Friday, November 30, 2012


Yeah that was partially an accident yesterday when the "big entry" (appeared as "XXX" because I can't figure out what to call it yet) was posted for a short bit there.. The computer or the site got hung up for a bit and I tried hitting every link to get it to move forward.. When it appeared as an entry I quickly returned it to draft form to hold on at least through the holidays to see if things improve, but if Thanksgiving** was any indication they won't.....

Yesterday we went to Cheyenne and got a little shopping and more looking done.. We were at Target and I came across a router extender and I hadn't heard of one of these so I asked the guy there what this does, such as if I can get the laptop computer to go online in my bedroom would a streaming player work fine.. He didn't know so he asked his younger (looking) geek (tech) guy to help.. You know I've been looking at these things for the past four or five months now so a certain amount of spec knowledge I have acquired.. So this guy comes around and I ask him this exact question "If I am able to have the laptop work in the bedroom then will the Roku streaming player work there" and he looked at me and said this exact thing to me  "WHAT'S A ROKU??"     and all I could think is are you new here??   And I should have said, is this your first day.. So after getting the "I don't know" answer I went in search of the streaming players, maybe they don't have any there.. Turns out not only do they have the Roku, they have the latest Sony, Netgear Neo, and bluray with streaming.. The latest Sony was amazing, packed with so many features it is like computer but with the ability to surf the web like a computer but unable to download anything.. It was just about perfect.. Just about perfect in that the browser it uses is a version of  Google Chrome, which as you know for me, Chrome is my default browser but not my everyday browser..

Anyway after we got done with the shopping and ate at the chillis we headed out.. The one thing I have never really liked is driving at night and as we get closer to December the days get shorter, daylight is at a premium and I kept watching the sun peak at around noon, it starts to set about three..   The traffic was barely tolerable  but everything was fine.. Talk about  a town that is growing quickly, we hadn't been there in nearly a year..

We got a thing in the mail and then had an advert for the new *cable tv adding new programming packages and all this excitement.. It would have been exciting and been competition had I not committed to trying streaming..  The only thing they are doing is adding DVR and HD on a good lot of channels.. I have a HD tv in name only, I didn't know that HDMI  was the thing to have.. I wasn't even looking for that on my tv when I got it.. But shortly after getting my tv my little brother got one and OH Boy HDMI.. You don't have HDMI on you set??  No I don't.. We didn't have a source for it, so I wasn't looking for a tv with that, and in fact I didn't know about it.. No bother, HD isn't as hugely great as all the geeks say it is, for all the tech geeks that say it is so great there are an equal number who say the opposite.. So who do you believe..  Anyway I don't notice that it is a whole lot different on his tv than mine..

Oh yeah, I forgot.. We went to Sams club and I went right to the video cameras and was looking at one.. Here's how stupid I can be, I noticed that the other cameras would have a warning beep of sorts when my hands would come close to them and I just moved on to the video cams and I twisted the one in it's docking and tried to turn it on.. The thing went into hyper shit a brick alarm mode.. I just put it back in the dock and walked away..  Walked over by the gadget section and a couple of guys were trying to look at a tablet or something and the alarm went off there too.. I told them there must be a strict DON'T TOUCH policy in place now.. I used to could mess with just about anything there.. Not anymore I guess..

Badge (sticky fingers) Henry

(*P.S. So what it means is too little too late as far as what they are offering regardless of HD programming and even in I had a set, I have already decided to try streaming.. I was thinking of a few years ago when my little brother got his first Roku and shut down his dish completely and then found that there wasn't any true live sporting events back then.. Just a few short years later and there is quite a bit of live sporting events streamed, most of which is pro sports.. Just how much programming is there??  The site I currently have that shows added channels (apps and the like)  have added some fifteen per week over the past year, averages out to be maybe fifteen, sometimes less and sometimes more.. What intrigues me the most is the channel store and the private channels.. I mentioned something about the private channels and what they are is a channel that is in development, or beta (the dreaded beta) and they can be acquired by the web site that shows the new channels that are being added and they test every channel before announcing them, so while they might show at the channel store, they haven't been reviewed by this site, they aren't known..  what is the sites name??  Tell the people what it is, are you shitting a lie here??  Check it here : fairly simple and direct name.. Then the one that should be used a lot :  Nowhere tv which they say will make getting Youtube somewhat easy, since there really is no true channel yet, this is great to see.. then there is the Roku forums everyone who does have this receiver or is planning to get one :  ..) 

(**  There seems to be no end in sight to this debacle and truth is it just seems to be worse the more time gets by us.. I feel bad for moms sake and wish things would get better for her.. But I wouldn't want to try to get things to where they were before, I rather am glad I don't watch him anymore BUT.. It seems  if we don't get royally reamed by them then we don't get to see the little guy, so which is worse??  When mom was talking to her brother (Bob) and he asked how much we got paid and found out it was nada he more or less freaked.. And when he heard that the blowup happened he was actually happy for us.. Mom admitted that watching him as much as she did just wore her out and I knew it did.. I tried to hold him at their house as late as I could but it was never long enough..

I won't give a particular day that I will have the entry go "live", or if it will even be a good idea too, but to be sure it will be  a last ditch effort to show whoever reads this our side of the story.. From the beginning of everything through the latest mine sweep, we'll let the cards fall where they may..  For better or worse, more than likely worse.. )

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bargain hunting

What does "DREAMING OF 5000" mean??  Well I am now under one thousand views to that number on the PNOP site.. Is that a milestone??  It kinda can be, the site I was on was well on it's way until I left and then started to be there full time.. This will be a banner year as they say, for that site.. Resetting from what it was to what it is now, and building.. It is strange to watch it grow, very slowly but still the viewership seems to grow...

There are those that might have read my last entry here and thought, there's no way he will help family if he wins the lottery.. Actually if I won a tenth of the pot I still would.. But $500,000,000   Five hundred million dollars...  That would be a no brainer.. How would you feel good about yourself if you didn't help family.. And I would die before spending that much money on my own...  Thas a lot of candy buckaroo...

It's after ordering the Roku that I found the best reason to get it.. The programming that is being added is unbelievable, and something I didn't know was that they have the "channel store"  where you set your lineup, and then there are private channels, and that is where the really cool stuff is at.. And the site I just came across will make this really worth it.. Imagine being able to see shows from everywhere in the world... Blows me away the potential of streaming.. HBO has a channel that is available to subscribers on just a few cable outlets and dish network (I think) and the reason they don't dive head first into streaming is it would likely end all other avenues.. VOD is the way of the future, but I don't think cable or satellite will ever be totally gone...  Not for quite a while yet.. Streaming is still quite an underground fenom, but is gaining traction all the time..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Winner winner chicken dinner

YOU WON THE LOTTERY!!  the grand question what would you do with that kind of money??  What would I do with a half a billion dollars??  Well my feeling is that while I would feel extremely humble to have won that kind of money, truth is I would count myself lucky as hell, and figure I was just in the right place at the right time and.. Well cut the crap, I would have a good time no doubt but first thing right out of the box, or bag, I would assemble the family and get all debts they owe to be paid.. So in other words Donalds house would be paid for and all outstanding bills would be paid off as well.. Same with Bob & Freda ..  House and whatever else they owe.. GONE.. Same with Tabitha.. Jordan and Adam, their house... Paid off...  Then split the rest evenly with the family members.. Do with it what you want.. Set up a trust fund for the twins and Ian and Ryan..     I would still like to try my luck and start a business like a fun plex thing.. A slide park with trampoline thing like I've seen on YouTube..  Maybe a three tier park with the slide, trampoline and miniature golf or something cool, and for the older "kids" a serious party palace with wall to wall ceiling & floor video screens like the ones they are making, full room screen that is forth dimension, think video surround like the surround sound..  Dare to dream.. 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Because of the massive amount of "stuff" I've gotten since the October preload of entries I am going to up the number of things (?) that will be on each entry through December.. The number was around 15 and I'm thinking they will be increased by nearly twice the amount or thirty..  Somewhere in that number, except for Sundays which will still be in the five to nine music videos area, depending on my mood..

