Friday, April 12, 2013

Barking cats and weapons of other wars

Sorry about the last entry.. I tend to write about things that are going on and that can be both good and bad.. Needless to say I slept fairly well last night after gagging the night before.. When I blew my nose after that event I thought everything was blown clear, but boy.. WAS I WRONG.. anyway.. 

Mom did work today after worrying that they might cut her free she took her phone in with her and told me she might be calling right quick if they were going to in fact fire her.. Trouble is even at her short amount she does it is still the most they will get out of anyone at any price..

I was listening to the radio today and I had it on Ed Shultz and he is of the more democratic side of things politically speaking. When everything was going down during the election season I was watching and nodding my head.. Romney had reversed his position and was flip flopping on almost everything he had set on in the primary season.. I voted this year for the first time in many elections.. I felt this strongly that I voted for Obama and now he is betraying those who believed in him.. I think everything he is doing now is starting to make people start talking about recall or impeachment.. Maybe not impeach but trying to organize some sort of revolt against him.. I can't believe he would go against what he ran on, but of course he can't lose another election because he is done.. He spend the next three plus years doing whatever he will do and either make a strong case for four more years of democratic party rule or have the country be so disillusioned with them that they vote in a Romney like republican.. One thing is certain I can't tell we have a democrat in the whitehouse, in fact the republican party has to feel good about Obama, he is more republican than Romney would have been..

I check my spam folder on Yahoo mail every now and again and today I had a letter from a Adriane person (female likely the way the letter read) and there was so much miss spelled words and things that I read it with a lot of laughter.. Ok I know I have trouble spelling (most of the time I  have a dictionary site opened when I do entries on my blog sites) but this is.. And I get some texting gets in there a lot but this wasn't texting, it was seriously miss spelled words, and when it comes to the ending of ING  and they try nig or gni or gin I kepp thinking get consistent and look at the first way you wrote.. Guessing three ways to spell a word ending in ING three different wrong ways.. Takes some talent..

Hey what's with all the tv sets in the aisle in the electronics part of walmart??  They are on clearance, but why??  Well I've heard they are going to a standard tv.. The standard tv will be a "smart" tv.. what a smart tv is??  Smart tv sets will have the ability to stream as part of the standard televisions going from now on. I saw the smart tv sets earlier and thought well that's nice.. Streaming is perfect for sales of tv's because then you sell a tv and even without cable tv setup you can get something to watch.. 

Speaking of streaming  that Daily Motion site on the Roku is just way cool.. Beyond the YouTube site, the videos are really cool to watch.. I would say Vimeo and Daily Motion are neck and neck after the YouTube channel on the Roku.. And then there is Break.. and blinx and...  well the archive.. Nowhere archive is the best isn't it?? Old public domain just can't be beat..

Badge Henry

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