Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I will say this for November as it is just about to get under way in a few short hours, the election is paramount on everyones minds, and while on my Facebook and other blog (PNOP) I have been running shit as anti Romney as you can get the truth is I'm not for Obama, and I'm not for Romney.. I think both the Democrat and Republicans are bought and paid for and so sadly there will never be a true effort to dig us out of the immense hole we are in.. The main reason I put the anti Romney vibe on my blog site and Facebook as well as twitter is simply because I remember what the pre primary debates were like.. Although I didn't watch those debates I did see a lot of the republican stance and most of it was if you aren't rich then you need to move to the side and let the important people through.. They want to cut all the entitlements (which they call entitlements but you work for them) meaning social security and most everything for retirement age people.. They want the sick and elderly to just leave the country I guess, or die...   Then as the presidential debates started Romney changed his stance.. I think that when Romney started the very first debate in Denver off by lying (or perceived lying, he never said this shit like this before) that is took Obama by complete surprise.. But Romney looked presidential at that debate and I even thought he looked like a president.. But I still wouldn't vote for him.. The hurricane this past Monday made everyone take notice that Romney wants to have FEMA be run at the state level or better yet privatize it.. Good idea the Willard, let's privatize it so when a natural disaster happens people can make money clearing the debris.. By making money I mean charging twice or ten times what it would cost if the government did it.. It's called free enterprise and if it means people go in debt to a local or out of state fly by night company then hey, that's all right..    Romney scares the hell out of me.. He is not just two faced, he has so many faces.. Who knows what you get with this jackoff in the whitehouse but.. If he gets elected     we will get what the rich think we deserve..   A return to the old Bush ways which most people would say that was good times but there was a price to be paid for that and we have been going through that these past five/six years (I was remembering the last two years of Bush second term and he hadn't a clue what to do, he could get us into a couple of wars but had no idea what to do as far as a failing economy)  Obama got elected and the week after getting elected he started to get things rolling to fix the economy BEFORE HE TOOK THE OATH...   To me Obama isn't perfect but if he could have a congress that will work with him, maybe things will be better if he gets a second term..  The lesser of two evils, which is about all you can say about Obama, as Romney has so many flaws.. And then there is Ryan... 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


After yesterdays "final" mowing (final maybe) I have been checking the weather forecast and up to and including Thanksgiving day the temps are for around 60 degrees with some colder here and there.. I spread some "winter" fertilizer stuff for the first time in years.. I couldn't tell you the last time I used this stuff and wouldn't have used it this year except I came across it while getting ready to plant the grass back in September.. Found an opened bag and figured it was ruined because it was open and likely lumpy as hell but turns out it dumped out fine.. I then thought I'd use it in front and then pick and choose where to use it as it would run out before I got anywhere near done with it.. Turns out I still had a little left so I put it into a container to save it in..   I'm hoping the grass will recover faster next spring than it did this past spring, there were patches that looked good and other patches that stayed horrible through until late July.. Also I am going to check into some sort of way to help with water use next year.. Try to find something that holds water, there was something earlier but might not be around now..

Saved this from the last entry, it was long winded.. I watched some movies recently, first was "YPF" which was a bit a surprise to me because I didn't know what that meant.. Turns out it was .. Something all together different than I thought but it was a good movie anyway.. The the was the Oh in Ohio.. Again basically the same subject matter and a nice story (If you don't know what I am talking about go to IMDB and find out)  Then there was "My Bloody Valentine" this was a scary movie from way back in 1981 and I had never seen it.. I put the original in my queue to get from Netflix and have the new version set to come as well shortly and will compare the two.. What got me was the freakout scenes where they grabbed their heads and did that scream freakout thing  you know the way everyone does    joking of course I don't know of anyone who ever did or does it now.. it was a bit of levity in a movie that is called a cult classic..  Tomorrow is Halloween.. Might have some things to write about for that entry.. Old stories from my escapades as a young juvenile delinquent.. Maybe.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, October 29, 2012


The video and stills (pictures) from the trip out to Hazels pumpkin patch.. This is the third video I've tried to load here from my YouTube site that wouldn't load so I am uploading it directly from the computer..  It was a little discombobulated day but was fun just the same..  Tried to get pictures of the day but it was tough to do..  The soundtrack (music) is from one of those Halloween haunted house type of things.. I don't know why I got it, a few years ago.. Actually I think I got it in the late nineties, this and some organ grinder music   mostly Bach which translates quite well into music played on the organ..  (I was able to get the video linked to youtube shortly after giving up and uploading directly to Blogger here.. I like the youtube video because it is in 720p rather than the smallest video file downconvert to send here.. plus you can click the "Youtube" link and it takes you directly to my youtube channel)..

Emotion roller coaster explained: This is the time of year when dad went through his ..  situation.. And it started date wise on the 27th (yesterday)  and ended on the seventh of November.. Emotional rollercoaster comes into effect when this past Wednesday Tabitha had to take one of her twin daughters on an emergency trip to the hospital in Denver.. And the closeness of the situation couldn't be understated ..  it was extremely close..  A very close call.. Mom is emotional anyway.. She gets so atatched to the new grandson and equally the great grand daughters, tying to love them all equally.. So it is really hard when things go wrong health wise or anything else..

The past couple weeks have been argue with the addons time for me.. I use a addon for all the browsers if they support such a thing.. I like to "share" stuff and when I do I did use something called "shareaholic" which makes it so much easier than copy paste and move along.. Then they tagged on their "via shareaholic"  and that takes some 14 that I couldn't afford so what to do??  Well that got to a head today as I was trying to add yet Romney numbnuttery to twitter and it wouldn't do anything.. I even couldn't log into my twitter account.. How close I was to having to start all over on twitter was .. actually not that close, I just had to reset my password which as it turns out should have been done a while back.. And after I got the password reset I found out I had a great number of services that had access to my twitter site which I might have agreed to let have that many have access (better to have twitter access rather than Facebook, I have found)    I made sure the shareaholic was still able to access  my twitter but when I tried to share something it wouldn't.. So after trying for a few times I changed services.. I now use "add this" and it is a service that is widely used by just about every page there is.. I liked Shareaholic because it had the ability to add bookmarks to Google Bookmarks but about a year ago they changed the way that service worked and I showed my displeasure to Google by deleting that service completely.. So when I was checking the reasons to keep that service or change it was a no brainer (perfect for me)..

Was just outside after mowing today and .. LET THE DRAMA BEGIN.. And what I mean by that is the lighting that seems to be very dramatic as we get closer to the end of the year..  I have always liked getting into this time of year ever since getting a camera and taking pictures I have noticed that the last seven weeks of the year are the most dramatic of any time there is.. You could say but what about the first seven weeks of the new year?? Well yes and no, it is the same in reverse but I have found that these next few weeks are more dramatic than in reverse.. Gaining daylight isn't equal to losing it.. There are times as we gain the daylight back that it is or seams to have that feel, at times but after the middle of February it is all moot..  The angle of the shadows and especially as we get to the last two weeks before the first day of winter are the most dramatic of them all.. A true tour de force as far as the lighting is concerned, very interesting to watch as the daylight is so short in these few days.. The thought for me would be this could be the most  depressing time but it isn't, that is reserved for March..  Someone said the best time for a picture to be taken is sometime in May.. They say the light is perfect on one day at a specific time.. I don't get it myself but you know...

