Sunday, June 30, 2013

Polease don't

This past week, the week that was, started out hot and got hotter.. Tuesday was the day.. I wish I got my camera out for this "event".. I was sitting in the car enjoying the heat as I do.. Yeah, right.. And was listening to Rover radio (L&T are suspended from their time slot for being 21st century naughty shock jocks, which means they said something bad about some racial group) and was just listening, and looking for something to shoot (with my camera) as I usually do when all of a sudden something caught my eye.. A dot in the sky, moving in some direction, at first it could be going in any direction,  but as it was getting bigger it was coming at me directly.. Grab the camera is what I normally do but because this was going so fast I figured by the time I got it out and set to go it would be over me.. Too bad I didn't at least try, the helicopter was a service type (Air force) and flew directly just about over me.. That wasn't the shot to get, it was the shadow that it threw coming over the community center then the parking lot and watched it as it went right next to me as well.. That was the shot to get, the once in a lifetime shot.. Damn, blew it.. Next time.. 

Mom's near (actual) overdose this week scared me a little.. I wasn't sure of her tolerance to taking the size pill she took.. It shook me a little, as I emailed the only person who was still at work that day I wasn't even sure what I wrote.. I now know I should have Googled it instead, like I do with everything.. when it doubt GOOGLE IT..

Sounds like cruising night was interesting as my little brother gave a blow by blow accounting of it on his FB..  Anyway after the events of earlier in the week I didn't want to go down and watch the cruising night.. That door knob that was pushing the PD got an officer suspended.. Did the officer deserve it??  Yes and no.. But more than anything it showed that there are people willing to push the police department around.. With last nights event being so big I thought this guy might try something, or get his "friends" together and try something stupid.. What that will do is make cruising night not happen anymore..  So hopefully these people that do stupid shit like that might go somewhere else and have that kind of fun and leave Sidney alone..

Badge Henry

Friday, June 28, 2013

To the start

I learned a couple things today.. Wednesday I bought a pop but didn't open it, instead putting it in the baby seat in the back and went to take a swig this morning.. The bottle was half empty and as I went to open it and take a drink I realized that the bottle was half empty and hard to open, with the plastic safety ring not yet broken.. I then thought shit, this wasn't opened the other day.. It boiled out I guess, but the baby seat was showing signs of a mishap.. Crap, gotta wash that seat, but the car was wasn't in my favor so I'll wait til Tuesday to do that.. Maybe.. I mean by then it might be sun baked dry and not be sticky.. I'll check it and decide then.. 

The second thing is there was a station on the XM radio that wasn't supposed to be on and a show that usually isn't on their dial was on..  They had a segment called useless information or did you know or something like that.. Anyway a little piece I hadn't heard or maybe I had and forgot about it.. Back when Pink Floyd was making the album Wish You Were Here, David Gilmour said he knew it was time for him to quit smoking when on the beginning of the song Wish You Were Here he could here his cough on the playback.. They left that on there and I always wondered what that was.. It's in the part where the song is just beginning, just before the "play along" starts, during the "radio" part of the opening.. I had heard that and thought it represented Dave getting his guitar or something.. So.. I learned something new today.. Or maybe I already knew that but forgot about it.. 

Badge Henry

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Far flung further

Last night's concert was an odd one.. tangerine Dream at the Loralei festival a few years back.. Strangely they had a good number of mistakes during the show with equipment and sound.. Mics not working on certain parts of songs..  Linda Spa's sax mic seemed to either be turned way down or be off.. The same with her flute and picalo were turned down..  Iris' percussion playing baffles me.. There are times when she is additive, when the drums she is playing is audible and then there are times when it isn't, and it can't be because she is off time with what is being played.. Iris is a total knockout to watch on stage and is a true percussionist in real life playing on so many records by so many artists including her own stuff..  She could be a full on percussionist for the band, and I don't think they need window dressing as the show last night was so full of laser effects that I can't imagine anyone watching her play, or any of the others. That was the light show they should always have.. As for the rest of the show I only recognized a very few songs, one of which "Sphinx Lightning" might have been the highlight,  all that percussion and it took me a little while to figure out what the song was called.. Same with a few others, I have them but couldn't remember their names.. Cinnamon Road was a nice surprise, I've never heard that one played live.. I have the 42 volume Tangerine Tree set (fan supported)...   Friday nights concert will either be Within Temptation Dark Symphony alternate show or their farewell show from five years ago. They like other groups announce retirement plans and then come back the next year with a "we couldn't do that to our fans" thing.   I'm looking at you Who  and Eagles and KISS and Scorpions and... The list goes on.. 

Gettin' hot, staying hot.. You know memories of last year, the year I died of heat exhaustion.. I got better...  But it was HOT.. and this year, this summer started off wetter than it has.. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the rain came.. and then it went.. And left us with memories.. Hey it rained..

