Saturday, April 27, 2013

I see I C Ice cream and cake

As I am trying to do this entry, and just pushed publish on the I.I. entry those wavy lines are in my eyes.. The nasty migraine  headache type of thing.. Made me remember the first time I ever had one was when I was in Junior High school and we were in the library because the music teacher wasn't there that day and they didn't get a substitute before Band.. Anyway with it being a new thing I wasn't sure what had happened.. I was sitting there and these wavy lives start and I instantly thought I might have been "dosed" and wasn't sure what to think.. I went and saw the principal and he told my dad and I think I ended up going home for the rest of the day.. Those were really nasty headaches back when I was younger but as I've gotten older the things (the lines in my eyes) are just annoying.. No headache comes with this anymore.. Wait..  .. no just joking, it still just annoying..

Tried a new idea the other day and then again today.. The tiller we have had a grass dethatcher attatchment on it and I used it to the point where the tines broke.. We got replacements for it last year and I used it but they broke again so rather than complain to the company again I thought maybe not to worry about it, it was obviously a flaw in the making of this thing.. So the other day I took the tiller out and did the pumpkin patch and then took and did two small patches in the lawn. Just a quick run through to loosen up the grass and then rake it up.. That seemed to work so well that I did a bigger part of the lawn next to the house where I thought it looked horrible last year, took until July for the grass to grow very well at all.. Seems like it worked but I won't know until later on..

I still haven't gotten the sprinkler I was looking at.. After todays watering with what I call the "atomizer" I thought I'd better get that sprinkler soon.. So Wednesday I think is when I will get it..

Took a spin to Ice Land earlier today via Google Earth.. That is one seriously cool country to check out...  The other day after I dropped mom at work I went into town and something happened I couldn't explain.. I went by what I hall halelluya intersection, which is where there are two churches on oposite corners and on the other side you have two funeral homes and I could swear one had changed dramatically.. I thought it had siding and now it was brick.. So I get home and first thing out I get on Google maps, I had to settle this once and for all.. Got the maps out, got myself at street level and in that intersection I saw that when Google maps was put together the house in question was in fact brick.. Why was I confused??  Turns out the house one block south was the one with the white siding on it.  So I felt better.. I wish there was a way to look at houses the way they were ten or twenty years ago.. Some have changed a lot.. I used to drive by the same houses on the same route I went on when I was on my break and then they were really different.  Some now aren't even the same looking.. Am I losing it?? Could be..

Hey on the I.I. video site I should warn that a lot of those videos are Hypnosis type, where I took the video and added the music after turning the audio track down.. So .. My headache is gone, time to fix the mistakes..

Badge Henry

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