Badge Henry

Friday, October 26, 2012


This is the "gluten for punishment" entry.. Today after thinking that Waterfox browser was the best thing there was out there I found that it has the same exact hiccups that the Firefox and Aurora browsers have.. So it will fade to third then fourth then fifth then off the tool bar and then likely deleted next summer when I go through and delete programs that aren't ever used.. What is the gluten for punishment about??  I checked the grand browser (not IE)   Chrome thinking why not try to give this browser a try after being screwed by it twice in a four month period last year.. And so there I was just a little while ago trying to get the "speed dial" set up to be identical to my Firefox set.. The FVD was there and I thought here we go but there was a slight problem, it is the FVD 3D version which looks so cool and really something that I'd love to have on Firefox as well.. I took the speed dial  file set to be synced with that browser but it would not take.. Why??  They are by the same developer, same framework (I thought) but it would not sync.. So now what?  I did  a Google search to try to find the answer.. There was no answer.. Why would you even try to take the speed dials from the FVD that runs on the same computer and the Firefox browsers and expect them to sync in the Chrome browser??  Seems like a good idea, but after trying for  a while I gave up.. To get the Chrome version to work, I will (would) have to load all the dials from Firefox to Chrome.. The easy way to do that is to just NOT use Chrome.. So that is what I am doing.. I call it a sign from the computer gods that would have likely made me use Chrome for a few months and then have it lock up like it did.. Only thing is that speed dial thing that Chrome comes with  basically sucks.. I would rather have the dials set the way I want them rather  than have a whole eight pages like they have.. I never could figure out how to get that thing to load the way I wanted.. The three times I got it to load right it took a lot of trial and error.. But after almost a year ago .. about now as  a matter of fact, I switched to Firefox and never looked back.. much..

Read in the news paper today in a column written by one of the writers (imagine that) about her mother and she died of cancer in the local hopspital (spelled wrong for effect)..  Her mom was admitted and they did an exploratory surgery and found she had cancer all over.. They gutted her "like a carp" and doing that weakens the body's ability to heal.. And when you have cancer it makes it impossible to heal.. I read that and instantly thought of dad how the Monday after he was admitted and they said he had a infection that they went on ahead and tried to put a new stint in him.  That made me mad as hell and still to this day I blame that procedure for him dying.. It might not have been the only reason, but I think if they had consulted one another (dipshit doctors wise) they might have thought about waiting until dad had gotten well over the infection before doing that.. Maybe..  I always have said if I ever win the lottery I would hire someone to investigate that down there ..  It might seem like a waste of money but I would really like to find out if they neglected to talk about why he was there.. it wasn't his heart, that happened sometime in the hours before he got down there, it was an infection.. It was why he was in the ICU there for that Friday..  Hmmm  oh well we'll never know..  It's why I have trust issues with the medical community..  that and everything that has happened since then.. Including the latest round of doctor induced stupidity.. More about that on another entry..

Badge Henry

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I hit the mark!!  PNOP  blog hit the mark I was hoping to hit by the end of this year, I hit it sometime around a week after labor day.. I forgot to check the stats page.. I can hardly wait for the new month to start more because I left   lot of empty dates to fill with entries.. I have every day in October filled from the fifth through the 30 and 31st, leaving those empty for the Halloween entries.. I have acquired so much stuff for entries that I might have been able to fill next years first five months rather than just every five days like I did up to  March I think and then have an entry every Friday through the end of next year (2013)..  and I was going to start to wen myself away from the site.. Not now, not for the next fifteen months anyway..

The incredible complaints by Romney towards Obama and his slow action to economic recovery is beyond my comprehension as to how idiotic he sounds.. He says it has taken too long for recovery and yet his own plan is an eight to ten year plan..     I think if Romney gets elected he will try to finish the job George W. Bush started and that is destroy America..  If Bush could have gotten re-elected some how we would have gone dumpster diving.. Yippee...

I'm trying to get away from political stuff on my Facebook page.. Trying but not succeeding.. It is strange how My uncle and his son are friends on FB and they are republicans but beyond the "we love Romney" they are yet to show anything that shows why.. Just the we love our man..  They will vote Republican all across the board not seeming to care what the idiot stands for.. I am independent, and have voted republican and democrat.. And one year I voted both and DQed my vote, and the next election didn't vote at all.. I am disappointed in both parties and all those who have run, and gotten elected because I know we could do better.. Again this year is the "lesser of two evils" feel to me..

I read in the paper today of a lady talking about the congress woman for our state and how great she is and this and that and it really is a great salesmanship thing until we get to the end of the letter.. Well first off the early statement that she "will NOT raise taxes no matter what"..  Then towards the end of the letter where she states that this congress person is in favor of a free way road called the heartland expressway or something to that extent.. I like to think that that roadway was a good idea until two things happened.. One they already built a four lane roadway forty miles west of here and it is nice.. The roadway they proposed a few years ago was for a four lane roadway that would go from somewhere like the gulf of Mexico and go through to Canada (?)  through our area.. That would be fine except for one thing, when they were proposing   this roadway I was taking my dad to get dialysis in Sterling and all I can remember about that time was how horrible that road was.. It kept you awake by way of being in such horrible shape.. Our state and Colorado couldn't keep the road drivable.. Since then the Colorado part has been resurfaced several times but in our state the road is crap..  So bumpy it tests your kidneys.. So why build another road??  You CAN'T KEEP WHAT YA GOT PASSABLE.. And a new roadway is going to need upkeep and yes that costs money and not raising taxes will mean deciding which roads get worked on and which are let to rot..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


After getting the entries done for this coming Sunday's music entry I checked to see if there were enough videos to burn another dvd  and sure enough there were.. Trouble was I didn't look to see if I was doubling up on the videos seeings how I did a disc a few weeks ago (late August) and for whatever the reason there were several doubled up.. I thought the reason was some of those videos didn't get burned on the first disc..  They were and so this time I took the videos I was more impressed with and put them in a folder named "because they are better"  which is to say they might influence another video like them..  The latest entry (this Sunday) has videos all featuring the kaleidoscope effect made in the PdN program..  And at the end of the entry I stated that this would be the last entry of it's kind to feature this effect exclusively.. That might but more than likely is a false statement.. I already have started to do more of this effect using pictures that are those that make your eyes dance.. I have gotten a good number and will likely do more of these videos.. The one video that got burned to disc called Backstreet Hero was beyond my comprehension.. I don't remember doing it but it is amazing.. I started to save all videos in two formats; one is the "email" size which is the only size that I can get to upload to the blog.. And the other is the 720p high definition.. I'm not a big fan of having to have high def because there really isn't that big of a difference between dvd and blueray  (sorry but it is true)   720p is the standard I will set my videos to mostly because of clarity, they fill the full screen (beyond full screen) and so that is the main reason to have the 720p setting..   I will use all the different video and still formats for the music videos being worked on.. Projects of that type.. A good news bad news situation; the "dark side project" is on hold for now.. It was never defined, I never thought of it as this way or that way, there was just no true idea for it.. I thought I knew what I wanted but after doing three videos related to some of the music of Pink Floyd I was at a loss.. That being said Monday was a banner day for producing videos.. Six videos were done, all with the kaleidoscope effect, and all were done in  an afternoon, and it totally amazed me that I could set my mind on a project of this kind and complete it.. Now with a some video clips to chose from and these effect pictures like this who knows, I might try the dark side project.. Or not..

