Thursday, June 30, 2016

The end for is very near..

Video drivers and other malfunctions are starting to signal the end for this computer.. The likely end for this computer will also be the end of this and every blog I do entries on as well as Facebook and YouTube.. I have no prediction when the end will be but if I had a guess..  Tomorrow.. Just joking, but it could be any time now.. The computer locks, goes black screen then comes back with a blue screen with a message about a dump or something to that nature.. Anyway last time this started happening regularly I reinstalled windows 7 and then a week or so later gave windows 10 a shot..  That almost lasted a month and that would have meant my computer would be a dead computer because there was almost no returning back.. Would I try to go back to 10 now.. Highly unlikely..

The other day I was messing with the music on the computer and I wasn't sure if editing was better with i-tunes or a windows program so I started with itunes and then switched to windows media player.. That worked really well, I know I had double and triple songs and so deleting the doubles and triples was what I was after.. Got it down by quite a ways and then.. Well itunes would be the main player, and itunes doesn't automatically delete what isn't there.. So I started to do the long task of deleting tracks but.. As is the case with me I wanted a quick fix.. So I'll delete the program, that should fix things..  Trouble is you can't delete itunes, it is nearly impossible to do..  I tried to delete it in the control panel, that didn't work.. So I did the next best thing, I got into where the program was and deleted from there.. This is.. Well to call it  huge mistake is putting it mildly..  It might be the cause of the crashing the computer is doing now.. That is how much this program is attached to your computers goings on..  I found a program to delete in the right order the different things that need to be deleted..  Now I got rid of everything.. I found an earlier version of i-tunes.. In fact I found the very earliest version of itunes, the very first run.. Why get it??  Well my feeling is with this as well as every program I use is if it goes to shit, get the earliest version... Quite possibly there was some code or a dll. that is needed that went sideways with the latest version and it will work better this way.. The earliest version of itunes won't work with the newer version of windows.. It might work only in windows '98..   The latest version seemed out, so I went with itunes ten, it had the windows 64 framework and that seemed very important to get it to not just install correctly but to run.. Got it installed correctly right up until the restart the computer to finish the install process.  After the restart it wouldn't finish the final step in the install..  Guess there is now itunes for me.. but just to try it, let's get rid of everything, so I started that program to get rid of the itunes garb in the order it says to.. So five or so steps later, itunes is GONE.. Redownload it again this time the latest version, will it work this time??  Highly unlikely, why would it.. Well it did, works just like before which isn't saying much.. But it was like brand new right??  No.. It's like four hours after the fact that same day.. Doesn't have the songs that I deleted off of there.. So now what.. Well it might seem easy to fix that. There are programs that will clean itunes for you, but why isn't this built into itunes??  It is easy to keep itunes clean when you get rid of two or three songs here and there, but when you do a hundred or two it becomes a pain in the ass... So today I deleted all the music.  Every song. GONE... Oh that's drastic, you will have to reload all the songs again..You haven't been paying attention, I have a flashdrive full of the songs that will be reloaded onto the computer..   The exact reason I did the flashdrive this way is just in case the computer took another shit, I would have that backed up.. In fact there is nearly nothing on this computer of importance..  Every program is backed up on  a external drive.. Every picture, every video, every scrap of important shit of any kind is backed up on an external drive.. It's not cloud drive.. it's MY DRIVE..    My way, ever since the windows XP took a dump, I have been doing it this way..  MY WAY..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wait a minute... hold on there...

We were just sitting outside on the deck watching nothing in particular and i'm watching the clouds to the south there.. What was that??  Seriously clouds form and dissipate like this all the time.. sort of.. This looked like a jet trail so it wasn't that unusual...  But this was strange in that is formed, then was there for a minute then disappeared, and I watched it..  Was that a freaking ufo???  More than likely not but it sure seemed ufolike.. not that I see them regularly..  But I do have a tendency to look at the sky, watch things that appear and then disappear just like that...    Was that a straight line cloud??  Do they make such a thing???

Badge Henry

A forth of July Tale

I seem to say the same story every year about the forth of july and a friend that would take the money from watching the place while we were gone on vacation and blow it all on firecrackers..  He was the firecracker kid, but strangely if no one else had any it was only fun to have some for a short while.. I remember him lighting one at a  time and then shooting the rest of a package.. Was he bored or what?? Well anyway, yesterday I heard firecrackers being shot off and I thought of the old days.. We would go into the drugstore and that's where they were sold, fireworks I mean.. How smart is this.. Back when i was in grade school they had fire works for sale, they had a no smoking sign there by the sales rack.. Then there were booths where my dad and his friends would sit, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes...   Strangely enough it wasn't until the nineties before they stopped this and made her move the fireworks out of the store.. You can't have smoking in the same building as fireworks.. But anyway back when I was little we would bother dad for a quarter for some fireworks.. that's right 25 whole cents would buy you the same size package as $1.40 will now... And also get you a punk.. You had to buy two punks because they were half a penny each..  Me and my older brother and his friend would have firecracker wars.. We had this old greyhound bus (kids ask your parents what that is) and it was an old cast iron thing, we'd light the fuse and then try to time it out to where the cracker would blow up as it arrived next to the target, less there be a return trip from whence it went..  Those were good times..  Good and dangerous, to a certain extent..  Then the time down at the post office, there seemed to be an open dare for that one kid who did stupid shit like this, putting a smoke bomb in the outgoing mail box outside the post office.. And it never seemed like anyone would be dumb enough to do such a thing.. Then one year it happened.. The kid that likely did it was the post masters son...  but it could have been someone else.. I wasn't there when it happened...    Old fireworks are always fun.. My mom had some old ones and my older brother got to shoot them off.. They were called rat chasers and they chased anything even when they were brand new.. These went everywhere..  Well this year we have a box of old fireworks that I got last year for my nephew to shoot off on the forth of July at night.. But the neighbors were shooting off fireworks and they started around three in the afternoon and even the night ones were being shot in the afternoon.. I thought, well they must be gonna go elsewhere later so they were shooting these off when they were so they could leave.. But as day turned to night they kept on firing them off and I got the box ready for my nephew to shoot them off but we were enjoying the neighbors show that I put ours back in the closet.. We'll shoot them later.. Or maybe new years eve..  Which didn't happen.. So this box might get shot off this 4th. Or they won't...  depends... On what??   I dunno..

