Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What's that

I'd heard a lot about a tv show recently and thought I'd give it a shot maybe if I ever got enough time to watch it.. And just like with The Walking Dead I had heard a lot about the show and how it is groundbreaking, but the subject matter is  a little ..  More than I wanted to watch.. But I started watching it about two weeks ago.. The show is called Breaking Bad, currently showing the series on Netflix I am around episode 13 of season two.. Yea the show about meth production and that culture.. Here's a preview for the early part of the show :

I was skeptical about how I would care for the show.. I watched the first few and dozed here and there, not very good (I thought).. Then the episode that kind of sold me was the one where he sees this asshole who was on a headset cell phone earlier in the show had pulled up to a gas station and went in and Walt goes over, pops the hood on this guys fancy car and puts the window washer on the battery and shorts it out, causing it to short out heat up throw flames and start the car on fire eventually blowing it up..   The show is good but where you understand why he is doing what he is doing it still doesn't explain it as a good reason.. This drug is a poison that is screwing kids up.. The guys partner was shown as a casual user of the drug which I've heard really there is no casual or recreational use, it is a full on wasteoid drug...  Anyway just like Walking Dead I have gotten into it pretty heavy but unlike that show I am trying not to over indulge in it.. One episode a day (night).. That show and Jerico.. Jerico (the show where terrorists blow up nuclear bombs in America) I started to watch Shortly after I started watching Walking Dead, and then just watched walking dead until it was over.. Then started watching Jerico and Breaking Bad..   Anyway Jerico was the doomed drama that lasted just over a season.. Remember the show was given like six episodes the next season to finish things up, which it didn't.. But.. So why watch a show that is this way??  I don't know..  It's like a soap.. a continuous story.. I hope to start Lost sometime shortly.. I watched that show from start to finish when it was on.. But I'm not sure I watched ALL of it..   So will I go after this seasons Breaking Bad via torrent??   Not sure.. I mean I am still on the fence as far as trying to decide if I will watch the whole series as it is on Netflix..  Guess we'll see..

By the way I can't stand Something in The Air Tonight by Phil Collins.. The band I was in played it and I was bored playing it.. They thought it was so cool with that drum fill in there.. After yawning through three minutes of barfdom I got to thrill people with a mid level fill.. YIPPEE SKIPPEE..

Badge Henry

Monday, April 29, 2013

Furry furballs

I don't usually get animated movies but this one was an exception.. They are usually over the top cute or whatever but most movies like this bore me to the point where I doze off.. This one wasn't one of those.. If you must know that monkey was the reason I watched and at times rewound the movie to watch a scene again.. Just a really good movie all the way around..

So what else is new..  Trying to get the grass to grow after all that snow over the past few weeks, you would think there was enough of the wet stuff to keep from having to water but NO... There just wasn't enough.. This Wednesday is yet another rain/snow event, maybe the last of the snow events of this season.. Or maybe there will be more.. I'm not a fan of the heat of summer, I don't mind certain parts of summer, but if this summer is like last summer it will be hot.. HOT  I say.. Hopefully not..

Going to try to get the pumpkins growing today, start them in planting pots.. Although every year that I got them to grow I started them in the ground around Memorial day, this year I will try to start them in planter pots mostly so when I put them in the ground they will be further along and hopefully keep me from weeding them like I think I did last year.. When I say weed them I mean mistaken them for weeds..

The plan is for pumpkins to be planted this way, maybe sunflowers.. Definitely the three sisters project.. All in the same little plot of garden area.. Busy small spot..

Found out this morning on the radio as I had just woken up and listening to Czabe that the Jets had cut Tebow.. Set him free.. They talked to a guy that said the jets should also eat the contract of Sanchez as well and move forward.. I never understood Sanchez as  a starting QB, he started one year at USC..  Tebow I always kinda liked but.. He had a way of pulling games out at the end but if he could have played the full game the way he did the last five minutes.. I always said that when everyone made a big deal of that "Tebowing" thing, I said that to me Tebowing meant sucking until the fourth quarter then mounting a desperate comeback.. Imagine waiting until four thirty to start to work and then using the last half hour of your day to get the days job done..  PLAYBALL!!

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 27, 2013

I see I C Ice cream and cake

As I am trying to do this entry, and just pushed publish on the I.I. entry those wavy lines are in my eyes.. The nasty migraine  headache type of thing.. Made me remember the first time I ever had one was when I was in Junior High school and we were in the library because the music teacher wasn't there that day and they didn't get a substitute before Band.. Anyway with it being a new thing I wasn't sure what had happened.. I was sitting there and these wavy lives start and I instantly thought I might have been "dosed" and wasn't sure what to think.. I went and saw the principal and he told my dad and I think I ended up going home for the rest of the day.. Those were really nasty headaches back when I was younger but as I've gotten older the things (the lines in my eyes) are just annoying.. No headache comes with this anymore.. Wait..  .. no just joking, it still just annoying..

Tried a new idea the other day and then again today.. The tiller we have had a grass dethatcher attatchment on it and I used it to the point where the tines broke.. We got replacements for it last year and I used it but they broke again so rather than complain to the company again I thought maybe not to worry about it, it was obviously a flaw in the making of this thing.. So the other day I took the tiller out and did the pumpkin patch and then took and did two small patches in the lawn. Just a quick run through to loosen up the grass and then rake it up.. That seemed to work so well that I did a bigger part of the lawn next to the house where I thought it looked horrible last year, took until July for the grass to grow very well at all.. Seems like it worked but I won't know until later on..