This add paid for by me    Mitrose Galamdose..  I was listening to a radio show today and they were talking about how much was being spent on the ads for television in south Florida and it was staggering.. over 700 MILLION DOLLARS..  700 million or   put another way   700,000,000     dollars..   and that is only south FLA..  They have to spend that much in ALL the fucking swing states.. HOW'S THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?? 

I was listening to another radio show that was discussing the latest release of the Apple produced product (i-pad or whatever) and they said this was supposed to wait until next fall but they rushed it to get it out this fall, and because they rushed it,  it SUCKS.. Some problems with it but then the guy said version 5 to be released next fall (next year)  will not include an optical drive and that they are thinking about getting rid of the optical drive on all their computers shortly..  That surprises me a little bit although when I thought of it it makes some sense..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


The past month or so I've been getting more tired and pissed off at the browser set on the computer.. Speed is fine, who doesn't like a really speedy browser and if that were all I needed I would still be stuck with Chrome and Chrome is fine but  remembering a year ago when Chrome crapped out on me I can't see trying to have that browser being the main browser.. Chrome is the default browser having won the title in a start up speed test when one day I clicked on the Firefox icon to start the browser and it didn't get going.. I then clicked the default browser at the time Opera and nothing, then clicked  Safari then Chrome  and waited for which would stat first.. Chrome started first and so it got the new distinguish "default browser status"  which only means it is the browser that gets started when there is something that needs to start the default, it ISN'T the main browser.. That stayed with the Firefox browser   or Aurora .. Whichever I decided was less a pain in the ass to tolerate.. Well the past few weeks I've been growing more and more impatient with the crapness that seems to be what Firefox is about.. There are stability issues starting to get out of control with the Firefox family of browsers (both Firefox and Aurora) but I am so used to the way it works.. Last night I was working on this Sundays music entry on the PNOP site and checking browsers at the same time and reading reviews and narrowed my search to five different browsers.. I deleted the Lunascape6 browser but am thinking I will reacquire it to try again.. Then I saw and read about a browser called Waterfox.. Waterfox browser  .. Think about it.. It is the opposite of???  FIREFOX.. Opposite as in works better??  A few things slightly different from the Firefox version is it does start as fast as or even faster than Firefox which starts only slightly faster than IE (Internet Explorer is like getting grand dad up and going)... Waterfox starts faster than Chrome as well..  But so far a drawback using the Wterfox browser is playing videos is quite different and could end up being annoying as it has a link on the bottom covering the sound controls.. Also today the adobe player dialog box is still showing.. I need to find the control on this and set it to deny full time and see what happens.. If I can control all aspects of this with ease then I will do that.. This dialog box doesn't show when setting the browser to "private browsing" which makes me believe that I should be able to set it to deny and not have any troubles with viewing content.. 

Hey how about that debate last night..  I watched the first thirty minutes and then got tired of it.. I like Romney's add that says if Obama gets re-elected that the debt will increase from 16 trillion to 20 trillion and all I could think is it will increase at least that much no matter who gets in the white house.. "Obama has increased the debt a record amount, more than any president before him..."  Yes he has and truth is there is no where to go but down and deeper because we are bigger and more people and.. This isn't the turn of the previous century, it is now.. The new century.. Romney would be a good business person and during the very first debate I thought too bad he couldn't be in Obamas cabinet.. He has  a grand desire but he is full of shit...  My biggest problem is if Romney gets elected, knowing what he said  he would do (remembering last years debates before the primary season kicked off) is pretty scary seeing how my mom is working to keep from going broke.. If Romney gets in he will cut all sorts of programs that will affect senior citizens (everyone will be affected eventually).. If Obama gets re elected he will be branded a "lame duck" president by everyone.. Sadly I would have though a second term is when Obama might get some things done but it might be when the great American experiment falls apart and fails.. But I feel that could be the case no matter who gets elected.. Maybe if Obama gets elected again we postpone the failure by four years.. If Romney gets in  it starts us towards the grand end.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, October 22, 2012


When the seasons change..  How to tell, I look at the clouds and see how they go from seriously pissed off or have the ability to be worked up into a lather, to being lumbering and laid back  in what I like to call chill mode..  I transfer from now to what it is like in relation to the spring .. Counting to December 22 (first day of winter) and count the same amount from say now to that day and then count away so say it is eight weeks until the first day of winter (exactly) then count two months forward from that day or Feb 22      are these two dates relative in that way??  Usually it is colder in February than it is in October but when the days are relative this way are they that opposite??  It's like counting to June 22 from May 3 lets say.. May 3rd to June 22 is about seven weeks give or take and seven weeks after June 22 is late July , however it always seems so much hotter in July than May, or maybe we are just so tired of the heat.. Wouldn't it be nice to have Mays weather in late July...

Went to the pumpkin patch yesterday..  It was really nice to have the whole fam damily     the whole dam family there ... EVEN LUCY  who I thought wouldn't go because she wouldn't feel very good..  As much as it felt good being there it wasn't the same as before..   as we grow older those feelings change..  But it is nice to have an outing like this even if everyone splinters off and goes their own way.. Some of us were in the maze while others were elsewhere ..  We went through kinda quickly, I tagged along with Donald and Ian and Lucy.. While Lucy said absolutely nothing to me until just before we left and it was me (I  for proper English)  who asked her how she was getting along and she said fine, fixing to be a whole lot better in  a few months and I told her I hear ya.. That was all and that was enough .. it was a start..  Tried to talk to Donald but he was somewhere else, in his head I think.. Bob seemed to be somewhere else as well, in fact there seemed to be a bit of a strain feeling from the entire lot there so rather than push my luck I went back towards the hayrack ride.. And when that was over we left.. Not sure if anyone else was torqued about that but mom was cold and in the short amount of time she sat out there while we walked through the maze she went from perfectly fine to freezing.. Me, I haven't felt cold yet ( I know I should close my bedroom window but I like to holdout as long as I can)..  We got to have the boo for the remainder of the afternoon, which was fine for mom, she likes to have him around here.. There was a question of why Tabitha took the twins out there but it was her call..  After we got back home mom said she was sure no one would stop by before heading on home and while that was figured to be the case I knew something they didn't.. Mom made her sloppy joes      sloppy hosay and we feasted on that at supper time.. Your lose was my gain.. We'll have leftover joes for a while and that's ok with me.. ..

