Monday, January 30, 2017

It continues to be just like it was

This is easy to blame Trump on but...   I felt the same way about Hillary Clinton and the possibility of a nuclear war happening with what she said about a no fly zone over Syria..  But it is no surprise that Trump might be the one that launches nukes.. He has no tact...

while a lot of Trumps followers are just still so loving him they can't see that hell is about to break loose...

A coup???  Really???

Trump has a lot of people who dislike him.. I mean a lot...  Good for him...  Will they cause an impeachment to happen sooner???  Let's all hope so, an assassination is so messy...

My comment about Sean Spicer not lasting very long, he is either fighting the stutter monkey or he really has had troubles speaking all along..  But see he seems to stutter or stammer while Kelleyanne Conway has no trouble speaking, lying is second nature...  Just like Trump, he has been able to lie like a bag of shit his entire life...

Badge Henry

Friday, January 27, 2017

Why I don't trust Donald Trump... Not a bandwagon thing at all.

Why I don't trust Donald Trump...  Well it goes back to a few things but one of the greatest things is... Well back during the campaign he had talked to one of the most untrusted news organizations in the world, OURS.. And he was talking to MSNBC about nuclear weapons and where he would use them.. Why can't we use them?? well... That is such an easy thing to talk about but let me say this.. I didn't pay that close of attention to the presvious five or six candidates for the white house but I think I would have remembered hearing about the use of nuclear weapons as far back as Carter.. Carter was a nice guy, he ran as literally an unknown and won, I can't say I ever heard him say we will use nukes even when there might have been a temptation to use them in Iran when the hostage crisis was going on.. Reagan, never heard when he was running or in the white house even when he was early onset...  Bush senior, not then... Clinton had too much sexual deviances.. (wink wink)   Bush junior, never heard nuke talk then and as well Obama.. But when Trump entered the field and we heard that I think a lot of people thought it was just tough talk.. NO IT'S NOT... Trump is an idiot and will use a nuke possibly on Mexico because he is.. AN IDIOT...  I read a reply on Facebook about a country not wanting to piss Trump off because they might get annihilated by the USA in a nuclear war.. Well that was just plain stupid of a thing to say because lets say this country we are talking about getting nuked by the US and let's say they aren't friendly with a country like China that has nukes, now let's say that country got a nuke dropped on them, guess how quickly this said country gets all friendly with China and they decide to retaliate with the USA for that bombing... It would happen in  a heartbeat...  It would be the start of full blown WW III  and it wouldn't be a limited war, because there is no such thing...   Why I dislike Trump besides the fact he is an idiot???  He is unhinged and can become a tyrant in a heartbeat as well.. He wants people to love him.. DO SOMETHING BESIDES SHIT THAT WILL END UP GETTING US KILLED..  That includes screwing up the environment..  Obama tried to save us, Trump will reverse everything Obama did..

Trump hates China but yet he wants every aspect that China has, undrinkable water, unbreathable air..  He wants it all without moving there..

Why is Bannon writing all the executive orders for Trump???  Donald Trump can barely read, he has a third grade level ability to read and therefor can't write either.. . Bannon told the media that they need to shut up and listen..   Well that is perfect for the Russian leader to get America to stop having an open mind.. I had said long before the election that Trump was for changing the first amendment and many people said it would take a lot to change the first amendment, it would be as hard as getting the second amendment changed.. Who said anything about doing it in congress..  You change the way the president uses the press and it is the same thing as getting congress to do the dirty work...  This Bannon guy is the worlds biggest dirtiest creep, both as a person and a filthy bastard who would rather go dirty and never shower.. He took the true meaning of being a dirty creep and keeps it...  He owns the phrase dirty bastard... He trade marked it...

Kellyanne Conway just keeps getting uglier every day..  Is that from drug use?? I say no, and have said all along that it's from karma.. Karma is like being hit with an ugly stick over and over...  If you think you can use enough makeup to cover this up it doesn't work...  That ugly stick karma is thumping you to death..   Is that makeup for the walking dead??

eeeeeeEEEE yikes... holy shit...  Stop getting mugged by that karma ugly stick...    UNCLE....

And then there is Ann Coulter or as a lot of people know her as Andy Coulter.. So many people think she was trans...    And he might be, just not the best trans and Kellyanne is starting to look more like a guy as well..


I predict Trump will start to be impeached by fathers day, no later...

Badge Henry

Monday, January 23, 2017

Where do I start...

Well dumb dumb  Donald Twitter Boy Trump is in office and believe it or not hasn't been impeached yet.. But today the honeymoon ends and the love fest that was there for twentyfour hours ends..   The Womens march on Washington, Boston, New York, Miami, Atlanta, London, Peking,   THE WORLD.. What a nice beginning to a dipshit in office...

Hopefully the CIA isn't as corrupt as we all think they are.. Or as corrupt as the FBI is...

