my tolerance for anything new is just about gone.. I used to be able to try anything new but in the past few years it has become harder to get into anything that is new.. And from American music perspective it all sounds the same.. Maybe that will change someday.. You never know..

Badge Henry

(P.S. I did something after pushing enter here. I added a RSS feed to the old reader to see how it might look and it looked fine.. Just like Google reader sort of.. The plus is that the visual is right on par, however I'm not sure the folders will be in the old reader like Google reader has them and if the folders aren't there then the five hundred RSS sites will be a huge mess to look at.. So hopefully it will be showing the folders if it ever gets done loading my OMPL file.. Hope it happens soon.. )

Monday, March 18, 2013

Trade in works

This feels weird to be going in the opposite direction than I was a year ago.. After discovering how great RSS reader was I thought this is the best thing since..  well I can't compare it.. It made viewing sites that normally had popup crap viewable without worrying..  Now with reader a short few months away from closing down and FVD speed dial questionable at best, I will return all the sites that remain on reader to a bookmark site I found nearly two years ago.. I have my new amount of RSS sites sent to the Old Reader but it doesn't look promising for that to work.. I don't like the other readers that I have tried so, the idea of having some of these sites be on Facebook isn't appealing to me either, I already have too many likes in that manner and the same with Twitter.. In fact I can only follow 2000 sites on Twitter and had someone follow me that has twice as many as me.. They are following over four thousand.. I will say this much about how I got so many RSS feeds/twitter follows.. When I look at Reddit there would be a really cool story and I thought, I've gotta follow this more closely so I would add their RSS feed to reader and that happened a lot to the point where that is how I got over two thousand sites.. They add up quickly over time.. This past November I decided to unclutter things a bit and deleted quite a few RSS feeds.. Then after getting the streaming player I decided a few weeks ago that I should get rid of more RSS feeds.. Then last Wednesday happened and Google would do the job for me.. What I did was get the feed list and try to get several sites going but the only trouble is I dove in head first and took all of what I have to those sites.  After decluttering this weekend I reacquired my RSS list and redid old reader.. My place in queue is just over the 47000 mark.. I initially was in the three thousand area, but getting out of queue will cost me??  Probably nothing, I don't look for that reader to work, and so that is why I am reverting back to bookmarking my sites.. Bookmark all the important as backup even the ones on the speed dial. I wouldn't do this but since FVD has "upgraded" the system to online I don't trust it and another reason is I might switch to a different speed dial that doesn't have syncing.. So have to try something to give this a go..   It should take maybe a week to do this, maybe more.. But it will be worth it unless the bookmarking site stops working which is a possibility. 

Badge Henry

(P.S. thought I'd add this .. What will likely be my final stats from reader since if a new reader will start to work I will abandon this site as soon as it happens, also I will likely forget to get the stats in late June, but you never know.. So here is from the stats site on reader :  From your 518 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 1,426 items, clicked 19 items, starred 0 items, and emailed 0 items.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Free form cat watching

YouTube Eternity Comic
YouTube statistics show that 72 hours of video are uploaded to the platform every minute. At that rate, who has time for anything else?

Guess that's impressive...

I watched a movie last night called Security Not Guaranteed, and it turned out to be a somewhat dark comedy with romantic undertones as well.. I liked it, streaming from Netflix via the magic box.. Speaking of Roku, Redbox is about to launch their streaming service exclusively to Xbox.. Not sure if all streaming platforms will eventually be included after the initial  launch but if they don't include at least Roku then they are planing to fail.. Roku is the biggest streaming device out there.. You know, when I was looking at which streaming player to get a dvd (blue ray) player was thought of in the week prior to getting the Roku ordered.. Why I didn't go for the dvd player/streaming player combo??  I have always looked down on the combo type of things such as a tv with built in video tape recorder.. My dad and mom got a little portable tv with video tape player on it and the tape player went to shit right away.. So that soured the idea for me because if you want to tape player worked on you send the whole thing in to have it worked on.. When is the last time anyone sent a tape player in to have it worked on??  My old beta tape player (betamax) I sent it to a shop in town and they took over two weeks to fix it.. It broke down again and I took it in and watched the guy take it apart to get to the problem.. It was a broken belt which he fixed with super glue.. It broke again only this time I would fix it, and it would last a couple more years before having a chip go bad, a video processing chip.. By then I was ready for the mainstream VHS system. Anyway my point being that combo players aren't my thing of choice.. A dvd player with a streamer just sounds like trouble and truth is they aren't much to have two of.. They rarely offer blue ray without streaming capabilities.. And now tv sets are being sold with streaming built in which is good if that is important to you.. I'd rather they have just the tv.. But you never know, I can see having streaming built into the tv set.. 

Badge Henry

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Then again..

