Monday, February 4, 2013

Super hangover Monday

Can I predict them or what??   I said I thought the 49ers would win and they DIDn't..  They almost did though, at the half or just before they got that halftime field goal I wrote of Facebook that the 49ers have the ravens right where they want them.. And after the kickoff of the second half I said this will be the greatest comeback in super bowl history..  But it fell short.. It was a good game though.  They had the ability to watch the camera angle of your choice online and I chose the cable cam.. The cable cam is the camera that basically dangles above the field, and runs around the field seemingly just above the heads of the players when in fact it is well out of touch, the camera can make it look like it is right on the players, it isn't really that close.. After the blackout the cable cam was still not working so I tried other angles.. The sideline cam was good.. There was a ceiling angle that was interesting..   During the first part of the return from the blackout I watched the action on regular tv and ate apples and enjoyed the horrible coverage that way.. Then as the forth quarter started I came to the computer to check the cable cam and it was back up and running so I watched the rest of the game that way.. It was so cool to see the field open up as Flaco threw those completions.. Seriously I wish they would give people the choice like that on EVERY game.. I would watch the cable cam for just about every game.. You don't get the replays and the graphics but it is worth watching that way.. I wish they would stream to the roku one angle like that.. I think they would be surprised at how many people watch alternate angles..  Odd people like me like to watch the game in different ways than the tried & true..

Anyway I did watch the majority of the game via web on the computer and figured I could do that because eventually I will see the replay on NFL network and it will show the full production version.. That's why I watched the way I did.. Donald wrote on his Facebook that they were watching online because they again shut down the dish.. I told him back in December that I would ditch the digital cable after the first of the year when the Roku would take over and he told me then that they were going to do the same with their dish..  We still have analog cable which I couldn't see being without for the local news aspect.. However I get news via the roku from many sources but it is national nd international news sources.. Nearly no local news with the exception of KOTA but it is the Rapid City site..   I'm trying that "pay" weather site on roku.. it however isn't any better than the free sites.. Truth is I only need a weather site slightly because I have so many sites to chose from on the internet (computer).. It's not worth the one time fee of any money..  I'm hoping that someone will eventually get that streaming is the way people would rather go with their viewing.. And paying for what they watch, and not paying for what they don't watch.. In other words just because you have a three hundred channel pack might look great to have three hundred channels to those who think more or bigger is better.. How about you offer a fifty channel pack and not have filler shit in that pack.. I don't need ten shopping channels in my viewing package.. Hell I don't need any shopping channels in my pack.. When I had the digital box I had what channels I liked to have and nothing more..  I added a few more sites on the roku  Saturday to see what they offer but removed some of them and kept others and will do a more in depth looking at over the next few days..

The What's on "app" is seriously going to help a gigantic amount because of the loss of the EPG (Electronic Program Guide or Grid)  to see what is on.. I liked a lot of shows that were on the cable channels and over the last month of having the digital cable box I was trying to memorize the shows and locations where they were but after getting the roku I was a month of not watching anything I was getting memorized and then that was gone.. Now with a programming grid I can get used to watching these shows again.. On the digital cable box it did just show what was on, on the dish it would give a tv guide type of synopsis of what the show was about.. Digital cable just was the grid, the explanation of what the show was about was always lacking, and rarely showed anything.. Hopefully this "app" will stay active.. 

I looked all over on the Roku yesterday as the game got to be about to start for a foreign channel with the game on but couldn't find one.. I would have like to see a German channel with their announcers calling the game.. I would have watched that to see how they reacted.. Could have been interesting.. Or not...

Badge Henry

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