The "coaching carousal" starts for college coaches this week and next then the pro teams start the clearing house next month or January (happy new year).. My memory of when they got rid of Callahan at Nebraska was they knew Osbourn was gonna fire him shortly after the final game against Colorado.. Fast forward to this year and the rumours running rampant of Polini leaving after this year are running rampant.. But what people should look at is the Colorado situation.. They still haven't righted the ship this many years after letting McCartney go...  I think it would be a tough place to coach because it is tough to fight for a place in the state where the Broncos rule, and have for decades.. Their latest dismissal of Embree makes them have a "revolving door" on the head coaching job and it reminds me of what the said about Oklahoma just before they got Stoops, and even when they got Stoops I thought he would be there for five to seven years and then move on.. It's something you don't want to see, a coach be there for five years and then move on.. They say turning a program around is easy, keeping it that way is the hard part.. Urban Myer at Ohio State, they say he will be there until he retires from coaching.. I say since he retired once what's to keep him from retiring again shortly..  But with Colorado it will be a tough sell, since they gave Embree two whole years to get things turned around the next coach will have that amount of time.. Except for one thing, Embree had absolutely NO previous coaching experience.. What they thought was a good idea, I don't know.. Bet they get someone with a little experience next time for sure.. Maybe..

We got the renew bill for the satellite radio yesterday and we were sitting around after breakfast this morning and mom starts to talk about the radio.. She really likes listening to hers and says but you don't listen to yours anymore and I tell her I do listen to it, I listen to it overnight..  And then the thing she didn't know that I know or am pretty sure I told her that the reason I listen to it all night is because I can't have total silence... Because of the ringing in my ears, and she acted like she hadn't heard me say this before.. How long has this been this way??  Since about two years before dad passed away.. She seemed totally stunned.. Truth is I don't let on about half the things that bother me.. The other thing that hurts me is my arms.. Remember the first time my shoulder popped out of the socket was by the clothesline back when I was still in high school and I pulled the rope on the mower.. You tend to not forget little things like that.. It's why I started trying to be ambidextrous, using my left arm on equal.. So that's why I started to start the mower left handed, until of course my left arm popped out.. You just don't forget that feeling, it popped out and right back in and hurt like hell for a week.. But my ears started to ring one morning as I was getting up.. It was just there, but would steadily get worse until I couldn't sleep without the tv being on all night.. That evolved to the radio about six or seven years ago..  I tried a sort of mp3 player two years ago but was trying hypnosis programs to ease my ability to sleep and help with my anxiety towards large crowds.. Neither worked the way I was hoping although the anxiety towards large crowds worked incredibly well one time as I went into Walmart and saw nobody there.. Were they open or was this a dream.. That happened twice but hasn't since.. The sleeping hypnosis didn't work quite the way I was hoping either but.. Thankfully I stopped doing that..   My favorite show to listen to is Bob & Tom.. I'm addicted to that show.. They are NUTS..  They are like  a clean version of the Opie & Anthony show which I also like when they interview people they are the best.. But Bob & Tom are just off the wall.. Kind of a little like the Monsters in the morning, but not as frantic..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  a little extra on the "tinitis"  thing.. Yes my ears have this continuous insistent ringing in my ears and neither  is worse than the other, but make no mistake, I can still hear quite well.. as an example, mom has her phone turned up as loud as she can to hear the conversation and while she is talking to someone on the phone I can hear the conversation, the person she is talking to, very clearly while she is in the front room or the kitchen and I am on the computer.. The worst part about having still quite good hearing is being in the local walmart and the occasional cart with that extremely high pitched squeaky wheel..  Unnerves me... )

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday & excesses

So yesterday, last night, I was looking online and seeing what was what.. I have several sites I "follow" via the like on Facebook that are a shopping type.. Cyber Monday, like Black Friday, started early this year.. Started last night at midnight eastern or ten our time (earlier if you have a couple of watchdog sites/RSS feeds that do that kind of thing and I have every site on RSS).. So what caught my eye??  The Roku streaming player, and not the one I was looking to get at Walmart (the $49.99 one) it was the next step up, which as I looked at it, they are identical..  the cheaper of the two, the LT (purple box) then the next step up is the HD and it has a regular price tag of $59.99 but was listed for cyber Monday at $39.99... Ten dollars cheaper than the LT, so this morning the suspense was ended as I got it ordered.. I waited until today in hopes that the NEO TV streaming player would be offered at a must have price.. The one I wanted, the one that I can hook up (I don't have a High Definition Media Interface (HDMI)  hookup on my high def tv go figure) but it wasn't cheaper even by a dime so, rather than wait until later I ordered this box, and also three replacement batteries for my video camera hoping these are good batteries.. The non OEM batteries aren't nearly as good but were fine before but they went bad when I needed them the most... Hopefully these will be good, and at the price I hope they are not a waste of money.. Yeah they're cheap but I hope they work at least as good as the last two non OEM type..  Knowing really good, nearly OEM quality are nearly a quarter the price of the camera..

So after getting all of my x-mas gifts set to come to me I looked at a few more things.. Last year I lost my pocket knife (read an early entry somewhere) and I looked all over last year at this time for a replacement, but I never really found the perfect knife.. Then the people who do the lawn found my pocket knife somewhere and it was a year rusted but was back and I was happy.. I found two or three perfect replacement pocketknives while looking around after sending in the order.. Then I found the most beyond.. What can I say ultimate if this is your cup of chissel... check this out:

I mean  87 implements, 141 functions and a price tag of just under one thousand dollars.. The reviews are so classic on this.. One of them says it's so big it won't fit in my pocket.. It's a novelty, more than anything else.. I saw a guy found one of these in an episode of storage wars and had it appraised for more like two thousand dollars..  The shit you find on cyber Monday..

Badge Henry

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Final Saturday

Tomorrow's entry on PNOP will include what I call a "teaser" video from the "infinity" project.. It was put together (the video) quite towards the end of the project as a whole..   There was a point during doing this project where I looked at video and thought that I could possibly do a nearly forty song set.. Then pulled way back as by the end of the ten day period that it took to do this I saw no end in sight and decided I better find an ending... Which I did, quite abruptly, just decided this or that was to be the last song/video..   This video, the teaser, was the video that was signalling the end because five more songs later it was the end..  Anyway here is the play schedule for the videos from the infinity project, it will be five videos on the first Sunday of the month through March..  So the next four months.. 

So how did your black Friday freakathon go for you??  Me, I had to go to the dreaded dungeon aka walmart.. They treat their employees so bad, sweat shop working conditions.. Dark dank stinky places nobody should ever have to venture in to..   Of course service with a smile has long been a thing of the past..  But would you smile with blood dripping from your overworked hands...  We had to get stuff to work on the sink, it was plugged but it isn't anymore....

I went back and revisited  the old entry from after the "blowup" that I will post after the first of the year if the situation with Lucy (and Donald) doesn't get better PDQ.. I knew when that happened that it would be quite possibly after the first of next year before things might get better.. And even then it might take until April after she has the baby.. And maybe.. MAYBE then.. I wrote how after she got back from Poland that I felt some amount of guilt about not doing more to help keep her from going in the first place but had no idea what it would be.. Purger myself and end up in jail??  Not sure how important altering my life would have been.. But if I do put that entry on it will show the time frame and all will be explained..  from my point of view.. There was their point and it was probably  a lot more dire that I could ever have known..   But I think I watched Ian as long as I did, and we did bend over backwards as much as we did because of the immigration BS that we all went through... Made us stronger??    Made them more in control of shitting on us and I didn't like it, and hopefully we are even now.. Probably not..   But I feel like we are even, a full year plus of watching him and through the entirety of that year we kept telling them make sure you have a backup plan in case the weather gets bad.. it wasn't the weather that went bad... In the conversation on the FB IM I told her I would try to get there but I would have to get "doped up".. She freaked and told me not to bother doping up.. Doping up for me is nearly a daily situation, I take advil daily and when I have to use my arms to some form of extreme I take an alieve to help with the bone on bone grinding that happens when I have to push Ian on the swing for hours on end.. If they freaked because I think of that as doping then guess what guys??  I've been doing that every time I watched him.. I think she thought I do something heavier drug wise.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, November 23, 2012

Long incoherent rant

Ok so the woe is in on black Friday.. Why should we care about what the average Walmart employee makes in wages and if they would have had made a better choice in life they wouldn't have had to settle with working there.. But there are part timers there who use that job to help with their income i.e. working a few extra hours to pay for something or for extra income because of what Christmas can be.. There is no excuse for the put down of the walmart pay grade, mostly because ... Well if you live where you can afford housing by working there then you should be fine.. Trouble is how bad is your house at $15.500 a year??  also how bad of shape is your 1986 model car??  How badly would you like to get a new muffler so the buzz you get while going to work doesn't wear off until lunch break.. Knowing you can't miss a single day of work no matter how much you pray for death from the cold you caught because your heater doesn't work, or you have to take a shower in cold water because the hot water heater doesn't  work and you can't get the landlord to buy a new one..   Remember the television show Undercover Boss?? Remember how the boss comes through in the end and buys things for those employees who are just so helpful and things like that??  Well there are people like that through everywhere.. They just weren't lucky enough to be in the right place on the right day to get the goods.. There are a lot of those hard luck stories and I just think that show is a farce..

