Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What's that

I'd heard a lot about a tv show recently and thought I'd give it a shot maybe if I ever got enough time to watch it.. And just like with The Walking Dead I had heard a lot about the show and how it is groundbreaking, but the subject matter is  a little ..  More than I wanted to watch.. But I started watching it about two weeks ago.. The show is called Breaking Bad, currently showing the series on Netflix I am around episode 13 of season two.. Yea the show about meth production and that culture.. Here's a preview for the early part of the show :

I was skeptical about how I would care for the show.. I watched the first few and dozed here and there, not very good (I thought).. Then the episode that kind of sold me was the one where he sees this asshole who was on a headset cell phone earlier in the show had pulled up to a gas station and went in and Walt goes over, pops the hood on this guys fancy car and puts the window washer on the battery and shorts it out, causing it to short out heat up throw flames and start the car on fire eventually blowing it up..   The show is good but where you understand why he is doing what he is doing it still doesn't explain it as a good reason.. This drug is a poison that is screwing kids up.. The guys partner was shown as a casual user of the drug which I've heard really there is no casual or recreational use, it is a full on wasteoid drug...  Anyway just like Walking Dead I have gotten into it pretty heavy but unlike that show I am trying not to over indulge in it.. One episode a day (night).. That show and Jerico.. Jerico (the show where terrorists blow up nuclear bombs in America) I started to watch Shortly after I started watching Walking Dead, and then just watched walking dead until it was over.. Then started watching Jerico and Breaking Bad..   Anyway Jerico was the doomed drama that lasted just over a season.. Remember the show was given like six episodes the next season to finish things up, which it didn't.. But.. So why watch a show that is this way??  I don't know..  It's like a soap.. a continuous story.. I hope to start Lost sometime shortly.. I watched that show from start to finish when it was on.. But I'm not sure I watched ALL of it..   So will I go after this seasons Breaking Bad via torrent??   Not sure.. I mean I am still on the fence as far as trying to decide if I will watch the whole series as it is on Netflix..  Guess we'll see..

By the way I can't stand Something in The Air Tonight by Phil Collins.. The band I was in played it and I was bored playing it.. They thought it was so cool with that drum fill in there.. After yawning through three minutes of barfdom I got to thrill people with a mid level fill.. YIPPEE SKIPPEE..

Badge Henry

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