Badge Henry

Sunday, June 26, 2016

When boobs attack

 So it seems it could be construed as an us against them type of attack..  or more to the point a me versus them type of thing, or more to the point, me, being right, against the, being with their opinion being not right, nor wrong but more not right...    I'm talking mostly about my uncle and his he is right and I'm likely off the rails wrong in his book.. And he might very well have a point but here's the thing.. Obama's presidency is all but over as you can nearly count the days until he is out of office.. And I am glad to see him go mostly for the shitty way he has been treated from day one.. He has gotten a lot done but could have done more if the congress he was saddled with had any balls or desire to govern..

 You have so many memes against Obama and a few for him... Truth is I voted for the lesser of two evils in the last election, an election Obama won in a landslide...  My vote might not have counted, I have no true idea but when you live in a backwards state that has not voted progressively in... Oh I don't know.. EVER..  It was more for my peace of mind than knowing my vote mattered anyway..  But here is the kicker.. The ticker...  The thing that gets me is while he puts anti-Obama things on, he wants him impeached NOW and for him to be gone now.. He can't wait until January...  He puts shit that makes sense to him on Facebook, and I counter with positives about Obama and he really doesn't like it, and the thing is I really don't care..  When Hillary takes over and gets progressive thinking judges in the supreme court, the shit is going to hit the fan and then you will see a very vast difference in the way people think about Obama, the man who took everyones guns away from them,  only in their nightmares...

I'm all for the second amendment, I just think they should get some laws passed and make it to where if you want to buy a gun that it takes more than a fortnight to get one.. I think it should take background checks, education like the old gun safety courses they used to have...  Take some time, get to know what the gun you want can do.. Is it a gun that is offensive or defensive.. There's a difference??  
You don't need a gun.. The last time I thought "I sure could use a gun right about now" was last week and it was because a bluebird was bothering our cat.. I wasn't after a cannon but rather something that would bring the bird down for a cat to meal on it...

And so my feeling about the Brexit situation is they bought it, they should own it.. Instead most of the people who voted for it are claiming ignorance.. "We didn't know what we were voting for..""  What??  Really???  You people there in Britain don't know how to read??  Can't work a computer.. HAVE NEVER HEARD OF GOOGLE???   This makes them on equal with as stupid and ignorant as republicans  most Americans??   Seriously and then Sarah Palin makes the comment well we need to pull something like a brexit thing here in America...  Alrighty then, what are we supposed to exit from, the EU??  Britain???   Um..  Read the declaration of Independence ...  We've already been there.. WE'VE ALREADY DONE THAT...    Go figure...

Badge  Henry

(P.S.  Mostly what I mean on the memes that I post on FB is to rile up the republican love affair people.. (Our way do or die)  and that includes guns because they can just not see a full on guns guns GUNS  society..  We're going to have to try another way and it's going to have to be sooner than later.. I've said it before and I will repeat myself here, if the gun loving second amendment thumping gun lovers don't get ahead of this shortly the second amendment will be dicked with by the government and you won't even be able to recognize it when they are done with it..  Background checks are the least of the things they could try now.. If it were up to me you would have to invest a full year of hoop jumping before you could buy that gun you have a hardon for..  And that is nothing.. Some people want your ability to get a gun be something you have to aply for while literally in the womb..

I poke fun at these people and will step up my game over the last few weeks, i was going to chill, but I think rubbing these people is what they need..  )

Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Stab at reality ... Failure..

Here's another one for you, found this one on a certain GOP lovin relatives facebook page...  Basically they are making fun of Obama's statement of this is not who we are..  Well in this case I can only imagine Obama was talking about the gut violence that seems almost predictable anymore.. In fact the week that Orlando shootings happened I woke up Monday morning feeling something was going to happen by the end of that week.. I didn't know what or where it would happen but something was going to happen.. It should be an easy prediction that it will be a shooting of some sort.. That's almost the easiest thing to predict anymore...  This meme about "you are so far away from who we are you don't have a single clue."  And the sad truth is he is far away from who we as a nation are, because he sees a decent country full of good people, but that is quickly becoming not to be the case.. He sees us as a very decent people for the most part, willing to help our neighbors in a crisis...  But as far as being good to each other it really seems to be going away from us.. When I am at a train crossing and there is a train crossing and it take a long time to get the train across, I don't get to bumper to bumper to keep anyone from a side street in, I generally am trying to keep a car length open so I can wave someone into the flow of traffic.. It seems like a decent thing to do.. Why do this??  Even when I was working I could see people needing into the flow and would let them in.. There is nothing more helpless of a feeling than to look at a fifty car line and think you might have to invoke asshole privileges to get into the flow..   People need to be nicer, just a little..  Help your neighbor even if you don't know if they are from your town or your state...  They are your neighbor...

