Thursday, December 27, 2012


I was checking my entries on the PNOP site and realized that the entries are set through the new year but not on new years day so.. What to do??  I decided to move the entry up from the 20th to that Tuesday.. The music entry that has the trips to the southwest that we went on (Moab, Silverton, Farmington) and mostly it was done because I didn't have a clue what the entry should be to celebrate the new year..  So instead of it being the 20th as promised, it will be Tuesday the first day of the thirteenth year of the 21st century..  So there you go then..

I felt comfortable on Tuesday (Christmas day)  with the entry back into the fold of Lucy..  It was sort of like nothing happened..  My first crack right out of the box, with everyone snottin' and snortin' was "So I guess the big question is how do we get rid of this cold.."  and it is a mystery still... I got some hot sauces for Christmas, I think I will drink those (pepper sauces, I wanted to try those)... 

I edited the video that I shot on Christmas day, got it all set and uploaded to the 'tube and got it live..  I noticed something and it goes back to the early videos that I shot.. I do a lot of "extras" type of videos.. The video of the little lighted tree and other things, and when I went to put the video together I use these shots to seg from one scene to another, just as in the wedding video this past summer..  Helps to move from one location to another.. All the videos that I have on my account could have been cut in half if I could have combined and edited them together.. There might be half the videos there and those that were up there prior to the first part of the summer are all "raw" footage videos, something I can honestly say may never happen again since I can edit them now. It's like the video for the wedding, there was a LOT more shot and as I'm looking at the video after I got the final video burned to disc, there was just a shit load that wasn't used.. The rehearsal was cut to less than half of it.. The pictures was around half.. The wedding was nearly all of it was used, and the reception was as well just slightly altered (shortened).. And the disc that has all of the footage was going to be given to them as  a sort of bonus disc, but after I watched it I thought this is yawn material so didn't include it..  

One more quick blurb on the Roku streaming player.. Spent part of yesterday getting it hooked up about the way I want it.. Added a few more "private" channels.. Some of the channels are true beta (testing) channels and are works in progress, while others are complete.. several are network (cable and that type) designed to help people cut the cord..  I had wondered why cable tv didn't go streaming and just have people rent their box and decide what company they would rather have.. Might be in the future some time..  But the channels I checked yesterday are yielding some promise.. I'll try to get them operating today and see if any are worth keeping..   To think CBS and those channels could be there and most of the best cable channels.. When we had the dish we only watched a few channels and when you think you have to pay for the 250 channels tier to get that one channel in there makes no sense.. I would rather have a pay per view thing.. true pay per view rather than pay for a channel all month if you just watched it for an hour then never again that month..  Could that ever happen?? Dare to dream..  I think that is why streaming devices are becoming very popular with people..  I set my Youtube up and am setting playlists up to watch ..  Last night I found several concerts that I want to watch and crank up on the sound system..  Youtube was a big reason I wanted to get a streaming player and when I saw Roku could do that site I decided it was the way to go.. Way to go..  Later..

Badge Henry

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