Yesterday I read something on Facebook where a republican is going to go against the "No new taxes" pledge that the republican party stands for (T party).. And his reason is simple, they need to start being responsible for what they have been doing.. Everyone on the FAUX (fnc) are saying how bad things will be in the next four years with Obama as president but they don't realize is that the status quo can't be maintained.. If there is just a slight increase by the rich (ultrarich) or getting rid of the loopholes they have and take advantage of and taxing all their money including the money they have in off shore banks (Romney)..  If these people don't want to pay taxes on their entire income then I think they should leave the country..

Badge Henry   

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving ... Let's go shopping..

As I was starting the first video entry that will be the Infinity project entry for December I noticed that I really left December free for a lot of entries to be added later.. I must have thought that I would come across a ton of holiday stuff to fill in the blanks with.. So now I think I have twenty days yet to fill in.. Christmas will likely be a Christmas entry done close to the day itself just like last year, and will more than likely be identical to last year..

3 stage of fun at wizzbang mart (walmart) this year.. The local newspaper has changed delivery time so now we get the paper sometimes two days after the actual day.. We get Fridays paper Monday and Saturdays paper on Tuesday.. Yesterday we get Tuesdays paper and THANK GOD  we got the black thursday/friday fun section.. Everyone is doing it, but if people think the Thursday portion is so wrong then show them how you feel by not going out shopping tonight.. And don't even go out and picket the store because if you go out and show that you don't believe in it by telling them in person you are in essence telling them that while you won't be spending  money at their store, you can be away from your family to tell them it isn't fair to make people be away from their family.. Don't go.. Just don't..   Anyway the three stages, and I was talking to mom about this, starts at 8 tonight and stage 2 starts at 10 and then stage 3 starts at 5 the following morning.. How good of an idea is this?? To have people go out there at eight tonight, stay through the ten o'clock second stage then will they make people leave around midnight OR will they stay all night and beat the rush at five in the morning?? Will they be allowed to stay??  Would you want to be in a store with assholes who are there through a nine hour shopping marathon?? Could be dicey..

Badge Henry

Thanks for nothing day

How would it feel to have to work at all on Thanksgiving??  Yes there are jobs that do such as hospitals and hotels and places like that, but the new BLACK FRIDAY mentality of opening on Thanksgiving evening is starting to take hold.. Is it because of the onslaught that happened the past few years where opening at five in the morning meant taking your life in your hands, the possibility of being trampled being quite real.. Then there was the use of pepper spray by someone who JUST HAD TO HAVE THAT ... Whatever it was.. Remember the videos from the past few years of people being in the stores isles.. The unbelievable site of people filling the isles and making it impossible to get around in a store.. I went to a walmart one year the day after Christmas to exchange something and it was unbelievable that day, and all I could think was how it must have been nearly a month earlier.. I don't remember black Friday being that massive and stupendous, maybe it has always been that way.. Then yesterday  I pick mom up and she tells me that some of the employees at the golden arches store aren't too happy, they have to work this  morning..  until eleven..  How incredibly ... GREEDY  lets call it what it is, the American greed machine working overtime.. Capitalism at it's very finest..    And so it starts ..  The holiday season proper, BUY ME SOMETHING BIG... BIG... BIG AND EXPENSIVE!!!  I don't care what just overextend yourself..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Throwing the cat out with the bathwater

So what has happened in the last 24 hours??  Today is realization day.. I got the video project done yesterday, in fact when I wrote the entry yesterday I had just completed the "Golden Heart" video that I said was the last video of the project but it was the third from last as two more semi-ideas were completed and then the door was slammed shut.. The second disc of music videos was set to be burned and completed last night.. I watched the first disc and was happy, however I saw where there was a redundant issue.. Too many of the same idea and two videos that were almost identical but with different audio tracks on them.. Today I set the entries on the flashdrive and there will be five full entries of six videos that will run over the next five months (one a month), and will be preset for whichever Sunday..  Haven't decided which yet.. Thirty of the forty videos will be seen on the PNOP site.. Why not have them over the next five weeks??  Because too much of a good (?) thing might be too much..

Saw the entry on the local radio station about the expansion of Sidney by 800 houses.. Talk about aggressive (BE AGGRESSIVE)  ...  Of course they won't all be built at once (I wouldn't think) because then there will be a quality issue to contend with, and the forthcoming economic crash (supposed)... The plans are for a new hospital (crock but hey)  new police station, new school. and of course that new condo complex which I have said all along probably won't go because people would rather buy a house than a condo and in the big city here there really isn't a true desire to live in a condo setting, and Sidney has so much development spaces for housing unlike bigger cities where condo and apartment   housing is a must (stack the people) where space is very limited..  But it sounds like  a good idea, just not that important to people who have buying a house on their mind.  It would be nice if the houses were the affordable kind.. By affordable I mean work one job and be able to buy the house with everyday living expenses figured in there.. How many people have to work two jobs and have a third money making venture in there as well?? 

So today I will put some of the Christmas stuff up.. All of it will be outside, since today and tomorrow will be nearly 70 degrees, and I thought why wait until the week before December to do this stuff, next week might be chilly (willy) so I think I will get a few things done..  Thinking about getting a string of those white crystal light type of light bulbs for part of the outdoor, maybe the tower.. I checked last night at ten to see if the light on the top of the tower was still lit and it wasn't so, then I thought well then.. But then I remembered the top light is the star light thing, so I might just string the coloured lights again this year.. But whatever  I do if I do the new lights tomorrow it should still be warm enough to do them..

There was a site that was up last year that showed the hottest selling items on Amazon and one of the things that was on there was a massaging cane thing, that I really thought might be a good thing to get, if not for me then for mom.. As I looked at it I saw that there was another thing that might even be better called a Body Back Buddy and it was a thing just like the cane only it had a curve on the other end and all the reviews were good on it, and the price was right at around twenty dollars so that was what I got for Christmas last year and it has been used almost every day on various parts of the old body, from the back to the neck and  just everywhere.. I mention this because up to the day I saw and ordered it I didn't have a clue what to tell mom to get me for Christmas (beyond having my eyes checked later).. I think I ordered it around the nineteenth of December and we got it on the 23rd.. talk about cutting it close.... 

The other day while with mom at the walmart store she looks at something and I had already looked at something else for her but didn't get it.. When she was looking at this thing I was glad I hadn't got what I originally was going to get.. it was obvious when she was looking at this thing why she would want it, and thankfully I was there while she was looking.. Subtle hints and the rare memory click and I was able to get that.. She didn't say she wanted it, but I got it for her anyway.. I want to get more for her.. I hate having three things to open to her one on Christmas morning, so this year I plan to rectify that.. They won't be expensive but hopefully they will be "the thought that counts" type of gifts.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, November 19, 2012

Final infinity or Infinity final

The project started a little over a week ago, is in the final stretch run.. Last night (over night) I burned the first of what will be (hopefully) two discs for these videos.. As I'm looking at them I'm thinking, I went a little overboard as far as the use of certain visuals but.. Hey that's the way it is with me.. The project had no name and was just called J S  after the artist name, then as I went to title the disc I came up right on the spot with "Infinity Video Project"  and that stick.. Stuck  stack   it   was fine..  Then as I'm watching last nights third rock episode I'm thinking how will these run on the PNOP site??  I had originally thought two entries in January/February time frame  (one day each getting maybe five videos each day).. /Then I thought why not spread them out over ten entries (Sundays) which at the time seemed possible what with there being thirty videos, I thought.. Then today I recount and the number right now is 36 videos with ideas for five to seven more.. So that means.. There could be one Sunday a month for the next two years with these videos.. But I think I will do just two Sundays with five each and try to pick the best ten videos.. The project was supposed to last through the last seven weeks of the year but as I've said I tend to get into things heavy and just as quickly I get out of it, so while I'm in the mood.. I'll do them..

Truth is the project was supposed to be "infinite" and might be that way, but the end of Phase one will be "The Golden Heart".. I tried to make it work and for whatever the reason it didn't make sense when it was being put to the final stages (title sequencing and the lot)  but.. I like the song so I decided to just let it be.. It won't make an entry, I wasn't that happy with it although I did make a small file version of it, when it comes to deciding which videos get loaded this one WON'T  (I don't think anyway)..

