Friday, August 21, 2015


So the unheard of happened, earlier this week I set moms new computer to get Windows 10 OS and every day I checked the progress with every day showing the same process, around ten percent done.. How long is this supposed to take, eternity?? eternity plus a day??  Then today I thought, screw this, I'll leave it open and see how long it takes to download.  That answer is...  about an hour, slightly more if you are doing much of anything on the computer on line.. When it got done downloading it goes through a process known by most people that own computers as dicking around.. When it gets done with that it goes int the screen telling you why it won't install.. Really, there's not enough memory??  So you mean to tell me that when it did a scan to see if it was compatible for win 10 to be installed on this computer that it checked only the drive size but not the amount of available space that was there.. The number in the amount of the original drive is around 20 - 26 GB of free space but seeings how the drive has the win 8 or 8.1 and that takes however much it takes and you can't delete it before getting win 10 up and running.. or can you.. Would the two conflict with each other.. i'm not that computer smart so rather than try to install 10 I backed out of it.. But not before I tried one more thing.. The install said there was only 6GB of free space on the hard drive but to try to install a flash drive to store 10 on.. I set up a flash drive to try this with but when I said proceed it started to download again.. I then thought will the flash drive have to remain in the computer at all times.. I decided I not only didn't have the time to dick with this, I didn't want to find out the hard way that the flash drive would have to remain in the socket to have win 10 at all times.. Now getting an SD card with over 10GB free space would be a better way to go but my 16Gb SD card not only is  standard card (not high speed) it is used in my camera for shooting videos.,. That wouldn't have worked either.. So I pulled my ambitions back and left the idea of getting Windows 10 to someone better suited for the task.. And that would be just about anybody..

Badge Henry

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