We had sloppy joes for supper, Ian wanted some but then decided (after a lot of himin and hawin) to have serial or supper, her was hungry for breakfast and as it turned out he had two bowls of that.. Totally stunned me because he usually wants a big bowl full and then leaves a good portion.. We do make a big deal when he eats a lot because we want to see him eat.. I know the day is gonna come when we will be saying "you're eating AGAIN??".. 

Took him home at a little after six last night, my first driving after the sun went down with the new vision helping things (glasses) and everything wasn't fine going down, but I've always hated driving towards the sun even though the sun was beyond the horizon, it was still the back light situation.. 180 degrees direction and I would be fine but.. Then coming home there as no problems at all.. I'm not the most confident when it comes to darkness driving and haven't been for a long time now but I can get by alright.. I think I will always doubt my night driving.. Just the way it is..

Badge Henry

Sunday, October 21, 2012


A little extra from a previous   private browsing entry.. I was wanting to know where the information was stored on this computer when that dialog box showed "permission to store" on the pages it did, so I looked it up (Googled it) and found out approximately where and still really can't find it..  it's in a temp or temporary file..  Then I looked to clean up those using the system tool "disk cleanup" and supposedly it freed up some 6GB of free space.. However after looking shortly after that wasn't the case as I keep a close eye on the free space on this computer.. When I got this computer I traded a large hard drive (storage) for speed at the processor   and figured I'd do disc management so I am constantly watching the available space.. Currently I am setting at 93.6GB of 288GB, (did I say the hard drive was small??  But just two years ago that was slightly small for the day, now it is puny seeing that most computers start at 1TB minimum)  But truth is I can manage but here's the thing I was at 100GB a few days ago and didn't know why, I hadn't deleted anything to get there and was sitting at the amount I am right now.. How this happens I have no clue, for three days I would download music to the hard drive and as soon as I could move the music over to an external drive and delete it from the hard drive.. So are there traces of what I downloaded on the hard drive.. I also empty the recycle bin religiously (like whenever there is anything in there)...

Today I downloaded a few concerts via YouTube..I was after the videos but then decided to just take the audio only saving a little time and effort from that process..   I don't know how I luck into these concerts like this.. I can type a group name into the search bar and it will come up with any number of short videos but never full 2 hour concerts like todays accidental search got me.. Three times now I got concerts this way.. Two never before seen concerts by KISS  RUSH  and Thin Lizzy as well Pat Metheny ..  And there was a quick hit surprise that I wasn't expecting, a  concert series by fans of the rock band KISS that is called KISS LIVEOLOGY ..  Blew me away, from way back to very recently (the latest tour with the Motleys)..  When I get into a site or search like this I tend to just go with the flow.. Today's entry (music entry) on PNOP was a throw together.. I had a single video completed for todays entry (a video I produced) and I thought I would quickly put together the three related videos and get them uploaded but couldn't get it done so I pushed that video entry to next Sunday and left todays empty until about eleven last night and began putting the entry together.. Drawing a complete blank a piece of Take the A Train was on the television for whatever and that is all it took for me to get the ideas flowing and by midnight I had today's entry completed..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Something happened last week that changed the way I browse the interweb.. I had the video player malfunction or some odd thing, at any rate here's what happened ..  I think either I was trying to look at too many pages or something to that effect or the program updated.. Something happened to cause this, the player when I am on certain video sites (not all for whatever the reason) will now show a dialog box stating to either allow or deny this page wants to download 100kb of whatever to my computer.. I press the deny button and have to do so several times before the dialog box disappears.. I say it doesn't show on every video and am not sure why.. But I Googled this and it appears that now not only do sites put cookies on your computer but also other information is downloaded to the computer as a way of showing that you visit the site.. As if the cookie wasn't enough.. So I tried something I've never tried before, I changed the browser to "private browsing" mode.. What this does is erase all evidence of your visit.. The one drawback is where you go to  a site and it is automatically filled in (login info) for regular browsing, in private those fields are blank.. Hope you can remember all your passwords.  But the best part is that while Firefox remembers the login info once you click the link to do so.. What is the advantage of private browsing??  Well so far that dialog box I was talking about earlier doesn't show in private browsing.. That is one plus but the drawback is some of the ease things don't work.. Posting to Twitter with the sharaholic link doesn't work although it does work to post to Facebook..  There are other advantages to private browsing..  Using the "private browsing" on Firefox reminds me of Safari a little in that you have to sign in to every site when you do this.. Unlike Safari you get full use of flash video, something Safari doesn't or didn't have..

Baby shower on Saturday cramping my football watching::  Well it would be if I cared that much.. Truth is I welcome the change.. While the baby shower starts at two in the afternoon and the NU game starts shortly before I would have watched if I wouldn't have to take mom down for this, but.. The team will win or lose without me watching and more than likely will lose.. Hate to be a downer but this team needs to retool.. Somewhere along the way they stopped being formidable to teams everywhere and now are just another team looking to play as close to New Years day as possible.. They may not even be rated again this year.. I figure two more loses easily.. Michigan and their junior version Michigan State can beat us.. Northwestern this Saturday might beat us as well...  That leaves the previously unbeaten Minnesota and Penn state and Iowa as the three pin your hopes on it victory games which will be tough. PSU is a road game (we suck on the road this year).. So could we be looking at a consecutive losing streak this year?   Could happen..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well tis the season everybody..  FALL  and this is why I like fall, the colors, the smell... FOOTBALL.. A break from the excessive heat.. Yesterday I mowed the lawn, and the schedule goes from mowing regularly every week, to every ten days in late July into August and then in September it stays kinda the same depending on how things look.. Leaves didn't start to fall until September this year with the heavy stuff starting just lately.. In October starting two or three years ago I started to mow just twice in the month and the main reason is that it is cooler and the grass seems to grow slower in October.. While I was mowing yesterday I was thinking could this be the first year I actually have to mow in November.. I mean I have mowed in November before a couple of years ago.. The weather didn't cooperate and we had snow when I wanted to mow the last time.. I always try to mow as close to Halloween as I can, it being the last day of the month.. But that year it was into November and I couldn't help but think people thought I was a bit nuts.. I want to chop the leaves up as much as possible while other people might think leaving the leaves on the grass all winter is a good idea, still others rake them up.. I mow/mulch them up.. I think there are a lot of good nutrients in leaves  and smaller branches as well..  Then in the spring we have it power raked up, not sure how good that is. This past year I wanted to do part of the lawn and leave the other untouched but mom had the whole lawn power raked so I couldn't tell how good or bad that idea was going to turn out.. The top picture is the memorial tree.. We went to Fort Collins to take dad to see the doctor and to see the dialysis unit there and they have (had) a red maple there and we thought it was such an incredible looking tree (red leaves are fantastic looking)  that right there and then we decided to plant one the following spring.. Little knowing that withing 48 hours we would be back down there and two weeks later it went from just another tree to dads memorial tree.. When the wind knocked it over a couple years ago we both just   nearly cried I can be honest.. but I tried to right the ship and get it to straighten out and here a couple of years later it seems to be growing more upright..

The bottom picture is the new grass seeded area.. I would say about seventy percent of the area is grass again.. Less weeds for now anyway.. Still quite a soft patch and it will stay soft for a little while yet.. But I think all the grass seed is come up that will this fall.. I will re seed in the spring and try to get the whole of that area grass growing...