Badge Henry 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Mass message to

For those who read this blog and watch videos on the other blog, and are thinking what video is a song I've heard before.. Or demo of a song... Well.. SORRRRRY   but I am trying to think of the right video material to use.. the song is quite short and sappy but I can't find the subject matter to use..   I'll Google sappy pictures today and get it put together and upload it and put a message "see this is the sappy song demo..."  And you will all say so what...  Like you always do..   Oh and what about that X rated video, bet that was a farce??  Well... It's uploaded to that video site where all the music videos are, and I changed my mind, it will be seen by the end of this month..  So sometime between now and midnight on the final day of the month you will get to see it... All three (two.. two versions.. The third is identical to the first but has a small adjustment to the credit sequence therein making it not needing to be seen...  )    So like I said fair warning.. It is seriously cool to me but that isn't to say it won't offend people who will watch it..   Dismemberment is never looked upon in the humour for which it is intended.. Unless it is real life then I agree, that's just nasty shit right there...

Badge Henry

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

31 days.. give or take

So it has taken about a month to get the music from various places, discs from all over the place, my bedroom, the basement...  And those spools of dvd full of music and the repeats that are likely there.. Actually I know they are there..  A 32 (29) GB flashdrive that is nearly full and backed with a SD card that isn't full but has music that needs to be run through.. Then there is that question looming, if it all won't fit at 128kbps why not take it down to the next setting??  Truth is that would be fine but there is a part of me that wants this to be quite listenable and not be shitty.. So this needs to be the cutoff.. Also a lot of the music I was getting from the dvd discs is stuff that I already have.. Just cleaned up because it is from disc and gotten from a place where you used to could get music fairly easily.. (wink wink)  The music that will eventually be on the 32GB drive will be everything that I want to have on the computer.. There likely will be more but this is to be the "A"  rating stuff, the no shit this is the best of what I got on here.. You want to share??  Here's my  F drive and this really is me.. There is nearly nothing from American music from the last ten years..   What blows me away is the music I have.. I haven't listened to compact disc in quite a while..  I set the roku to whatever radio app (channel) and enjoy it that way.. If I get a mp3 player it will have to be able to handle the 32GB that I currently have.. And the number of songs on that??  Good question..  It is many.. Found all four Wrabit albums... Seven GUN albums..   Have had some of that on tape.. What blew me away the most.. Most of the compact discs I made with that old Pioneer disc recorder are still usable..  blew me away.. The lifespan of burned discs from a computer is about five years, some last longer.. These discs.. The Gun double set and Wrabit were the first three I did and all three are in excellent shape.. All done in 2001...  Think where you were in February of that year.. i was recording my record collection to disc, and most of the time these sessions were done at a bright and early two in the morning to keep the front door closing downstairs from making the arm and needle on my turntable from jumping out of the tracks being played..  yeah, it was that important..    And now they are pretty much all available to be listened to..  Took about a month to load the music and still there is some that needs evaluated as to weather I want all that or not..  Changing the files to 128kbps sample rate.. Went through updating to windows 10 and return from that abyss, and continued on..  Then I will load the music to computer to do full evaluation and check of the tracks that are doubled up.. Which will be kept, which will be deleted.. This is the first time I included live tracks en mass..  Last time it was all studio no matter what.. This time live was taken and decided to double the tracks, get the studio and the live where it seemed like a good idea.. Started from Z and went to A... Zevon To Abba..   Took longer than I thought   And then check the

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Check it

Well the weather is making me reevaluate what the watering will be like.. Try watering at night, best time to do so.  And with an automated sprinkler system I would likely water each channel about twelve minutes per day..   But we don't have that here.. It's the same move the hose system.. The sprinkler I use most of the time is what I call an atomized that sends the water out in extremely small water droplets.. It reminds me of the automatic sprinkler heads watering system..  And so that is why I use it.. The biggest problem with using it however is that the water can go anywhere.. Very much wind will put it everywhere but where I want it to go so windy days aren't the best to be watering.. But that can be said with any sprinkler as well as an automated system, but most people who have automated should water very early morning or very late night.. Between the hours of eleven at night and five in the morning for a dew reasons.. First off the water pressure is at it's best in those hours, most people are not watering or using water in those hours.. You get the best pressure meaning full coverage of the lawn.. Wind rarely blows at those hours as well..  Mowing is a different game plan.. The other day (Thursday, the main mowing day this year) I want to start as early as I can to beat the heat.. Mowing very early means dew on the lawn, so the earliest I think I can mow is nine in the morning.. This year I set the level at 5 to start with but moved it up to 6.. The highest it will go is 7..  Last year was 7 all summer, 6 in late September then 5 most of October and strangely enough last year saw the first time I ever mowed the week before Thanksgiving, and I was afraid I might still be mowing well into December..  