A possible change coming to the PNOP site:  Well it's been a year (give or take) since I changed the Phudge Nuts site to be custom built and I think a few changes will be done shortly.. A few things that have been a running joke (changing the language on the date and header links)..  A few other things, the preset entries through to the end of 2013 won't change, hopefully I didn't include any election things.. I shouldn't have because they were from stuff I found on the internet and kept for possible emails but.. Remembering when my emails were getting to their destination and changing from the pictures to code.. That was the main reason for starting that site and having it evolve into what it is like today was I couldn't get them to email.. A simple fix really..  

Holiday Hacky sack...  So here it is, the dreaded "Happy Holidays"  are hear again.. I wrote an entry about this time last year about how the holidays are and how I remember them..  Not much has changed. With the exception  of the family growing almost twice as big in one years time.. 

The streaming player delema; The drama that isn't meant to be.. I looked at the youtube playing streaming players and while having youtube might seam important, I think knowing that the player works trumps having an "off" brand player.. So Roku is it.. Winner by a nose..

How about BLACK FRIDAY::  Why black Friday?? More the question should be why black Friday starts late Thursday??  Why bother at all.. Truth is they might have marked things up far enough during the last few weeks that when black Friday comes they are just selling things for the normal price but it sure looks like a deal..

Badge Henry

Friday, November 16, 2012

Lets hear it then

So here it was last night when I got ready for bed, and was waiting for the last video of the night to be converted to the 720p format and when it was done I thought I'd just check  a few videos for ideas for today..  Of course that's a good idea, I loaded a video and saw no idea at that moment, and then tried something I shouldn't have.. A new idea for doing the videos and suddenly there it was.. Three or four ideas that just had to be done that pushed bedtime from eleven to well past midnight again.. I just couldn't stop.. Three ideas and one more that resulted in the video NOT being touched.. Well not much, it was edited just about thirty seconds to fit the music time frame.. Then it was all over, a quick little number.. Then yesterdays first video was just under seven minutes in length and took three hours to finish, more concept and transitions from one "scene" to another and trying to make it seamless.    What I am learning with this program now stuns me, I mean I did some experimental work on earlier videos and the wedding video showed some of that but what I wish I'd known then, I know now..

Late fall weather has got me wondering.. I have no clue what to do as far as watering goes.. I decided last night to spot water from now on but might instead try to water the whole lawn early next week.. And then earlier when I came from the mail I'm looking and thinking I could mow the lawn again, get the leaves mulched in there.. Could that happen??  One more mowing to clean the leaves up??  I might give it a go..

Part of the daylight "drama" as I've called it before stems from the changing of the clocks.. The hour difference makes everything look different.. I was looking at the backyard and it looks so much more different now.. Mostly I think it is the sunlight, with no leaves to cause shade..   Am I watering the lawn to hold on to it being green??  No, that would be a waste of time, the grass will change to it's fall/winter brown even if I water regularly.. What I want is to keep it more readily able to grow full  next spring..

Stopped at a stoplight yesterday I was in front of this big pickup truck, and something caught my eyes.. I kept marveling at the sight in the grill of this truck, never really noticed this sight before.. It was the rear of the car I was in reflected like a mirror ... I thought I should grab my camera and get this picture.. But I'm not sure the guy in the pickup would have liked that...

Badge Henry

Thursday, November 15, 2012

File under thumb

Is it me or did Thanksgiving day jump up a week??  I could swear we still had another week before turkey day.. Wow.. ummm  anyway here we are just about knocking on the "real" holiday season (although I count Halloween as well) and just floored that it is almost here.. Anyway, the search continues for the streaming player, not sure which one I want as the confusion begins to become overwhelming.. I tend to research things until there can be no question THIS is the "IT"  device in all things, as mentioned in an earlier entry no doubt.. So what is the confusion?  I liken this search to the one I did for the right satellite service and I remember going to a Sears store and talking to their "expert" techie guy and asked him some question about the receiver and he told me they are alike from top to bottom, they get the same programming (wrong)  they install the same exact way pointing to the exact same location (wrong). And so now I kinda have the same reservations searching for the right streaming player, I feel like I have to know just about as much as the sales person.. I guess the one thing I am looking for is the player that will give the moneys worth (bang for the buck as they say) and through a reamped up effort I have emailed several sites hoping for that answer that will give me the green light for the player I am after..  Earlier in the summer (yadda  yadda  Sony  yadda  yadda)  (from an earlier entry or two, I won't bore you AGAIN)  but the Sony did look like the clear winner but everywhere I have looked nobody has this player, and then I find out it is discontinued, which could mean a few things of which being grateful that I didn't get one is one of them...  So what am I looking for??  Three separate players that get YouTube as a third draw although it is a main draw since I have an account there and have subscriptions to many   many sites.. The one question I can't get answered is how do these players get YouTube, is it a preset site that these go to, or can I go to my site.. That right now is the stumbling block to getting one of these "not a Roku" streaming players.. But a couple weeks ago I look at Roku just as a lark and damn but these are very attractive because of the immense amount that these can get to.. I'm not even sure my little brother knows about everything that Roku has right now  (600 sites)..  But is more better or even that important.. The Magnavox player that I am nearly set on, I contacted the QVC site and asked what all this gets and I think the person read the box or the page it was on and told me the seven that the page has.. seven.. SEVEN??  Netflix is the greatest draw, Youtube (if I can watch any videos that are on that site, no restrictions) is the second draw and HULU eventually if cable becomes too pricey..  But only seven was a slap in the face with Roku having  world in comparison.. So when I got that response it floored me.. While it does have those two that I want, how much more would I need and then I decided to check the RCA player, the NETGEAR players and see how they compare.. Netgear might be a close second with the Magnavox in first on name alone.. the Netgear players say they have hundreds of sites available but without talking to someone in the know, I won't make my mind up until I have all the information I need to know to make my mind up..  Welcome to my insanity..

Video project almost completed??  Can this be??  Last night I got two more videos completed and am now at the magic 16 level.. Sixteen videos of which ten will be on the blogger site (PNOP) but I was thinking maybe I will try to have the first entry be the weekend of Thanksgiving rather than wait until January for the first one.. I don't want to say this project is done even when it is because I had two ideas hit me yesterday (last night) that saw me want to complete them even though it saw me get to bed by midnight..  One of the ideas was so involved I figured it might take until now to get it completed.. It will take a few hours to complete, and I'm not sure how good it will be..   So why didn't the pink floyd project ever get off the ground??  When I started to acquire video material for this idea it became clear that all the floydian music ideas were taken, and that these videos I couldn't find a feeling that matched the music to the videos that I got in those sessions.. 

That secede situation:  Yeah I found that it has become sort of a movement.. They keep saying "but look at all the red on the map"  and I have said all along that the election comes down to a handful of states, the two guys focused on just a few states and not at all on the others and I have said all along that I wished I felt as charged as they must feel in these other states about the election.. Geez to have my vote courted the way they did for those three or four states, I'd wonder how it would feel to have someone want my vote that bad.. Well the people who want to form their own government should focus on the one that is already there.. try to reform the election somehow.. Or better yet pay more attention to the way things are going in Washington for the next four years and get out the vote, get someone who will work to make this country great again.. But what will happen is the bru ha ha will die down after Thanksgiving and everyone will assume everything is alright in Washington.. I say pay more attention, watch the real news channels (not FAUX NEWS CHANNEL) get on your elected official and make things work.. You want a better country, make it here..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bum fart

So, I did mention that I every now and then listen to this Alex Jones guy on the radio right??  Well I also have his Facebook page on my timeline thing and I watch to see what the next great conspiracy thing that he unleashes on the followers.. His true followers believe in EVERY thing he says.. Last year he was talking about how the black ops were mobilizing in different parts of the country and he would have people calling to tell of seeing these dark trucks and vans and semi-trucks and everything, WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?? they are getting ready to do some sort of crowd control.. Well out here in the sticks what it means is the air force is doing missile maintenance, or something in that realm and that is what it sounds like what they are doing there in other parts of the country..

Then this past Monday, he had a link on his Facebook  with this as the headline :

Obama Reelection Spurs Wave of States’ Petitions to Secede

I read the story, seems there are a few states that have signed petitions to leave the United States.. There are so many things wrong with that idea.. First, these are states that don't have much control over the election.. I would much rather see them petition to change the election process some how..  But here was a response to the letter from Justice Scalia:

  "I am afraid I cannot be of much help with your problem, principally because I cannot imagine that such a question could ever reach the Supreme Court. To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, “one Nation, indivisible.”) Secondly, I find it difficult to envision who the parties to this lawsuit might be. Is the State suing the United States for a declaratory judgment? But the United States cannot be sued without its consent, and it has not consented to this sort of suit."