Today I intend to get the last of the preset entries done.. I am up to September right now and am hoping to get to the end of next year or even the start of 2014.. Sounds strange to be getting entries that far in advance.. I could go much further in the future but I can't see that being a good idea seeing that I was seriously thinking about ending the site after the first of the year (2013).. But I' decided to go ahead and do entries at least for another year.. See what happens..

Badge Henry

Monday, October 15, 2012

May follows into June, & July & October the years fly by..

The base of the entry on the PNOP site is what to say when a telemarketer calls  and has a great number of great ideas.. I will admit that I listen to several radio shows that have this gag on every now and then, and I HAVE USED SOME OF THEM..  Mostly once I answered the phone after it rang a few times and said hello.. Waited to hear a voice which sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't a voice.. The ones where there is no voice is a checker call.. A checker call calls your number and if there is an answer of any kind that sends your number to every telemarketer and you can count on being inundated with calls for the near future.. But in this case, this day there was a lady that started to speak and as she started to say something (asking for someone by name but in a sound it out way) I then said as she was just about done asking, "HELLO"  and she started to say that again.. I said hello ... she was taken aback as then she started to say again and as she started to talk I said "now you talk, it is your turn, it is how conversation goes"  and she started to say something again at which point I get agitated and say louder "HELLO   HELLO    HELLOOOO"  and she is clearly getting pissed and then I just say "I wish you people would stop calling"  then hang up...   See sort of a take on the call checker thing..  Another time I had someone call while I was editing a radio show on the computer and it was the Opie & Anthony show and they can get rank with their language and I picked up the phone and it was another telemarketer and I sat the phone down fairly close to the speaker and basically had them on hold for a while.. Hope you enjoyed the hold music, which was a nasty discussion about something  no doubt.. I came back a few minutes later and put the phone to my ear, the dial tone was there..      When I'm creative I can do all sorts of cool things to these people..

I was looking at the different FB pages yesterday (for  things you know..)  and saw that Lucy had said something to the effect of wishing her brother safe travels.. Mom made a comment of wishing we could have talked to him more but..  Lucy was in a snit this past couple of months..  My comment would have read about the same way only I would have said "hope you have a safe trip home and maybe if you get back this way either Lucy will be over her temper tantrum or isn't married to Donald anymore"  either thing is possible although I think the later is more likely at this point..

Speaking of which (the temper tantrum)  I do have the entry complete for showing her  being    the way she has been... but I will wait until maybe after the first of the year to post it, depending on what happens  over the fast approaching holidays..  I figure we will be here without them this year (Donald and Lucy)  or maybe he will come and she won't because she has a bitch   headache associated with her being a bitch  pregnant..  And Christmas will be the same so.. Of course there is a chance she might act like nothing happened ala like when she got back from Poland and everything was hunkydory (whatever that means)..  She has a tendency to be that way..  Very junior high esk...

Also she has on her facebook page a link to a site with some new lights that she has (?) gotten for her DJ thing.. Thankfully they are no strapped for money anymore..  And I was worried  (NOT)..

The new glasses verdict:  Yep, got them last Wednesday on one of those quick trips.. As soon as I put them on in the store there I thought that same exact thing that I did with the other pair I got some nine years ago.. They aren't as strong as I thought they would be.. Shit.. Then I thought let me wear them a bit and see ..  I walked out of the store and felt just like I did the week before   "HOLY   SHIT THAT SUN IS BRIGHT"  and the week before it was because my eyes were dilated and so I knew why everything was blurry, on this day things weren't blurry but just bright for a few seconds.. Then the transition lens kicked in and everything was fine.. I was heavily disappointed with the other glasses in a few ways one of which they never seemed to fully transition to dark like I thought they should.. These new ones did transition quite well as when I got in the car I was wearing full shades, no doubt these were better.. The old glasses were fine except there was a screw on the left side that was reversed (it stuck up thread wise) and all I kept thinking was how stupid they looked all this time.. I don't know that anyone ever noticed that except for me.. I rarely wore them outside  or in public events..  actually that should say never wore them.. But because these transition as well as they do I don't feel that bad about wearing them outside now.. Some habits are hard to break but eventually I hope to wear them more.. One other thing about wearing these new ones is they feel like I am looking through a prism.. The glass on the edges isn't "smoked" looking and are clear (the old glasses were a smoked glass look on the edges) so these are like having a prism.. The prism effect to me is they have  a mirror feel, reflective look when I look to the sides.. I can't explain it any other way than to say it is like a prism.. Light gets reflected from this..  Just a lot different than anything else..  For this reason they seem brighter...    But they seem quite good, not as thick as the old ones either.. I thought the others weren't as thick but found out they were almost as thick as my old "glass" glasses were..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  A thought did cross into my mind shortly after pushing "publish" for this entry, with regards to Lucy..  Now some nearing two months after the blowup I have thought about every angle to it and today I came up with this.. : After an earlier squabble of sorts (the snow day this past late winter/early spring she was acting a bit put out about me not going down there and as far back as then I was saying get a backup plan)  well she wasn't happy with things but didn't freak out completely (although I'm thinking Donald would say to the contrary) But I think the main reason she freaked out this time was because she was ready to move on.. To no longer have me watch him and I have to say while it was a tear in the family that I am more than grateful to no longer have to worry about that.. There were just so many things I worried about and like I told them (her on many occasions) I'm not a babysitter.. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind watching him when I did and wouldn't mind watching him a little now.. Just not more than two days a week..   Hopefully she won't get over her bitchfest   feelings towards me anytime soon.. I like not worrying about him her and the whole lot.. The amount we readjusted our schedules was just astounding.. They would have no clue how much we juggled to help them, and it is nice to not have to do that anymore.. )

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Setting the entries on PNOP ahead of time, and today I got to May.. That's right I am through the month of April and will start May.. Not every day has an entry from February on and here's the reason.. I continue to gather more stuff even though I am through with October and November.. October is filled except for the Sundays (music entries) and Halloween.. November is partial and December is very partial figuring like I have said getting holiday type of entries for that month.. Although it doesn't seem to matter, every month has a holiday entry (X-mas type) through April.. Keeping the election stuff (political) out is tricky because by April/May we will either still have the same old do nothing administration or a brand new do nothing administration..   By March I have seven or so entries, by April only the Fridays have entries and like I said it is to guarantee that if anything happens to me I will have at least a few entries.. My goal is to have an entry at least one a week through the end of next year (2013 if we are still here (ALIVE))...   Cal it legacy entries but also I figure why clog my blog with entries ahead of time, most of this that I am putting on these early entries is old stuff.. From way back when, the past five or six years, the clutter from before...   And some of the Bush era bits are being left on these just to show how things were back in the "good old days" before the economy collapsed..    Delving that far into the future I wish I knew what was going on then.. I've written about that on another entry, what is the future like??  I wish I knew.. By April we should know what Lucy has (baby wise)   if it is a male or female or a bag of cheese..  We will also know or get a good strong indicator of the shit getting deeper no matter which of the numb nuts get elected.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, October 12, 2012