I still haven't gotten the sprinkler I was looking at.. After todays watering with what I call the "atomizer" I thought I'd better get that sprinkler soon.. So Wednesday I think is when I will get it..

Took a spin to Ice Land earlier today via Google Earth.. That is one seriously cool country to check out...  The other day after I dropped mom at work I went into town and something happened I couldn't explain.. I went by what I hall halelluya intersection, which is where there are two churches on oposite corners and on the other side you have two funeral homes and I could swear one had changed dramatically.. I thought it had siding and now it was brick.. So I get home and first thing out I get on Google maps, I had to settle this once and for all.. Got the maps out, got myself at street level and in that intersection I saw that when Google maps was put together the house in question was in fact brick.. Why was I confused??  Turns out the house one block south was the one with the white siding on it.  So I felt better.. I wish there was a way to look at houses the way they were ten or twenty years ago.. Some have changed a lot.. I used to drive by the same houses on the same route I went on when I was on my break and then they were really different.  Some now aren't even the same looking.. Am I losing it?? Could be..

Hey on the I.I. video site I should warn that a lot of those videos are Hypnosis type, where I took the video and added the music after turning the audio track down.. So .. My headache is gone, time to fix the mistakes..

Badge Henry

Friday, April 26, 2013

Small Apartments

Today's video clips subject is a movie I watched recently called Small Apartments..

It's one of those dark humour type of movies that I get every now and then.. In some cases the humour is beyond even my taste but in this movies case I liked it.. Some of it anyway..

This scene ^^^ is the aftermath of an attempt to cover up his mistake.. An interesting bit of information.. One of the funnier scenes in the movie.. How much is scripted and how much was adlibed ...  I don't know..

The telling here.. And the response to the telling is what got me.. Had to rewind this one to see the timing.. Classic response perfectly timed..

And then the girl wanting to go to Vegas to be THAT GIRL...  Interesting scene..

Overall I really liked this movie, A dark humour type that every now and then hits me just right.. 

Badge Henry

Thursday, April 25, 2013

So yar is then..

That was funny and it was meant to be. All I can say is most of the time when I post a comment on Facebook it is meant to be lighthearted.. And when someone posted something on a site saying something about the "nickters" on what direction down and up is I posted a comment of  you are the master of all domain or something to that effect and added I am in awe.. And he took it as a joke and that is what it was meant as.. There ave been some who don't see my sense of humour and rip into me.. For those people I have nothing more to say to.. Any neat thing you might post, any picture that you post that I think is seriously cool, I will only do that thumbs up "like" thing.. I won't post a comment EVER again.. And there are some sites that blocked me from posting comments to which I feel Facebook is just a way to communicate and so when my comments were blocked I dropped their site.. Simple enough..  Anyway..

And then spring sprung and summer showed it's ugly head.. Actually I don't mind the early days of summer... Spring is my second favorite season after Fall.. Fall for football and the smell of leaves, change of season.. Spring has an equally nice smell, when the ground smells when it warms up, soil getting ready to give life..  Hopefully the weather won't go from fairly cold to hot and tornado type.. I would rather parts of last summer were here this year but, I'm thinking with tornadoes comes rain.. I guess you take what you can..

Went to see the new lil guy Ryan Robert yesterday.. He's growing up fast dammit.. Oh well.. Took Ian out for ice cream and he is still as wary of tornadoes as ever.. To me there is a healthy respect for tornadoes but at the age he is he is afraid of all types of weather.. If it is warm he is afraid of the bugs which again a healthy respect for them as well.. Yes I get nailed by these things every now and then, and it hurts but won't kill you.. Unless you are allergic to them.. The worst I've ever been nailed by a wasp is a three shot in the gut and then a few days later I got nailed again..  Felt a little funky for a day or two but that was it..  

Cat freaking the hell out.. This past few weeks (years) Skootr has had her meow on.. I tried to get video of this but she has a tendency to clam up when I grab the camera.. This time she did continue with her meow and odd behaviour.. She gets up in the sink area and while mom is trying to wash the dishes she tries to grab her by the arm with her mouth.. Bites her a little, like when they move their babies.. The meow continues until she gets mom away from the sink and then to the front room and on the couch and watching something either on the computer or tv.. Then after a few minutes Skootr gets up and moves to another area.. If mom gets up to do anything Skootr gets right back after her to get her to stop it.. Goofy lil kitty.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hocky sticks

So what does it mean when the entry says "Melrose (end of Phase III video session)"?.. Well there on that blog it is the end of that series of videos but won't be the end of videos.. I put that video (those videos) there because it was the end of that milestone as it were.. A quick session in some peoples standard.. But I wanted an end to that series mostly because I didn't see an end coming.. I had three strong ideas for videos with three songs and decided the end should be after those three videos were completed.. The three songs were Largo, Art of Vision and Melrose.. The songs/videos Largo and Melrose are already up and Art of Vision should be shortly.. Art of vision will have in it's descriptive that the final five or so pictures were made for the new blog site Infinite Improbability.. There were some nine pictures put together for the site but only one could be chosen.. The one that was chosen was the peep hole picture taken at the hotel there in Silverton.. If you can use your imagination you can see to the right the upper deck walkway to the stairs to the far side..  another picture on the Art of Vision video is one from the cemetery at Silverton, actually two were done.. The peep hole had five or something like that.. The old haunted house that I got from a search was put in the peep hole viewer, and the reason this picture isn't on the site was that house.. I like the glowing edges effect on photoshop (adobe) and there are like three effects that I like on that program, and I really only like that program for those three effects alone.. If  PdN were to get those effects I'd ditch adobe right now.. Anyway.. There will be still a good number of videos to be on that site, including the first from the Iderdown project..  Yesterday had the first video from Worlds Collide on it..  so there you go..