 At which point there were many suggestions of what this justice really stands for.. Truth is seceding comes up regularly after some elections I'm sure.. What makes them think it would be as easy as just signing a piece of paper??  They think of the declaration that was signed by the forefathers way back when that act could get them killed and guess what, that could happen now.. Are they willing to back up signing this petition with a war???  Yea, well good luck with that.. 


Anyway the amount that this has generated as in news coverage is a gigantic goose egg.. Absolutely nothing that I have seen on any news and that includes (just to give an indicator here) FOX  news (or as I call them FAUX news as in fake or slanted news)  So if the most corrupt news channel hasn't jumped on this story yet, it can't be real beyond the internet/Alex Jones BS show.. That's my opinion such as it is.. 


On a lighter note, I found a couple of shows after looking for the past few months.. Prime Evil is back on after something like two years being off.. I looked for it or news about the series but never heard anything.. Now it is back.. That and Young Apprentice is back.. Last years was pretty cool to watch and that Cira  won and I really thought she might.. This years will hopefully be as good.. I think it was filmed either just before the Olympics or right after and yest it was in London.. The Young Apprentice as well as Apprentice BBC are both by the company that does Trumps show but they are way more better.. I think I've written about this somewhere else..   Both Prime Evil and Young Apprentice are on BBC proper which is to say they neither one are available here in America which is a bummer.. They are available through  other means, we'll just say that and hopefully I will still be able to see them through their conclusion.. I never want to get hooked on these shows like this because at any time i might not be able to get the shows anymore..


Badge Henry 


(P.S. shortly after I set the entry the story about the secession broke via Huffington post.. Something I never thought of was if these people sign the petition to secede then they will be asked to renounce their citizenship and will be exiled.. That sounds good to me, because like I said in four years if a republican gets elected will these states want to be brought back?  You gotta live with the fact that the way we elect leadership has it's flaws.. I didn't particularly like when GWB got anointed  to his first term as president... )

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The frozen tundra

It's a dilemma only in my own mind or maybe not.. It has turned off cold these past two days, enough so that I have thought about increasing the temperature settings on the automatic thermostat by maybe two degrees.. Right now I have the daytime temp set at 74 degrees from about eight in the morning until ten at night when it is set to 60 degrees.. Mom has her complaint about it being too cold and I don't want her walking around the house bundled up as if she were going outside, but I think it might be fine.. She sees the thermometer by the kitchen window showing the temperature outside and inside and where the thermometer is at and it does show what the temperature is right by the window there, it really isn't that cold away from the window.. So yesterday she says she would normally take a shower, but it is so cold she will wait until today to shower with the hopes it warms up.. It is slightly warmer today and I agree it feels kinda chilly in the house but .. of course I'm comfortable in this climate, I was running around outside barefooted  even after he first snow.. I am so tempted to tell her to touch the up arrow on the thermostat and it will set the temp to what it shows but I want to wait until the first gas bill comes in to see if this thing has given her  a better controlled gas bill.. There is a setting on the thermostat that will increase the temperature manually and hold for four hours.. Would that be a good idea or should I reset the temperature two degrees warmer through the next two or three months..  Guess we'll see...

The video project currently being worked on; What is it I am striving for?? Well the videos I have acquired are quite the thing to see, almost all of them are computer generated, and some are just quite odd but... They are very interesting and as I am looking at the videos yesterday I'm having music added in my mind.. The original idea was to try for about twenty videos but there is a little (more than a little) fear of redundancy creeping into the production.. I don't want twenty of the same identical videos with twenty separate songs.. I tried that with a video this past summer, I put a video together and then placed three or four songs over the video and saw which felt more right. and in this case the original idea seems to be working almost every time, only once has the video been changed with the music.. Outreach was the first song in the video project and the video was changed to try to make a second video but the program crashed and I decided it wasn't worth trying to make a second video.. Then last night I added the whole of the last album to the music because I thought I needed it seeing that it is the album that got me started in this guys music..

Trying not to edit the music tracks at all if I can.. Todays first video was a different digital tunnel idea but none of the Jonn Serrie music fit the feeling of the video so I dipped into a TD song that I have used before.. With that in mind I figured this would be one for the "box set" and if the truth be told it isn't  favorite video, but rather just an idea that needed to be done..  How many "new" ideas are left?? well as I said there are at least a dozen videos that were acquired via youtube/bing on video searches (three sessions)  and there were screen savers, hypnosis videos and some other experimental videos as well..  Last night before I turned in I saw a video that was screaming for this idea but when I first started today I couldn't find the video.. Turns out it was just above where i was looking, and to the right a bit.. And so now  "And The Stars Go With You" will be done..  

Tabitha has placed more pictures of her girls on Facebook and I have added them to the future project that will have their pictures in it, not sure what the music will be right now , the song that popped  into my mind while looking at the pictures wasn't the song I had in mind at all but I might try the run through and see if the feeling matches the way I think it should..  She has a series of things she is thankful for and one was being thankful for me running the video camera a lot while her grand dad was alive and I wished I had gotten a lot more than I did, there was ample opportunity to get more video of him but I just didn't, I guess I thought he would live forever, and I would have more opportunities to get video of him..  We (me and mom) went out to the cemetery to place a flag in his flag holder thing, replace the one that was  out there and as we were leaving she said she thinks she misses him more now than ever and I told her I know, SO DO I..  Trust me there are things that I think he would have just gushed about.. Ian, and then the latest two additions to the family.. He would have just been in awe..  He was at his best when there were kids around because that was what dad was about..  And Bob is almost identical to what dad was like..

Badge Henry

Monday, November 12, 2012


Didn't we just take the Christmas tree down like last week??   Is the clock out of control??   And now we will bring the tree back up from it's storage spot.. Trying to remember did we need another string of lights this year??   The one we had on there was so sparse, so many bulbs burned out.. I looked at the walmart and seriously thought about getting a string or two of the old C-9 (the big ones) bulb type and they have them as LED type which when you touch them at the base of the bulb they are cool to the touch, not that regular C-9 bulbs are really hot but they are fairly warm to the touch..  Are these LED type the way to go in the future??  Truth is I have several strings that are still working that we have had for the past three or four years so, I think they are the way to go.. I almost picked up a string of those this past week but then thought I'd wait and see.. Turns out four or five years ago I got a new string of the old C-9 bulb lights and they are still in the box.  As well I have replacement bulbs for the string that was outside on the short pine tree out there and I had it as a holiday tree throughout the year, full red for Valentines day, red white and blue for the summer holidays and orange for Halloween and brown for Thanksgiving..  Ok they don't have brown bulbs for Thanksgiving so they are switched from all orange to the holiday lot for Christmas..  (all green for St. Patty's day)...  So I have enough replacement bulbs for the three strings plus the new, in the box, never been used set.. That answered weather I needed a new string for myself.. However I am still not sure about the actual Christmas tree or not.. I like the old looking lights, the bigger lights although I like them from the old days from when I was little, I remember wishing we could have all the strings be the little twinkly lights when I was little..  Strange how I try to want to turn the clock back to then in that way..

I was looking at some pictures from a Christmas from way back when and we had the old cardboard fireplace up.. The thought of trying to build that after so many years of it not being up.. I can't even remember the last time it was up.. I don't think I was in high school, so it was a LONG ASS time ago..  We (I) did try the old train that mom had gotten for dad way back one year, I brought it up but I just wanted to look at it.. Then there was the old santa ski slope thing.. I tried to put in on the tree and had all sorts of trouble building it and having it work and I think the last time we tried it on the tree was the only time it was on the tree and then we put it on the floor because it needs to be on a fairly level surface.. And last year I did put it on the floor next to the tree but after a little while I took it down knowing there was a little boy that would want to play with it, and might be too rough with it.. It was the same reason we didn't put the train together, it really isn't a toy, and I would have hated to see him tear it up.. Maybe someday when he gets a little older he will understand how to take care of things..  I wouldn't want to see him tear it up not knowing that it was in fact his grandpas train.. I'd like him to understand who his grand dad was and what he was like and about. Without him being around it will be hard to do.. I knew both of my parents parents ( well their dads anyway), both my dad and moms mothers had passed away long before I was born and they both had remarried so my grandma on both sides were step, but I never knew until I got older that that was the case  (highschool or there abouts)... 

So here we are going kicking and screaming into the holiday season again.. Seems like it was just yesterday we had gotten through the bowl games of the new year and bitching about the BCS championship farce.. But to each his own.. Went through the Tebow IS GOD   to Manning will take us to the super bowl feeling this year, if he stays healthy..  And then crapsketball will soon be all there is, YUCK.. can you say yuck!!  No hockey which I never really started to watch again from the first strike that engulfed a whole season and this year could see no hockey... Gee that's just too bad.. Guess we'll have to watch the tiddly wink league.. I could get into that..