With the heat, comes drought and the best way to fight dry lawn is water it.. or xeroscape which is something to think about.. My cousin(s) live in the desert southwest, with two living in the Mesa area of Arizona and the other living in Vegas.. One that I do know of I was able to find his house on Google Earth and his lawn is big rocks, not little pebbles but good sized rocks.. The other cousin had his dream house built.. Hard to say if he has a lawn or not, he used to work strictly at night..  And the one in Vegas, she did live on a ranchlike setting, not sure if she does anymore..  Having a no watering ban on tends to curb your watering.. For me, some five years ago I started using timers to water the lawn with.. Set the sprinkler and push the time button, in this case it starts at ten minutes and you adjust it from there.. I usually keep it at ten minutes and water the front one day then the back the next throwing in spot watering where needed.. I was doing great with the watering until the wind blew yesterday.. That stopped the watering because it was a heavy wind, but a nice day.. Sunday was hot and I was able to water the back where I felt it was most needed, having company kept me from watering the whole lawn but I got what I felt needed it.. 

This year I am back to batting a thousand on everything I planted.. Four Pumpkins, and seven tomatoes..  All are looking great.. The pumpkins are not the huge variety.. I figured they really struggled last year with the late season heat and the crappy wind.. The pumpkins are in the gas meter planter area, some of the tomatoes are in the pumpkin patch (last years pumpkin patch) and then there is one tomato in the fence planter with enough room for at least one more.. And the old reliable Earth box with two patio planter variety. they were so small that when they were first planted they were just barely above the ground level.. They are really growing now.. I've had the patio planer variety before.. Last year I had some odd exotic variety  that were Krimm and like I told the people at the place I got them from. I couldn't tell when they were ready.. I had a yellow variety one year, same thing there, if they aren't red they aren't ready..   Raccoons liked those last year.. Or something did.. I had a caspien pink last year that a branch nailed from the wind storm.. So this year, I think I am happy with what I have..

I found a song that I am going to do a video to..  Very famous but in demo form..  should be interesting song to do video for...

Badge Henry

Monday, June 20, 2016

self Censored

Yeah I dropped that entry on the other site with that video.. It won't be on today.. But it will be on.. Before the end of July when the blog will be scrapped..   It will be on for a day or two..  And that will be all...  I wanted to put it on my YouTube site but...  Not a good idea.. I have no idea how I was able to get the Gif file that video came from...  Getting gif files from Facebook is almost impossible now...  Just a quick entry, gotta beat the heat...

Badge Henry

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Welcome to my NIGHTMARE

With apologies to the people who look at the videos on II the video previously described WON'T BE THERE... Mostly because it is rated X... Rated X for mostly subject matter..  So.. It is uploaded and will be viewed on the X...  The blog I renamed a few months ago for stuff that will be there and the likely blog that will replace Phudge Nuts On Parade... Not sure about that one either...  

Badge Henry

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Gun for hire .

This is a continuation from the other days entry about the Orlando shooting.. From Bill Maher last night.. 

Please this is for those who think of their guns as an extension of their persons...  Body parts.. Please realize no one is going to take your guns away.. You have to stop with that thinking.. No one can take your guns away, as long as you leave them at home.. Don't take them for a drive, and don't wear them.. No one trusts an idiot who  MUST wear a gun..  That is just trouble waiting to happen..

Take it very seriously.. Everyone is getting really tired of the mass shootings...    Guns don't kill people, people kill people... With guns more often than bad language...

Badge Henry

Friday, June 17, 2016

Prrof my scanner now works again..

The subject of my scanner working again makes it sound like because I'm back in widows 7 that my scanner works again..  Well it does but this was scanned in windows 10 mode on Monday..  Yeah it worked then too... And in this picture.. From the iron horse race challenge.. How does it work??  Well when the train that runs from Durrango to Silverton takes off from the train station down there, you know by the McDonalds, and heads north to the big city of Silverton, the bikers head out at the same time, racing the train in an ultimate man versus machine race.. This wasn't the finish this bike rider envisioned pulling into town...  The word OUCH  comes to mind I'm thinking..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Back to 7

