Thursday, April 25, 2013

So yar is then..

That was funny and it was meant to be. All I can say is most of the time when I post a comment on Facebook it is meant to be lighthearted.. And when someone posted something on a site saying something about the "nickters" on what direction down and up is I posted a comment of  you are the master of all domain or something to that effect and added I am in awe.. And he took it as a joke and that is what it was meant as.. There ave been some who don't see my sense of humour and rip into me.. For those people I have nothing more to say to.. Any neat thing you might post, any picture that you post that I think is seriously cool, I will only do that thumbs up "like" thing.. I won't post a comment EVER again.. And there are some sites that blocked me from posting comments to which I feel Facebook is just a way to communicate and so when my comments were blocked I dropped their site.. Simple enough..  Anyway..

And then spring sprung and summer showed it's ugly head.. Actually I don't mind the early days of summer... Spring is my second favorite season after Fall.. Fall for football and the smell of leaves, change of season.. Spring has an equally nice smell, when the ground smells when it warms up, soil getting ready to give life..  Hopefully the weather won't go from fairly cold to hot and tornado type.. I would rather parts of last summer were here this year but, I'm thinking with tornadoes comes rain.. I guess you take what you can..

Went to see the new lil guy Ryan Robert yesterday.. He's growing up fast dammit.. Oh well.. Took Ian out for ice cream and he is still as wary of tornadoes as ever.. To me there is a healthy respect for tornadoes but at the age he is he is afraid of all types of weather.. If it is warm he is afraid of the bugs which again a healthy respect for them as well.. Yes I get nailed by these things every now and then, and it hurts but won't kill you.. Unless you are allergic to them.. The worst I've ever been nailed by a wasp is a three shot in the gut and then a few days later I got nailed again..  Felt a little funky for a day or two but that was it..  

Cat freaking the hell out.. This past few weeks (years) Skootr has had her meow on.. I tried to get video of this but she has a tendency to clam up when I grab the camera.. This time she did continue with her meow and odd behaviour.. She gets up in the sink area and while mom is trying to wash the dishes she tries to grab her by the arm with her mouth.. Bites her a little, like when they move their babies.. The meow continues until she gets mom away from the sink and then to the front room and on the couch and watching something either on the computer or tv.. Then after a few minutes Skootr gets up and moves to another area.. If mom gets up to do anything Skootr gets right back after her to get her to stop it.. Goofy lil kitty.. 

Badge Henry

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