Just like last year when i-Google was being taken away (actually by November first this year) I found a better way to operate as I was on the verge of looking for a better way of getting to the information I wanted.. That would be a speed dial type of idea that has evolved into how I start my day.. But Google reader was part of that as it was a speed dial and will be until I get things adjusted to the new non use of the reader idea.  Moving away from reader has already begun as I am deleting all of the RSS sites..  I am hoping that "the old reader" RSS will take Google reader place, but I'm not holding out much hope.. Then the same day as reader announced they were stopping it's support I find out that the FVD speed dial doesn't work the way it was.. I wanted to get the backup file for it and it won't do that the way it was doing it, the easier way of doing it.. It updated to the way it works (doesn't work) on Chrome browser.. So sad that it says it will work between browsers but I can't get it to work the way they say it does.. So now I have to figure out yet another way of doing what I do.. Already I have a new plan for continuing as it has been with the biggest difference being that the somewhere around one thousand RSS feeds were just way too many.. I rarely read very many and the truth is I like the potential to have that many sites for a reason of "what if??"..  Meaning what if I need information from a thousand sites?? Well when I got the Roku, most of my news is gotten from there, controlled the same way as I do on the computer and reader.. I realized this a few weeks ago that most of the information I get is split between the computer and streaming from Roku..  So why the temper tantrum over Reader being shut down??  I guess it is the idea that yet another thing I used by Google is going away.. I wanted to keep using reader because it is so much easier than opening these sites individually and getting whatever extra sludge they offer.. But now I will either have one of two or three readers that will have a good lot of the RSS taken down.. There are those who have complained about having their hundred or so RSS sites taken away.. Mine was way too big, and I admit that.  Rectifying that as we go over the next few days.. I am still using i-Google as a homepage but not as THE homepage, that doesn't exist for me anymore...  I'd rather have many homepages than just one..  Well what about the big switch to another blog site??  Well I've decided NOT  to change to another site for now.. I did look at Wordpress and had a site there, started at the exact same time or shortly after Lucy went to Poland for her immigration status thing..  Looked at Tumblr as a possible replacement and might end up there yet.. But for the foreseeable future I will remain here on this site on Blogger and decide if PNOP will continue after December or not..

More Walking Dead viewed recently..  Shows like that do make you think what would be important to have.. Just watched a movie called "The Day" today and it is about the world as we know it ending and people are just trying to stay alive in any way they can.. A fairly nasty movie that has some assumed  cannibalism, but never really shown.. There were no animals in the movie so the world ends by way of the food supply taking a drastic change..  This was never shown.. I watched the extras part and they said they wanted the movie to start as if you picked up a book and started to read it some five chapters or so into it.. And the movie felt that way, although it was fairly good to see this way..

Phase three is done??  The Infinity music video project  seems to have hit a stop point.. In the past two or three weeks I have tried to catch up with watching the shows I was meaning to catch up on.. And now I am closer to being caught up, watching the second half of seasons of Suits and starting Justified the other day.. Finished that Joe Schmo show from this year and now I got the first two seasons of it and watching the first season now and will watch second season after that..  I looked on Youtube for more video ideas for  phase three and have a few more but I just can't get inspired enough to do anymore.. Is this the end of  phase three??  I won't pull the plug until May so I have a little more time yet..

Looked at sprinklers this past week.. Need to decide what I might try to use or just use what I have been.. The watering season is quickly approaching.. Memories of last year are still fresh in my head and knowing how that turned out has me on edge now.. Starting to water by the end of March??  Who would do such a thing??  Well seeing how the grass started to turn to weeds early in June I will start to water earlier to get grass to grow.. However with the drought watering will be different this year.  There aren't any watering restrictions being discussed yet but I have to be ready and was ready last year but didn't change how I watered.. So why consider a new sprinkler if everything worked so well last year??  I want a sprinkler I passed on last year.. Hopefully they will have that one and I will try it.. I saw a flaw with it and that might be why I can't find it.. They might have had a lot of people bring it back.. Hope they redesigned it, I'd like to get my mitts on it..

Badge Henry

Friday, March 15, 2013

Google farts

WAIT A MINUTE.. Was I really that pissed off at Google to want to leave everything they have??  Last year at this time I was just so sure about wanting to have everything under the Google umbrella that I was nearly giddy to have it be that way.. Well giddy might be a little too...   But I wanted everything to be under the Google umbrella and that meant the Blogger, the i-Google homepage, the Google+ and YouTube.. YouTube might be the only thing I will keep of Google, but that might change as well.. When I said they had five hundred million users on Blogger I was way wrong.. They might only have several hundred thousand using blogger..  It will likely be the next thing to be gutted.. They are moving away from computer proper and going in the gadget direction.. That's fine, I have decided that the entry for December 27 on the PNOP will be the last, it was preloaded back in October and I wasn't sure if it would be the end or not. Since I am THAT  pissed off at Google I will leave that site and likely this as well, the search for a new blog site will start shortly..  The video hosting site while I started the search, I don't want to just start a site just really quick and regret later.. YouTube should remain active because it still is growing at such an alarming rate, I'm not that worried about this  at all.. But blogger could be gone by this time next year and I don't want to be around when they pull the plug...  Getting a blog site away from Google will happen sometime soon and when it does i plan to use it and abandon the Blogger sites  right away.. I will link to the new blog and run only the link to the new blog on days when an entry wasn't preset.. Fridays were all preset through the remainder of the year from April on (I think)..  That was the plan, to have entries set at least on one day through to the end of the year.. Might have to get a picture of a moon (wink wink) for the entry on the 28th of December..  Maybe..  But I do understand why Google is doing what they are doing.. They don't want to be trailblazers, they want to be just like everybody else, offer only a few things and not offer some things that might be used by a fringe number but rather go after the whole pie.. I get that, it's the American way to blend in with everyone else..  Google was a leader but they are taking it in the shorts by sites like Facebook and so they want to lead by losing now.. Sounds like a good idea..  They aren't astronomically HUGE like they once were, now they are just awfully big.. Keep pissing people off and see how you shrink then you dipshits..  

