Sunday, November 20, 2016

White with winter excess

I didn't think this would start happening until in January but.. IT'S ALREADY STARTING.. But you know a lot of this kind of speech should be taken seriously, but why not just watch him... Why freak the fuck out.. They never take most peoples comments seriously before.. So this guy gets to be first...

This guy nails it.. Every video he nails it... Rush (Lower Lumbar) Limbaugh, what a joke.. How is that guy still on the radio and how does anyone believe in him.. Besides my uncle who is a Limbaugh disciple, loves everything he and Bill O'really says...  And there are a shit ton of stupid people like that out there.. Case in point DONALD TWITTER BOY TRUMP IS THE NEWLY MINTED PRESIDENT ELECT... He's going to be in office in just over two months.. The saddest part is .. It's too late to build a reliable bomb shelter..

Think of this if Trump makes the irrational statement that there will be a limited nuclear weapons war.. Yea, I think they could control themselves.. Sure, I mean Putin seems just the kind of person who could take a hit and then stop this stupidity exercise.. An exercise that will end the world just because Twitter boy Trump agrees to try something new..

Those Japanese and their fast things..  This is..  FAST.. But you know they have earthquakes there.. Imagine flying in this train, even though it's not supposed to leave the ground .. EVER..

I wished Jon Stewart would have stayed until after Thanksgiving.. Maybe Trump would still be a loser reality show host..

A closer look.. Transition turmoil..

Book end Living blue in a red state...

Badge Henry

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