Well I was all but about to gush how great windows 10 is when last Friday happened.. Friday I went to use my scanner to scan a picture from a news paper and it wouldn't work.. I tried very few things that day and decided to wait until Saturday to get involved with figuring it out.. Saturday turned into Monday and I set aside the morning session to figure it out.. I ended up getting the scanner to work but primitive, I could not print ever again but who wants to with ink being in excess of fifty dollars a gram..   Then yesterday happened..  Actually it happened Monday as well, I use a program that we paid for to burn discs and convert audio files and rip discs.. This program I have been using for the past ten years or so and with no problems.. Monday it wouldn't "rip" music as it had been for the past two weeks trying to get the 32GB flashdrive to be well representive of my taste in music..  When it wouldn't do that, I thought delete and reinstall might fix it and Monday it did, yesterday same thing happened, the rip wouldn't so I deleted and was set to reinstall when the computer had other plans.. In windows 10 everything revolves around the start button, that windows button in the lower left of the screen, as well found on the keyboard..  That wasn't showing, rather it was showing but it would not bring everything it is involved with up.. Now it is just as involved with 7 but here's the thing.. In windows 10 it can freeze up, and not work and it can be a fairly involved thing to get it to work.. There was no quick fix and I was alright with that, I jumped through the hoops to get it to work and when everything I tried didn't work I started to try to return the computer to a previous known working point.. That was set up the day I got windows 10 going, and that wasn't set.. So when I tried to return to a previous known point where it was working right, it wouldn't go.. So a quick thought went through my noggin... Switch back to 7...  But wait, lets try everything to fix this.. I Google searched, checked the youtube ones because they are normally the best for step by step tutorials.. When that didn't work and in fact things were really looking bleak, there was a point where the computer was looking like it was going to be a night light.. It wasn't moving at all.. I finally got it to get a browser open, I emailed my sister inlaw and told her my tale of woe.. She said she would look into it..  I then tried a few more things.  Right clicking the start button got certain things to work but not the flash drives, had I been able to get everything to go that way 10 would still be on this machine figuring that eventually they would get the fix in the coding.. I'm not the only one who has had this issue..   Then the miracle happened, I was able to get to the screen that showed the updates, that was great, get me the latest update, maybe that will fix the issue.. Also on that screen was recovery.. The ability to go to a previous point.. and the all important return to windows 7...  After waiting an hour for the updates to download and install, they download part seemed done and so brave or stupid brave I shut the computer off to do the restart and get the updates installed.. That didn't work.. Find the return to windows screen.. Found it.. Now here is how ... not so smart  (stupid) I am.. As I am starting the process to return to 7 there is a screen that comes up and asks why I'm turning back to 7 and I click all that apply and they have a comment box for the exact reason why I am returning to 7 and I wrote "The windows start key won't work.. FIX IT"   Hey they are the reason this happened.. And then this next thing popped up.. "If you wouldn't mind spending a little time trying to remedy this click here"... I decided to what the hell... try to fix it... So I clicked here.. Now seriously I had been spending since about one in the afternoon trying to fix this on my own, why not take maybe an extra ...   ....  ?????!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()    Fuck that, I want 7 back NOW  so I went back to the recovery screen, checked the boxes and put the reply in that box and where it said would you like to try to fix it I ignored that box.. FUCK NO!!!  GIVE ME 7...  And the next message said you won't be able to use your computer while this returns.. Fine with me, I went outside and breathed some non sweaty pissed off air for a few minutes.. Came back in half an hour later with the screen saying WINDOWS 7 HOME PREMIUM... I smiled and said welcome back old friend... Got my printer/scanner reinstalled, got my EZ CD DA back too... Life is good..  I tried windows 10, and likely should have kicked the tires a little more aggressively.. Trying the scanner should have been first thing.. See when I decided to switch to 10 it was a few deciding factors and I won't blame my sister inlaw for it but she did make a good point on reasoning why to go to 10, the updates will continue into the future where 7 will ind in 2020.. so in four years windows says they will end support for windows 7.. If people have a choice they will remain on 7 and when their computers crap out then go to the new OS.. I personally will likely go with a chromebook or android but with what I like to do I will likely be stuck with crappy windows computer of some sort..

So my advice to those thinking about going to 10 as an upgrade is DON'T.. Or do but know that you better check every external thing you have.. If a scanner printer is very important then check it.. If it is more than three years old it might not work.. Mine is a relative dinasaur.. Seven years old..  And they wouldn't help to get it going, everything I did to get the scanner to work was done by me.. The music program which worked without a problem for about two weeks suddenly didn't, and I uninstalled it twice, the first successfully and the second was successful I assume, but brought the computer to shit the bed status..    I would tell people to be happy with the programs you have, don't uninstall anything, I mean I guess they weren't planning on someone deleting a program.. Set their entire OS into a shitspin..  But there are horror stories about people going to bed and having the windows 10 upgrade happening during the night and them waking up to a very buggy windows 10.. In my case I decided to upgrade on my own.. When I upgraded I left the computer alone and went and did something else for an hour.. There are those who tried everything to stop the upgrade and likely that might have included shutting it off.. I would tell those people that have it start to install just let it go.. Try it for a few days but return very shortly there after, windows 10 has issues, nothing like having an unsuspecting public to do beta testing.  They should have beta tested for a year more then set it to be free from this July 29 to a year later.. I won't upgrade again.. I will keep 7 until they stop supporting it and then keep using it.. like people are doing with XP, on 2000, 98, 95...

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I just saw on Facebook the ad for updating your computer to windows 10 and you have until the 29th of July to get it free..  I will say that I could upgrade once again if I so choose to.. When I was having troubles with my printer/scanner on Monday I thought you know windows 10 is only marginally better than 7.. And that was before the issue Tuesday.. Tuesday was the second day in a row of having to work on the computer and not get anything else done.. when I uninstalled a program and the computer locked up, I couldn't get to the part of the computer to work on what I thought might fix the problem.. Windows 10 is marginally better but when I had that problem all I could think was this will be great business for the technicians, great way to make a quick hundred or so.. Listen, the day is going to come when returning back to windows 7 won't be allowed..  Would I like to try to go back to 10 again??  Let's just say that it might be a long July of thinking twice about it.. I can't imagine going back to 10 though. Truth is when I went to shut the computer down last night I had this slight inkling that it might get the upgrade even though I don't want it.. I read where someone left their computer on and during the night the computer upgraded to 10 without him wanting it to... Scary thought and I'm not sure that is true but I have heard other horror stories that make me think it might be true... So there is a little trepidation that it might happen with mine.. I'm not even sure why I would try to reinstall windows 10.. losing several programs sounds like no fun.. )

(P.P.S One last thing before I leave the subject for..  mostly good... The new browser that they built to replace the old IE browser.. I never did get it to go right.. I was the default browser and every time there was a call for something to be done officially the new IE (whatever it was called) opened up but failed to access the internet... Kind of a huge strike against having it if it doesn't work... )

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Innocent Debbie (scene one of punishment for being late...)

