Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TH t w z b r k

So I'm standing out on the ramp last night admiring the light show that was coming our way, nice lightning around and as I have done on any number of times.. And then I realize where I am and what the radio weather guy says, if you can hear thunder you are close enough to be struck by lightning.. Usually that is of little concern but seeing how I'm standing on the ramp, a full on aluminum ramp, a metal that is one of the best conductors of electricity aluminum ramp I then think I would be electrified and fried simultaniously..   supper time..

Grass as a secondary tell of how the weather is this summer, and it was looking good until.. Yesterday.. How did I fall behind so fast and so bad??   The new sprinkler system, but I didn't feel like watering was a good idea with any sprinkler setup..  The wind blows the water making it drift to who knows where.. I broke out the old three head sprinkler Monday and watered the front full on.. Did the entire thing that way.. Then it rained and I check the rain gauge and it shows we got rain.. Not much, it got the deck wet.. Great.. Watered the back and spot watered here & there and we get another rain storm last night.. Today one tenth of an inch. great  I spot water the burned spots and they seem huge but aren't really.. But I know it takes weeks to recover these spots..  Mowing Thursdays.. By the way when I was starting this about the grass burning up, it hasn't been hot yet.. Just dry.. "I can hardly wait for it to get hot"  says me NEVER!!   I think the heat might do me in this year.. I have been hotter this year than last year and it hasn't been hot like that yet..

Badge Henry

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