Thursday, October 31, 2013

Picture this

 In one of the latest local news papers we get there is a Halloween colouring contest pamphlet .. For the kiddies..  My mom took it to the boo yesterday and wanted him to colour it to see how he might could do.. He did a little but quickly lost interest in doing it.. I had scanned the pictures into the computer to do something with them, maybe with a little time I might could get them done.. Truth is I used my favorite programs to do them and the day might very well be coming where kids won't be using crayons to do the pictures but will use the computer programs.. Hard to believe??  Not really at all...
 The previous picture as well as these here were done completely different than I usually do them.. These were done with PDN and then altered with Adobe photo shop and image ready using their little goodies.. Mostly the glowing edges effect..

 The pumpkin was the first to be done, the one above was the easiest to get done.. I was always into abstract painting when I was in school and with the several picture rendering programs I find myself going the abstract route again..

 The original completed pumpkin above and the glowing edges effect below.. As well the ones above but a few other things from PdN to add that multicoloured effect.. That's how it was done..

 These were done with a full on coloured by painting them in kind of a blob/blot idea where it was almost a remedial idea.. Kind of a set the brush to paint over the lines and not try to stay in the lines except in parts of it.. Using textured setting for that certain look...

 These final four were done with preset textures on the PdN program and then using the glowing edges on photo shop..
 Happy Halloweens to you.. The most wonderful time of the year..

Badge Henry

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