This years growing season is officially OVER.. And with it the great abundance that was the harvest??  And I laugh because it keeps me from crying.. What happened this year to cause my disappointment??  Well it was hot enough to grow everything, it's just a question of overcrowding.. Again.. AGAIN??  Yes I had an overcrowding issue before when I tried to grow corn in the Earthbox planter.. I grew some 16 corn plants in an area where 8 is the suggested amount.. And they grew but didn't produce any ears of corn.. I swore I would never do that again and yet I did it again this year.. The earthbox was to be a salsa box.. Three peppers, Anaheim, Cayenne and Jalapeno and the Roma tomato with cilantro being grown in a little sub planter right next to the box.. The trouble was there were two of each pepper planted next to each other.. Six plus the tomato  so.. The Roma grew amazingly well over six feet tall and produced fruits all of slightly bigger than the moby grape variety.. Moby grape??  Were they cross polinated because there was a Moby right there within a bees ability to fly over and do it's business.. And they could have crossed there but more than likely that wasn't the case.. The project was the seeds produced from the project that had the entire setup from two different seed starter kits that I bought during one of my weaker moments this past winter early spring.. Yep, there they were just sitting there on the shelf looking like "you gotta buy me, I'm the project that will make your growing season".. THEY LIED!!!   Ok, I lied to myself, I was sure this would work.. THESE WILL GROW!         They did grow.. "Guaranteed to grow"   don't you love the packages of seeds that say that??    They did grow but the Roma were small.. And the peppers grew some but not enough.. The peppers were too small to be used as a salsa and it would have taken dozens of those plants to produce a cracker dipped in the salsa.. Disappointed to say the very least.. So thinking to next year.. Four tomato varieties and THAT'S IT!!  I like Roma, Early girl, beef steak and another to be named in May more than likely.. Probably the Moby grape or cherry.. Four varieties only.. And oh by the way my pumpkins and return to the giant variety to look so cool...  There weren't any..   Why??  I have no clue.. I had four pumpkins planted and none came up, although I was sure there were two.. They turned out to be sunflowers which I meant to grow and the mommoth variety which ended up being shorter than me and spindlier than the ones grown in the ditch out in the country...  I watered them until August first then shut that down when the pumpkins turned out to be non existent..  So next year (again) I will start the seeds inside at the end or near the end of April and move them outside.. Hope to grow some biguns for the nephew and nieces .. Maybe enough for the entire extended lot (Jordan's set kiddos)... 

Badge Henry

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Currently I have completed (I think) entries through to the forth of January (assuming the world doesn't end on December 22 as they say it is supposed to)..  Some of the dates in October were left open so they could be filled with an entry if I got enough material to do so.. Trouble is I had and still do have enough (crap) to fill for the next fifty plus days beyond the 4th of January.. So I will fill in those empty slots here & there.. November is a slotfest month that will get filled as we go through the month.. December is only six dates are filled right now, not sure how many will get filled because right now I don't have any holiday entry type of stuff and I know there will be some so I will wait to fill December until December.. But will fill January and the following three months, probably the same way as I have done.. Maybe the Mon, Wed, Fri. schedule leaving the other two days to be filled at that time with time relevant stuff..   Makes sense now, can I remember that is what I'm after?    Good question..

Setting the entries early (through January)  makes me wonder what things will be like at that point.. Being able to set entries as far into the future as I can makes me wonder that way.. Will the family be back together again?  When everyone was apart two years ago it felt just like now.. Two years ago Lucy was about to leave and be gone through the holiday time..  Tabitha had been gone and would be gone as well through that same holiday and it all felt the same as this year.. Everything has changed, everyone has moved on in one manner or another.. Two years ago I would never have believed that Jordan would be married now, I always saw her as too busy with globe trotting to get married, and figured she would get married some time.. If ever...  Tabitha with twins..  Never saw that one coming.. Lucy pregers again, never thought it would happen once let alone twice in the same year..  Hopefully she will deliver without any problems but if anyone will have troubles, it would be Tabitha but that didn't happen.. Maybe it won't for Lucy either..  If she wasn't so stubborn (read ignorant) I wouldn't think there would be any problems but....

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Saturday morning I noticed that the battery indicator on moms laptop was still orange meaning still charging which is odd since it was plugged in for the usual over night..  It was part of the research I did when trying to decided which computer I should get back when I got this one.. Laptops were (are) all the rage even just two years ago.. The one thing that decided it was the battery.. They can cost  a third of a brand new computer..  But you have to get a good one otherwise cheap will get you in the end.. Two things decided that a desktop computer was what I wanted.. One the battery.. And the second was the overall use..  The touch pad thing, while I have gotten used to it on her computer, is still too foreign to me, and can be very touchy.. There are many programs that don't work well on her computer and even some that I tried to install that WON'T..   I just am more comfortable on a desk computer.. I like the portability of the laptop.. And there are a few things it can do away from the house that are nice...

This story made me wonder "DRIVER ONLY HAD A PERMIT"   and made me think
SO WHAT"   We drove with a permit way back in "the day".. But there are huge differences between then and now.. We didn't have the distractions then that they have now from cell phones to i-pods.. Used to be the hand held games and I admit I had one of them game gear things but rarely left the house with it.. I know better than to drive and try to watch a small screen gadget thing... A few years ago there was the epidemic of everyone talking on their cell phones.. Now that epidemic is worse with texting while driving.. That scares the shit out of me..   If anyone back then would have even discussed moving the legal driving age to 20 my age group would have freaked out.. Then the drivers permit was gotten at age 15 (I think it is the same now)  and in cities like Denver they have restrictions on the youth drivers such as not driving past dark.. Truth is I think they should have a permit age be from 15 - 18  then they get their drivers license with two year restrictions of day driving maybe.. I don't know.. I think I wouldn't have liked that but.. Safety was taught in school in drivers ed but also dad taught us guys as well..  But I'm sure parents don't like to be bothered with little things like this anymore..

My frustration level continues to boil over.. Writing about it helps and after time goes by I am feeling less frustrated.. When mom apologized in the birthday card I felt like that was a mistake because it more than likely reset the clock to five past pissed off and now we will have longer to wait for her to stop being pissed off.. She made the statement today that she doesn't have a clue what to look for for anyone for Christmas.. I told her the same as I did after last years fiasco, I'm getting everyone gift cards and that is all..  I usually try to get something beyond the gift card but after last year I thought, gift cards are fine.. They have infinite possibilities as to what they can get with them.. That will work.. I wanted to start getting them after the first of the year but.. I will start getting them shortly.. 

Badge Henry  (soap box practioneer) 

Monday, October 8, 2012


Here's a strange one, I was on a site earlier and it was showing a video game.. The game was still in development state but was one of those virtual reality type of games, and here's the thing.. Check it out, you wear a headset that has a camera on it and it takes video of your surroundings and incorporates them into the game  LIVE...   So you could be battling aliens in your backyard.. Or fighting the enemy in your house...  This seems very far fetched but could be there very soon, I was stunned that they are at least trying to do this now..  How wicked would it be to play against your friends like this, instead of sitting in your house you play around the neighborhood.. Might be fun but also dangerous if your neighbors think the kids are NUTS.. 