Badge Henry

Thursday, March 14, 2013

And again..

So I open the Google reader and the message "Google reader will no longer be active after July 1 this year"... GREAT SH FU CRAP.. You know everything I could say I did and.. There really is no surprise here because last year about this time I got the i-Google to be just about set the way I wanted it and then a message appeared in the heading "i-Google will stop in November" and again I get screwed by Google.. This just keeps happening.. I was using bookmarks and that was great then a little over a year ago they updated to a no folder type of idea so if you have a thousand bookmarks they are just scattered willy nilly and all I could think was get a new bookmark site QUICKLY  and so I did, taking all my bookmarks to another site took a few days.. Then I took a lot of the bookmarks to RSS feeds and used reader to access them. How cool was that? well I knew it was too good to be true and today started the process of getting a new reader or in my case two or three..  Let's see,  bookmarks, i-Google (homepage) and now reader.. That's STRIKE THREE .. Guess what Google, I'm gonna one up you.. I'm gonna move everything I do off your fucking service.. The last entry for PNOP will in fact be December 27 as I set it up to be.. I'll find a new blog site and leave Blogger.. I will find a new video hosting site and leave YouTube..  I will shut my email site down.. I rarely visited Google plus and so that will be easy to ditch.. In short, I'm gonna try to beat Google to the punch by leaving everything I do there ...  Just a good Idea to me... Keep in touch, I will link to the new sites here and PNOP as well as Facebook and Twitter..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  after writing this entry I went and looked at the Google blog site (the Google blog) and read their reasoning for getting rid of reader.. Seems that the multimillion users they were hoping to get to use reader never got a hold..  They got a good number of users but.. I think the internet has so many ways of getting the news, reader was a way for me to not just get the news, but also check sites that matter the most.. When I started to look at what I currently have on reader it appears that I have just one shitload of a lot of RSS feeds.. I entered into quite a few sites to try to take the place of the Google reader and they are just    not..  Google Reader.. So what to do??  Well I start the day with a speed dial type of thing that is my "homepage" and it has every site that isn't in reader either because they don't have a RSS or whatever, and that means I check quite a few before even getting to reader.. Reader represents over a thousand sites, of which just like cable tv I only look at a handful.. So what was the big deal about losing reader??  I hated losing it but in the end will adapt to either having them moved to the speed dial, or moving a smaller amount to another reader.. Transfer is easy, at least the dipshits at Google did that for their faithful users.. Sadly the other sites aren't nearly what reader is, and so I will change to whichever I like and hold onto that.. So far that site is yet to show itself.. As far as changing to another video site, there are about 300 to chose from with the sites that are on Roku being the favorite.. But I think roku can have any number that I am looking at such as veoh.. Not sure I will leave Youtube but every other site will be.. I figure Blogger will be next to be cut, I think the five hundred million users just won't be enough..)

This week in ...They die... they rock

I just got done doing this Sunday's music entry.. I knew what I wanted it to be, I follow a site via RSS and there are several in this one folder (RSS feeds) and they had a few videos of John Denver and I watched them and was just dumbstruck.. How great an artist he was, what and enormous loss for not just the music world but the world in general...  So as I knew what I wanted, I also knew it could be a huge entry, he had a gigantic number of great songs.. The final song was the first video from the RSS site from the other day and it is the strongest song, really an amazing song.. Grabbed me and made me listen to it.. At just over two minutes it made me think of how great the song is, made me feel the I did in such a short amount of time and made me think of the songs that some people listen to now that have to take nearly fifteen minutes to get their point across and I think what a waste of time.. I know I like Pink Floyd master works like Echoes which takes the entire of one side of a record (L.P. for the people old enough to remember what a record really was and it's limitations)..  All I know is I like a quick short song that hits and moves on and Eagle and The Hawk did just that.. I couldn't find the exact video that the site I first saw the video, but set two videos instead, one live and one put together..  Both are worth a watch I think..

The first couple videos are tribute to type of things with Peter Banks passing away as well as Clive Burr..  From two groups that were influencial to my taste in a manner of speaking.. Yes or the early Yes which truth be told I was never a huge fan of their music but did like to listen on occasion although he was a member in the early formative years.. The same could be said about Clive Burr, drummer for Iron Maiden during their formative years playing on the first three records then departing due to schedule conflicts..    I don't like to turn the Sunday video day into a tribute to dead artists of the week, but the past two weeks seemed like a fair idea since I have heard of or have recordings by these two, and last weeks TYA Alvin Lee...  Who dies next week.. Lawrence Welk, TOO LATE.. 