There's this guy on Facebook and he said he had been losing weight and then the other day said he was going to have a blood test for "C" ... And everyone was wishing him well and I wrote on this "blood test, they think you're PREGNANT?? C-ya"   However I didn't push enter.. I don't think I did... 

I watch the news on KDUH every night, the opening segment to the first weather break thing then switch to Denver.. The past two nights have been the big Sidney police "scandel" thing and what it is is a guy took a camera and was trying to provoke an incedent with the police officer.. The video has the guy with his camera (or his wife/girlfriend) and you can plainly hear the police radio (scanner more than likely) and he tells the officer that he is being recorded and the officer tells him as well.. The way it sounds on the video that the guy wants the police officer to go off on him which he starts to but gets pulled down by another officer.. They have been talking about this on social media and sites all over the place and my feeling is this guy is just wanting to get the police to do something.. I have no idea of this guys background, if he has had a run in with the law or a friend had or whatever.. I looked at his Facebook page and if anyone is going to do a mass shooting in Sidney it will likely be him. His FB picture has a picture of him and his whatever holding what look like semi automatics but they might just be props or pellet guns.. But he has the exact looking to be an Alex Jones fan follower fanatic.. I don't trust these dipshits any further than I could throw them.. Yea he is trying to get some sort of rise or something and no I have no idea what has happened with anyone in his inner circle of friends.. I also don't care.. My reply to the papers post is " I think I side with the police because when the shit hits the fan I'd rather depend on the police than a stoner looking for trouble.."  not that I was calling this guy a stoner but rather anyone who is causing trouble.. When the shit hits the fan I'd rather call someone who is trained to take care of things rather than someone who knows how to cause trouble.. Just my opinion.. Such as it is.. 

Hadge Benry

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leaving the English speaking part of the country

Press one for ... PSYCO ...  Ok what was that Sunday??  Or was it Sunday.. Was it a dream??   This reminded me of that day a week before dad passed away.. I saw it again out of the corner of my eye again.. Again again again.. What was that??   The guy seemed shorter this time and he was in the ally and showed his face (?) and stopped and hid behind the shed.. I wasn't thinking about it, but then again on Monday I kept seeing him (it) out of the corner of my eye.. Who is this person who keeps disappearing??  If it is who I think it is why is this entity here??  Is there something I don't know??  Last time it was eight days and somebody was gone.. Is this a sign??  I swear I've tried not to sleep very much because those dreams I had..  Hypnotize me..

Speaking of hypnosis, I checked a few of those last night via the Roku streaming box.. Trouble with trying that now is I would have to use headphones and it is way too hot to do that, so maybe this fall/winter.. So many great trance ideas, including an eight hour sleep program..

The old forth of July stories and I thought of the classic every year one today as in the newspaper there was an advert for fireworks.. Yea you know the story.. One year we went on vacation and the neighborhood door knob took care of our cats and yard while we were gone..  We get back like the first of July and the next day he was at our front door before the sun was up.. Maybe not quite that early, but he got his money and down to the drugstore he ran.. Bought  a brick of firecrackers (ladyfingers) and was mister johnny on the spot.. He was wearing this old blue jacket, not because it was chilly but because he needed the extra pockets for all them fire crackers.. He gets to his grandmas house on the corner and he's shootin' the damn things off and then on the next one he tosses it up and it explodes above him and suddenly he has a package blowing up in his jacket.. Did someone punk him by ignighting those?? Not exactly.. The fuses of firecrackers back then (probably still today) emitted  sparks as they burned, and a piece of fuse must have fallen into his pocket filled firecrackers..  I've never seen him move so fast getting his jacket off.. That was scary at first but turned into one of those laugh your nuts off  moments..  I'll never forget that, even these many years later.. That wasn't the only time he did stupid shit like that.. But that one stands out the most.

Every first part of June they sent out an order form for fireworks and he would get his and show me what all he was going to get.. Trouble was you order it, then wait until fireworks are legal to get them by mail.. He would get his but it was never as many as he ever needed.. He would shoot a few firecrackers off by hand, lighting the fuse and then tossing them in the air or whatever.. Then it never failed, some five or so in he would get bored and shoot the remainder of the pack off.. Why he did this baffles me to this day..  But one time another friend had an order like this and we hatched out an idea to get the knob..  I came up with an idea to do sort of a counterfeit fireworks scheme.. We got some cardboard and cut it into the shape of the packages and put the paper from the real firecrackers on them, put the first two or three packages as real but the remainder as fake.. Sold them to him and he didn't know until some time later.. When he confronted the guy he just told him that was the way he got them and that they must have done that at the warehouse where he ordered them from.. I think eventually he copped out and gave him the rest of the firecrackers.. Or did he?? .

Badge Henry

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The final entry for PNOP is tentatively scheduled for November first 2014..  I moved the Goth music entries to Halloween of that year and then put the last entry set for the next day however.. That could change as it has five times already who knows how long it will go.. But it is preset to be November first 2014.. That is over a year from now..

