Friday, March 14, 2014

Fence breached

Finally.. The death toll rises, but is it because of Walt??   How do you keep tally on the deaths.. Here's what I mean.. Tuco beat the guy up in the last episode of the first season (episode 8) and as a cliffhanger no one knew if the guy was dead.. I couldn't remember for sure but as it turns out, the start of season 2 that turns out what happened as Tuco heads off Walt and Jesse as they were leaving the junkyard.. As things progressed Jesse gets a gun and shows Walt.. Walt asks how many bullets this gun holds and Jesse tries to crack open the gun.. Failing to do that little task the question of can you pull the trigger to kill Tuco becomes mute..  So now what??  The paranoia begins to become overwhelming at Jesse sees a car by his house and then later on Walt does as well.. Tuco was a quick fix for the guys to get their product on the streets and make a quick chunk of change in the process, but .. Tuco was obviously a short fused person...  And that night after Walt gets home he gets his finances in order.. Gets his weaponry set too.. In this case it was in the same bank.. in this case an empty diaper box.. Jesse pulls up in front of Walts house and Walt rips into Jesse.. Why did you come here are you fucking crazy.. Jesse says nothing as the camera pans into the car and shows an unwanted guest in the backseat in back of Jesse with a gun.. Walt gets in the car.. They drive away into the next episode.. The house in the boondocks of New Mexico.. Our heroes are in the trunk and it's HOT out there.. This episode I considered to be the first big scrape for the dynamic duo.. With the plan to shoot Tuco being a work in progress and both guys unarmed (sort of) they are at the mercy of Tuco.. as it turns out Walt has the risen poison in his pocket and every effort to get Tuco to consume it fails.. Yep it took a good old fashion lead delivery system to cool Tuco right out.. A shootout ensues when Hank (walts brother in law DEA agent) finds Jesse's car out in the middle of hells gone N.M. and the winner is Hank..  The guys are left to run away into the desert.. Alone, no water.. What could go wrong???

The start of the first show of season two and the third show of season two and subsequent  other openers of season two all have the odd same thing to them.. Show one, what looks to be an eyeball floating in the water eventually being sucked into an intake vent, panning to a stuffed animal that was singed on it's side and missing an eye.. What does this mean.. Some cryptic scene that is expanded upon on the next few shows.. I remembered seeing this part of these shows the first time I watched the series and wondered what was going on.. As Walt and Jesse make their way through the desert only one thing strikes you, how is Walt going to explain this to Skyler.. Walt always the thinking man can keep his BS straight with everyone else but with Skyler, she sees right through it.. There is little doubt there.. So he gets a ride into town, assumed it was AQ (Albuquerque) and we see a cashier finding clothing strung through aisles of the store.. We hear a commotion and it's out hero standing near the coolers in the rear of the store with nothing on but a smile..  Needless to say it takes some BS by Walt to get things to be remotely believable ... Jesse on the other hand has a breaking bad moment of his own.. After Hank gets the CSI taking care of the shootout scene he finds the bag of money, Jesse money and after picking Jesse up for questioning shows it to him.. He is now broke, and add to that his parents kick him out of the house he was living in and he hits a rock bottom.. Well not quite rock bottom.. The RV they were using to cook in was towed to a garage for working on and storage.. Jesse decides this is his only hope for a place to stay for the night.. Climbing over the fence and standing on the roof of a porta potty I saw the next gag a mile away.. After crawling out of the slop he makes his way to the camper and grabbing a gas mask spends the night in that..

Through the next few episodes Walt and Jesse reconcile their differences at hey are rather large.. Walter thinks he is so much better than Jesse, since he is the cook.. And you just can see that..  Jesse is now the main man in charge of sales of the product and he gets his "posse" together to do the grunt work.. As was written before, the "Disney" feeling that Walt was wanting, died  horrendous death when Tuco put Jesse in the hospital and then flipped out on his own man and killed him... So who gets the dope sold now and who do they depend on for the money.. They end up working together ole Jesse and his friends.. Trouble is they remain in the good guy trust mode and don't carry any protective devices such as any gun, or knife or anything.. And Skinny Pete pays the price as he gets lacked for a sale.. Jesse takes Walts cut to him and he comes unglued.. he is short a grand and chews out Jesse.. Get it done and send a message.. The message would get sent but not the way anyone thinks.. Jesse gets a gun and heads to these peoples house.. As things move along Jesse sees the guy has the money, plenty of it.. It's just in an ATM machine he stole.. The guy is in the middle of breaking into the machine and Jesse takes his eye off the guys wife or significant other or drug addict life partner. She doinks him in the head and when he comes to the guy trying to break the piggy bank open has it propped at an angle and he is trying to find the weak point under it.. It has to be there doesn't it?? Makes sense to me but the first time I watched the show I knew exactly how this was going to work out, as the guy rips into his tripping significant other and she cracks and as Jesse was getting his head together he watched as the girlfriend delivered the fatal blow to the guy.. As she walked over to what appeared  to be to thump Jesse since she was on a roll, she wasn't watching Jesse at all.. She went and took the remainder of the guys stash from his jeans pocket.. Jesse, upon seeing the ATM back in it's upright position thumped it and the front door popped open spilling it's financial contents.. Jesse grabs a little but then goes and grabs the phone and calls 911.. Jesse is the good guy, in a way.. then goes and grabs the little boy and sets him outside so he will be the first thing the rescuers see.. 

It's hard to not write an essay on the show while trying to remember what happens through them all.. The interesting parts of the show are there. What I am doing on this second time through watching is trying to see if there are any clues to the other characters shown later such as Saul the attorney they will hire to get people out of the deep end.. Trying to keep the dead strait was another thing.. The early two that Walt killed directly, Tuco who was himself getting ready to off Jesse, was killed by Hank in a gun fight at the ranch place there in the desert.. How to keep track of the dead is going to be tricky shortly and I will write about that as the dead start to pile up..

Badge Henry

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