Tuesday, September 16, 2014

arE thaT speciaL feelinG jusT reserveD foR SaturdayS

I've set my Roku netflix play list with way over a hundred shows (movies and tv shows) and it's .. More than likely going to take a few days to watch it all.. Binge watching isn't my style, sitting down and watching episode after episode of the same show.. I did that once with Breaking Bad and found myself over invested in the show.. To the point where when it was over I missed it quite badly.. So I have three shows I watch almost daily and as the episodes count down to zero on one of the shows it ends, the final episode should be seen in early October.. The other show is running new episodes this fall/winter so new episodes should be added.. So when these three end (in staggered succession) I will start a new show.. What about what is coming on this fall tv season??  What about it??  I've gotten to the point where unless they get a hold I won't even bother.. Within three weeks of the show Hostages last year I heard it was cancelled.. I had started watching it and got rather pissed off that they canned it, however i wasn't that surprised.. the Black List, ahh that's where your viewing should have been, and I did watch that show although on opposite hostages.. That was on a channel called NBC i believe.. That channel that I forgot about.. One whole show last season.. Back for a sophomore run this year.. See you on torrent again.

 I have movies set to be seen, most of the "oldies but goodies" I have and started to watch a few weeks ago with Adventures in Babysitting.. Yep that oldie with Elizabeth Shue, that fox and she still is now on CSI..  The other night I watched Red Dawn.. The original version.. It still stirred up emotions from when I saw it before.. The idea that we could be invaded that way.. Invade a town by the school?? Really??  A bit far fetched but.. The overall premise of the movie, the story.. Kinda overall bull shit but interesting none the less..

Badge Henry

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