Badge Henry

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Toilet paper..

This entry might make people a little queezy...  But.. I have started watching the show "Walking Dead" recently on Netflix and the thought had crossed my mind before watching this show, but today while in the local Walmart I had the thought come across again.. If the world as you know it were to be turned on it's nut, what would you do?   What food would be important??   To me the idea of a apocalyptic event would depend on what happened.. In the case of the show where the world loses electric power would be different somewhat than say a nuclear event (war)  or a zombie type of fun thing.. To me a gun of some sort would be needed.. But let's say you have only  a single shopping cart to fill up and maybe a half an hour from the time you walk in to the time you leave.. No matter what Walmart you have been in it will be tough to find everything you want because in the real world they move shit around all the time.. A mom & pop grocery store you can find things very easily, Walmart not so much but the thing about Walmart is they are a bit better that you will find every thing you are needing.. Tools, let's say a saw, a machete things that are both tools and weapons.. Food, depending on what you are dealing with, lose of power and you are looking at food that won't spoil.. Here's where it gets dicey quite quickly.. Food, getting canned food makes the most sense.. Water no doubt.. Toilet paper or paper towels??    Then there is the food, again with the food.. Alright here's what I mean by the food.. Looking at the bags of cat food today I was wondering if there was any that would taste good, or if you would eventually acquire a taste for this "food".. As a trail mix eater (at one time) I couldn't help but wonder if any cat food could be like this.. The canned cat food usually smells almost as bad when it is being eaten as it does the next day ...  in the ..  um..  the   cat   box thing.. The shitter in other words.. I get heartburn when I smell some of that cat food.. Too rich??   I don't know..

Sorry to leave that first train of thought, I just remembered last night debacle with the Roku.. Why did it stop working??   I was up getting ready to check and switched over to videobuzz and couldn't get it to show my videos.. That has happened before, that time the channel had a brain fart, and eventually worked again.. This time would be different.. I then went to the channel store and it wouldn't go into it and showed the server was down.. Eruption.. Well not quite, I pushed the reset button and it restarted, but showed nothing was there. Then I went into the set up screen, and it showed my router fine and fuckin'   dandy Then I pushed to reset all, which is drastic to do but I did it, and when it got reset it went to acquire network and my network wasn't listed.. NOW WHAT THE FUCK.. So we go down, and check the internet and my computer was fine.. What now??  Well checked the internet with the notebook and it couldn't acquire the signal.. Thankfully the desktop computer is hard wired into the internet, and I google the problem and instantly got the reply I needed.. The router needed to be reset, reset the router pushing the reset button on it.. That fixed the router everything is fine.. Pull back from the brink, the world is fine.. NO IT ISN'T.. You forget, I went nuclear on the roku (reset hard reset, reset that puppy). Oops, damn.. This is the tricky part, how did I get it reset two weeks ago when it shit the bed on me then??  Reset the pass code which took six tries to do.. But I finally figured out how that works (I think) and then just before Body of Proof came on the damn thing was back up and running.. I think I got it, the step where you acquire the link, with the pass code thing, the screen on the computer goes to "lets add some channels" screen, down at the bottom of that screen is the "continue" button.. PUSH IT and things reload and the world rotates like it usually does.. Life is good.. Being an idiot has it's drawbacks sometimes and last night was one of them..

But seriously what ten things would you get to survive the apocalypse?? 

Badge Henry

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Son of king kong

So today (Sunday) isn't a regular day for listening to the radio, but I needed to burn a couple hours so I flipped around the dial as it were on the satellite radio, and came across a guy who has  show on guns & stuff.. I stopped and listened to this because I wanted to hear what it was like to listen to a gun nut .  Trouble is he isn't a gun "nut" but rather has a show on guns, which after hearing about half an hour it was worth the listening.. He wasn't all Alex Jones or Ted Nugent screaming his head off.. He was low key and in discussion with people who called and talked about guns.. They didn't drool about them, they talked matter of fact, and it was this presentation that makes a better point than Alex or Ted could make.. This guy did talk about the new law that was passed in South Dakota for teachers to carry guns in the classroom.. Is this a good idea??  The way it was presented on this guys show I would say yes it is a good idea.. Truth is I'm for background checks for people buying guns.. I wouldn't think that regulating guns is a very good idea at all, you will cause more trouble than it is worth to try that idea.. And there are those off their nut gun owners who are the Alex and Ted type who wouldn't think twice to shoot first and ask questions later.. Very scary lot to be around no doubt about it..

Today's entry on PNOP was a tribute to Ten Years After because of Alvin Lee dying earlier in the week.. I watched Woodstock and was amazed at how great of a guitarist he was.. That is where I first got influenced to buy some of their recordings, mostly tapes and pretty much just best of or anthology type of recordings.. I really don't think there is a single box (multi disc format) out there which is sad..  Originally todays entry was to be Bachman Turner Overdrive but that got pushed back to two weeks from today.. A few more music entries are being thought of and stuff..with songs and their writing origins and things like that..  Maybe have an entry of Midnight Special that was done like that after I first got the Roku..