Badge Henry

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I love to play Monopoly on the computer.. I remember playing one time on our way to Richfield Utah and being near to losing and  selling everything I had to try to get the properties that I knew would win the game, and sure enough I turned the corner and a while later I did win, but it was a struggle.. Why do I say this about playing this game?  I was thinking how similar the game of Monopoly is to real life.. When I play the game on the computer I have two "people" and let the computer have two or three, with two I have a true ally, MYSELF,  to help get things and play more fairly.. When I play the hand held version I figured out how to win.. The desk top computer version was a different story although very similar I found it hard to get things to go my way.. There is a specific formula to win Monopoly and I try to stick as close to it as possible.. The game follows the same path on the computer version but I always find that the one mistake that I make can haunt my later game stages.. The best thing to do is stay within your budget, where the computer player blows every dollar it has on houses/property..  I like to look at the board and if there is a particular menacing stretch of area to get through then I try to stay at least in the solvent area, enough money to pay the rents, at least until I get to payday or in this case GO..  What is the most interesting is knowing the very few things that help make playing in your favor.. one of the most important things is this.. The number of houses, and the fact that once the last of the houses are bought, there are no more.. And so I play the house shortage game, if you can't evenly build your property to hotels (one house at a time) then as many houses are available is as far as you can go.. Getting to the coveted hotel rent mark can't be reached without all the houses being built first, so even if you have the money to build, you can't just buy the hotels, bypassing the houses.. 

When I have myself in a game recently I tried to control every aspect of the game and could to a certain extent.. The trouble was trying to be fair was a hard thing to be. I had all the railroads, and the right properties to win the game easily, but what I was trying to do was play the game longer, extending it... It now reminds me of the financial situation the country is in.. The one thing about winning in Monopoly is once it is over and you force everyone out, YOU WIN   ..  But in the case of the real world you win by shitting on everyone.. Can our government fix things??   Good question.. Actually I think they could bet it will take the country failing a little first.. And a shitload of threats against he idiot republican/tea party...

Badge Henry

Friday, November 9, 2012

...on second thought

A change of philosophy as it pertains to the lawn care this winter.. Last Tuesday was the last time I will mow this year... maybe.. And I say maybe because the weather will totally determine if I mow again, likely I am done mowing.. The mower is folded up (as I do every year since getting the new mower and the shed to store it in), however it takes little effort to unfold it an go a mowing again.. What would make me mow again??  The grass would need to grow enough to need mowing, seems like an easy one there but there are reasons to NOT mow anymore.. The grass would need to be uniform in it's growth, not just here and there tall which I would expect it to grow that way, with some of it in more direct sun now more than anytime during the true growing season.. I have an uncle who might mow his lawn until just before Christmas and then not have to start mowing again until late January, or course he lives in a bit warmer climate..

Also there is the watering situation.. Last year (and every year prior to that) I stopped water completely shortly after my last mowing (end of October) and don't start watering until May (the old April showers bring May flowers saying being the reason not to water).. However last year, this past winter season in early March, I witnessed someone watering their lawn and all I could think was what a waste of water no matter how little or lot they did water.. But there again I have changed my thinking since we never really did get any rain enough this early spring, late spring, early summer or for that matter EVER.. So as long as the weather stays fairly mild I will water the lawn.. The biggest problem is watering the whole lawn takes six hours (12 minutes times each move every other day).. I water different since the last mowing going to a ten minute every move once a week..  As long as the weather stays relatively warm I will water this way once a week, but there is a problem, six hours a day to water the whole lawn is the majority of the daylight and of those hours it is the later three or four that are warm enough to water.. So I can water the front taking slightly more than an hour to water.. The back takes two days to water.. Two days of that nice of weather may not happen in the next three months.. Or maybe they will.. The weather has really changed in the past five years..

Yesterday I found something out, well found out a few weeks ago but tried it yesterday.. One of the video downloading programs I use to get videos from YouTube updated recently, and sometimes updates are for the better, and sometimes they aren't.. This update was for the.. better by a lot.. Here's why.. While I found out it will download from a few more sites, it was one that got my attention that made me think of things completely different.. I had been getting a few shows via torrent and that is good but also dangerous as hell.. Yesterday after getting more videos for the next music video project I thought I'd give it a try and see if it would download from a site it said  it would.. Went to HULU to see if it would get a show.. Turns out IT WILL..   How might this make me watch shows I want to but can't get around to it??   Not sure.. The idea of having a dvr or that service from dish network, where you can download a full night of shows from all four networks.. Sounds like a toy to have except for one thing, I can't find anything to watch.. There really isn't anything that interests me enough to even set my old vcr..

This Sundays music entry will be a tribute to my dad.. Trying to remember what he used to listen to, should be interesting to do..

The new music video project started yesterday and having so many video material to choose from is somewhat overwhelming.. The three sessions to acquire the video were interesting, with the third  being the most productive..  I'm learning more and more of how to do the videos and trying to time the change from one feeling in a song to another, and trying to have the visuals match the music ideas.. As I watch the videos and try to fit this with that I will more than likely end up with more videos than I will use on the entry and will either have two or more or just pull the best of the project and save the rest for the "box set"....

Badge Henry

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Back to normal

Is it better to have a president be reelected or to try something new midstream??   During a recovery from one of the worst recessions we have ever had since the great depression  I can't say that we should be even better off now than we are, it would be nice if things were better.. Maybe they will get better over time.. All I know is that the amount of money that was spent on this election was astounding..  Way over the top, and it will be worse next time..  What I think made me disillusioned in the voting process enough back when I stopped voting was .. well several things I think.. One was the money they spent trying to court your vote (I wonder how much each vote that was cast cost)  and also the electoral college, it just seems hardly fair that a small hand full of states determines who our next president is.. It really makes you feel like your vote doesn't count..

Anyway I did vote.. Or I should say I think I did.. I haven't voted in a general election in ..  A while.. not this century anyway, and maybe not since Clinton was in.. Not sure how long it had been.. Anyway my name wasn't on the roll sheet there so I had to do a provisional ballot..  but as I was voting I had the recall of why I stopped voting..  I wish things were different for voting, but they aren't and won't ever be.. I'm not sure what would be better, the electoral college is so out dated but might be what keeps our elections from being completely corrupted..

Ten or more videos acquired via YouTube yesterday and I gotta tell you...  They are good and should make the project I'm starting on look better than I thought.. They are hypno videos.. But I am trying to look closely at the video portion for subliminal messages and can't see any.. Usually if there is messages you can sort of see them.. So it is the video that I want for these songs, and they will be clipped to use that way rather than run them to continue from start to finish.. I used one of the videos on a song already and while I watched it on dvd, and couldn't stop watching, I don't think it hypnotized me.. Hold on just a second...  

Sorry .. I'm back.. I had to go cluck like a chicken...  Just joking there.. But seriously, I listened to the music for the video project last night  got a good idea what songs I will be using.. Start to put the project together in the next few days/weeks for an entry in early January or   well in the first part of the new year..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  Just a little while ago mom asks to go to the cemetery to place a flag and I say yes.  She then says it would appear neither of the other two guys will be down today at all to which I said why would they be down.. And she said because of the eighth anniversary of dads death.. I told her that was yesterday.. She seemed poised for an argument but gave in.. I think she might have realized I was right but will find out when we go out.. I don't have to go out to the cemetery, I have a picture (several in fact) of the headstone.. I wasn't sure the year, but it was eight years ago because I remember it was a few days after GWB getting reelected so do the math and it would beeee  uummm     duhh  ...  Well I give up on that one but you know.. )

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Every now and then I bravely go where I rarely have gone before and by that I mean I pick up the remote control and see if there is something better on and during this past election season you could count on a ninety second barrage of Mitt & Obama approved horseshit to look for something.. I found BRAVO network and it's apparent staple real housewives shlock.. Not impressed by this turdtastic programming, I stopped and thought  there are those who do watch this.. Too bad you can't vote them off or maybe you can, I didn't stay through enough to find out.. It was a loud show..     A couple years ago I was flipping around and found  a show called Gold Rush Alaska and it was nearing it's final first run.. I watched the whole damn series in marathon form, with the show being on Discovery they run the weeks previous show, and in this case the day of the final episode they ran the entire series.. I got hooked, and so this year (spoil alert,  not really just speculation) I have watched as they have their two claims getting ready to be mined and unlike the first year they had a soil test to see how far down the pay dirt is.. They found it really shallow but guess what?? They were on the wrong land, theirs was a few plots over and the survey found that the pay day dirt was way beyond where they thought it could be to be mined..   My feeling is (and this is just me) they will get that first few plots or find out that it was the area they were supposed to mine and they will mine it and make tons of money because as the previews for this season have said someone hits the mother lode, and the first survey on those plots showed very much gold to be had..  That or the Dakota boys hit it rich..