Watching the weather again last night I watched several storms in Wyoming move into Nebraska before the radio went off.. A tornado vortex was shown around the Torrington area moved to the Scottsbluff area then shortly after all that was going on a tornado vortex signature was showing just northeast of Cheyenne Wyoming heading towards Nebraska as well.. That vortex showed until just north east of Kimball.. Then I watched as there was a storm heading north east from Denver heading our direction and watched on the radar as the two storms collided although without any big deal resulting from this event.. We got lightning but just a sprinkle..  Other areas got a good rain.. We need the rain but wasn't completely disappointed when we didn't get much. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow but after tomorrow it's supposed to get HOT!!  Yippee.. 

Badge Henry

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Far flung

Not that yesterdays weather event wasn't special.. When I was hanging at the park and watching the clouds I thought that would be late before anything got going there.. Pulling out of the park I looked south and there hangin just to the south was a pretty good sized cloud.. I watched as I drove towards it and made the turn to go past Cabela's it got clouded over..  Got to the lot and started to wait for mom, as the cloud continued to build.. I checked the phone for the weather.. There were no watches yet.. Checked the radar and nothing there.. Half an hour later that all changed.. It started to rain out there, mom got into the car we headed into town, she wanted to see the twins before we went home.. As we got into town it started to rain a little, then hard, huge drops.. Well this is Sidney where they don't just get rain they get floods.. We started to get hail and I pull over under a tree.. Waited it out then went to see the twins. As we were sitting there I saw a message on the tv screen emergency com and the second time I thought I should get over to the door and see if there was any wailing sirens outside.. The CP sirens weren't on so I sat back down.. We left shorty after that and as we left town there were fire trucks heading out somewhere.. As we got to the bridge to turn to come home the lightning was awesome, what a show.. But as we made the final turn to head home all I could think was those poor firemen having to be out in this crap.. We got a ways out of town and I saw someone in a car with a camera looking up at the clouds.. I knew what that meant.. As we were rolling down the road the windshield started to get raindrops on it.. I told mom  a year ago I would be getting anxious because I knew if it didn't rain hard enough the windshield would just be a crappy mess.. This year I washed the car before that yesterday and also we had just been in a rain storm.. After we got home the all alerts radio started to go off.. You name it, it was going to happen.. It didn't look that bad yesterday when I looked at the outside weather.. As I was getting fans out of windows the power dipped ..   when I checked the weather on the internet it was down.. So for about a half an hour or so there was no weather on the internet but I was able to check the cell phone.. That wasn't great, it isn't nearly as good as the computer graphics.. So what to do in the case of no internet??  I did the next best thing to having the internet, when in doubt play a game of Scrabble.. Or in this case two.. Not to worry I play timed games so a game that I start can be played in less than ten minutes, in fact most of the time every game I play gets played in between five and seven minutes.. So I took a little while to play, take my mind off of the weather.. Started a third game but the power went completely off.. Time to check the weather..  Went out to the back porch and watched the light show.. The kids next door were watching as well..  As things got hectic I turned to basement light on just in case..

Turns out after getting the internet back on and getting the weather channel app up and running the nasty storm stayed just south of us.. It danced close to us but never really got over us.. Then after all threat was gone (?) I shut the computer down and headed up to watch the Friday night concert featuring .... Well I couldn't decide.. Turns out it was a double bill with Simple Minds opening for Paul McCartney.. But as I was watching the thunder started to rumble again and so out of curiosity I switched to the weather and there was a little storm and then suddenly a big storm right over us again.. Where did that come from??  Turns out it rained a little more.. I went out after that rainstorm and checked the rain gauge which read three tenths... I'll take it.. Then around eleven it rumbled again and again I look at the radar and it showed a little rain storm.. This morning I checked the rain gauge and it showed a tenth.. Well done then.. Now as I'm writing this another round of fun is bearing down on us.. What will we lose this time.. 

My sanity...

Badge Henry

Thursday, June 20, 2013

No thoughts before breakfast..

I'm not going to lie to you, I wasn't a huge Within Temptation fan.. I mean I'd heard their music here and there but really didn't pay that close of attention to it.. Then I came across that black night show, the orchestration show.. Changed my mind instantly.. Sharon den Adele is one of the greatest vocalists around.. Such range.. Rivals Tarja Truenen (ex of Nightwish) but more range more like Flood Jensen of Apocolyptica and now the new lead vocalist of Nightwish (hopefully).. That's what I was thinking of last night after watching that concert, I know more about so many more bands from Europe, Scandinavia and Australia than I do from here in America.. Strange how that is.

