Monday, October 21, 2013

Ahhh You're kidding

The week that was.. Actually this goes back a ways, the discs from Netflix over the past bit here.. It's been quite an interesting little bit, check it out.  I try to get a true classic movie every fairly often, that included recently "The Bridge Over The River Kwai" great world war 2 movie..  Well recently I kept that string alive with getting Casablanca..

Warm Bodies the movie that is the reversal of the "zombie" movie formula, might have been better but worth a look see..

A movie that blew me away, watching the previews and wondering if it was as good as it looked, "Upside Down"..  A sci-fi love story.. It's the premise of the idea that two worlds could be so close and yet so far away..

Then I got High School and Ten Years on the same weekend and so there was some cross reference when I was trying to remember which was which..  High School was about a guy in highschool that happened to relax his standards and went out partying one weekend and then got caught and the school principal decided to run a drug test on the whole school to punish all those who use drugs.. In Ten Years it is a reunion movie with everyone getting back together for their tenth year out of school.. Interesting movie..

Killing Season with John Travolta was really a good movie as well..

The Sessions was an interesting movie,

 as was The Best Exotic Marigold  Hotel..

Culminating in a trifecta of great movies this weekend starting with Phantom

Next is The East.. This is my favorite idea of all..  Make people who ruin the lives of normal people pay or at least see what the ultra rich who don't have to live amongst the trash piles..

Finally there was Trance.. Trance deals with hypnotism and mind control so shortly after they go to see the therapist everything from that point onward has to be taken with the mindset that nothing is real, or take what you see with the proverbial grain of salt.. Sometimes this kind of movie hits for me and other times I get the idea that the director and story teller are trying to be way over the top with their story telling.. But most movies like this have sequences where towards the end of the movie they show what was what and this one had that set in several instances.. Which do you believe??

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I thought I'd through a post script in there fully unrelated to this entry.. The PNOP entries are done through the end of the year, except for the 24, 25, 31 of December.. Might have something special for those three days, although I'm not sure what it might be.. As for the start of next year, I'll try to get January done by the end of December.. Being anymore that two full months ahead isn't a really good idea.. Last week with the government issues coming to a head I didn't alter the entries (much) and it kinda showed.. I don't want the site to be political anymore than it is.. I don't see myself as democrat or republican (I'm registered independent)  but i don't identify with the GOP at all, and the TEA has taken the GOP for a rip roaring ride to nearly over the cliff.. But I did vote republican back when Ronny was in there and looking back I think I wanted to be on the winning side rather than vote who I wanted in there.. Wow, I didn't mean to be this derailed into politics..  Another thing I wanted to write about was SiriusXM screwing the pooch recently by taking off almost all the CC channels and they are losing subs right and left because people who listen to those channels found out what I knew and that is if you like listening to talk radio, they don't have anything near what CC brought.. (CC being Clear Channel)... But that's for another entry.. )

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