Speaking of the Roku, the channels that cost money do have free stuff on them.. Some of them do anyway.. The new channels that were added this week I tried a few of them out, as well I got just about all the private channels (beta) and checked them out, some are true works in progress such as the earlier mentioned HERO channel. And some are community channels.. Rutgers was added last week and a Pennsylvania channel was added as well as a Seattle channel.. How great these are depends on how they appear to you.. For me, I looked but wasn't impressed so I took them off..

The video sites on the Roku are very important, the YouTube private channel is very important and I don't look for that channel to be  a public channel anytime soon, hope not anyway.. They have Daily Motion, MetaTube, Vimeo and Break as well as Mojo video which each have ten rows of 100 videos to chose from.. Over a thousand videos on each site.. Do they cross over each other??  They might but Daily Motion is a site of their own, you have to login to look t their site on the computer, same with Vimeo.. In fact Vimeo videos are a higher grade, high def, where the other sites have lower settings..

Last night I finished season one of House of Cards on Netflix and was quite impressed and can hardly wait for season two to be released.. Netflix released the entire season at once rather than one a week like regular tv does it.. Setting a new trend??   Then after that show I went to Videobuzz and searched for the old movie.. A very old movie I remember watching a little when I was younger and was hoping to get it at Netflix but never found it.. Friday night I searched the Videobuzz site and it came up.. The movie is called Sole Survivor and was from 1970.. I couldn't remember it being the way it was.. In fact there towards the end was the only part of the movie I really could remember..  Worth a second look? I guess it was, the quality wasn't great but it wasn't bad.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, March 8, 2013

Just to be clear

I watched Chernobyl Diaries last night and all I've got to say is it was highly predictable.. Sadly I knew what was going to happen almost the entire way which included the end.. When they were there for the third day I knew they were basically dead.. They had a gieger counter and every time it had the alarm warning go off I knew they were getting into a little more of the "hot" zone, getting closer to the melted down reactor.  I figured by the time the sun came up the third day that they would be right next to the reactor.. That amount of drama was spared, however the reaction  of the two remaining people was that you knew where they were..  Overall this is one of those movies that the preview was the best part of the movies, and it had elements of some of the better movies in this genre.. The idea is placed in the back of your mind, they are by Chernobyl, which makes it that much drama to the movie, makes you know that they can only be there for a limited time and when they are forced to be there overnight it adds to the feeling that this isn't where you want to be for any amount of time.. The ending wasn't a surprise, I won't say what happens but it is a general feeling when they end up in the melted down reactor, just try to guess what happens next..

Chernobyl Diaries was to be one of the three movies coming to be viewed this weekend, but things have a way of not going the way you think they should.. Last weekends three movies were actually two, and why just two you might ask??  Well the two discs got here on time, well actually on Saturday (a rare checking of the mailbox on Saturday showed this) and when I checked the Netflix site it showed the three movies were set to arrive when the two did.. The third disc took a detour.. I felt it was more than likely lost in the mail.. What happened was Monday I took the two discs down to mail them and opened the mail box and there was disc three there.. Well not quite (you had to know there was a ! in there otherwise why write about it).. The third disc wasn't a disc at all, it was the mailing top, the part of the packaging that you tear off to return the disc is the part that has the address to get it to you.. The disc part was torn off somewhere (more than likely at the Netflix sorting depot).. And when I got back home I got on the Netflix site. They had received it, it was returned and they wanted a rating.. Little tough to do when I didn't see it so I reported a problem on their site.. Then I did something that wasn't very good of an idea.. I was afraid that the request for the movie to be sent would count against my three discs so I called them and explained the situation and everything got worked out..  Everybody lived happily ever after.. But wait, you had to know that isn't the case here, you just had to know.. So when I get the three discs yesterday, actually I checked the Netflix site and they had the three discs on my site as one, the one that I reported lost in the shuffle, two the next movie in my queue (ueueue) and the third was .. You guessed the same disc reported lost.. So when I open the first disc, it was the one reported lost.. The second was the disc reported lost and the third was the next movie in the queue..  Ah shit!.. Confusion reigns supreme I guess.. So I thought I'd send the repeat disc back but decided to send them all when I usually send them.. Was this too confusing to understand??   Rat in a maze time..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stop the world

I have a tendency to put first things that pop into my mind type of "quips" on facebook entries as just smartass observations.. Unless someone else beat me to it then I will "like" what they wrote.. Yesterday I did one of those like that and it was just a quick bit of stupid because that is what I'm good at, and I have to say the site I put it on I  had developed a second thought mentality because I know how she thinks of me (the retched refuse of the family I am first in line followed quite closely by ..  well everyone else) and has thought that way for quite a while now.. But I thought sure why not and twenty minutes later it was done.. Did I say twenty minutes? I meant twenty seconds give or take.. And then the reply came and she didn't have to say anything but I think she likes to keep me in my place so I will do her one better, I won't comment  on her Facebook until after she gets her panties out of the twist they seem to be in all the time..