I'm not sure if Kellyanne Conway is in fact the coveted first person to be fired by Trump or not.. Hard to say, I would say it will be a lesser known person, but she will be the first to be fired when Trump shits the bed harder...

Robert Reich web site is the most important site.. I read a story from Friday I believe in which he said that Trump will be left in the oval office just long enough to be blamed for the bad shit the GOP wants done, which means repeal but not replace the ACA, get rid of medicare and medicaid as well as the social security..  Once all the bad things are done then Trump will be allowed to be impeached.. They keep saying Trumps first 100 days so.. By May???    Hard to believe the republicans are behind this but then Trump isn't a true republican...  Not a democrat either.. I dislike Trump.. I really think Pence is the worst...  But hopefully the American people will get.. the republicans are in fact the worst there is... Just remember how you feel in these first hundred days... Trouble is people are too stupid to remember...  I don't.. I said I would never vote for  a republican again and I won't.. Just remember that, no matter how good you might feel in November about a republican that it usually is by design that you feel good in November..  Just write it on your forehead, DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN... Write it backwards so when you wake up on voting day you see that in the mirror and it reminds you.. JUST SAY NO TO REPUBLICANS.. NO MATTER WHAT...

Badge Henry

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The 2020 reelection of Donald Trump slogan... A POT TO PISS IN AGAIN...

Trump may quickly go off his nut after the inauguration...

He hates fake news but in all honesty can he tell the difference between real and fake,  a well placed lie and the truth... Good question because I have yet to be able to tell if he thinks he isn't lying..

This is a good one.. If you read or watch what she said it was about a school in Wyoming that is likely so out in the middle of bear country that it might make sense to have a gun to protect the school.. Not  a Cheyenne school which I'm sure they equated with her comment.. But it was cool to hear them take it out of context.. I just wish they would have said about the same thing back in October and September before the election and said if you vote for Trump you will lose the ACA (Obamacare).. Maybe the people who thought it was a joke that they would lose their coverage would understand better.. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HEALTHCARE...

Trump, you are illegitimate.. Let me count the ways..

We don't know what Trump will do to make America great again???  Well that is easy.. We're gonna make America GREAT AGAIN.. It's just going to happen.. Magically...

Rick Perry in charge of any department scares me, the guy is as dumb as a stump..

Trump will make Mexico  America pay for the wall and America will be right fine with it.. In fact the Trump backers will let Trump piss on them and not have a problem with it.. Until after he gets impeached then.. They will LOVE HIM.. They will even push for Trump to run again...

Badge Henry

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

And more

The day has come.. Almost.. The scariest day ever..  Trumps inauguration.. But that will just be the beginning..

Not only does Trump dislike these skits, others on his staff don't like them either.. They must be doing something right..  Seriously if Trump can't develop thick skin he will be doing this for a long time, even if he does anything good, which they are predicting there won't be much to write home about..

Is Trump just speaking out of his ass or is this real??  Like I said if he were to do as he said he would do and repeal and replace at the same time it would change the way some of us feel about him.. For a little while anyway.. Not very long..

Why not have a little fun...

You could say well Gene is a money whore but in this case he as well as the band are trying to figure out a way to make an album be worth the effort.. When you think of new bands they have issues making any money on the album because it is so easy to bootleg the release.. And that means the only way you make money is playing live which in Kiss' case is very easy but there will never be a case where the band will sell music the way they did in their heyday..  Just a very sad statement to make..

This isn't an outhouse... Although it could be converted into one I suppose..

Badge Henry

Monday, January 16, 2017

Top notch dip shit..

I know what people are thinking, if Trump gets impeached and has to leave that we will have someone as bad as him in Pence..  Well... Maybe but then there is always a feeling that if Pence is in then he will really have to watch his P's and Q's because they will really be watching everything he does...

Badge Henry

The fun of Trump

Just realize that if Trump is half the asshole that everyone expects that this could be alright..  Just joking of course he's going to be an uncontrollable pile of shit... What will likely be what happens is and I fully believe this to be true, Elizabeth Warren And Chuck Schumer are both going to dig the dirt that will start the impeachment proceedings almost instantly in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they don't already have enough to start them NOW.. Or rather Friday shortly after Trump takes the oath...

Trump almost has that feeling of I dare you about him.. How buddy buddy  is he and Putin... I guess we will see shortly..

I think Trump will be a the lowest ratings of any president upon being sworn in, the repealing of the ACA will assure that.. For those who voted for Trump but thought that the repeal was a joke... You know, that where the congress was trying to repeal Obamacare (the ACA) was no fluke.. And had they had a fix of any kind Obama was willing to work with them.. But they didn't and while Rand Paul has said he has a fix and is starting one, it isn't in position to be signed, so when Trump says Friday that the repeal is set to go and a replacement is well underway.. Just realize the first part is true and the last part is a lie and get used to it.. What would increase his numbers??  If on inauguration day Trump would say I will not sight to repeal the ACA until the day a replacement is set to be signed.. That would change everyone's feelings about him.. He kept that promise... That however WILL NOT HAPPEN...