Badge Henry

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Third generation

After a big event happens or I should say when a big event happens I hit Twitter hard.. I look at the feed of what I've got.. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan two years ago I hit Twitter and the videos were incredible to see.. Then this past week with the Boston marathon I hit Twitter for information.. As well as Sulia is quite good too.. My biggest problem with Twitter is I max out at 2000 that I can follow.. That sounds like a lot and it is but I came across people who follow way more than two thousand sites.. They follow my feed and I will check theirs and for the most part they are looking to get whatever information they can and rarely have any tweets of their own.. I have tried many times to get more sites to follow but when I hit 2000 they shut me down.. Not sure why that is.. So I split the ones I really want between Twitter and Facebook..  That seems to be working fairly well..

When I said yesterday that I have thirty videos set for phase three I was just guessing, I figured there might be less.. Turns out I was wrong by quite a number.. It is closer the 50 videos.. So. I guessed wrong.. Today I uploaded Sunset Alter.. The first attempt to get the video right.. After I got the video done I watched it and thought I could do better so, I will try another take.. Same as with the video for Melrose.. I want this video to be so good because it will be the last video I do of the Phase three series.. And so there will be maybe three versions of that.. Three videos whole is all that phase three has left.. There has to be an end and the three ideas are set to be done..  But Melrose is a special song.. It is the first song on the album of the same name and it was the song that made me say hell with it, i'm gonna buy as many TD albums as I want.. And the chase was on.. 

Checked the Pink Floyd songs one last time.. So many songs I want to try to do videos for but just.. I'm not sure I would do the songs justice so.. I might still flush the idea.. Try one more time later this week then see what happens..

I watched a couple things last night.. Friday night concert or midnight special night is gone for now with Video Buzz being shut down on the Roku and it was missed this past Friday night.. Disappointed that the site was closed down.. Sadly they will eventually either get a true site that is in the channel store or they will have yet another beta (private) channel go again.. I really liked the Video Buzz site and will miss it.. But there was Saturday night video.. I browsed on the video site there that has everything that is on Amazon and Netflix called Flixsie and came across a few movies to look at and played the preview.. ATM got the nod last night.. It reminded me a little of the phone booth one a little.. Then I was in the right frame of mind to try a new site.. Well old site.. I loaded all these sites way back in December and have only looked short at them. The drive in site is interesting but I haven't really watched anything and so I decided last month to look at movies or whatever to decided whether or not to keep them or not.. Some have been good while others have been less than entertaining.. The public domain sites are very interesting, taking you back to a completely different time in cinema.. Last night was a new one, I had only looked at slightly.. Zom-bee tv is the channel and the show was called Cinema Insomnia.. The movie was a "b" movie type and was unintended to be funny.. Russian made but English dubbed, and the video looked like it was partially in color and black and white.. Really horrible yet .. There's just something about these old movies, I never used to like them but I am getting into them more and more all the time..

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Two weak labor camp

So what happened this week??  Tuesday our internet went out for a little over an hour and when we got it back the first thing I see on Facebook is Obama has resigned!!  WHAT?? Really. Well it was reported by CNN via a site that is quite  a lot like the Onion..  Oh, yeah.. The Onion, where I would be more apt to believe them than Fox News Channel.. CNN got egg on their faces as well as every news source there is.. The race to get the story first  trumped getting it right and I am talking of course about the bombing in Boston on Monday.. What they don't get is we the people would rather get the news right than get it from CNN first, because more than likely the only people watching the news channels like this are shutins anyway..

I think I've made a decision on the blogger site(s).. Final entry in December will have the words for this year added to it.. The December 27th entry will be the last entry for this year (maybe).. I mean why end it at that point unless Google announces they will be closing out this service which might be the case, I don't know what they will close out next.. But the idea is to keep the Phudge Nuts on Parade and this entry here going on.. And then I was thinking of converting my third (yes there is a third site) blog into the music video site.. So instead of the first Sunday of every month being my videos on the PNOP site, it might be seen on the third site.. The third site is named after my first Facebook site which was Nuclear Infected..  Wait a minute, my third site is in fact named Infinite Improbability.. Nuclear Infected was the name of my first Facebook but I abandoned it when I hit the one thousand "friends" mark because I really only knew a very small handful of people.. I then started the one I have and have a very small (ten or fifteen) friends list.. You can look for infinite improbability but it won't show anything.. Nothing you can see currently.. The site was set up Way back in .. 2012 as a dump site for entries that shouldn't see the light of day.. Just as this site was set up as a way to supplement the PNOP because I didn't want to have any writing on that site.. I wanted to have writing on that site that is short "caption" type of stuff for pictures of this & that type of thing.. And any joke like material to add to the entries..  Infinite Improbability (I.I.) will be for my videos exclusively.. The Sunday music entries will go on as usual but my videos will be posted on the II site.. The reason is, I don't want the videos up on that site.. the Infinity Video Project Phase I,II,III are all pretty much related, there really isn't a gigantic difference between phase one to three, unless you are me then you see the differences and they are glaring, from the early mistakes to the latest set that I can see that I have gotten a strong command of the program although it remains a learning process.. The final video of the project will be done shortly and the song representing that will be called Melrose by Tangerine Dream originally done (studio version) was Melrose.. This version is the "live" version from the Arizona double live album (bootleg) from the tour that produced the 220 Volt Live album.. That video album will be featured on the I.I site, as will the nearly thirty videos originally done for the phase three project..  I felt more that it was like beating a dead dog, if I loaded all these videos to my PNOP site.. The viewership is down on the Sundays that have these videos on there so I will likely only have the one Phase three entry there and then have everything else on the I.I. site..