Through all this turmoil of the past few months it is hard to believe that the dream of winning the lottery would include them but it would.. I wouldn't be selfish if I won the mega money powerball or whatever it is called now..  There would be no reason to be selfish.. I guess I am more democrat than republican, I would rather help everyone out..   Fix the house up, not a lot.. Just get things done that the lack of money prevents from being done now.. I think a lot of people would do the same..  I'd love to travel too.. And not around the world so much as around this country, I'd love to set foot in every state just to say I did..

Hey how about that show Body of Proof last night??   That was the show.. THE show.. So seriously cool, I love it when I don't guess the ending..

The Roku, what can I say.. After pushing enter for yesterday's entry I checked the beta channel listing for what might be new.. That Hero channel has evolved again, I'm not sure what they are trying for on that one, but it is interesting to look at.. Yesterday I wrote about it being maybe  a Youtube idea for a short time. Then back to a videos on the services here in America.. Then last night it had evolved into yet another concept..  This time it is called "on assignment" which then gave some twenty or something locations around the world when clicked into it started a video in that countries language or in English with subtitles in that country.. Sort of interesting but nothing that would make me want to keep that channel.. I looked in the beta (private) channel list and HERO or H*E*R*O* as it shows on the startup screen isn't listed in their list.. Not even the beta version of 8ctave.. I looked at the 8ctave channel to decide if i'm going to keep it and there just keeps being enough to keep me interested..  Yesterday I found a new channel TWC and thought it might be the weather channel.. It isn't, it is Time Warner Cable, which made me think they might be about to bring true cable tv fair to the Roku streamer.. It's not that but dare to dream this could be the first step to having cable channels like network type.. I read the reviews of people who saw this channel was now on Roku and most of them are the cord cutter variety (cable tv, satellite), wanting a cheaper idea instead of being charged so much to have three hundred channels that you have to have to  get that one channel that is in that tier.. I know that was why we had digital cable.. I hated the idea of not having those fringe channels such as the Discovery lot.. Since getting rid of that part of the cable tv I don't miss it..  One thing I did see was that they suggest having only up to 25 channels on the Roku.. Ooops, I had a wee bit to many.. I'm trying to get under that amount but it is taking a while to do.. If the channels aren't on the player I will more than likely forget about them being available, or so my thinking goes.. When I had troubles a few weeks ago I thought this would give me the opportunity to reload fewer channels but instead it reloaded what was on my account at the Roku homepage..  That's nice to have that way..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another long winded windbag entry..

With a certain amount of disappointment I looked up to see if Primeval New World was still on at all, I was watching the listings for the latest episode and went a week without getting another show.. Looked it up on Google and sure enough, it's cancelled.. Well I guess they are the same in Canada as we are here in the states.. I watched a thing on huffpost last night that discussed this very subject, asking why NBC came in forth in ratings in February and the discussion turned to the fact that cable tv is becoming quite rellavent with their shows reaching a small audience and taking viewers away from the big three networks..  I can't even name a show on NBC that I had watched since the end of football.. Now that will change for a while with celebrity back biting ,, I mean apprentice..  

I had to watch the first episode anyway, but when dickhead Trump went off on Bret I knew he was going to vote him off (fire him).. I was actually glad to see him go, this season is likely the last, my reasoning is I think Trump has burned a lot of bridges with that birther shit he did and the fact that he is quite anti-Obama and that is getting old with everyone..  In the clip above Bret knew he was more than likely being tossed as dipshit Trump was the usual but nugget.. I will watch next week but might give up on this show this year.. Like American Idol, I just don't see anything in that show that I liked and this show is becoming a bitchfest, even Ivanka looks older.. She was good looking but has lost a great amount of appeal.. 

The entry the other day "Someone help me I have a flat tire".. That entry name came as the commercial was on  and the little getgo was screaming more dramatic scene, "Someone help me I have a flat tire!!"..  Sometimes that happens.. 

The next Infinity project videos are being uploaded for the April  entry.. And at the end of it I was writing about how the video ideas changed and the reasons why, and the idea of that darkside project.. The truth is that idea has changed over the time I started trying to do it to where I gave up.. Still on the back burner, but might take shape.. Might not..

Phase two was done in December and there were several ideas but I was heavily under the influence of a snot factory.. And after the program updated I didn't think it was fair to continue with phase two as it was.. The program was different after the update, so why continue the way it was.. Phase three started with a few regular videos and then I did a video album for Tangerine Dream 220 Volt live and some of the Turn of The Tides album as well..

Video clips are now being included in part of the entries on PNOP, some shows that I watch as well that show Seed which I am able to load the whole show on my Youtube channel without getting into trouble.. Try that with just a thirty second clip and you get threatened..

