Wednesday, September 3, 2014

a forM oF thursdaY

Fighting to keep my head above water here.. Fighting the depressed feelings that the colder weather brings.. I love this time of year, the cooling down from the heat, but... BUT..  It signals the true cold weather to come and I really only like the colder weather when it's better than the heat.. This past summer was the easiest to take.. A week or two of upper 90's was about as much as I could take and that was fine.. This year I seemed able to take the heat better than mom... I'm usually saying "is it EVER  going to cool down again"...  swearing all the way through..

The better part of this past summer we watched my nephew and most Saturdays we did as well.. Thankfully after this Saturday that will change as football will take over and we won't be watching them again until after the super bowl in February next year..   It would be different if my brother had the ability to watch any games at all but he has gone all Jahova Witness or whatever religion bans all watching of sports in any form or fashion... So he has no way of watching any football there so for that reason (thankfully) we get to say no more.. We'll see you in February...  Because I don't care for basketball at all.. or at least until the playoffs and even then I watched five minutes all together...    because there is basketball on pretty much every day of the week, Saturday night wouldn't be a big deal.. But college football is on Saturdays, and the best games are on Saturdays, even though they play  other nights as well... When the Big ten conference games start I don't want to miss a single game.. See you in December... Hopefully big red gets to December...

Badge Henry

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