So when will the Infinite Improbability site be "live"??  It's been live for the past eight months, but the entries that are there aren't visible.. They are there just not set to be seen by the general public.. The site is kind of like a journal (guy version of a diary)..  And it has the "entry from hell" that I would have moved here, or was planning to move here after the first of the year, but decided not to bother..  The first music video to be posted there will be...  something.. Not sure what right now but something will be there.. Also I think the experimental videos might go there as well.. I am limited to a certain size on the video.. 99MB is the limit, and so I have the videos set in two versions.. The small 240p format that gets uploaded to the blogger sites, and the 720p or 480p that get kept for burning to dvd for me to watch on the big rig..  240p looks horrible when increased to the size of any tv.. The computer monitor gets nasty at twenty inches.. A bigger tv, forgetaboutit...

This weeks movie, one anyway, was Abel's Field.. It is a religious bit of movie but it was good.. I don't mind this kind of movie, it was just a good story.. No problem.. just chill..

Badge Henry

(P.S. The picture on the new site (Infinite Improbability) is one of the pictures I took in the hotel in Silverton Co... The peep hole thing that was then glowing edges effected.. And so now it starts, page three..)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And then...

The question is how many entries do I write that don't get posted??  The answer is for every entry that gets posted there are as many that don't.. It's a ratio that is nearly one to one although it might be closer to two to one.. I delete the false starts after a day or two because they aren't relevant to anything at all and can't be incorporated into a current entry.. Some do get used in an entry to either pad the entry or there is an idea that could use the start of an entry to get it to a little further along idea.. Sometimes I will spend the better part of an hour writing what seems like a great idea only to push save and then come back later and delete the entry.. Sometimes I go off track from the original idea, edit it or not edit it and push publish and then come back later and add to the original idea and re-enter the entry.. So if you have ever seen an entry that seemed shorter earlier in the day, it is because I added to it.. Sometimes I will add to it in the *P.S. type of way. Asteric and then add to it.. Here more than on the PNOP site I will do that.. on the other site I might add to an entry that is scheduled, but NEVER  to an entry that has been posted already.. (well once I think I did this) ... So in conclusion..  There you have it...

Two weeks ago I was in ready mode.. Got the sprinkler of choice in hand and going to buy it.. But as with things that happen with me I decided to check another store.. Found the IT of all sprinklers and decided yep, I'll look on line a bit longer plus it might snow on Tuesday.. That was last weeks storm, and my thankfulness that I got a few more days to look at sprinklers and then Sunday I Googled best sprinklers and added more confusion to the game plan.. So I know or knew what I wanted and the search showed that was the wrong one to get but.. I think I will get the one I am after.. The mechanical sprinkler is the clear winner but I've not seen a good review for any that I have seen, not consistent enough to warrant  buying it, so it feels like a waste of money to buy something like that and am looking at the original idea..

Last year at this time the leaves were out, the lilacs were all starting to flower.. We were a month ahead.. This year it felt like January yesterday.. Hard to believe it is April.. And every time  I think of it I think I have to get the seeds for the pumpkins started pretty soon.. I'm gonna start them before I put them in the ground to try to keep from pulling them.. Last year I planted pumpkins but I think I pulled them thinking they were weeds.. This year I will let them grow either in the house or outside in a greenhouse type of setting until Memorial day weekend.. I have that three sisters planting project to do again this year..  I know it's going to turn off hot once this cool weather leaves by the end of the month it will be back to spring, then a couple of weeks later it will be summer..  Enjoy the cooler weather, I WILL.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, April 15, 2013

And then it ended.. just like that..

I check the Facebook rundown every morning like clockwork to see what has been going on since the last time I checked and it has evolved from being a keep track of family type of thing to a news type of thing like what RSS readers were about..   And Twitter.. So today I run through to the Rokuguide site and they have an update of a site that was quite near and dear, called Videobuzz..  Videobuzz is the YouTube watching site..  and it is being shut down.. This is Google doing this.. Kind of a buzz kill but guess what.. There are four or five other video sites on the Roku and two of them are up to the challenge of being the YouTube replacement.. Dailymotion being the one that I might start to post to.. There is a ton of material on youtube, and I will miss the Friday night music night there but I will move to another way of getting it.. I hope Roku gets a YouTube official channel, I hate the idea of getting a second streaming player that has a youtube channel just for that reason.. There are several out there but it seems like such a waste of money just to get YouTube for a while until Roku works out some sort of deal with Google/YouTube..  My reply to the news on the Facebook site was simply Major league bummer.. What can you say??  The channel was a beta (private) channel and well.. That's  the "thems the breaks" situation.. Some get to live on, and others die. They come, they go.. It's part of the internet lifestyle, here today gone later today...

