Thursday, February 28, 2013

Holy shit rant why don'tcha

So we were talking about things today at breakfast as usual as the subject bounced from topic to topic from the sequester to other things.. And then mom says she clicked on that song on one of either Donald or Lucy Facebook and she asked if I ever listen to anything they link to and I tell her where it concerns the crap they link to I don't very often.. I did hear some sort of nasty confunctionality coming from her computer yesterday afternoon and wondered if  it was from one of them.. Turns out it was, and she asked if I had heard it and I said I heard what she was listening to.. it was about last year at this time that we had heard that they were going to do Jordan and Adam's wedding and I thought I hope they don't play any of that crap there..  But today I did look for this "song" that she had linked and I listened to about thirty seconds of it.. I have evolved my listening habits over the years and now with the computer I can listen to parts of songs, kinda like the old records where if you want to try another part of the song just pick up the needle and try here.. In the case of this "song" I listened to the first ten seconds then moved to a couple minutes in where it sounded like the needle was stuck but in this case it was digital so it was on purpose stuck for (eternity).. I moved forward a little more then gave up.. I kept waiting for a hook.. The hook is that it makes me feel like throwing up.. If there was any good thing that came from the blowup last August is I don't get to be around that gawd aweful ...  stuff..   Maybe I am way behind in my taste in music.. Maybe I will get into this plastic sounding slark...  Slark isn't a word and this isn't music no matter what anyone says!! There were musical movements (experiments) that I never got into, hip-hop and rap I just never got into ever and they just   sucked in my books but people buy that shit.. I never did and as an example of the sampling and remixing, the second U2 decades best of release where that is the second disc, I tried to get into stuff like that but I just can't..  Some groups like Kaskade I like the Strobelight Disco album, and some of ATB is good but it is when they are being creative with a single instrument that I like the most.. ATB has piano works that are some of the best I have ever heard.. It's the main disc of beat loop and fifteen minutes of the same three notes that drop me into delete this shit mode..  I never thought Donald would ever get into this kind of music..  When I was in my experimental mood I went into jazz or classical  then instrumental music  (where Tangerine Dream came from)..  Is this his delving into that type of music??  I would say yes except that they use the technology of today without any idea where it came from.. I'd rather listen to where it came from.. The early days of synthi music development, where everything that they do today could never be done without what those people did from the sixties through the midi years..  It's easy to do the crap that is out there now, anyone can do it.. It's why all that crap sounds the same, it uses the same formula of attack and retreat then build and attack again.. Fifteen minutes of the same thing looping over and over.. Made me physically ill everytime Lucy would get home last year and crank that up..  There is no soul, no life to that stuff, it is here today and gone tomorrow with the piles of heavage that goes with it.. I always thought of this type of "music" was identified with tweekers, you know  meth users or other drug users.. More power to you if you like that type of thing.. Of course people said the same thing about Pink Floyd music, I just never used drugs when listening to them.  Call me strange I just liked the visuals I created without the chemicals to help..  In all honesty though I did get into disco some twenty years or more after it was the IT music of the late Seventies ..  Took me until I bought the Bee Gees best of recording "Record" to come to grips with a way to warrant having their music.. Basically when you listen to the evolution of their music they really didn't change to disco, disco claimed them (including a huge chunk of their music in the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack).  So the electrofunctionmonkey mix jive that is out there now, I might figure a way to like it by the time Ian graduates, from college, you never know..

New to Roku Tuesday; they added the Daily Motion site (channel) to the channel store.. They had it in beta testing for what I think was two years.. I don't know for sure how long it was in beta testing, I checked the forum site and it looks like it was a private channel (beta build test) and then at Christmas time I added it to my then brand spanking new Roku.. Looked at it (kicked the tires as it were) and then shortly after the new year they stopped, or I should say it stopped working.. The notice said the channel would be added in the channel store shortly.. And then Tuesday it was added..   Blockbuster was added Tuesday.  How good is it?? Well the movie I looked at as a rental was $3.99, and that I believe is a single watching.. Nearly four dollars is just over half of what Netflix disc rental is per month (three at a time, twelve discs per month).. Ok so it might be worth it to see a movie right now or whenever you want to but I can wait a month for it to be on Netflix.. I've developed patience over the years..   The 8ctave (Octave) channel I had was the beta channel because it was goobered up from the store.. Tuesday my 8ctave channel had changed into the Hero channel.. Hero is being developed by the 8ctive people and is beta right now.. I think I will check it over the next little bit to see how it does develop.. Hero seems to be about the service people.. Those who are serving as well as those who are back home.. Something like that and has all the branches of the service including F.B.I. & C.I.A. and all the branches as well as police, fire department and other things therein.. Might be interesting to watch..  The I-tunes channel is incredible.. Every podcast in both video and audio are there.. This is another beta (private) channel and is just unbelievable.. The search brings so many things..  I came across this on Christmas day but haven't really used it, that is changing.. I just can't believe what is on this channel.. Everything that you can get on I-tunes on the computer is available on the Roku.. EVERYTHING..   And I-tunes shows what Nowhere t.v. has but there is more there.. Nowhere tv is easier to move around and they have several BBC type of programming channels of which Challenge is one I hit just about every night..  And the MSNBC stuff I watch almost every night..

 I came across this little gem yesterday, thought it was fitting to add here::

I am catching myself getting away from news sites.. The news is so depressing, I think I know why people stop watching real news and opt to watch E! with the celebrity stuff.. Real news is hard to watch.. I try to watch RT and the Aljezera (I know everyone is going to say that's muslim, it's not, it's real news presented by a source that isn't Fox (Faux) news.. I think everyone is starting to awaken to the fact that FNC isn't news..  And really what is wrong with getting news from more than one site, more than one channel.. I will listen to shows on the radio and do listen to that off his nut conspiracy turd Alex Jones.. He is yet to actually nail something 100% right.. I mean if you spout enough crap over time you can go back and say I predicted that, it took twenty times over a ten year period but I was right..

Then there is John McCain and his stupid answers at a town hall meeting.. Truth is I agree with what he said, there will be no meaningful legislation passed with this do nothing congress. I just think he lacks tact.. He just blurts out whatever and doesn't think, the lady he was answering had just lost a loved one in one of the recent mass shootings recently.. I do think they should at the very least have background checks on everyone who wants to buy a gun..   It is the least they should have to do..  To think he could have been the president.. Scary stuff there..

Badge Henry


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