The question is..  On the video to come.. How involved should it really be??  How completed..  Truth is it could be one of the most hardest videos I have ever done, it starts with the opening scene above and this looks innocent enough and really it is..  This contraption is quite innocent and in fact the little lady has no reason to worry, nor the audience..  It isn't until half way through that we see the red thing in the right starts to do things that we never saw coming and this video, the GIF File takes a turn for the savage..    There is a part of me that really doesn't want to do this video at all..  The video in it's full form will be nearly a short full length video being in excess of 45 minutes long..  Taking some of the .jpg files out makes sense but will it leave the video shortchanged.. When I did the absent man videos they were left in full length.. left to show that the man wasn't there at all, the name fit the video and the music did as well. In this case there is only one song that would fit the full video so there would have to be several songs to fit..  This could be a trick and will be more than likely able to be done by the program I currently use  (windows live movie maker)... But will it be needing the full video.. It really is one of the more nasty gif files I have ever seen.. and converting it to jpg makes every nasty bit of this prolonged.. But we'll see...  Might be fun to do.. I misplaced every aspect of the video, couldn't find any of it.. Then it was in the last place I looked.. Here it is, scene one of 395.. 

Badge Henry

(P.S. from yesterdays entry)

Addendum to yesterdays entry...

Oh please tell me some idiot didn't post this on their facebook the day after the Orlando shooting...  Yep, someone did...  You know what else?? Someone said  quote why didn't those people in that nightclub try to defend themselves??!!...  When I read shit like that it makes me want to strangle the person...  WHAT AN IDIOT!!   That idiots name is Geraldo Revera and he is of course on one of the "news" channels that spews stupid shit for a living.. It starts with an F and that is the grade they get from me as far as news is concerned.. Listen.. That night.. or more to the point Sunday morning when this went down, people were having a good time.. Anyone who has been to a night club the lights are flashing, it's noisy with music and partiers having fun, yelling and screaming and generally carrying on.. A PARTY... At two in the morning there's a loud banging noise, some people think it's a song or a new effect or something.. AN IDIOT WITH A GUN IS THE LAST OF THEIR CONCERNS.. And yet that is what they had to deal with.. Why didn't someone rush the guy shooting??  Oh I don't know, if you are drunk you are likely having trouble telling which way is down, let alone trying to figure out where this red shit is coming from..  When the swat guys got there they took time to figure out a plan of attack, coordinating with the local police, feds and swat they had to get a plan together.. Then they went in.. Why didn't the people in there defend themselves.. BECAUSE THE SHIT JUST HIT THE FAN..   I would love to see these idiots who say why didn't they defend themselves  defend themselves in a similar situation..  These are people in a club having fun..  Then shit gets nasty right now..  what do you do NOW... Now...  now...   So if these people each had a gun, they could have defended themselves... Wow in theory that might work.. Or there would have been twice as many deaths/maimed people...   Seriously this is NOT  a battlefield although the dipshits at the F channel would let you believe the conditions are ideal for defending yourselves.. Broad daylight, and no obstacles is not what they had that night.. Where the guy doing the shooting could shoot anyone, the people who would have wanted to shoot him would have had to look for him..  Or would have been happy just shooting anyone..  Why arm everyone and tell them "If you aren't willing to defend yourself, don't count on me".. That meme is beyond stupid.. I'm ashamed of the site and as well the person who put it on their FB page...  This behaviour has no place in America...  Or maybe it does.. Or will.. If Trump gets elected I might be inclined to buy a gun..  As I have said if I'm ever in a Walmart or any other place like this and see a hick come in with a gun strapped to him I won't hesitate to leave and I will never go back to that store.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Beginning of the end..

"In the wake of the brutal murders in Orlando, President Obama delivered a somber address from the White House, asking Americans to consider what kind of country we want. The massacre, he said, is “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be. And to actively do nothing is a decision as well.”

The latest shooting in Orlando Florida is just the continuation of mind numbing experiences that we are going through.. Add to that a GOP candidate who is throwing around beyond stupid ideas and you have a country that would be better off returning itself to the countries where it all started from.. Here France, come and get your territory, England, get yours too.. Spain, you get yours back.. Mexico, get Texas and the rest.. We quit, we are not worthy of being a self sustained country.. We can't handle it.. I had said it would take an even larger mass shooting than even a grade school to bring congress to the table to talk things over.. The school shooting should have done the trick.. Orlando, 50 dead, 50 in the hospital, hundreds scarred for life.. a city stunned but a country continues to be numb... How do we fix this??  Well.. Elect Hillary.. Truth is if she gets the judges in place in the supreme court she can get the second amendment repealed.. I'm not saying get rid of the second amendment, but change it somehow... I know there are those who read that and think "you are a commy pig ass hole)... I'm NOT!!  I'm just tired of the mass murders that are becoming the normal situation of living in "the greatest country in the world"...  Because as I have said before, the day is coming when we will know someone who has died in one of these mass shootings.. It's just a matter of time, and if we do nothing it will be sooner rather than later..   