I took a look at the channel store on the Roku and added a couple yesterday to try and both I have had before.. One is called Moviephone which is a video and movie preview site.. It is part of the AOL.ON channel and was that reason that I got rid of it before.. But I reacquired it to try for S&G again.. and the other was the Snagfilms site which isn't at all what it sounds like.. There are a lot of cool videos on there, one of which is about monuments, sites along the road that tell of historical significants here & there..  I watched some of it and they were saying how these are not always very accurate.. Kind of an interesting video, I will try to finish watching it later on..

The commercials they show on these sites that are "free" aren't horrible, I know more about how the M&M will do anything for love but it won't do that.. And the car ads and Radio Shack, and truth be told a thirty second ad isn't that bad but it is the strange places they put the ads that have always baffled me.. In the middle of a scene that is fairly intense they will break.. Then come back from about there and continue on.. Strange commercial breaks.. The Vanguard site wouldn't start the video I wanted to see.. I was trying some sites for content to see if I wanted to keep the site or turn it free and might get them back on another day.. same commercial, the m&m and cars & radio shack.. I guess they have the market cornered for now..  Vanguard  got shelved as did World Worth Watching for now anyway.. I've started to do that with certain video sites.. Not because the ads but because I wasn't watching them anyway.. Others that got the axe was the Macgufin site, it is watchable from the i-tunes site.. I check to see if the podcasts can be seen in the i-pod site for some of these.. Vevo comes and goes.. Vevo has so much new music videos so that is a huge strike against it.. Sorry vevo..

Badge Henry

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trampsing lifelessness

I really had trouble clipping the third season of "The Walking Dead" because I couldn't see how to.. Truth be told I had never seen the series before last month when I started to watch it on Netflix streaming.. Then as I said in an earlier entry I was going to wait until this past season was available on Netflix and stream it but then I searched for a torrent that had the entire third season and got it.. Just finished watching it and I have to say it is still my favorite show on tv.. Even though it is another show I've never watched on the channel it was on.. "Like Justified"..   The first clip here is the one where Mishone has two "zombies" (walkers or biters as the two separate camps call them) as pack mule type of things.. Situated to be feared no more by removing their arms and made their mouths to not bite anymore.. Smart move..

I call this scene the trophy wall scene.. strange and it gives viewers a look at the mind of the govenor ..  Not a very nice guy and things would only get stranger from this point on..

Rick's new daughter is born but at a price..

After the governor went to the prison to finish those people off, it backfired.. This was one of the last scenes of series three..  Again what I like the most about this series is that no one is safe.. I had heard that one of the top characters from last season was killed off, so when it happened I wasn't too surprised.. This season was really good and it ended the way I was hoping it would..   Now the dreaded wait until next season all the way to October.. It's like waiting for football season to start again..

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday night music night

A little explanation about the entries on the PNOP site..: Fridays are set or preset entries that were set as far back as this past October.. I preset every Friday from now until the 27th of December (Final entry, which right now I'm leaning against but might ..  you know) so the things that are on those days are from old or from the old shit I got on the internet from before .. From the years leading up until now.. Why I collected so much of this odd crap??  I at first collected it for sending out e-mails and then when my emails were corrupted I kept collecting it and then started the web page thing to share that way.. This way peoples emails don't get twenty emails a day and if they care to see some odd shit they can come visit my odd crap site.. Kind of a win win situation and one of the reasons I will keep the site beyond the 27th stop date.. Or I might leave there and come here.. Or not.. Just not sure..

I watched that movie "Now Is Good" and it was every bit as good as they said it would be but man.. Have  a box of tissues it can get dicey..  It was well done from all aspects of the movie.. There are so many of these "dying of cancer" movies out there that all have about the same feeling to them, and I'm not putting them down.. They just all make you feel like because you are healthy that you are wasting your life away if you don't go cramming events into it.. Hard to say if you were given a true finite number of  days to live what you might do with them.. and this movie showed what one girl tried to do.. 

Last night was Friday night music night and featured.. Well I wasn't sure who to watch.. I knew I had that movie to watch (Now Is Good) and wasn't sure what I wanted in music so in the Roku I clicked on one of the groups in my playlists, the Heart concert from '75 quality was horrible both sound and video (a transfer from video tape) and then I clicked to do a "related to.." video search and as I went through the other concerts, the  show "Alan Parsons Live Proyxt"  came up (why it was so misspelled is beyond me) but it was the show from Madrid Spain.. A fairly good show although short, I think they were playing some sort of festival thing..  The drummer was the lead vocalist singing the Chris Thompson parts and the actual lead vocalist did the Eric Wolfson leads because he is of course no longer alive.. Why is Alan Parsons so popular or why did I start to listen to his music??  I really started listening to his music because I was talking to a guy at a record store way back in the day about getting into another group sort of like Pink Floyd, and they said try APP and so I did..  The relativity of Alan Parsons and why I didn't get it right then and there was I wasn't sure.. But the name Alan Parsons should be well known to anyone who reads old record jackets. Alan was a recording engineer back before his music project lifted off, and worked on one of the greatest albums in Dark Side Of The Moon  by Pink Floyd..  But the show was really good.. They played Sirius (the song most sports teams come out to) and when I thought about it the song was a throw away track that just seemed like a good way to get from the start groove (on records) to the true first song "Eye In The Sky"..  To me the song I-Robot is a better over all song..  The highlights of the concert were the songs Breakdown/The Raven, Psycobabble rap and I-Robot..  Then after the concert I looked at a few more concerts and there was a Heart medley, songs hooked together quite well..  Interesting video.. And a few other concerts that could be in the Friday night rock show lineup including that Moody Blues concert at the Royal Albert Hall, a three hour marathon.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, April 12, 2013

Barking cats and weapons of other wars

Sorry about the last entry.. I tend to write about things that are going on and that can be both good and bad.. Needless to say I slept fairly well last night after gagging the night before.. When I blew my nose after that event I thought everything was blown clear, but boy.. WAS I WRONG.. anyway.. 