Watched the Pawn Stars Monday night, and the boys are headed to Sturgis and Rick stopped on the way at a antiques  shop just to see if there was anything to try to get.. He saw a samari warrior  head gear thing and told the guy it was priced much too low and told him the history behind it.. Then he said how much would you want for it and they haggled to an acceptable price.. Anyone who has seen Pawn Stars knows the gag that when someone brings something into their store they want one price and end up getting quite another..   They end up at Sturgis and then the fun begins.. Quite an interesting sideshow, I didn't know what they would do to make it interesting, but they did..

Monday I wasn't planning to start the work on a video project but then I played a song and it just got me in the mood instantly.. The song is called Sunday Morning and it just hit me just right.. So I started to get the pictures set for this video but didn't have a clue what to type in the Google images search bar, so I just typed that, "Sunday Morning"  and the pictures fit the song that I was listening to PERFECTLY..  So Tuesday will be spent getting the songs set for the project, having nearly a hundred songs to chose from and getting that number whittled down to what I hope will be less than twenty and then seeing what ideas come for those songs..  One of the pictures I wanted turned out to be a video on the vimeo site.. I always have trouble getting video from there but not this time and as it turns out that video yielded several pictures instead of just the one..

This Thursday will be the first "new"  weekday entry to be done on PNOP since October seventh.. (the music entries are done about the week of the entry just in case there is a theme that evolves) and I checked and I do have them alternating on what might be the Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule through November and I think there are six entries preset for December.. January was a bit heavier set but then February is a light month and March through the end of next year are almost Friday only entries.. This will give me at least an assured one entry per week through the end of 2013.. I now have enough  stuff to put 45 entries at 15 oddities per entry,  but I think I will wait and see how they look..  Not sure what to do there. Maybe another evolution to something else.. Not sure..  

Badge Henry

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

THE TITLE IS YOURS (for a price)

I just want to make it clear, I am for the American dream, voting for who you want elected should come down to just a very small number of things.. Character being  part of the measure, how do the candidates stack up.. When Romney first started to run last year he was running against the most disjointed lot of thuggery the republicans could muster and don't even think we can forget this party actually had Donald Trump as a front runner in the polls at one point.. Bachmann was the straw poll winner in Iowa (remember that??).. Herman Cain was a front runner before his zipper caught up with him (he couldn't keep it up)..  Romney said so many outrages things in the debates before the primaries.. Then at the presidential debates he reversed flow and sounded very presidential.. Trouble is he had said one thing up to and including the convention, then shook his etch a sketch and reversed into the less extreme while Obama hasn't changed what he has been saying since... Forever.. Maybe that is what is wrong.. I was thinking maybe these politicians should just say "if it will get me elected I will do it"  and both of them run that way, then it just becomes  a popularity contest.. Who has the better hair, who has the fastest car... Sounds like high school doesn't it??

There's a part of me that wishes Romney would win, let's go back to the way things were when GWB was in there.. Things were better.. You know they were, right after he took office things were better back then.. Of course they were ridding on the wave of success of the Clinton administration, until the don't know what I'm doing republicans got busy screwing things up again.. I've always said it takes the two party system to make this country work.. The republicans screw it up and the democrats fix it..  But my feelings are that everyone wants things to be like they were with Bush and so if Romney gets elected more than likely things will get better shortly before they get much worse.. Romney will more than likely try to screw it up so bad that there will be no recovery possible EVER!!    When Obama fist got into office he started working to fix things before he took the oath.. Bush was gone, he went fishing regularly and was gone the last year of his presidency...  He had no idea what was going on or how to try to fix it.. Give it to the next president.. Rush Lumbar was talking on his show he hoped that president Obama would fail and to me that meant he wanted the country to fail.. Thats US... Now they are saying the same thing, they are saying if Obama gets reelected that they will work as hard as they can to make him fail, and all I have to say to that is if the country fails, the economy and so forth, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.. Maybe if the economy failed then we would have to adopt a new monetary system.. Maybe everyones money would be worthless (kinda the way it is now).. Maybe the rich would only be able to use all those millions and billions to wipe their own asses with.. Maybe everyone starts at square one and is equal, the richest of the rich on equal with those on skid row.. That would be justice served for screwing this once great country into the ground..

I am maybe the most cynical where it comes to voting.. Although it is a false look to it to me because of the electoral college, it serves it's purpose.. Imagine, however, if the election was a true majority rule, where your vote really does count, I think the voter turn out would be huge..  Imagine as well if it was a general vote and your vote was courted the way it is in three to four states how that would change the way the candidates ran.. Imagine them having to treat every state EQUALLY..   What would they say??  Would they have amended  the electoral process?? Move the election from Tuesday to Monday or Friday and had it be a holiday..  Imagine if nearly ninety percent of the population that was eligible to vote actually did..    All I've really got to say is if it is important to you to vote then VOTE  but don't let people tell you it is unamerican to not vote.. People went to wars to give you the right to do either thing.. Vote   don't vote, it won't matter, it's your right to do.. what you want to..  If you do vote and you are one of those "undecided voters"  don't forget your coin.. 

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I was watching a video on Youtube yesterday that had Romney have a meltdown over his religion and in the comments a guy (person) wrote "well if he screws up we can always get rid of him (recall him)"  and  I started to reply to his comment; really you think it is that easy?  for one thing even if it were easy to get rid of Willard, we would still be stuck with his VP Ryan and he's no better or different so just to let you know  vote for who you want for four years, he isn't an i-pod that you can get the next model next year and toss the old one in the trash... It's a four year commitment for either.. Four more years of what I think will be a better economy or  get Romney in there who could change his mind depending on which way the wind is blowing..   )

Monday, November 5, 2012


Have you ever had one of those dreams where it felt so real that you could swear it was??  Waking up in the morning feeling like it happened the day before and things were really that way??   I had a dream the other night that Obama had won the election, it was closer than anyone thought it would or could be.. Decided like Bush 2000 with the judges and counting chads and shit (hanging chads, you bastards)  and so I felt good..  Then I get this email from Cracked and it has this article of pre election predictions and it is kinda funny to read a few of them.. One was the Redskins (NFL football team in D.C.) that if they win the Sunday before the election then the sitting president will get elected, but if not he will lose and there will be a change of party.. The team they played today were the Carolina Panthers who have this way of sucking.. I thought easy win.. Then they played and LOST*... Oooh boy, well it looks like that one is over.. Hopefully but.. I am looking at the reality and I'm figuring Obama will lose.. On my other site (PNOP) I put these words on Wednesdays entry "Congratulations president Obama on being reelected.. NOW GO FIX IT!!"  Guess we'll see if I have to change that..

Back earlier this summer I  was in the local Walmart looking for something and came across the streaming players (Roku and the like) and found what I thought was THE streaming player that I wanted.. The Sony streaming player was just what I thought I wanted.. Perfect in that it streamed Netflix, and potentially so many other services as well as Youtube... Then as the summer rolled on I kept looking at it and was so tempted to just pull one off the shelf and get it and justify it by getting rid of digital cable, but then that became my plan.. I would check the rest of the summer and fall and see how much I actually watch the digital part of the cable service.. And in the mean time I went into walmart and checked to see if this player remained there figuring if it got too close I would pull one off early and either lay it away or...  And through July I watched the number of this player go from six to three and then the first of August the magical number hit.. And I wasn't there to pull it.. The number hit zero.. None, no more of those and so I thought we'll see how long it takes for them to get this model back.. And August turned to September, to October, and now to November and the holding spot where that player was is gone now.. They WON'T be getting it back ever.. And yet it is available at Target.. But when they aren't available it makes me wonder if there was a problem.. Was there a recall??  no, they are still on several sites and back in early September when we were where a Target store is I looked and there was a Sony player there.. So what gives??  I Saw it at another Walmart in another town so I figure the local walmart is pushing the Blue Ray players with the streaming player as part of the package..  But I don't want blue ray (I have said there really is little difference between the two blue ray and regular dvd)..  and think that streaming is the future of everything, although not yet able to replace cable completely..