Last night I checked on the Roku and watched Pawn Stars from History channel.. Interesting to see it on the Roku.. This site has a lot of programming on it and I hope it stays "unofficial" forever.. The "Heros" channel was strange last night.. Hero is a beta channel (private) and is being developed by the same people who have the 8ctave channel.. When I got the Hero channel it was the beta version of 8ctave because they were having troubles with the main version with certain Roku players.. Once they got it fixed everyone was to have the 8ctave working, except that instead of keeping the channel I got the beta version and discarded the actual channel.. Well then a week or two ago my 8ctave channel switched to Hero and the 8ctave channel was no more.. I then went into the channel store and got it again, and kept the Hero channel.. Last night I check this channel to see how they were doing and it started with the bald eagle with the flag on it then showed a map  of the USA and then you click your region and it brought up a menu for whatever.. It was now showing movies.. What movies??  Free movies available on Youtube, because I saw the movies like that on the computer interface for Youtube..  Well that's cool.. Looked at a few more things then went to the channel store to see if there was anything new available. Turns out there was nothing new and when I backed out of the channel store I got two updates which Hero was one of them.. The update was to the Hero channel the way ti was (no movies from youtube).. But it does make me wonder if they are developing a youtube type of channel.. I'll check the private channel list later on..  There are so many channels (apps) on the Roku and some are repeats with a different name.. The public domain type of channels are interesting to look at.. When I get ready to go to bed I watch the nowhere TV channels and there is a ton to chose from.. Nowhere is a beta channel (private) and my hope is this channel stays private indefinitely, they seem to get screwed up when they go public.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, March 4, 2013

Four years ago today

It was just another day..  The days leading up to this day were regular.. Nice start..  In November, on the anniversary of the death of my dad we redid the bathroom, painted it and so started a two room painting project.. The bathroom was done in just a very short amount of time.. Then in January we would start the kitchen, and upon completion of this room mom was developing headaches.. So for the next two or three weeks I would run to the store to get something to help with her headaches. By the middle of February she finally had complained enough about her head hurting that I suggested she go see the "D" word.. D word as in doctor.. To most this is a give me to do in these instances but for mom she nearly has to be wheeled into the doctors office, and for me I will be wheeled into the coroners office, I despise doctors, it goes beyond trust to the other side of HATRED.. Anyway she goes and sees the doctor in February and gets an antibiotic, and takes that for a week and after a week if it isn't better to go see him again and they would go from there..  After that week there were good days and one serious bad day.. So we went back, she had to have an MRI done, after that they would evaluate her and see how things stood.. Then that day in March, March 4th (Ians birthday of all days) we go in to see the doctor.. she wears her luck o'the irish sweatshirt and I was figuring it was just a nasty headache and/or a serious sinus infection but she had felt better in the two days prior to the appointment.  I dropped her off and went somewhere not thinking it would be anything at all serious.. Came back a short time (well not so short, it is the doctors office after all) and as she got in the car I could tell she was upset and she told me it was serious.. And explained what they were going to have to do.. As I was listening all I could think was how horrible it would be to have that done but also I thought they might get up to regional west and they would say but let's try an alternative to this.. We went back  that afternoon with my older brother in tow this time and they explained the procedure and showed the MRI pictures..  I was stunned, there would be no alternative procedure..  That evening was the boos birthday party and I took pictures of the event not knowing how different things would be for mom in a very short amount of time..

They told us it would be a quick three days in the hospital and she would be up and fully recovered in a weeks time.. This part was almost true.. She did recover a lot more quickly than I thought was possible.. However when the surgeon was talking to us he said the bag of infectious puss they removed might have ruptured so as a precaution they would have to give her antibiotics in her veins directly for at least two weeks.. Two weeks at four times a day at regular intervals which meant that whatever the time was day or night they were there like clockwork and they were on time never being late, never overlapping because these antibiotics are the shit.. They clean the system out.. So for the next ten days they did this and I went up to see her and every day she kept getting better so much so that the physical therapy they had her doing was a waste of time.. She could have run a marathon.. So they decide to move her to the local "hospital"  (I put quotation marks around hospital because they say it is a hospital and it has the form of a hospital but in reality it is only a staging center, they aren't long term care for more than a night).. We get her to the "hospital" that day and get her checked in and first thing right out they are supposed to give her antibiotics at regular intervals.. That's out and when we asked them why it isn't done the same way as up at the other hospital the doctor says to us "we do things different here"...  I instantly think what that means is we do things wrong here.  Totally fucked attitude.. They are getting a new hospital but unless they restaff with all new people it will still be the same sucky "hospital" that they have now..  Anyway within two weeks of mom being in the "hospital" there in town she started to go downhill and all I could think was the day I go in her room and she is on a monitor I am going to come unglued and within a few more days she was on a monitor.. I couldn't believe it.. We would leave during the day certain days if she had her antibiotic treatment and could leave, but after being there a week that stopped..  we went from leaving the hospital for a few hours a day to just trying to walk the hall.. Then one day she couldn't do that.. She was so dizzy and she kept saying she was dizzy and all I could think was well what the hell.. You can't approach the doctors in this shithole because they are  like rock stars or some shit like this.. The one female doctor that has said that about doing things differently there I nicknamed her short and sassy because she seemed to always be wearing platformed shoes that gave her taller than a pigmy height.. When she climbs down off those shoes she disappears..  Needless to say I didn't care for her.. I swore they had that room bugged, I would put the doctors down at every chance I had and when I left I always got these looks, maybe I was imagining this but..

