Sunday, February 3, 2013

Snuper Bwol snuday

Ready for the big game..  Spent the past few days trying to get the game via roku but couldn't.. There are three different things (all three are private channel type) that had promise but on one I needed to change my proxy and didn't..  Setting to a server from outside the U.S. is the only way to get that to work while still being in America.. So that one didn't work.. There is an outside chance the nowhere man services might have one channel that has the game on it, so I will look during the game.. But I bet there won't be a site this year, however I do think the day is coming when they do have the big game on a streaming service.. 

So what was the Watch This private channel good for?  I went through all the public and private list again yesterday and the Watch This seemed like just another one of those preview channels for movies either at the theater or on dvd.. But what I was hoping to try to make on my own somehow was already there on this channel.. First they have movie previews, that's cool although I already have several of these.. The thing that makes this one better is you type in your zip code and they bring up a list of local theaters, so our twin theater has the movies listed same as the multiplex in other towns nearby.. Then the best part, it has a television setting, and you type in the zip code for that (actually it shares the zip code across all the apps it has, assumes you live there.. So I look at the cable tv listing and it has it for the general company that does our area, all the little towns have about the same identical settings, except for one odd ball town.. This was close to right but our town wasn't listed so I tried another town and it was spot on.. All 62 channels listed right.. I say 62, there really aren't 62 but rather maybe 56 true channels across 62 as listed.. I thought about looking at the digital channels as well but didn't care to, I was happy with what we have.. It is the grid the EPG grid that I missed so bad when we ditched the digital cable box last month.. Actually I shut it off back when I hooked up the roku box..

So here we are a little over a month after getting the roku and how has my viewing changed over this six week period??  Well I am getting into the habit of watching stuff here and there.. At night I will watch cable tv, then switch to the streaming box o' fun.. Netflix is a huge programming provider but it isn't all that I watch and I am finding more things to watch every day.. Added 18 sites to look at yesterday including the What's on  (watch this) channel..  Looking for what is out there.. Some sites with public domain programming which most people would say is total crap but I disagree ..  Public domain merely means that programing has lost value for someone to renew their rights to collect royalty fees for it.. So it becomes public domain.. (that might be true or I could be full of shit).. On my remote for the Roku it has preset Netflix, Crackle and Pandora buttons and I watch stuff on the two video services but don't use Pandora at all right now, but that could change.. I did set some channels up for Pandora but was disappointed when the music being played went from the group I based the channel on to something I don't care for.. Although the groups might seem like the same music, they aren't in my mind.. The groups in question are Lacuna Coil as the base group and Evenesence.. They might seem like the same music but to me Lacuna Coil is more relative to Within Temptation (another great European band) than the more poppy sounding Evenesence..  I was hoping for a run on the Lacuna Coil channel of Within Temptation, Nightwish... Groups that keep it real to the heavy rock sound there than the American pop sound.. My opinion there only..

The three movies this weekend were Tower Heist, watched that last night and it was really a great movie.. Haven't enjoyed a movie like that in a long time.. Dream House, I was expecting more of a thriller type but as the plot unfolded I started to understand where it was going.. Really a great movie, psycological  thriller but more thinking mans movie.. Really good movie..   Johnny English reborn was likely the worst of the three yet it was quite a good movie actually..  I'm trying to get one old movie a month now, but with some of the sites I have I can watch some really old classic movies.. There are some old Charlie Chaplin movies and some silent movies from that far back of era..

So who is going to win today's big game ??  The supper bowel (spelled wrong because the NFL likes to sue those who infringe on their names shit) has a team from the west versus a team from the east and two brothers , Hanzel & Gretal, although one is a female in that scenario.. Should be a good game and I figure the team from the west will win but don't be surprised if the eastern lads win it in a squeaker.. A real nail biter..

Music videos on the PNOP site were uploaded there and set back just before New Years Day.. I think it was the 27th or there abouts.. Maybe the next day but um.. The videos are ok.. I started working on the new videos this past week with the idea of doing one or two videos a week, but I started to work on the 220 volt live video album and decided to complete it in three days.. Not too smart but then worked on a few new ideas for phase three. Phase one is being abandoned in favor of moving forward.. Todays infinity phase one entry will be the last.. Next month will be a single entry for phase two with maybe the entire of phase two being loaded for that day.. Then April will be phase three starting and going on until I get tired of them, more than likely June.. Then it will likely be over, the Infinity project will be, trying to get a new idea for videos and might have one.. Not sure right off hand where to go from here, but phase three should take every idea I have and bleed my creative juices dry..  And then start over again on the next idea..

Badge Henry  

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