On the subject of odd (strange) : Last week (Monday) we were getting ready to go to walmart vision center and    before we went I called to make sure they were there and stuff (I guess so that when we went there that they were there, I guess because I wanted to make sure everything was on the up and up I didn't want to go and waste that amount of gas which is what it would have been)..  After I called and set it up I checked online to see about Pearle vision center, I thought there was one in Cheyenne and at that moment I knew it was more me dragging my feet than anything.. But I couldn't find that place even though it was in the mall the last time I checked maybe two years ago.. Things change and well that place didn't show on the mall directory so.. They were gone??  I guess they were gone.. Too bad, they have a nice promotion going on right now.. Oh well.. Then my adverts on the pages I browse are now Pearle vision..  A few weeks ago it was that pain reliever device holms or tems r whatever it was.. Before that general whatever.. Amazing  how quickly the internet changes when you do a product search the ads suddenly change to this or that.. Funky..

Badge Henry

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Presetting entries... That's nothing new, I've been doing it this way since May, only back then it was a few days to a week in advance.. Then in July I started to preset entries up to a month and I had most of July and August set although it was the odd numbered days that I did.. Through all of August except a few days were screwed up..  Now I have enough preset entries to get though pretty much every day through the second week of December.. Every day in October has an entry except for the last day.. I'd like to do something special for Halloween..  I did have Halloween set but then realized what day it was and now I changed the entry from the 31st to a couple days earlier.. Same as with the political (heavy) entry that will be either late October or just after the first of November.. In the case of the political crap I wanted it set before election day because after will make no sense, and anything I get from now on I need to make sure it is set for that first week of November...

That was a nice snow storm.. And then it melted...  And all the leaves on the tress will soon be on the ground.. This reminds me of last year, we got a good snow before the leaves were off the trees.. I was glad all the leaves fell off after that but the rest of the snowy season we got nearly nothing.. This year I am set to water almost all fall and winter.. I am usually against watering after the temp gets under fifty degrees consistently as a high but this past year it got above that in March fairly regularly so when it does that this season I will water..   Seems like a lot of things will change that way..

Playing off the cool or cold and after a few days of chilling out from a direct odd feeling from Fridays (almost) run in with Lucy.. I don't know why but I seem to feed off of moms emotion and might even add to it intensifying it and then feel like I have to write about it.. While I do have the entry showing that Lucy does have some odd disenchantment towards us and a fairly heavy amount of dislike towards the family as a whole.. Could it be we all are the same?   When I was on the IM the day of Jordan's wedding rehearsal I could sense a strong amount of snottiness coming from her and I'm sure she wanted me to do the calling around to find out what she should do..  I decided she should do it herself..  

So how long does a snotty bitch stay pissed off at someone (in this case me)?... Well the last time she was very pissed off at me it was the immigration status BS that we endured.. And through that she was away for six of the months, so we might be only one third away from her not being a sniveling bitchfest turd..    Or not, she is expecting, and delivery is in or around March so..    I'm hoping they won't be here for Thanksgiving..   I think it will tear mom up if they aren't here for Christmas.. Maybe I'll try to fix things by then.. I am the worst at kissing anyones ass, and with her .. yuck.. I mean.....YUCK!!  (Caps used for effect)..  Maybe things will level out after her brother leaves next week... Maybe not.. I don't care, but for mom...  I hope things do get better..

Badge Henry  (peace maker) (barf)

Friday, October 5, 2012


The numbers on my PNOP site are becoming staggering..   How does a number like that even happen??  I don't openly promote the site (yet)..  There is no Facebook or Twitter promotion yet and I don't want to use them and right now won't as the site keeps getting bigger numbers..   It is beyond my imagination..

The entry here for the history of the BS we went through is started and should be completed sometime soon and posted .. Maybe.. By the first of next week.. No later than Wednesday.. Today was odd.. Strange.. Weird..  Mom wanted to see what Donald's band sounded like now, the way they look like they are going with bongo (Bob) look and I thought it might be interesting so I agreed to go and take her.. They have changed.. They added a lead vocalist or I should say vocalist (A person who at least seems like she can sing).. Oh yeah, the lead singer is a female.. When she doesn't sing she plays a tambourine and actually DOES play the instrument rather than just tries to (like the lead vocalist from when I was in a band).. She would play on the beat and opposite of the beat enhancing the rhythm, like a percussionist should be able to do.. The band was acoustic, no electric guitars, and they changed to a rockabilly sound (country type of sound)..  This could be good.. I'm not sure who's idea it was to change directions but it sounded better than they have before..  

Here's the ticker: We arrived and a dance team were about to start and when they got done the people on the bleachers cleared out and we moved in to sit down and there was a guy standing there and we excused ourselves to get mom to sit on the bleacher and it was Jan, Lucy's brother and the gal on the bleacher next to him, you guessed it, the wicked bitch of the west Lucy, turns around and says high and there was Ian as well.. Mom got on the bleacher and I sat right behind the coldest person on the planet..  And didn't say a single word to her the rest of the time we were there and that was JUST FINE..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  Maybe.. Maybe not.. As much as I want to complete that entry with all the BS from the past few years, I am thinking maybe not right of way..  Maybe let it stew..  I have over ninety percent of it done, just a few more little bits of it are left, mostly the FB IM from when I got hurt and my opinions about how it could have been handled..  I could have handled it better no doubt, truth is I should have just sent the first line (the heads up part) and then crawled away from the computer.. But she started up and got me riled up..    Saw her FB entry from some budda thing and all I could think was that is really deep.. Very deep for the shallowest person I've ever met..   )

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I just got done with an entry at PNOP that included this smart ass picture thing and I put something that read I wished I had found this a month ago, (late September) and put it on FB and addressed it to a certain person that DESERVED it..  Oh well, I forgot I had it.. As far as being the primary watcher of their little boy, I don't want to be, and never really did.. Two days a week was plenty and if they were ever to ask (asking would have been nice last time, I (we) was roped into it).. I'd rather be the backup plan (you know, like I kept all but begging them to come up with).. Oh well..  I'm gonna start working on the entry that will show what Lucy was like since.. well damn near as long as they have been married..  Try not to make it a novel...

Badge Henry

(I started the entry I promised to do.. Wracking my brain for all the particulars but..  When I went to the post office today something popped into my mind, I think the weather had something to do with it.. The packages we sent while they were in Poland.. I thought there were 6.. Then on my way home I thought no, maybe it was three or four packages sent and I thought it cost maybe three hundred dollars to send them.. Got home, told mom about what I thought of and she said she had forgotten as well.. I checked the receipts for sending them, turns out there were 9 packages sent..   No, mom doesn't care about them at ALL...)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So says the Youtube site, my full name is now being used to display all my videos.. So you may now call me Mr. Thirteen, Stutch Thirteen...  Or Stutch13 as my sites are listed as.. How incredibly cool  stupid is that??    I don't know.. Checked my Facebook today and everyone must have had their Google reminder thingy go off almost simultaniously for my birthday.. My birthday proper is the third of October (today) but my FB birthday is October 31..   Why the 31st?   I, when I was a little boy thought my birthday was on the 31st, Halloween (why not??)..  Anyway that is the Stutch 13 birthday also Badge Henry and his twin brother Butch although he tells everyone they are twins and that he was born three years after Badge.. A wrastling match ensues...