They did everything they could to figure out why mom needed two of her sons to help her walk the hall.. When she was able to come home for the final few days before she was off the antibiotic treatment, I was of the impression everything was fine.. She was unstable but seemed fine.. It wasn't until August of that year that she fell really bad just out the back..  She had gotten this weed weasel claw thing and was using it to stable her while she walked.. I had placed it next to the step in the back and some reason she grabbed it to use and somehow it either was well into the ground or it grabbed and she wasn't ready for it.. She fell and hit the deck there bruising her back and then also broke her collar bone.. I was upstairs at the time and when I came down I thought I heard something, a sort of slight moaning and went out back and saw her lying on the ground there.. took  few minutes to get any kind of idea what was going on.. But I got her up and took her to the doctors office or emergency room.. That is when it really sunk in, she had no balance.. She told me she didn't have any balance but it took this event to show me just how bad things were.. Sometimes a solid thump to the head will get me to see things.. From that day on I have been her steady walking companion..  And that is when it really all changed..

So we had the boos birthday party Saturday.. We went to the place they had it and sat at the table they had all set up and everything.  I asked how it felt to be five years old and he said he wasn't five years old yet..  Oh that's right, he is 4 years and 363 days old, my mistake..  Mom tried to sit next to him but he really acted like he didn't want to sit next to her.. She said he kept pulling away from her and all I wondered was what are they telling him.. We are the retched outcasts of the family.. I made a huge mistake back in August of trying to warn of an injury that was going to keep me from going down and watching him the next day.. That's what you get for trying to be responsible, guess I should have just watched out for myself and taken a chance on getting there or not and if not just not worried about it.. All I could think is if I got a flat tire I would have had to drive on it flat, I couldn't hardly move.. Ian would have had to open the car door himself which he still can't do.. Get into the carseat and strapped himself in.. Slapped me every two minutes to make sure I hadn't passed out from the pain.. So every horrible thing that could happen flashes through my mind instantly, and the things that aren't thought of go through as well (not thought of things?)..  Anyway when we left the party Saturday mom was nearly in tears.. She wants to be close to Ian and hopes she will be again.. For her sake I hope when the new baby comes things will get better,  but I doubt very much if things will.. Donald loves the way things are now, if he didn't he would at least make an effort to call mom once in a while.. He would rather be distant.. It's a very strange feeling to have, but like I told mom, this is how it was before they went to Poland and I figured after they got back we would be back to seeing them the four times a year we saw them before.. And it is that way now and probably won't change.. He likes living so far away that he can't come around but the four times he does.. Why so far away??  Twenty miles..  So near and yet so far away..

Badge Henry

Friday, March 1, 2013

Somebody help me I have a flat tire..

I was in walmart the other day and was just meandering around looking at things here & there.. When after a while of looking I go into the gardening section.. Up until as early as last week I went by the garden section and was revolted by the smell.. Guess I'm not ready for that season, and then the other day I went in there and was looking at the planters.. The planters that are about what I was wanting to get and what I got last year.. last year was a crappy year for plants partially because it was so hot and partially because I didn't do things right.. This year will likely be a return to the old ways.. Then I walk to the sprinkler section and that made me think about what I might be needing this year.. I looked at them and the timers and thought about what I might need this year.. Hard to believe it is only six weeks until the first watering although last year and every year prior to last year I refused to water in April.. The old saying April showers bring May flowers applies to this for me and usually it works.. Last year we got our April showers in June, and even then they were few and far between..  So this year will see watering in April and so that is six weeks from now.. Hard to believe.. Then I turned into the aisle that has the landscaping fences, those little fences that you put around parts of the lawn or whatever. And as i'm looking at this area I have a dejavu moment.. Remembering one time back before dad passed away..   That set the ball rolling for memories about what he was like then.. The few months before he did pass away.. Those times.. The best of times they weren't but I was with him a little and wished I would have been around him even more..   But it was what it was and I wouldn't trade those days for a better memory because those were the best days.. Going to cheyenne, Fort Collins..  anywhere with dad was a good time because it was dad..

Anyway the lawn mower remains in the shed with a bit of snow keeping guard.. Good job there then.. Enjoy the vacation and we will see you shortly.. So when will the first mowing take place??  I think in May.. Last year I held out til May even though it could have been mid April.. My memory is that March was warm and gave way to the longest spring I think we have ever had.. The lilacs flowered a month early.. As everything seemed early by the time we were in mid August mom and myself were both hoping fall might be early last year.. it wasn't, it stayed warm just as late in the year as always, although by Octoberfest it snowed and cancelled the parade.. Then warmed up again..  Confusion weather.. I watered the grass into November and planned to water through the winter.. But it has snowed and it is too cold to water, and there has to be a strategy to watering this summer.. I can't water like I did last summer.. I looked at sprinklers at the bomgars store as well.. One of those mechanical sprinklers might be on the try this list.. Trouble with those is the water is so hard here it ruins these sprinklers fairly quick.. I am thinking about something different this year.. I haven't gotten a new sprinkler in at least two years.. Might be time to add to the arsenal.. Or not..

Badge Henry