Saturday, June 22, 2013

Far flung

Not that yesterdays weather event wasn't special.. When I was hanging at the park and watching the clouds I thought that would be late before anything got going there.. Pulling out of the park I looked south and there hangin just to the south was a pretty good sized cloud.. I watched as I drove towards it and made the turn to go past Cabela's it got clouded over..  Got to the lot and started to wait for mom, as the cloud continued to build.. I checked the phone for the weather.. There were no watches yet.. Checked the radar and nothing there.. Half an hour later that all changed.. It started to rain out there, mom got into the car we headed into town, she wanted to see the twins before we went home.. As we got into town it started to rain a little, then hard, huge drops.. Well this is Sidney where they don't just get rain they get floods.. We started to get hail and I pull over under a tree.. Waited it out then went to see the twins. As we were sitting there I saw a message on the tv screen emergency com and the second time I thought I should get over to the door and see if there was any wailing sirens outside.. The CP sirens weren't on so I sat back down.. We left shorty after that and as we left town there were fire trucks heading out somewhere.. As we got to the bridge to turn to come home the lightning was awesome, what a show.. But as we made the final turn to head home all I could think was those poor firemen having to be out in this crap.. We got a ways out of town and I saw someone in a car with a camera looking up at the clouds.. I knew what that meant.. As we were rolling down the road the windshield started to get raindrops on it.. I told mom  a year ago I would be getting anxious because I knew if it didn't rain hard enough the windshield would just be a crappy mess.. This year I washed the car before that yesterday and also we had just been in a rain storm.. After we got home the all alerts radio started to go off.. You name it, it was going to happen.. It didn't look that bad yesterday when I looked at the outside weather.. As I was getting fans out of windows the power dipped ..   when I checked the weather on the internet it was down.. So for about a half an hour or so there was no weather on the internet but I was able to check the cell phone.. That wasn't great, it isn't nearly as good as the computer graphics.. So what to do in the case of no internet??  I did the next best thing to having the internet, when in doubt play a game of Scrabble.. Or in this case two.. Not to worry I play timed games so a game that I start can be played in less than ten minutes, in fact most of the time every game I play gets played in between five and seven minutes.. So I took a little while to play, take my mind off of the weather.. Started a third game but the power went completely off.. Time to check the weather..  Went out to the back porch and watched the light show.. The kids next door were watching as well..  As things got hectic I turned to basement light on just in case..

Turns out after getting the internet back on and getting the weather channel app up and running the nasty storm stayed just south of us.. It danced close to us but never really got over us.. Then after all threat was gone (?) I shut the computer down and headed up to watch the Friday night concert featuring .... Well I couldn't decide.. Turns out it was a double bill with Simple Minds opening for Paul McCartney.. But as I was watching the thunder started to rumble again and so out of curiosity I switched to the weather and there was a little storm and then suddenly a big storm right over us again.. Where did that come from??  Turns out it rained a little more.. I went out after that rainstorm and checked the rain gauge which read three tenths... I'll take it.. Then around eleven it rumbled again and again I look at the radar and it showed a little rain storm.. This morning I checked the rain gauge and it showed a tenth.. Well done then.. Now as I'm writing this another round of fun is bearing down on us.. What will we lose this time.. 

My sanity...

Badge Henry

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