Sunday, June 2, 2013


I was just on my Facebook and I follow so many music sites.. Anyway this was on one of the sites I follow :
The band name is NRBQ  which is short for New Rhythm and Blues Quartet and they are a band I started to get into a few years back.. They have had their members come and go, and have had so many different people be in the band.. Anyway on this incarnation of the band there is only  Terry Adams as the lone original member, and it got me wondering how long would you stay into a band after the members aren't anywhere near the original members.. There are a lot of bands that continue to rock.. Alice Cooper changes his backup band every tour so that doesn't count.. But I remember KISS Gene Simmons talking about franchising the band and I wondered if anyone would ever go for that.. 

Another quick session working with the router yesterday and a new name after thinking the F.P.O.S. might be a bad idea I changed the name to WONKY FPOS..  so it has that name and the password is the same as it was.. After watching a movie yesterday on Netflix I thought everything was back to normal but it wasn't.. The box locked up again, and several times the rest of the day.. It might be the router as the culprit, I read on the roku blog site that this happened to someone else and they got a new router and the problem was solved.. I will check other entries and decide later what to do.. Maybe  anew router would be a better idea than getting something else.. I hate the idea of getting rid of the roku..

Badge Henry

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