Badge Henry 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

And so it goes..

For those who read this blog regularly sorry for not writing regularly but..  Actually I have written ten that weren't posted, I either didn't complete them or got sidetracked.. Setting up the music on the computer is taking some time to do, and I am finding music that wasn't on the computer any time before.. Mostly my taste has changed over the years and the songs I didn't identify with before I am now..    There is one song.. or rather album that I was looking for back when my niece had passed away that I wanted for the video that I made and I couldn't find it then and still have yet to find it.. I'm not sure where it is, I was sure it was in the tower I am currently looking in but likely it isn't there.. If I do find it.. (IF)   I will redo that video and post it somewhere..    Hopefully I will find it.. Who is it by?  That is the worst part.. I CAN'T REMEMBER...     I heard it being played in the music store way back when he was in his old place and I bought it and really liked it, but the music is a solo guitar and he is great but it was at the height of my being into other music of that time..  Instrumental music mostly, so it likely got lost in the shuffle..    Ok..

Suddenly I am watching documentaries again..  And recently I saw a movie that is... That made me think.. Now mind you you have to go into watching this with an open mind.. There are several areas that... Well  first the title and pardon this link, it isn't to a trailer or clip but rather the whole show.. I watched it on Netflix, but it is available on YouTube... Watch it all if you want...

Conspiracy Did we actually walk on the moon??  Well did we??  I went into this sort open minded and I feel like there is a strong argument against us landing on the moon.. Did it change my mind??  No.. I still feel like we did land there.. I just can't release my feeling that we did land there..

Turn around the next day and watched this next doc..

The Last Man on the Moon, Gene Cernin.. Just had to watch this to feel like we did in fact go there and did that..

Fear of 13 is not about the Apollo 13 failed moon landing but rather about a guy who was sentenced to the death penalty for murdering a woman..  This is such a really good movie but such despair, spending so much time in prison.. Really sad and yet inspiring.. When you are in prison every right you had on the outside you don't have anymore...

Badge Henry

(P.S. Something happened the other day.. I was wanting to scan a picture using my scanner and the computer wouldn't recognize the printer and after several hours of trying everything I could to get it to work, I figured out the best way to make it work again.. Reinstall windows 7, So this week sometime I will be going back to seven.. So much for gushing about how great 10 is.. It is ok, but not that much greater than 7...  Very similar..  And will be a return because the printer (scanner rather) is very important for my creative side and also getting pictures when a family member was here this past February..  It's just got to be that way.. Have I exhausted  all ideas to get it to work??  No but my feeling is it just won't work, won't play well with the new OS...  )

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Back to a grind

Mom is laughing this morning.. She's reading the newspaper, the local paper, or as they call it the pamphlet, four pages of "news"... birdcage liner.. And she isn't laughing at the funnies, or a funny story, but rather the main entertainment we both get from the paper is the misspelling of a lot of very easy words...   But oh well, they are under a deadline and pruf reading is knot that umportant... 

Got more Tomatoes yesterday.. Trying something a little different this year.. Trying to start the pumpkins in those starter pots that dissolve in the ground, and this makes it easier to keep track of where they are. The pumpkins are not the big gigantoid kind but rather a medium sized fruit will be made.. I like the directions to thin to one pumpkin per vine.. Ok, I'll do that.. eventually.. maybe..  I so easily could have picked up a dozen tomato plants yesterday but I have only a set amount of space.. Setting the irrigation is always fun but once it is set it is good for the season.. or the first Friday after getting it set, because it seems like a constant fight to keep it working right.. But I like messing with it...

Memorial day was fun.. Warm, and of course some crappy weather, hey it wouldn't be Memorial day proper without crappy weather of some sort..  So we get a tornado warning, or my older brother does and instantly he goes into a panic.. Not to get somewhere safe but rather into a place to see if he can watch for one.  Well panic is a little harsh, but he wants to chase or at the very least give it a good look see..  We get out there and really I thought our chances of seeing anything were going to be slim.. The warning was for where he lives some twenty miles away and the tornadoes were beyond that around 25 miles away..  But you never know what could be there.. As we went out we saw other vehicles stopped to look at the sky and I couldn't help to think it looked like a drive in theater way back when I was younger, only the sky was the screen and it was the middle of the afternoon..

The past week or so I have been reloading the computer with music again after the re-restart.. And listening to songs that I haven't heard in quite a while.   And while going through the sets what I am starting to realize is just how brittle the boxes become with age.. The two disc sets with that second disc that is on a swing tray thing that opens one of two ways and they can be sort of stuck or not stuck at all and you guessed wrong how to open the tray to get to the second disc.. In my case, I was trying to open it and it snapped, the second disc was fine, the tray on the other hand took it in the shorts..  Some of the music is just what the hell was I thinking when I bought it.. Other sets, like the KISS the box (their box set) has taken on a whole new meaning for fan box set with the addition of the early Kiss music, the stuff from each member from before they were in KISS and the strangeness of their sound, you would never guess that these guys would ever get together and make the kind of music and stage show that they would do..  

