I have been in the need for a new remote for quite a while now.. First let me explain.. I don't use or try not to use the remote that comes with the piece of electronic goodie.. I try to get that remote to be used in a multiple remote type of thing.. When I get a new thing to do that with, such as new television or whatever.. My last remote was a double set sold as a pair of remotes one being bigger than the other.. Why get two instead of just one?? The one has four things it controls, the other has three, so seven things controlled over two remotes cuts the clutter down to.. Well not a very good idea, but here is how good it worked.. The main remote controlled the tv, the cable/satellite box, the sound system and the satellite radio.. The smaller was set to control only the satellite radio.. The bigger remote was more quickly to be worn out.. How do they wear out?? Aren't they supposed to last a longer time?? These remotes lasted a year before showing signs of wear. You know buttons that you have to push harder over time.. Then last year, last winter I should say, it was getting harder to get the buttons to react, they had to be warmed up to work.. Well I started looking for a replacement remote last summer and found the remote and it worked for everything I have except it would only do the very basic functions (i.e. turn things on & off and change the tv channels) basically worthless.. So I set it aside and lived with the mistake and through the early winter it seemed fine, and then it got cold and my bedroom is not heated and the remote was getting to the point where I was nearly having to stand on the remote to get it to work.. Taking them apart to fix this, I've done that and it is easy but they never seem to work any better after cleaning.. So the last few remotes I just ditch after getting the next new and better remote.. So the last month or so I've been looking more seriously for a new remote and this time with the Roku needing to be there.. Why add Roku?? The new Roku remotes are so small they are easily lost, and a week after getting the Roku I did misplace the remote.. Took a while to find but I found it and vowed to get a multiple remote that had Roku on it.. I found several on walmart site, found a few (quite a few on Amazon) and then looked at walmart store for what they had.. There was remote that had the main tv and Roku as the two it controlled and it was regular sized.. It got my vote but I wanted remote that worked everything I have so I looked a little more.. A few other remotes caught my eye and that was mostly the RCA brand and then one by Logictec as well.. The logictec showed very little promise as it was a three device tv, dvd, cable/satellite remote.. So that was out.. I was set to get what I thought would be the remote then after looking I decided to come home and read up on my discoveries that night..
Looking up the three remotes I found something beyond my belief, and was glad I waited to get the remote that I thought was the winner.. It might have been the winner but for only two devices.. the Logictec remote I looked up on Amazon and was stunned.. The perfect remote.. Could it be perfect, I've never had perfection in a remote.. :
The Harmony 2000 by Logitec can be fully programmable via the computer.. The tev the roku (in the cable tv section) the sound system (under the dvd function) and then there is more.. While it can be programmed to do those three things it can be programmed to run other things as well.. I use an old vcr as a switchbox, an ab switch box or abc since it can switch between three devices.. so I added a few commands to buttons that aren't used for anything.. This idea wasn't an original, I read a review on Amazon that a guy did this and can run six devices with a remote that runs three.. I run five with mine although just the basic functions.. Programming the buttons individually makes all the sense in the world.. Makes this remote control be seriously missed because as with all remotes they all fail eventually and I'm already dreading replacing this one..
Went to check this out that day and when it got rung up the readout said $17.95 and I told the checkout lady that it was on a ten dollar peg.. I had seen it on Amazon for 18 greenbacks and I thought ten was deal.. Turns out it was on the ten peg and that is what I got it for.. Sometimes I wonder if the security cams are watching me and I think they were that day.. (seriously ever wonder what they are watching or if they are at all?? I think they are from the time you get out of your car until you get back into your car to leave)... What I hate about getting new remotes is that they are all so different.. The buttons are all placed in different places and everything very rarely they work with everything they are supposed to.. I am happy with the basic functions of the remote but the sound system needs to have the ability to switch between different things like the radio and tv and that lot.. I try to go with the best and yet cheapest remote I can find, usually well under the twenty dollar range.. the ONN remote from this past fall was less that ten dollars and shows it, very basic remote.. But sometimes the remotes can do what you want, you just have to read through all the instructions (I know, read the instructions?? that's not a very "guy" thing to do) But I like to see just what these cheapie remotes can maybe do.. The remote of all remotes I had could do the dish and everything I had way back twenty years ago and I kept going by that peg in the walmart store and thought I love this remote I should but a dozen of these, or at least two to have one to replace this when it goes bad.. That remote lasted the longest and I cleaned it out several times before it finally gave it up..
This new remote I will try to keep working if I can.. The buttons are set up about the same as the remote it is replacing (one of the greatest selling points to get it was the buttons all seemed to have the same design).. I know a lot of people reading this will be saying replace the batteries, that does work and is the first thing I do replace but even I can tell when the batteries aren't the problem.. Buying a new remote is the last thing I want to do, not because of how much the cost.. They could be free, I just hate to break in a new remote and mind set to run it this way, always different from the remote it replaced..
Wow what a long winded entry about nothing.. There's ten minutes you'll never get back..
Badge Henry
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