Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pictures from the paper..

Some pictures from the Silverton Standard news paper from the past few months... The picture above the caption tells it all.. A true chamber of commerce picture..
These two pictures are the same.. From the burg during the "Vote YES" campaign that was for the bump in tax for a new k-4 mega grade school that would have meant??  But this house was one of the few that had the balls to actually have a "Vote NO" placard (home made by the way)..  The measure was defeated on what was the day after the big wind nailed the town with plenty of clean up duties..
Vintage Vehicles, driven over the pass to get there?? Not sure.. I do remember seeing an old car there a few times while we were visiting..  Really an interesting thing to think about..

Fugitive pig..
From the local paper with the excuse of it being  extremely hot..  Then the paper gave the excuse it was really cold rainy and windy for this past weekends thumping..

These two are the same exact story.. If you are able to read one, the other is exact.. The reason I put both on is because I couldn't tell which could be read better..  But .. What it tells us is.. Well two people I know are in the class officers.. The senior president is Bob Davis, a guy I am related to.. Go figure right.. Then the secretary of the freshman class is related as well  Georgia White..

I saw the changing colours via the webcams for the roads around the southwest Colorado area.. I'd love to go up there about the middle to end of September some day..
These two pictures (the picture above and the story below) are related.. Moose is loose in the hoose ...

This one caught my eye.. The Prosser Building.. Furniture and Undertaker in one building.. How was business??


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