Mom did work today after worrying that they might cut her free she took her phone in with her and told me she might be calling right quick if they were going to in fact fire her.. Trouble is even at her short amount she does it is still the most they will get out of anyone at any price..

I was listening to the radio today and I had it on Ed Shultz and he is of the more democratic side of things politically speaking. When everything was going down during the election season I was watching and nodding my head.. Romney had reversed his position and was flip flopping on almost everything he had set on in the primary season.. I voted this year for the first time in many elections.. I felt this strongly that I voted for Obama and now he is betraying those who believed in him.. I think everything he is doing now is starting to make people start talking about recall or impeachment.. Maybe not impeach but trying to organize some sort of revolt against him.. I can't believe he would go against what he ran on, but of course he can't lose another election because he is done.. He spend the next three plus years doing whatever he will do and either make a strong case for four more years of democratic party rule or have the country be so disillusioned with them that they vote in a Romney like republican.. One thing is certain I can't tell we have a democrat in the whitehouse, in fact the republican party has to feel good about Obama, he is more republican than Romney would have been..

I check my spam folder on Yahoo mail every now and again and today I had a letter from a Adriane person (female likely the way the letter read) and there was so much miss spelled words and things that I read it with a lot of laughter.. Ok I know I have trouble spelling (most of the time I  have a dictionary site opened when I do entries on my blog sites) but this is.. And I get some texting gets in there a lot but this wasn't texting, it was seriously miss spelled words, and when it comes to the ending of ING  and they try nig or gni or gin I kepp thinking get consistent and look at the first way you wrote.. Guessing three ways to spell a word ending in ING three different wrong ways.. Takes some talent..

Hey what's with all the tv sets in the aisle in the electronics part of walmart??  They are on clearance, but why??  Well I've heard they are going to a standard tv.. The standard tv will be a "smart" tv.. what a smart tv is??  Smart tv sets will have the ability to stream as part of the standard televisions going from now on. I saw the smart tv sets earlier and thought well that's nice.. Streaming is perfect for sales of tv's because then you sell a tv and even without cable tv setup you can get something to watch.. 

Speaking of streaming  that Daily Motion site on the Roku is just way cool.. Beyond the YouTube site, the videos are really cool to watch.. I would say Vimeo and Daily Motion are neck and neck after the YouTube channel on the Roku.. And then there is Break.. and blinx and...  well the archive.. Nowhere archive is the best isn't it?? Old public domain just can't be beat..

Badge Henry

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The adjustment

The other day I was reading an entry at the sodahead site and they have polls and one of them was about weather  a woman should be allowed to write men while serving time..  and my quick quip reply was I would hope so.. Men is is a three letter word, should be quite easy to write that should she need to.. I take some things like that literally sometimes.. The day that Jordan was telling mom that she was going to be a para I said your going to be a pair of what.. She didn't get that I don't think.. Anyway on to what I called you here for.. I said in a past entry that I got the third season of The Walking Dead and started to watch it recently.. this show is so addictive to me.. A good guys versus bad guys type of story, but I think what gets me is that the entire cast can be killed.. No one is safe, except maybe the "Rick" character.. The show I watched yesterday had a guy the picked up at the prison where they are holed up got shot mid sentence..  I was just getting to like his character too.. Oh well.. Very interesting show..  

Last night was another adjustment night.. I seem to go through these around this time of year.. I think mom worries about it a little but I get why it happens.. I used to (and still do) blame it on fish.. Fish the culprit to the adjustment that came in that form quite a few years ago.. And the recent adjustment was from eating too much candy although I have to say I've been eating more recently.. The last time I had trouble was after eating a good lot of pumpkin seeds, after eating them fairly good amount I guess I ate too many and I had an adjustment to fix things.. Not as bad as last night.. I had a full refund of everything I ate from supper time through the evening snack of apples and celery.. it all came back up... About midnight, or shortly after looking at a show I was wanting to see.. Anyway everything seems better today..

From the aborted entry for yesterday: 

Because of the weather from yesterday to today mom says she doesn't even want to try to go in to work today.. I figured as much, the highway is closed although it might be a suggestive closure, sometimes it's closed but not really.. So she starts to call the Mc.D's and this was at seven thirty and about every ten minutes after that.. No answer, no surprise they could be very busy.. A little backing story on this.. The local Mc.D's was sold to another owner and the GM stayed on through the transition but I think he knew he was going to leave after everything settled down.. Well the new field manager (higher than the GM) has been nothing short of a real pain in the ass and they have had full shift people walk out, and recently a Sunday crew quit on the spot.. so fast forward to yesterday and today and the weather causing closure of highways and making the going tough and when mom can't get through to the place I told her they might not even be open.. That wasn't a joke, they might only have five people total on the payroll.. FIVE..  And two of those are from Bridgeport, and they can't get here because the road is closed...  I think the place is open but there are only three people working it.. They import workers from the town they are based in just like they used to do at the one down here when the base was in Sterling.. Well now they are based out of Scottsbluff and that is quite a drive to bring crew   And they more than likely didn't get here..  Attitude is what kept the other manager there for so long, he was a shit but he knew the right balance to keep a crew there..   I was just thinking of the number of times I drove down there early in the morning when it had snowed and trying to keep the vehicle on the road out of the ditches.. There were a great number of times I drove down there in crappy weather, and did so when others wouldn't have even tried..