Monday was D day.. They day I hadn't been looking forward to.. I bought this rope for the idea but didn't think it would work.. a few years back mom bought these saws that have a handle on each end and wrap around the branch to be cut.. I tried one the day we got them and never used one again.. Last year I saw this branch heading towards the house and I thought I'm gonna have to cut it back (this was more like two years ago) but getting up to it would be a trick.. I could have climbed up there way back when I was in high school but now, not so much a good idea.. I bought the rope for this idea but kept putting it off.. Last Friday I email my brother about weather he had one of those pole saw things, a saw at the end of an adjustable length pole, but he replied he didn't have one.. I had looked at one years ago at the local farm supply  store but never thought I'd ever need it.. Well Monday was the day I would try it.. But how to get the rope that high??  Throwing it up that high, not gonna happen plus it would have to have a weight on it.. I got one of those 2 1/2 pound weights and tied the rope to it, and the first try was a close call nearly conking me.. But the second try I took more effort to nail it and got it.. getting the saw tied to it I got the saw up there but it was going sideways.. messing with the ropes (jiggling it   I hate the word jiggle) I got the saw to go teeth side down.. I think it is, lets give it a few whacks.. So I pulled back and forth a few times and then crack the branch started to fall, and then one more pull and the whole lot came crashing down.. Not even an hour after starting the project I was done.. I thought this would take a week of frustrating idea after frustrating idea..  That was weird.. I then cut the rogue aspen trees down and then the tree in the ally that was leaning on the T line.. The only branch that didn't get cut was the one that touches the car as we come in the driveway every day.  That will get cut today or tomorrow or this fall or winter or spring summer fall winter spinsumfalwinspsufawispsufawispsufawi...  Sometime..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TH t w z b r k

So I'm standing out on the ramp last night admiring the light show that was coming our way, nice lightning around and as I have done on any number of times.. And then I realize where I am and what the radio weather guy says, if you can hear thunder you are close enough to be struck by lightning.. Usually that is of little concern but seeing how I'm standing on the ramp, a full on aluminum ramp, a metal that is one of the best conductors of electricity aluminum ramp I then think I would be electrified and fried simultaniously..   supper time..

Grass as a secondary tell of how the weather is this summer, and it was looking good until.. Yesterday.. How did I fall behind so fast and so bad??   The new sprinkler system, but I didn't feel like watering was a good idea with any sprinkler setup..  The wind blows the water making it drift to who knows where.. I broke out the old three head sprinkler Monday and watered the front full on.. Did the entire thing that way.. Then it rained and I check the rain gauge and it shows we got rain.. Not much, it got the deck wet.. Great.. Watered the back and spot watered here & there and we get another rain storm last night.. Today one tenth of an inch. great  I spot water the burned spots and they seem huge but aren't really.. But I know it takes weeks to recover these spots..  Mowing Thursdays.. By the way when I was starting this about the grass burning up, it hasn't been hot yet.. Just dry.. "I can hardly wait for it to get hot"  says me NEVER!!   I think the heat might do me in this year.. I have been hotter this year than last year and it hasn't been hot like that yet..

Badge Henry

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fourth down

Taking the time to get the entries set for the remainder of June at the PNOP site and one of the entries set for today rather than next week.. So I redid the entry for next week not knowing that the entry was set as a second entry for today.. After I got the entries done I clicked off of the one browser and opened the other.. My main browser remains Aurora (firefox development foundation browser) but I use Chrome for all things blogger because the Firefox browsers just won't work right to do that anymore for whatever the reason..  So I got the entries set to the end of the month, wow a whole nearly two weeks ahead of time.. The most I have ever been ahead was the last three months of last year and first two of this year.. It felt both good and strange to be that far ahead.. What takes the most time now is I upload pictures in jpg png and gif  file format.. Also tiff I think here and there.. But the video is what takes the longest.. It always has taken forever to upload videos, video clips.. I am trying to have the clips be more concise but it has only been in the past few weeks that I am trying to do that.. Shorter clips getting right to the point but also there are times where that doesn't happen even as lately as yesterday when I clipped the new Celebrity Apprentice Australia .. Yes there is a celebrity apprentice going on in Australia and I found episode 9 of the twelve I think that are supposed to be. Then I found the first eight and will watch them and clip them.. I really didn't want to get into that yesterday but as I was watching it I thought this is just like the American version with the same egos and shit, but I just have never heard of any of the people as celebrities..

Same as with Breaking Bad.. I stopped watching that with four episodes left in the current fifth and final season.. Knowing the end half of the season will begin in October I think and the question of will I watch it on tv or wait and watch it via torrent or wait even longer still and watch it via netflix streaming.. Good question..

We went to the bank earlier so mom could get a document, or hoped that she put them there.. It was dads death certificate  and. I actually took the time to read it.. Causes of death were listed, and they struck me as peculiar..  Listed were the main reasons and one extra that I don't remember hearing about at the time.. :
Cerebral Vascular accident ... What the hell does that mean??   I googled it.. Turns out it is a fancy term for a stroke.. However I don't remember him seaming to have had a stroke but it could explain a few things.. However one thing not listed as a cause of death was when they did that stint surgery.. Yep they did a procedure even though he was fighting a infection..  THAT I will never forget.. EVER..

