The question is how many entries do I write that don't get posted?? The answer is for every entry that gets posted there are as many that don't.. It's a ratio that is nearly one to one although it might be closer to two to one.. I delete the false starts after a day or two because they aren't relevant to anything at all and can't be incorporated into a current entry.. Some do get used in an entry to either pad the entry or there is an idea that could use the start of an entry to get it to a little further along idea.. Sometimes I will spend the better part of an hour writing what seems like a great idea only to push save and then come back later and delete the entry.. Sometimes I go off track from the original idea, edit it or not edit it and push publish and then come back later and add to the original idea and re-enter the entry.. So if you have ever seen an entry that seemed shorter earlier in the day, it is because I added to it.. Sometimes I will add to it in the *P.S. type of way. Asteric and then add to it.. Here more than on the PNOP site I will do that.. on the other site I might add to an entry that is scheduled, but NEVER to an entry that has been posted already.. (well once I think I did this) ... So in conclusion.. There you have it...
Two weeks ago I was in ready mode.. Got the sprinkler of choice in hand and going to buy it.. But as with things that happen with me I decided to check another store.. Found the IT of all sprinklers and decided yep, I'll look on line a bit longer plus it might snow on Tuesday.. That was last weeks storm, and my thankfulness that I got a few more days to look at sprinklers and then Sunday I Googled best sprinklers and added more confusion to the game plan.. So I know or knew what I wanted and the search showed that was the wrong one to get but.. I think I will get the one I am after.. The mechanical sprinkler is the clear winner but I've not seen a good review for any that I have seen, not consistent enough to warrant buying it, so it feels like a waste of money to buy something like that and am looking at the original idea..
Last year at this time the leaves were out, the lilacs were all starting to flower.. We were a month ahead.. This year it felt like January yesterday.. Hard to believe it is April.. And every time I think of it I think I have to get the seeds for the pumpkins started pretty soon.. I'm gonna start them before I put them in the ground to try to keep from pulling them.. Last year I planted pumpkins but I think I pulled them thinking they were weeds.. This year I will let them grow either in the house or outside in a greenhouse type of setting until Memorial day weekend.. I have that three sisters planting project to do again this year.. I know it's going to turn off hot once this cool weather leaves by the end of the month it will be back to spring, then a couple of weeks later it will be summer.. Enjoy the cooler weather, I WILL..
Badge Henry
Two weeks ago I was in ready mode.. Got the sprinkler of choice in hand and going to buy it.. But as with things that happen with me I decided to check another store.. Found the IT of all sprinklers and decided yep, I'll look on line a bit longer plus it might snow on Tuesday.. That was last weeks storm, and my thankfulness that I got a few more days to look at sprinklers and then Sunday I Googled best sprinklers and added more confusion to the game plan.. So I know or knew what I wanted and the search showed that was the wrong one to get but.. I think I will get the one I am after.. The mechanical sprinkler is the clear winner but I've not seen a good review for any that I have seen, not consistent enough to warrant buying it, so it feels like a waste of money to buy something like that and am looking at the original idea..
Last year at this time the leaves were out, the lilacs were all starting to flower.. We were a month ahead.. This year it felt like January yesterday.. Hard to believe it is April.. And every time I think of it I think I have to get the seeds for the pumpkins started pretty soon.. I'm gonna start them before I put them in the ground to try to keep from pulling them.. Last year I planted pumpkins but I think I pulled them thinking they were weeds.. This year I will let them grow either in the house or outside in a greenhouse type of setting until Memorial day weekend.. I have that three sisters planting project to do again this year.. I know it's going to turn off hot once this cool weather leaves by the end of the month it will be back to spring, then a couple of weeks later it will be summer.. Enjoy the cooler weather, I WILL..
Badge Henry
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