Like I said, was checking the FB and saw a entry that was a shared link by Lucy about the party they had at the fine arts center (there's such a thing in the big city??  Fine arts??)  and I clicked the like link button on the entry and then thought about typing this " I wish I coulda been there but I don't get invited to cool shit like this"  (In other words I was going to LIE LIKE A RUG..  but you know...)  Truth is I don't like any of the music being played there, either my lil brothers band (a cross between the old emo movement and a new modern folk/protest  sort of a sixties Jefferson Airplane type of oddity)  and of course the new dance craze "dub"  dj musac that everyone and anyone can produce..   No I'd rather stay home and watch paint dry.. SERIOUSLY, it would be more entertaining, but..  BUTT..

Last year at this time mom was nursing a back that was seriously screwed up from a fall she took a few weeks earlier.. Then my birthday and nothing for that.. That was ok, I figured I was ahead of things and so getting nothing was alright.. I was hatching a plan for the holidays (Christmas) of what I wanted.. And when we went to Cheyenne one time in early December she asked what I wanted (she asked any number of times prior but I shrugged it off)  on this day I think I finally told her, for fear she might just buy a bunch of things (like an i-pod or something) I told her.. I wanted my eyes checked.. Time flies and surprised the hell out of me how long it had been since I had them checked.. I also was just sure this year was "renew the damn license" time, and so I figured February I'd get them checked.. Such was the plan.. Then I checked my license and it wasn't due until next year.. Boy what a relief, so I put it off until ..  Well as long as I could.. Every time I have to renew my license from the 80's until eight years ago I had to renew my prescription, get them yet stronger.. Then last time I didn't.. Why??  They were leveled out a bit although when I got them checked they are only very slightly worse.. Mom committed to getting me new glasses and so we ordered some.. I remembered the last time when I got the frames I couldn't see myself because of the drops they put in your eyes to dilate the pupils.. I tried to see then picked the frames that just are so.. Not my favorite, and so that more than any other reason is why I hate to wear my glasses in public (I don't wear contacts because I am very sensitive to having crap in my eyes)..

So as I was trying to determine if my eyes were worse last time I got my license, I thought my vision was fine.. Then I got down there and I thought "shit, I'm gonna be told get your eyes checked you idiot"   (without the idiot, that is just how I feel when I think my eyes are fine).. There was some doubts weather I could pass the eye test..  When I did (barely I'd say) I thought well five years, five years to worry about that and believe me I did from the eighties through four years ago, worry about that.. Driving by the courthouse every now and then I would think, gotta get the damn.. Eyes checked soon..   Did that got it done..  Time to worry about something else.. Like who is gonna get elected and why we should care..

Did another concept video.. Wedding video.. Using some clips from the wedding and pictures from the photographer from the Facebook site as well as a few pictures I messed with it was a tour de force idea.. Where this idea came from?? That's not important (I'd say but it really isn't that important).. The idea sort of came from... Well a radio show but it was just the idea to use the song Jordan sang with stills and moving video combining the two and adding the music as the backing track.. Mostly I wanted this type of video to be able to be posted to my YouTube site, and then post it to my other blog (PNOP)..  I think it came out the way I wanted, within reason anyway.. The video version was the XVID version and not the 1080p that was eventually burned to dvd disc..   There are differences between one version and the other..  Kinda cool to see them, after a couple of months..

Badge Henry  (rambling     rambling   rambling)

(P.S. todays, (October 3) PNOP entry was the last "old" material entry.. I had that entry set to go five other days from the end of July through August and then I gave up and had it the first entry in October.. Then it got surrounded by entries on the first and second and will be followed by entries on EVERY DAY  from now on.. I think, well at least the first two weeks are set.. Up to the 23rd of this month is set every day with an entry..  And the flash drive I store pictures and stuff for entries has enough for the rest of this month and I found more from another drive to take me through till the end of the year if I don't load anything else on it until then...  )

Monday, October 1, 2012


I take nothing from the fact that my other site has exploded with views again.. I love it and it has changed my feelings about how I was going to do things.. Initially I was thinking about getting out of that site by the end of the year, fading from entries on Mon, Wed, Fri and the music entry on Sun through October and then switching to Tues, Thurs, with the music entry on Sunday through November and then having a few days in December but I think I will try to keep it going with more entries.. Maybe redoubling the effort.. Why does that site go from nearly nothing one week to setting a new record in ONE DAY??   I don't get it but hey, who am I to argue..

Ok, the videos I did this past Sunday were fun once they finally got fleshed out.. What a time it is trying to get an idea to force it's way out..  The dark side project: I'm not sure what to say about it except musically it is coming together, to a certain degree.. I don't know what direction to go with it and am on the verge of shelving it for a time.. Truth is I think some of the video I have is better suited for a Jonn Serrie project, and that became obvious with the latest video project.. There was a tape of this type of music (new age or wave) that I did way back in the mid nineties that I want to try to duplicate called the Oblivion tape.. It was bits of songs by groups like Tangerine Dream that were like a mix tape but more like  a  mix tape extreme or.. Bits mix where I take around thirty seconds or less (give or take) and make a flowing musical idea.. I first have to find the tape, and sadly it doesn't have any songs on the index.. For that matter I don't think I even have a tape player so more than likely this project will be a try to remember it from scratch type of thing..

Got the new patch of grass mowed today.. Looks good but it was soft, and could have gotten torn up but it wasn't and looks pretty good.. Reset the watering on it and with just the four heads the whole area is getting wet.. Reseeded a small area and good thing, Wednesday it might snow, and Friday.. Fat chance I know but you never know..  Took all the irrigation stuff down, I'm ready for the cold.. My windows are wide open.. Bring on the cold.. 

Earlier I wrote an entry here and pushed enter that dealt with the family woes (yet again) and while I am writing it on the I.I. site (not viewable, is it a blog if it can't be seen by anyone??)  but I felt like writing it here and posting it here and it was a near equal entry to the one on the I.I. site with the exception that I didn't include the letters from the immigration  situation.. I think I will put those on here soon, maybe after this weekend depending on if a certain person develops a heart/personality..  There is a quote from the F.B.  I.M. that I will lead it off with and point out just how incredibly wrong she really is..  That should be fun Waldo.. 

Badge Henry

(P.S. the entry with that gripe from earlier today was moved to "draft"  but I might edit it and add the letters from the immigration BS and other things from that period.. Too many to mention here & now but they all lead to the prime example of just what happens when you give someone everything they want (to a certain degree)..  Mom told her brother about what was going on and he kept asking how much we were getting paid and of course that was a big 0  zero for that effort.. he knows we were being taken advantage of, and when he heard what had happened he said screw them.. I admit in this case I have to agree.. )