Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow back to normal??

My older brother had a entry on his Facebook about the blizzard we just went through and yeah, just like the last blizzard it wasn't that horrible.. The wind blew the snow a little but as the storm kicked in  the wind stopped blowing as hard.. The storm before was more wind and less snow.. When they talked about drifts up to eight feet deep I thought of the old days when we would explore the aftermath of storms and walked on the drifts across to the highschool roof..  And then this storm today as they were saying get your snowblowers ready to work and I thought hell we haven't gotten dug out from the last snow storm yet..

The sequester looms big.. How big of a deal  is it??  We were listening to Randy Rhoads on the radio yesterday as we got home and she was saying there are some in the republican party (the GOP) that think going through a depression would be a good thing.. To which both me and mom said WHAT??  and it just blew us away.. Who would do such a thing to people on purpose??  There is so much wrong with this country now it blows me away..  I have said this before, I can't imagine what this country is going to be like in twenty years when the current young generation is getting ready to go into the job market.. What career will there be..  What will the three and soon to be forth addition be looking at as far as jobs or even the country.. I wonder if people felt this way in the great depression era, will there be a future??  The country is just balanced on the edge right now.. I wouldn't think the government would fail the economy right now.. But there is that feeling that they tried to fail the economy enough to where they thought they could get  dumb assed Romney elected but failed.. Now they have four years to really ruin it so the next election will go republican.. Who thinks the country will even be here by then if they ruin it??  The GOP  (the middle initial stands for OLD as in out dated.. They want a return to the fifties America and they make no bones about it.. Well fail the economy and turn the clocks back to the fifties because we are headed there quickly..

It is frustrating, I look at sites and read the replies by people and you know that a lot of the replies are from people who are in their thirties that are thinking get rid of social security or make cuts in these programs what do they care it won't be there when they retire.. Well it might not be but why cut these programs??  Social security doesn't add to the deficit.. But let's starve the old people.. I am watching these things closely,  nobody stays young forever.. 

I'm watching the series "House of Cards" on Netflix and am almost done with it.. Wednesday night is Netflix night as the entire night is devoted to watching this site.. Last night I looked through the whole site that was showing, and what that means is they have suggested viewing shows and movies because I watched this or that show.. And there is just a ton of stuff to watch on this site.. I continue to be amazed at what there is to watch on the netflix site and they have even more.. You go to the netflix site online and see just what there really is to stream..    walking dead is a series I've always wanted to watch but haven't yet.. That will change once I've completed watching House of Cards.. I read an article online where they said 85% of subscribers are more likely to keep their subscription because of the series being on there.. I like the series and when we got the Roku I knew I would be filling in a lot of time watching from this device, even more so than the old digital cable..  I still look at other sites (channels) on the Roku and have added some new sites recently, mostly to see if there is anything that these sites might offer for viewing..

This was on Reddit today :  "When was the moment that you realized "hey, I'm an adult now"?
 It made me think as I have been over the past little while now about things like growing older.. When did I feel like I am an adult now?..  I don't know.. I feel the same and sadly certain mentalities go with being this way..    I think one of the things that made me feel more grown up was when I wanted something really bad and then rather than buy it, I thought about it.. Took my time about getting it, taking time and looking at all aspects of getting it and then buying it some time (months) later.. Sometimes thinking about buying something and doing my research and then realizing that I didn't really want it.. I see tools and tool collections (preset tool kit type of things) that I think it sure would be cool to have this or that, only to figure I have that tool set, maybe not presented this way but still, I have it..   Back in the day (shortly after high school) my older brother went in to the hospital for tests and I had my little brother with me and I remember thinking what could be taking so long and couldn't find mom or anyone and I was growing frustrated and then sort of came unglued to mom which was a huge mistake..  Turn the clock forward and through all of what dad had done first with his heart and then the kidney situation and everything and thinking how I was the day with my brother and I think of that every time I am involved with taking mom to any doctor..  Four years ago (was it really that long ago?)  moms life was changed forever and thinking about that and running back & forth to the hospital and then having to take her to everywhere and now having to help her, things have changed mentally for me.. I think for the better but in some instances I feel the same..

And I do feel the same, the same as I did when I was younger, I think the same way but not.. I think of the music I listened to back then and.. That hasn't changed much.. You can listen to what you like.. And I do, and try to listen to what is out there now but it is tough..   I still use the same influence guide I have always used..  I think my doing what I call Friday night music night and watching old Midnight Special segments on YouTube that I feel about the same as I did way back then.. Makes me feel good but also makes me feel sad a little, to know that those were in fact for me the  happiest days of my life..

Badge Henry

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