Boy howdy this is fun... Why we have restrictions building our buildings..  This is why..

What is supposed to happen when you hit free parking on Monopoly??   NOTHING.. But house rules change that and you will see how that has changed over the years.. I got hooked on the hand held version of Monopoly so much that I knew exactly how to win no matter what...

Badge Henry

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Go to the left hair

Took a minute to get my balance back but... Here we go... Listen.. Trump might not be that bad of a president.. Or he might in fact be the three stooges of presidents.. I think he will be the later and if you just watched that train wreck or rather that news conference you will understand that as being true...

Seth Meyers with Kellyanne Conway... Oh my god she must have herself on kiss Trumps ass mode full..

This is without a doubt my favorite meme of the election sequence..   My response to this was .. well everyone thinks this is the result of years of drug abuse, mostly pulling on the pipe (meth) and I say not true.. This is the results of lying her ass off..  Karma is a bitch..

Trump is a scary looking person.. Not scary as a respectable fear but scary as in what's he going to do to us.. Like a nasty coach you followed out of fear than a man who has your best interests at heart..

Kieth, yes he did do his presser...sort of.. I mean if you want to see a bull shit press conference you got it.. He got questions asked to him of which he danced a bit, almost answered and then...

If it's not funny then...  Forget about it...

Hard to say this is true.. But it must be...

Badge Henry 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Spish spash

Paul Ryan has this look of I CAN'T SHIT ON AMERICA FAST ENOUGH look.. Seriously they have that kid in a candy store look of what part of shitting on us is the most important.. They have said the first 100 days are the most important... Some have said that is how long it will be before Trump gets impeached.. I feel he should get impeached by the first of March if even that long.. I am all for Dumb Dumb getting impeached but only if he serves time, I don't want him to be pardoned...

Trump son, not either of the poachers but rather the youngest idiot, is the one that Trump thinks of knows how to detect hacking... Thanks Don and good night to your presidency legitimaty...

A closer look...  Politics.. I wonder what happened??

To me all the republican presidents in the post WWII era are tough to believe as legit. As Thomm Says..

48 seconds later ... Oh well there really is nothing wrong with being ....

I have nothing wrong with drug testing the food stamp recipients as long as what's good for the goose is good for the gander.. So you know those who have to be tested and they might come out as testing positive but guess what, they might test positive because THEY HAVE TOO...

Badge Henry

Monday, January 2, 2017

Bark in time

And then Donald Trump said.. It's alright, it was just a bad dream.. A bad joke...   Everyone just wake up..

There is NO such thing as sanctuary...   That took ma a half an hour to remember that line from Logan's Run...  What a tard anyway...  Welcome to the dense life...  And I'm the host...  But really this guy and the Vlog he posts.. Really like it because it is more truth than bullshit..

Does anyone else think that bowl games are going the way of the wooden wheel??  What's that mean??  Well, bowl games used to be fun.. And now there are two important bowl games and the rest aren't...

I'm hoping to pull my head out of my ass soon... I don't know what the deal is but.. Hopefully I will get it together... SOON..

Badge Henry 

Sunday, January 1, 2017


In 2017 things in America will change.. And if the democrats don't do their job there will be no elderly and there will be no healthcare... I guess the dumb ass congress has this in mind all the way..

I'm stuck.. I know that things are going to get worse but if our government doesn't keep things under control the rich will continue to get rich, the middle class will disappear and the poor will be better off dead...

Trump likes to scare the  American people and he likes to keep the majority of people who like him fooled and keep them stupid...

Karl Rove actually said that the best way to make people safe would be to repeal the second amendment... This is a republican strategist and hard to believe.. (I personally think it is false news but..) My reply was while I like the idea of some sort of repeal, a change in the second amendment, I don't see a repeal ever happening because there are people like my uncle who just completely rolled over in their grave and he's not even dead yet... I think what Bernie Sanders said about education is the key for the second amendment and really that is to have better education and FREE education, at least for better jobs...  to help get people away from government assistance...  But that would mean getting people educated and that is NOT  what the republican party wants because there is a greater idea that with education comes the lesser thinking that republicans would be easily scared into voting for them.. You use books, you use remotes to switch channels to watch other news channels beyond the stupid FNC and other things that people just drool when watching...

Not to blame Urban Meyer for his playoff loss (OSU)  but the team shouldn't have been in the playoff in the first place...  Why not??  Penn State played Wisconsin and won, and they should have been in the playoffs because that ... THAT WAS THE RULE... And then they shit on the rule and really because of that bull shit the new playoff should be screw the rules, we have no idea what we are doing..  Let's change how it will be done.. Next season it will be the top 4, no matter what conference they are in.. Whoever is top 4 are in.. Kinda like this year.. If there is a conference title game and it means they are champs but end up number 7... You got shit on.. You earned the playoff spot but because we have no rules tough shit...

Badge Henry