Badge Henry

Monday, April 8, 2013

Last Chance for Love (Joe Schmoe 2)

Joe Schmoe 2  : Last Chance For Love was an interesting show..  But as much as you think wow this is interesting how they try to pull this off, they have had three shows that were successful.. Were there others that didn't make it far enough in to even run the few shows that they had??

This season was the second of the 'schmoe' series and the season following the Lap of Luxury show  that was the first and then the bounty hunter type that was done this year.. The girl, Ingrid, flipped.. The guy was along for the ride and stayed that way (?)  (did he?  figure it out??   ever???).. And then there is the feeling that it was too far fetched even for him, but..  Interesting..

I read the synopsis for the show before watching it so I kinda knew what was going to happen long before it did and watched with the idea in the back of my mind that this was going to be fake.. Some seemed that way and then some didn't..

These five clips are the show in a nutshell.. The recap shows and the final reveal.. These first three are recap and the last two are the final part of the big reveal..

This version of the show, the T.J. character is on Castle right now and has been since the show started.. Probably the most well known actor from this Schmoe ...

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 6, 2013

In like water

Torrenting works this way... It's MAGICAL.. I don't exactly know how it works completely.. I get the gist but couldn't fully explain it to satisfy those who might actually know but let's just say when I used to torrent (pnp file sharing) it was set the torrents to be gotten and then go to bed and in the morning everything was here on the computer.. And now I do it while looking at things in the morning and then watch what I got in the afternoon.. Unless it was a box set type of thing like the recently acquired walking dead season three, That took seven hours to get.  Today I clicked a show that is an hour long show to try to watch, I've only heard of it and it is also on a  roku channel, thought I'd give it a shot.. Two minutes after starting the download I check to see how far it has gotten and it was halfway done.. Like I have said the show Justified I've only seen two episodes of that show on tv, the rest has been torrent.. Same with Archer and Legit.. Pretty much everything on FX and likely FX2 will be the same way when it starts up.. We do get FX west feed, I just forget to watch for these shows.. Streaming from the network sight would be just as easy as torrent and .. Probably safer but you get the commercials as well.. The hulu site can be downloaded from which is nice now..

Last nights music night was Alice Cooper at the O2 arena this past holiday season.. You couldn't tell it was a Christmas time show, he got his head cut off like usual.... WHAT A GUY!!  I'll always be a fan of this guy..  I read something on a site that Bob Ezrin was producing Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse.. album and wanted to have them do rap in one of the songs and Dave (Gilmour) flat out rejected the idea.. I always said Dave was smart, it would have been the end of me being a fan of theirs right there.. No need to try to recover with another album.. It was like when KISS did a disco song on Dynasty, turned me off of KISS for a while... 

Tomorrow is the music entry from the Infinity project phase two the entirety of phase two.. Phase three will have one entry only and right now I have to decide which videos will be on that.. I did enough for five entries (actually more but was planning on five) but will hold it to one, why go overboard??  The next project called Worlds Collide is shaping up to be more concept and leaving the shapes and acid like video concepts that the infinity project was seemingly about (computer generated visualscapes)... The video I had been wanting to do since the end of the summer I finally did for the song Sunset Alter.. Turned out well, but might try another version.. I can't seem to satisfy my vision fully for the video..

I was looking at some of the pictures that I had acquired for the possible final entry on PNOP in December and this one was there.. Flipping The Bird as it was entered in the search engine and this picture came up.. When you see this at the end of an entry, you will know that will be the final entry for that site.. Still trying to decide if the December 27th "final entry" will be that or if I will continue on.. Decisions decisions.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday fieldgoal

I will admit to one thing that has come out of the situation that happened this past August, I am uncomfortable around Lucy.. That may never change.. Truth is today I was hoping mom would say let's go home without going to the hospital but  ..  She needs to see the new baby boy.. No problem there.. I took my camera in and if Ryan would have been in the holder thing I would have taken a picture of him.. No big deal I will likely get a picture of him some time sooner or later..

Looked at sprinklers today.. I am still torn on getting a mechanical (gear driven) one.. Looked at Walmart and they have one on a stake for about ten dollars.. Then checked at the Bomgars store and saw about the same kind that is on it's own plastic thingy doo.. It was nearly twenty dollars and is a brand I like so.. I might get it or the other.. Not sure which to get..  Then I thought I'd get the one at walmart and then decided to get it maybe Wednesday.. Maybe.. Maybe not at all...

On the Roku I've added a new channel to check out.. From the page of the channel itself : 
Sound Reason

Developer: JFXIA
The long established patterns of faith are changing, not just in the USA, but slowly across the World; traditional religion is increasingly finding itself being challenged by skeptical thinking, secularism, and atheism.The Sound Reason channel makes accessible on the Roku a representative sample of the best internet audio podcasts from the skeptic and freethought movement -- the funniest, the most thought provoking, the most educational, the most lively...The intended audience includes non-believers wanting to listen to a wider range of views from within the freethought community, and believers wanting to test their faith against counter arguments. The included podcasts range in style from panel discussions, to debates between believers and non-believers, to phone-in shows, to opinion pieces. Episode topics may include such things as counter-apologetics, philosophy, morality, politics, and education. Because occasionally content may include controversial subjects (such as pro-life / pro-choice debates), parental guidance for young children is advised.