Badge Henry

Sunday, June 16, 2013

For dad ..

Can there be any doubt that everyones dad is their hero??   My dad was larger than life as I grew up.. I remember being in or having a certain amount of fear of him.. I guess that was respect.. I was always a little leery that he might snap.. He never did.. In fact he wasn't the disciplinarian at all,   mom was..  There were so many times I expected dad to just make an example of me and abort my existence but he never touched me.. The more he didn't do anything the more I feared him.. I think I felt like he would eventually ream me and say remember this time or that time you did this or that..  He never did..  My memories of him as he got older was that I was more than willing to help with whatever he needed.. There were times that I wished I was there for him.. When he would tell of a problem at a store, either he fell or any other thing.. I felt bad that I wasn't there for him.. I swore I wouldn't do the same for mom.. I do try to have a hands off approach for mom, only helping where I need to.  But with dad it was different..  

Fathers Day..  The video was the original that I put together last year, but after I got it done I decided to redo it and set the video below as the one I wanted to this song medley by Michael Stanley.. Every time I listened to the song before I would think of dad and after he passed it took on the same meaning only stronger.. Just the feeling of the song..  anyway the initial subject of the video was dad in all the later aspects of his life.. The second version was from his early years which really felt right to have..   The first version was never uploaded anywhere ever before.. But this is Father's day and I thought rather than just have the first version I'd have them both here..

Father's day takes on new meaning when you have children.. For my niece it takes on new meaning as she is a single mother so she gets to be both mother and father at the same time..  

Amy's lulliby is a song by Mars Lasar was the perfect song for this video..   I keep getting more pictures of these girls.. For another video project hopefully to be completed by their first birthday.  

For all the Fathers out there I hope they all have a great day.  
Badge Henry.... (Dad I hope you understand my name is Badge on line but I'll always be your son   Charles Gordon Davis ...  son of Robert Gordon Davis)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Close shave

This is truly a coincidence here.. Yesterday afternoon I watched that tribute to those chasers that was on Discovery some time back.. I clipped three bits, I could have just clipped it to upload the whole thing I was that impressed with it.. The show centered around the Moore Oklahoma tornado and everything therein..  this first clip is about these two kids taking shelter but keeping their cams going.. How smart was that??  Smart and somewhat foolish but smart still..  They could have been seriously hurt, but.. Great video they shot though..

 This is that Tim that died last week in those odd behaving storms..
This is one of the teachers and her heroics.. Regardless of her "losing it" during the storm.. Truth is I don't know how I would have reacted in her situation. I thought she was a hero, as were a lot of people that day..

Last night I got done with the usual things and shut the computer off and went up to watch a movie of some sort. Before the movie started I checked the weather, and there was a system coming up from the south but I thought it would just miss us.. Then I got the movie on.. I was going to watch a concert but decided on a movie instead and thankfully I did.. Our "hail magnet" has been up for the entire week, since Saturday, and I always watch the weather just in case.. The movie was playing or just starting and the weather radio down in the kitchen goes off.. I was pretty sure it wasn't for us because I had just looked at the weather.. but just to be certain I switched over and looked one more time.. Same thing was there, so I got the movie back going.. Then the fan turns on at about a little after seven.. My fan is on a light switch so when it gets dark enough it turns on.. I thought that was odd since the fans were coming on a little after eight.. I start getting into the movie but think that I hear someone coming up stairs.. So I come down to see what might be going on.. I went to the back door and the wind was blowing a little hard for my liking but.. Wasn't too upset..

Then I went outside and saw the gazebo buckling in the wind.. I guess it is blowing harder than I thought it was.. I then get hit by a nasty gust and reach up and grab the frame of the gazebo and hold on for deer life.. as the wind blew harder and harder I kept thinking just hold on a little while longer it's almost over.. And ten minutes turned into twenty. Holding that frame and hearing it crack and feeling like if I let go it could be in the next county before it comes down.. I could feel it just pulling.. I thought if I could get the center piece out that that could take some of the pressure off the frame, so I quickly went in and grabbed a stool and tried to reach it.. Turns out it is too short although I could swear I could reach it before.. I would have to get the ladder.. the wind in the meantime came back up and was really howling, pulling on the gazebo.. I then tried to get that center piece again this time climbing on the stool then trying to climb on the chair arms.. Big mistake. I lost my balance and grabbed the frame to try to not fall but that didn't help as the frame buckled under my fat ass heaverage.. as it were..  Then the idea to release  a corner of the tarp to try to ease the stress on the frame.. I got the one corner off.. Would this be a mistake??  I didn't have any idea if this would tear the thing up or help keep it from being torn up..