So in the last few days I started to look for a streaming player on the internet and have found me gravitating to a magnavox model that does everything the sony does except play files on the flash drives, and while that is one of the most attractive things on the Sony player, there was no mention of how well this part of these players works, making me a little leery of their ability to play that stuff.. So the Magnavox moved to the front of the line with all the services I want on it except for the USB 2.0 ability.. Then the other day I played a review that some guy put on Youtube about the Roku player.. And suddenly Roku got a look and serious see.. It has everything on it except Youtube and that was the main factor of me saying no to Roku.. But the guy went through all of these services (channels if you want) and I thought maybe there was enough there to cancel out the youtube desire.. So many other video sites are out there, maybe there are enough to overshadow the lack of youtube being available.. It moves on to the list but remains number three.. If they suddenly offered Youtube I wouldn't hesitate and get one, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.. It is what sets these apart, kinda like dish network and directv satellite services, if they were identical there wouldn't be a very big difference at all.. they would have the identical services (channels proper) then the only real difference would be the hardware (receivers and the lot) which is nearly no difference right now anyway.. I hope to have an idea by the time we make a trek to do the first X-mas shopping trip.. I'm not looking forward to that, the first christmas shopping trip.. Seems like the trips we made last year the people caught on to what is the best time to shop and that is week days not weekends.. Now I'd rather shop from the computer..

The second thing I have to decide on rather quickly here is weather to reacquire McAfee or to ditch it and get something else.. I've heard nothing but bad things about McAfee since getting it about this time last year.. Also I don't think we need the "total protection" version because I don't see where the majority of the services are needed.. The online protection I can see but all the everything makes me wonder.. Last time the total protection was about to lapse every link I touched sent me to a porn site.. It wasn't a true porn site, it was a fabricated porn site set by McAfee to make me want their services.. I knew it was that way and how I figured it out was when I got the new Total Protection, that stopped right then.. That shouldn't have stopped just that easy..   But now I am shopping for a different service and will have to get one set by the 26th, that is when this program runs out.. It might be easier to just get McAfee and not worry about it..  I will wait and see if they have a great offer like last year, actually last year I negotiated a price that I wanted to pay and they said fine.. Maybe that will happen again this year but I doubt it.. I have seen a few programs I would like to see about.. I'll have to check a few sites.. Just like the streaming player, I will research until I know what I want..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I don't remember there being this much...  well  BULL SHIT in the last election.. Today, just a little while ago I read a few things and they have Romney hiding some bailout funds (up to over a hundred million dollars) in his wifes savings or checking account to save from getting taxed.. Then there is the voter machines that Romneys sons have bought..   It makes you want to SCREAM!!  this election might be Americas last...)

(* And if Obama wins reelection I think you have to credit it with the fact that while the Redskins could predict the election, you have to chalk it up to the fact that Shanahan is just a coach that is quickly coming to be out of his depth as far as coaching  now.. )

Sunday, November 4, 2012


How screwed are we??  Let me count the ways.. No matter who gets elected this Tuesday the chances are very high we are headed for some incredibly hard times shortly.. A lot of things are coming due at almost the same time as the old saying goes "we don't want to saddle our children with this  debt"  and I kept saying we won't, they will be just like us and keep saying that the same way it has been said for the past... however long it has been.. Well that might be about to come to an end.. I was watching a show on PBS and it scared the hell out of me and it's mind boggling to watch and hear.. I couldn't watch it anymore than the ten minutes I did.. Scary stuff and it will happen in the next year.. So if Obama gets reelected or Romney lies his way in then.. We are gonna go through it no matter what..

Speaking of Romney, if he gets elected what does that say about the moral fabric of our country??  It's ok to lie if it gets you what you want??   I mean if kids see this and every news channel (except FOX) are calling him out and some are just flat out calling him a liar, kids see this shit and don't think they don't pay attention...    Like I've said about a year ago I remember the preprimary debates they had and all the outrages BS they were saying and all I could think was I can't trust any of these people...

I was listening to the Alex Jones (conspiracy theory guru) radio show yesterday and he was talking to a guy who was saying that when the US roles on Iran (like they've been saying will happen next week for the past three years now) that they fully expect trouble from either China or Russia and that they will use tactical nukes on Iran (the U S will) which will result in either Russia or China doing a limited strike against the United States and I'm listening to this crap and all I can think is this guy sounds so matter of fact.. Like no big deal, a limited nuclear strike against the United States would result in population control..  Guess what Alex, it wouldn't take but ten nukes on the United States to render the country almost uninhabitable you BONE HEAD...  The size of the bombs aren't what we used in Japan, they are GINORMOUS...  Big mother monkeys you don't want that shit unleashed here... What total insanity his show really is..

It's  hard to not repost (share) election stuff on Facebook.. But it's time to move on.. Either we will be alright with Obama or questionable with Bush  .. Err I mean Romney...

Badge Henry  

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Something happened today that was a first for me.. A proud moment indeed.. I bought my first beer today, a six pack.. I was totally lost in the liquor store when looking for beer, I didn't even know where it was kept.. Turns out they keep it in the fridge to keep it cool.. I looked all over at the selection not knowing what to get.. It all tastes the same to me, kind of a cross between piss & puke..  Yea I have bought alcohol in the past but it was just that ..  Whiskey (bourbon)  and vodka were my main poison and drink that I could.. Last summer while my uncle was here I got a bottle of pop and took it up and emptied a good lot of it, to the point where when I put vodka in there I was afraid it was so pale everyone would ask why it was that way.. Nobody did, they never suspected a thing (I never let on that I was drinking anything).. The first drink took me back to my junior year in high school when we were decorating for prom and the class sponsor had some vodka in his car and let a few of us partake and I did, a little too much but it made decorating for prom that much more fun that night..  First drink that night was mostly vodka, very little pop.. Same as last summer but in the case of last summer it really didn't change when the level went down a bit.. It just stayed almost strait vodka...    Anyway, yeah I bought that beer and told the guy that was ringing it up that and he said "buying for someone else?"  and I told him it was for a recipe and he started talking about different things to cook with beer & wine.. I would have loved to gotten some ideas from him but he got busy shortly after giving me my change so...

I found  a coin in the change the other day and wondered what it was.. I mean the writing on it looked either Russian, Ukranian or Polish so I scanned it and put the picture of it on Facebook and asked if anyone knew what this was and two people knew.. Patrick Rad (Radchiak)(?)  and Lucy.. She said it is Polish Zloty.. And so I look it up on Google and it is by way of it's size it is smaller than the American dime but it is worth a little more.. Actually a bit more.. The exchange rate as of today was just over 31 cents but at it's best in 2008 it was fifty cents.. Imagine having that good of an economy compared to our own.. Ten cents equals fifty in another.. I've heard where a guy moved to Poland because the economy was that much better there...

Badge Henry

Friday, November 2, 2012


I started working on Sundays music entry earlier today and finished it as well a few hours later, not knowing what direction it would follow (being written Thursday evening).. After starting the original idea I got sidetracked with the "gotta check the new programs" need.. I rechecked the browsers and deleted most of the new.. I wanted a stable browser and have decided to just stick with FF for now.. However I did email the guys at Chrome and hope to have an answer shortly about a situation and if it is resolved I might go ahead and resume using that browser here some full year after swearing never to trust that piece of shit again.. I can give it a go again especially if they answer with a positive situation..  if not I will continue use of the FF browser (Firefox = FF)..

Back to the music videos, the first video was done by me pretty quick and there might be a mistake or two in it but I wanted to try a quickie and see if I could actually do one.. The music video that I am starting to work on for a "future music entry" as mentioned on an earlier entry, that almost got blown wide open as the video started to come together and I was just blown away.. The song "Outreach" is such an amazing starting point and all I could think is if this is how easy this is going to be then...  But I needed to pull out of that and get Sunday's entry done.. Sunday's entry is a cross between a regular entry and Halloween, and as I said in the entry I wasn't sure where the Halloween entry should be, before the day or after.. And since I forgot last Sunday, this Sunday was chosen by default..

I am looking for a way to join music tracks and thought DJ (mixer) programs were what I should try to use. Turns out those aren't what I needed, but since I knew Lucy is doing that type of thing, I thought I'd try to send at least one of them to her.. Kind of a reach out peace offering. She thanked me for it.. That was nice.. Hey, it's a start..  

Loaded the music for the video project mentioned earlier and in another entry.. A full on instrumental project by an artist that I really like and will try to get the videos done.. Since there is no set date I feel little pressure to get it going, however I do want it done by late January so I want to get it started.. The next few music entries are going to be sort of themed so that should be easy to complete that way. And the two or three music entries after the  start of the new year are going to be interesting.. First will be the Jonn Serrie entry.. He does a lot of space type of music and I am going to get a good half dozen videos at least.  Then there is that Oblivion soundtrack turned video.. The Oblivion project will be a mix tape (disc) and will be an interesting go of it.. and then there is .. Well the one that got away, or keeps eluding me.. Every time  I think I have the idea it leaves me..

I'm getting ahead of myself ... 

Badge Henry