Saturday, June 1, 2013

The circus was in town

How big of a load was this??  Last night the Roku was working great, got through the first part of a flick and then it lost connection with the internet.  My network.. And so after going through a few things that I was getting used to doing, it worked.. Got my apple and celery aten .. er eaten and then as the movie got interesting again, it lost connection again.. This time it would take until close to midnight before getting everything back to nearly normal.. I deleted a lot of the channels because  I had heard 25 was the most these boxes could handle.. I had 96.. So after getting things set last night I switched over to cable tv and watched the late live coverage of the OKC funado .. Wouldn't that be fun to be in??  All those twisters and the chasers who know tornadoes like the back of their hand had one change directions on them and got caught in it.. Sirously  that is the reason why I don't like them. Very unpridictable.

So then today I wake up and try to watch the news and they have nothing on the OKC tornado fun.. So I start messing with the roku.. Just as soon as I start messing with it I find that it will lock up after watching just about everything.. After watching something I click to try to watch another channel and it locks up.. Then it goes to the Roku home screen  then reboots.. This seems to be the new normal with this box and after thinking it through I guess I'll try to keep it and hope there are enough people like me having this kind of problem that they will work on it.. It seems like that is the way it is.. I write something about a channel (wrote) and they fixed it, but now I hope they can fix this.. Very frustrating to have it be this way now...  but like I have said elsewhere this must be the new normal.. I hope not but..

I was thinking about getting one of these for mom for Mothers day but something in the back of my mind kept me from doing it.. Then today when I was working on it and had it down here to run back and forth to the front room rather than upstairs to my bedroom, she said she doubted she would ever be able to get this to work.. She didn't think she could get it to work but she would be wrong.. The hardest thing would be deciding what to watch, there is such a huge selection and a lot of it is free..  By the way the lady I was talking to via I.M. said the most channels this box will handle is 120.. I told her mine should work great now it at the time was at a massive 8 channels..

I got the "garden" planted today.. Four tomatoes with a chance for one more but maybe not.. I was kind of disappointed yesterday when I couldn't find a Roma variety at the wally martinsky..  So I got a beef master type.. No experimenting this year, I set the Earth box up right.. Everything is good to go and get hailed on.. Hopefully that crap is done but I bet we get one more nasty ass kicker storm.. Just a feeling..

Badge Henry

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