When I bought the box set I got it in the deluxe version, which means I was one of the few that got it in the miniature guitar case, with the hard cover book.. I knew about 15 songs it should have, there were some surprises and a few disappointments. There were a few songs that I wished it would have had and they could have included them the discs were none of them overly loaded with songs, back then as now a disc has 79:59 on it, and they are none of them any more than 73 minutes which is good, but could  have been just a few more songs..  Oh well, I'm sure there were those that said the same thing about the ELP box set.. 

Box sets were a great way to get the most of the best by any group especially if getting all the albums by a group seemed to expensive to do.. One such group was Emerson Lake and Palmer.. Getting the Return of The Manticore seemed the best way to get everything by them that mattered.. I wasn't able to read reviews on the set before buying it but I liked it when I did get it.. What with the songs that I only heard excerpts from this was a giant find.. The opus set Karn Evil 9 was reason enough to get it.. I had only heard the single version (welcome back my friends to the show that never ends) and so this was great.. Then getting the live version of the song unedited was huge as well in the KBFH release..

Badge Henry

Friday, June 3, 2016

I can't hear it through the clutter,,,

On an entry on one of the sites I follow on Facebook, Alan Parsons is talking about the downward turn of the music industry, and the .mp3 file being the major cause of this.. And I agree that .mp3 files aren't nearly as good as full files or lossless but getting a player to play full lossless is tricky.. when I started to download concerts from several sites back a few years ago they were all lossless or FLAC files that meant they were the best you could get and the begged everyone to not convert to lossy format or .mpeg3 type of files.. they want it to be a form of pure..  I get that and I fully agree the best way to listen to music is lossless or the way you buy the music at the store on compact disc and whatever form therein.. That being said I feel that while listening to music in .mp3 defeats the purpose, but...  You have to consider what everyone is listening to the music with.. To listen through an i-gadget of any kind the speakers are extremely small and hi-fidelity isn't that important and so the file can be smaller..  320 bit rate is the highest in .mp3 files, but that size is large and takes up a lot of space on the hard drive..  Back when I started to convert the music files for computer I think I decided 256 was good enough for me to enjoy the music..   There just was no need to have it in wav files and then after this computer was restarted to windows 7 it deleted all the music that was on here.. Then last week I upgraded the computer to windows 10 and with it all the music again was lost.. Actually that isn't true, I didn't put any music on here knowing I would be upgrading by about the first two weeks of June.. However I did it earlier.. But when it came time to put the music on here there was an issue, how big would the files be??  How big did they need to be?  Well I Googled the question of how small a file would have to be to still be listenable..  To my ears and I thought I could tell when the sample rate was too small.. What gets lost?? I ripped music at three or four sample rates, knowing full well 320 wasn't what I was going to go after, I tried 256 but again knew that was likely what I had before.. I took the disc that I burned the music I bought from i-tunes on to.. The files were .mp3 of course but what stunned me was they were sample rate at 128.. 128??  Well I checked and yes, that still sounds alright, what did we lose??  Does it sound like a cassette tape???  As far as I could tell the files sounded alright.. What music I used was music I knew and there was little change.. What did I listen to these on??  I used the computer, that is where these files will be listened  to, and I used an unfair advantage to listen to them, I used the best headphones you can but, noise cancelling Bose headphones, and the unfair advantage is when I listen on the sound system of the computer it likely won't sound as good.. But in the same sense that most people don't listen to this kind of music (.mp3 files) on a huge sound system, they won't even notice..

I started ripping music last week and am using sample rate (CBR) of 128..   And instead of loading directly to the computer I am loading to a SD card.. The reason why is so I don't have to rip from disc again.. I will store the entire music selection on SD or flash drive..  Again the reason is to keep the music easily accessible so that if the next time the computer takes a dump the music is even easier to load up..

And then there is the rate or number of discs I am trying to do per day.. That varies, depending fully how many songs per disc.. The first few discs were the Rhino box sets.. That is a must.. From Nuggets, to Frat rock to the new millennium sets, What I think of as the best true rock and roll is in those box sets..   Seeing this music and memory escaping me, I loaded more music and will go back and determine what should stay and what should go.. Then there was the stories behind the ability to buy these sets.. The Nuggets sets were as seen on tv ads as well as the mailer that my little brother got every year, right after the new year.. The one set that eluded me the longest was the Syd Barrett set Crazy Diamond.. A triple disc set that took quite a while to find.. I couldn't find it and the guy that runs the record store made it his mission to find it.. And he did.. It was in a record store in of all places, Omaha..  Getting that set was a crowning achievement, but in the years after getting it I have added some of the best bootleg material, some of which isn't on a regular disc, from your record store.. Games for May being the ultimate.. There are more in there but Games For May is the best at nine discs.. Really shows his career as well as Pink Floyd.. It is the ultimate best of Floyd, no doubt about that..  How long will it take to get all the music like I had three weeks ago??  It may never happen, I am limiting the amount I have on here to about 16GB..  But 16GB of 128 sample rate is a lot more than even I thought it would be..

Badge Henry