Then the wind seemed to let up just a bit.. Time to get the ladder.. Got it got back to the gazebo in time for the wind to pick up again.. Then as with before the wind let up and I set the ladder up climbed to the top, got the center piece out, took it over to the ground then undid the other three corners.. Got the tarp off then folded and put away.. The fear was over but  for a while there I thought what if I'm saving the gazebo just to have a tornado come through and tear up the house.. At least the gazebo was saved..   At least now I know I can take the gazebo down in a category one hurricane..

Badge Henry

Thursday, June 13, 2013

There's a reason for that

I uploaded a video to my I.I. site yesterday and the name of it was "Physical Abuse".. Last year I was going to name all the videos and the project.. The project names were easy, but naming the videos would have been more than I could handle.. So rather than name every video I just called them what song it was.. Except for a handful which were named by me with the subject matter in mind. 

Setting the other site, PNOP, to have at least musical entries through to just about a year from now, the final entry that was set for the 27th of this December will likely remain but will be a false entry.. There will be a tomorrow for the site.. the true final entry will probably be a year after that entry.. Why end it??  I don't know if I will.. Or maybe I won't have any choice in the matter.. Google being what it is the way they are they might pull the plug on their blog site.. They are ending other products this year with reader being gone next month.. and i-Google being gone in November.. I-Google won't be missed by me nearly as much as I thought it would be a  year ago.. 

New channels on the Roku ...  Added yesterday was a paranormal channel... A ghost hunter type not that there wasn't one or two before, this one seems a little  better than the others.. I spent a while checking it out last night and there are a lot of sub channels within the main channel..  Another channel is the Florida channel.. It is a two sub channel channel that is basically a hour long infomercial about two areas of Florida.. I watched a little about that, mostly they run tourist commercials about Orlando and other parts of Florida.. Good if you like that sort of thing.. 

I was having troubles with the Roku but it seems to be working fine now. I think they tweak the UI here and there and what might fix  a problem for some boxes might screw others up.. I would hope they are all built with the same specs at the same plant but for some reason I think they aren't.. I mean all HD models (the kind I have) be built the same way.. I know there is something different between  the LT and the HD but they look identical front and back.. Then the next two models are different with external storage and game play ability and then there is the Roku 3 which is high def exclusively, no composite jacks.. I think it has wi-fi  but has the physical hookup for the internet.. Mostly recommended for 1080 HD tv..  I run lowly 480 on mine and am just as happy to be this way.. I've said I can't tell the difference between the two HD sets (780 and 1080)  and most people can't unless nudged somehow.. 

anyway   that's enough..

Badge Henry

Monday, June 10, 2013

Something for nothing..

The final entry for the Rhino Rock Box was completed earlier today.. The date for it to show will be in March of 2014.. After that final entry is an entry for Rhino box sets that I don't have.. Kind of a wish but not wish.. I would like to have gotten them a few years back but most of them would have been a mistake.. To buy a whole box set because you want all the songs you already have plus a few you might not.. Kind of a waste of money so, that is what the final final Rhino Rock Box entry is about..   The seventies set was one I looked at quite a few times but couldn't get it.. The Stax Records one was another as well as Sire and Sun ..  the Sun records disc set was very close a few times but.. I'm glad I didn't get them.. I have a fairly complete music collection.. Everyting I like, and a few I tolerate.. And that's how that worked.. Then I did the Gold and Platinum set.. A six disc set with an entry per disc, could have been two entries per disc but.. And then I did the Goth set.. That Undead masterpiece or so they call it.. It is a three disc set but I could only remember enough for two entries and of that the second entry was only three songs.. I augmented it with some favorite modern goth music.. So it is an odd set of songs..

 And then it got hot.. I knew it would, a week ago I saw this today as being the first chance to melt your nuts but good.. I'm trying something new this year.. i'm trying to use two twin fan things rather than the big 20" fan.. The reason is the twins are smaller and less noisy.. The big 20 inch floor fan three blade perfect fan is still sitting and waiting.. i might change them out but am trying to hold out.. That big fan works great, no complaint there it's just loud.. The twins are fairly quiet even running on high.. I don't know why how loud the fan is should be of any concern, I just want to have less fan noise and more..  less volume on the tv..  Does that make any sense... at all ??   to me..   no.. But you know, last year at this time I was counting the days until it's no longer so freakin' hot.. and in the case of last year it was the week before Oktoberfest..  That long..

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Passion of the Banana peel

After thinking about it for a few weeks now I have decided to upload the phase one and preinfinity videos as the next videos to be sent to the I.I. site.. The main reason is I have some sort of creative block as far as doing any new videos and this will relieve that feeling of GOTTA GET GOIN ON A NEW IDEA..  I think of what Douglas Adams had written about when he had a deadline and no idea whatsoever about what the next book would be about..  Mine is self imposed as far as deadline for  any new material for a video series.. Going back to the old tried and true was going to happen but I felt like the old saying "been there done that" type of thing.. So where do we go from here??  I have no idea, but the videos brought back somewhat fond memories of a time just a year ago as a matter of fact, when I was just learning how to make these videos.. So some of them have that feeling my way round the program.. In the beginning I had very little clue what the program could do.. Today there is very little that I don't know about the program and in fact if things don't go perfectly I turn back and start over or figure it out via the ctrl. z keys.. it is so much more easier now than a year ago.. anyway there are enough videos that I could upload a video a day and be set through the end of the year..

