Sunday, April 21, 2013

Third generation

After a big event happens or I should say when a big event happens I hit Twitter hard.. I look at the feed of what I've got.. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan two years ago I hit Twitter and the videos were incredible to see.. Then this past week with the Boston marathon I hit Twitter for information.. As well as Sulia is quite good too.. My biggest problem with Twitter is I max out at 2000 that I can follow.. That sounds like a lot and it is but I came across people who follow way more than two thousand sites.. They follow my feed and I will check theirs and for the most part they are looking to get whatever information they can and rarely have any tweets of their own.. I have tried many times to get more sites to follow but when I hit 2000 they shut me down.. Not sure why that is.. So I split the ones I really want between Twitter and Facebook..  That seems to be working fairly well..

When I said yesterday that I have thirty videos set for phase three I was just guessing, I figured there might be less.. Turns out I was wrong by quite a number.. It is closer the 50 videos.. So. I guessed wrong.. Today I uploaded Sunset Alter.. The first attempt to get the video right.. After I got the video done I watched it and thought I could do better so, I will try another take.. Same as with the video for Melrose.. I want this video to be so good because it will be the last video I do of the Phase three series.. And so there will be maybe three versions of that.. Three videos whole is all that phase three has left.. There has to be an end and the three ideas are set to be done..  But Melrose is a special song.. It is the first song on the album of the same name and it was the song that made me say hell with it, i'm gonna buy as many TD albums as I want.. And the chase was on.. 

Checked the Pink Floyd songs one last time.. So many songs I want to try to do videos for but just.. I'm not sure I would do the songs justice so.. I might still flush the idea.. Try one more time later this week then see what happens..

I watched a couple things last night.. Friday night concert or midnight special night is gone for now with Video Buzz being shut down on the Roku and it was missed this past Friday night.. Disappointed that the site was closed down.. Sadly they will eventually either get a true site that is in the channel store or they will have yet another beta (private) channel go again.. I really liked the Video Buzz site and will miss it.. But there was Saturday night video.. I browsed on the video site there that has everything that is on Amazon and Netflix called Flixsie and came across a few movies to look at and played the preview.. ATM got the nod last night.. It reminded me a little of the phone booth one a little.. Then I was in the right frame of mind to try a new site.. Well old site.. I loaded all these sites way back in December and have only looked short at them. The drive in site is interesting but I haven't really watched anything and so I decided last month to look at movies or whatever to decided whether or not to keep them or not.. Some have been good while others have been less than entertaining.. The public domain sites are very interesting, taking you back to a completely different time in cinema.. Last night was a new one, I had only looked at slightly.. Zom-bee tv is the channel and the show was called Cinema Insomnia.. The movie was a "b" movie type and was unintended to be funny.. Russian made but English dubbed, and the video looked like it was partially in color and black and white.. Really horrible yet .. There's just something about these old movies, I never used to like them but I am getting into them more and more all the time..

Badge Henry

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