Tuesday, September 30, 2014

wenT tO seeD

The three shows I am currently watching on Netflix on the Roku are about to all three wrap up almost simultaneously.. Currently Drop Dead Diva, Continuum and the Killing are withing two shows of each other as we head to the finish line.. Then the next shows to be started will be.. Not sure.. Hope to have that set by next week.. The show Continuum is the favorite, it's filmed in Vancouver and is a show from the Global channel and must be done in such a way that Netflix was able to get it for streaming.. Speaking of shows to watch, the Walking Dead season 4 is streaming now.. I already watched it via torrent last year, I'll stream it again, then torrent it again as season 5 starts shortly..

Continuum reminds me a little of the show Almost Human that Fox dropped.. Sadly ...

The series is on Sy-Fy but originates on the Global channel in Canada..     Shaw).... 

The grass grew in the patch from August.. Happy that it grew, filled in quite nicely but.. There are weeds.. But it's green.. I give up.. I will more than likely never try to grow that big of an area of lawn ever again.. The first time must have been a fluke.. a couple years ago.. ..

I saw this little guy hanging out while I was mowing a couple weeks ago.. Grabbed my camera and took his picture.. Nice pose there by the way.. And after the niceties I decided to give him the what for on my next passage by and he was GONE...  Man, that could have been a meal.. Hope he doesn't make me wish I had nailed him.. I walk around the yard a lot barefooted..  Hope he wasn't one of those sweller biters.. Bite you and you swell up ... Fun.. 

Badge Henry                                                                                                               

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