So mom hops in the car Friday  and as we pull away she says "are you ready for this..." and I'm thinking what has happened this time.. Turns out she was talking to the custodian there and asked him where he was on Wednesday.. She said that day the trash in the back room was nearly to the ceiling and she figured he had too much work to do itis and left because of it.. Turns out, Wednesday (the day it was kinda rainy until just before noon) he did leave early but the reason floored me, and mom.. He left because he had a mild case of HEAT STROKE..  A mild case of heat stroke??   We were talking about that on the way home and she started listing all the odd things he has had "wrong" with him and none were doctor confirmed (he knows his body) and she listed them with the latest two being carpel tunnel and the latest being mild heat stroke..  Such a laugh if it weren't such a joke, but then I said that his next thing he has wrong with him could be a mild case of death.. But I got better...

Badge Henry

Friday, June 7, 2013

Part of it..

On PNOP land the Rhino Rock Box entries continue.. I set through the Children of Nuggets set and will have the final four (I think) will be the Brit Box set.. Final four I think because there could be more than just four.. Certain sets got more than four entries and one got three.. The final entry for this series should be April of 2014.. And then there are other box sets that I will do to bring this to where the end of the box set music entries will be July or possibly later..  I really liked doing the Rhino Rock Box, it took me back to when I first got the box sets represented.. To me the music represented IS THE music.. The rock and roll party.. With the exception of two sets that I didn't get for obvious reasons.. First the heavy metal box set.. I already had about every song on that set.. I remember looking at it and looking through the song set and thinking this would be a huge waste of money to get.. However it isn't represented in the Rhino Rock Box  I might try to include it or at least show why I didn't get it.. The second set was the Seventies set (have a nice decade).. It had ten discs (I think) and it was lacking in a certain way.. I think it was a set put together after a series was released (Like two of the sets I covered and you will see what I mean in those entries).. Besides again I had the songs I wanted..  So this series was done this far ahead why??  Just a feeling I have. I wanted this to be done before it gets seriously hot.. I hate hot weather and don't feel very good when it is hot.. So this was something that I thought about doing a year ago but was thinking more along the lines of doing the videos for the songs myself.. That would have been a huge effort.. I then came across the idea of using videos from YouTube and everything just clicked..


Badge Henry

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


You know that picture of the guy licking the taco shells at a taco eating establishment (whichever one it is)  you know which one...   I saw that picture and while disgusting (I don't care I don't eat there) I had a caption that was pretty horrible although no dirty words were used.. I simply wrote " I don't spit or swallow    I share"...    Think about that one while you gag..  ...

Sorry about that one..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The answer is blowing in the wind.. so they say..

Friday night music night is BACK!!!  As of today.. That channel on the Roku that enabled me to watch YouTube videos is back in a new name, My Videobuzz.. Same channel logo except for the word MY worked in there.. It's neither a public nor a private channel.. It's a developers channel.. This changes everything. Truth is if you look through the forum you can pick up cool information and channels as well.. Another channel added recently is the Update channel.. Update channel checks all the channels in my lineup and finds any updates and then adds them. Pretty easy, the way it used to work was you had to go into the channel store then exit and any new channels that were added via the computer were added.. Now the process is different but with this channel (app) it has gotten really easy.. These people think of really cool things to do as far as channel/apps are concerned.. 

I was checking for different streaming players when the roku was acting up and there just really is nothing nearly as good as the roku.. No one offers the amount of channels.. And while more isn't better all the time, there are niche channels out there that you might like.. I hate to get into a channel and have it go toes up, but so far there are few that have closed down on me.. I still have cut down to 50 channels and am thinking that is still too many however.. I'll keep them.. For now.. Hopefully I won't add too many without watching what's on them.. Just having them doesn't mean anything if I don't watch something.. Speaking of which, Crackle .. I watched some stuff on their.. I like what they have but feel guilty because of what is on the Netflix channel.. So much to watch.  Anyway.. Started trying to watch the X-Files last night.. It might have been too late to watch, because it didn't make sense.. I must have dozed a bit.. Anyway I'll give it a go some more..

Badge Henry

Monday, June 3, 2013


We went down to the finish line of day one of BRAN to see what that looked like.. Donald was doing DJ at the park with two or three or however many bands there were.. seemed like a good time to be had by all... We arrive at the big city and the town was a hoppin'.. The football field was loaded with tents.. Ah the romantic in me, the idea of that was pretty cool.. Tents everywhere, the football field, the school, the little park in the center of town..  Freakin' everywhere.. it was like the 60's all over again.. We had Ian with us and he made some comment about twenty years ago.. He has very little concept for time.. I said twenty years ago what?? And he got all quiet, and I said twenty years ago and you have only been alive for five of them.. Not sure how much sense that made..

