Thursday, October 31, 2013


Wow, not sure why I didn't get this entry earlier but.. As of November 1 Google's home page, I-Google, will be no more.. This is in ode to a friend.. Cut that.. I had gotten i-Google as my homepage two years ago give or take for reasons that I've written about elsewhere here, and I had all sorts of trouble customizing it because I wanted it to be just so ultra .. GREAT...  PERFECT ..  So much great that it was the envy of all who might see it.. and then a little over a year ago they announced that as of November first they would stop supporting it.. So it folds and with it just a few memories because just like with reader I found something to replace it.. And in the case of i-Google I was looking for something better before they announced they were ending it.. Found what I thought was better and then when they announced the shut down, I decided to have the speed dial be my homepage which when it opens I have my homepages set to open.. Why be limited to a single page?? Basically the i-Google that I set up had so many pages ready to open that the idea of having the speed dial was the next logical step and like I said the next step..

What will I miss about i-Google the most?? When they announced the shut down I set the speed dials up and situated them the way I wanted them and deleted a lot of what was on i-Google to the point where me shuttering it was going to happen.. Then I decided to keep it as a dial just to look at every now and then.. The things I will miss are the sports "gadgets" and the weather as well.. News not so much, most of the news gadgets never lived up to their potential.. As most of the gadgets never lived up to their potential.. The number of hits to i-Google speed dial will end at 382. Put that into perspective  my main email and Facebook both sit at 967 hits and then Blogger site sets at 1385.. It gets hit more because I have three blogs there..  Facebook would actually have nearly two thousand hits on it but I think I had to reset the speed dial after it went off kilter for a short time..  But you get the picture.. What I will miss mostly is the few gadgets that I couldn't replace, but instead got something relatively close, settled for second best and got used to it.. There was a time I was going to delete that dial but decided to wait, just as I did with reader..  Reader was a sad day when it went bye bye.. But the reader I found works almost identical to the G reader.. Can't complain much, but as with everything computer related I have learned not to get too attatched to them.. They could any day be gone, just the way it is and has been ever since the internet got popular..

So a goodbye to the only friend I ever had..  Well the potential was there for a sad day but I was ahead of this one..

Badge Henry

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