My views towards religion started to change way back when I was still in high school..  This channel has some interesting subjects..   I like the idea of freethought..  Open up your mind and think outside the mainstream box of religion.. Think for yourself.. I like that..

Badge Henry

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Made thursday

After watching The Walking Dead on Netflix I have to admit I kinda got hooked on the show.. It comes on AMC and I didn't watch this season and thought I'd wait until it is on Netflix to watch it, but..  I really miss watching that show and was gonna get it via torrent then decided to wait and watch it on Netflix.. Then today i am checking the listing on the torrent and there is the latest episode of Cracked and set to get it.. Then for the S&G's I checked for a torrent of season 3 of Walking Dead just to see if a single torrent were available with all of season 3 on it.. I thought I'd get it in individual downloads before but decided against it.. There it is a single torrent with the entire season 3 on it.. Five of them as  matter of fact.. Which one to take?? I hope I tagged the right one anyway.. Should be watching episode one of season three this afternoon..

On Sulia they had the news of the new Arrested Development that is coming to Netflix next  month and I wasn't a fan of the show at all..

Trying to decide which radio "app" to have on the Roku.. I liked Pandora and the remote has that site with a dedicated button all it's own, but... And I liked Pandora when it was first out on the computer, I got into  a lot of music using it, but with the Roku it isn't quite the same to use.. So I have i-Heart radio, Tunein and Shoutcast as well they have slacker radio, rdio as well as others but I wanted to only try these others.. It was a tossup as far as i-Heart and tunein are concerned.  I like to listen to more talk radio now than I ever have before and use the computer (i-Tunes program) to listen to what music I listen to because I don't have much tolerance for radio programers ..  Tunein has a  great number of stations from here in America as well as around the world.. i-Heart seems a little limited so I for now have eliminated it from my channels section.. Shoutcast has a huge number of channels mostly internet exclusive.. rdio is about the same as shoutcast except is pay more than not..  To each their own taste wise.. i-heart has the Bear from Greeley which I like to listen to when we get to Cheyenne.. Kind of the reason I like i-heart but not enough reason to keep it for now anyway.. 

Then there is the North Korea situation and except for the threat being more local to Americans in that region, it seams fairly hallow for a strike on American soil.. That being said I wonder what would happen if the U.S. decided to strike them first??  Slap them hard.. Probably world war three..  Oh well it was a nice go of it..  Happy hunting Ung   you little twit..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Project three

 Back when the XL Pipeline was first announced that it would be cutting a trench through the Nebraska sandhills region I was against it.. I didn't like the idea of this pipeline going through this area mostly because if it leaks (it would never leak) it could taint the water supply for everyone who uses the water.. Truth is it would screw up more than that.. And this week we had a pipeline burst in Arkansas and in a residential area.. I read the comments on it and there were those who said "I'd go out and pick it up".. With what exactly would you pick it up with and do what with it once you did??   There is no good that would come from the pipeline going through except it would cause a spike in employment for a while and not very many jobs.. The jobs created would be specialist positions such as those who already know how to install a pipeline and these are people who know what they are doing (I would hope).. You wouldn't want cheap labor guessing  they are working on it right..

The three sisters project.. A few years ago we got a seed set and idea to try this three sisters.. And then just yesterday we got another set in the mail to do this again.. I was going to plant pumpkins and still plan to.. But the three sisters project will be done as well.. Should be interesting.. Last time I did this the corn grew great but the beans were sparse.. The squash ended up being fairly good as well.. Took me a while to remember it.. So I'll get things going here in May..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

After the fools day

Just a little note here.. I got the video from Sundays visit completed and edited to upload to YouTube by about seven and started the upload right then.. The first part there was some of the scenes were out of order with where they should have been, I've explained that with this video camera the files aren't in running order.. When they are watched from the camera to the tv (disc recorder) they are in order, but when I load them to the computer they aren't in order..  they run all over the place and there were a great number of scenes, I don't push record and let it go until I am done..  The second part (in the kitchen) was set as the second video on it's own.. Though they could have been put up as one complete video I decided to have them be two separate videos..  Set on Facebook in opposite order so that part two would be lower in the timeline with part one being above.. Makes some sense I guess..  I started the upload at about seven last night and checked at a little after ten and it wasn't even a quarter of the way done and I thought it might take all night to upload.. It was done by three this morning, because I happened to wake up and turned on the Roku and checked and the videos were there on my site.. Anyway, the full video that was shot was well over an hour with the kitchen part being over twenty minutes or maybe even half an hour..  I want to  edit more, but it was tough to do and gets harder to cut stuff out as the girls get older.. It would be nice to get a video about once a month.. Watch them get older, develop..  

Badge Henry

Monday, April 1, 2013

The cat is out of the bag.

A lame tame April fools day thing at the PNOP site.. Tame I say because what I was planning was to take all of the entries down, and have only one "HACKED" thing on there for the entire day..  Then I was going to have some writeup about the "video" per each entry which was instead pulled because of restrictions but that seemed really involved and a heavy lot of fun to do so I did this instead.. Very mild compared to what I was planning.. I did mention on Facebook that I didn't understand what was going on with the PNOP site, why was everything I posted being taken down and being replaced with that crap, but it was me that did it.. Kinda lame but you know.. Oh well...

Badge Henry


The movie Lockout with Maggie Grace and the guy who rescues her.. And everything else yadda yadda yadda.. anyway these three scenes were the best of the movie.. My kind of humor.. Friday night flick night was good..

Badge Henry