Ian was here from Saturday afternoon until yesterday about a full 24 hour stay at the grandmas house.. Grandma got a new vacuum and so we put that together with him.. Ian giving instructions on how to do this and that and he was actually right about most of it.. I wished I had my camera rolling for it, he's the vacuum salesman.. Then the test of the thing and so I had no idea where the starter thing was and he says that red button there.. He has the hose in hand and as I push the start button he leaps to the couch..  I says that scare you a bit??  and he nods.. I go about using the vac for a little bit, trying different settings and the different parts and all and then the darndest thing it started to suck me into it.. I start screaming stop it... Then pull it away.. He was laughing and everything was fine.. He then started to use the vac in off mode.. Not sure what good that did but.. anyway a bit of fun..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  mom was talking to Ian that day and I wasn't there to hear this conversation but the subject turned to the daycare and she asked him how he liked it and he said he didn't like it much at all.. Mom probably started to think the other kids were picking on him or something like that.. Turns out he doesn't like it because they make you rest, take A NAP!!   How dare they do that.. They also make them EAT.. Those NAZIS..  It's worse than a concentration camp..) 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


I was just on my Facebook and I follow so many music sites.. Anyway this was on one of the sites I follow :
The band name is NRBQ  which is short for New Rhythm and Blues Quartet and they are a band I started to get into a few years back.. They have had their members come and go, and have had so many different people be in the band.. Anyway on this incarnation of the band there is only  Terry Adams as the lone original member, and it got me wondering how long would you stay into a band after the members aren't anywhere near the original members.. There are a lot of bands that continue to rock.. Alice Cooper changes his backup band every tour so that doesn't count.. But I remember KISS Gene Simmons talking about franchising the band and I wondered if anyone would ever go for that.. 

Another quick session working with the router yesterday and a new name after thinking the F.P.O.S. might be a bad idea I changed the name to WONKY FPOS..  so it has that name and the password is the same as it was.. After watching a movie yesterday on Netflix I thought everything was back to normal but it wasn't.. The box locked up again, and several times the rest of the day.. It might be the router as the culprit, I read on the roku blog site that this happened to someone else and they got a new router and the problem was solved.. I will check other entries and decide later what to do.. Maybe  anew router would be a better idea than getting something else.. I hate the idea of getting rid of the roku..

Badge Henry

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The circus was in town

How big of a load was this??  Last night the Roku was working great, got through the first part of a flick and then it lost connection with the internet.  My network.. And so after going through a few things that I was getting used to doing, it worked.. Got my apple and celery aten .. er eaten and then as the movie got interesting again, it lost connection again.. This time it would take until close to midnight before getting everything back to nearly normal.. I deleted a lot of the channels because  I had heard 25 was the most these boxes could handle.. I had 96.. So after getting things set last night I switched over to cable tv and watched the late live coverage of the OKC funado .. Wouldn't that be fun to be in??  All those twisters and the chasers who know tornadoes like the back of their hand had one change directions on them and got caught in it.. Sirously  that is the reason why I don't like them. Very unpridictable.

So then today I wake up and try to watch the news and they have nothing on the OKC tornado fun.. So I start messing with the roku.. Just as soon as I start messing with it I find that it will lock up after watching just about everything.. After watching something I click to try to watch another channel and it locks up.. Then it goes to the Roku home screen  then reboots.. This seems to be the new normal with this box and after thinking it through I guess I'll try to keep it and hope there are enough people like me having this kind of problem that they will work on it.. It seems like that is the way it is.. I write something about a channel (wrote) and they fixed it, but now I hope they can fix this.. Very frustrating to have it be this way now...  but like I have said elsewhere this must be the new normal.. I hope not but..

I was thinking about getting one of these for mom for Mothers day but something in the back of my mind kept me from doing it.. Then today when I was working on it and had it down here to run back and forth to the front room rather than upstairs to my bedroom, she said she doubted she would ever be able to get this to work.. She didn't think she could get it to work but she would be wrong.. The hardest thing would be deciding what to watch, there is such a huge selection and a lot of it is free..  By the way the lady I was talking to via I.M. said the most channels this box will handle is 120.. I told her mine should work great now it at the time was at a massive 8 channels..

I got the "garden" planted today.. Four tomatoes with a chance for one more but maybe not.. I was kind of disappointed yesterday when I couldn't find a Roma variety at the wally martinsky..  So I got a beef master type.. No experimenting this year, I set the Earth box up right.. Everything is good to go and get hailed on.. Hopefully that crap is done but I bet we get one more nasty ass kicker storm.. Just a feeling..

Badge Henry