Thursday, November 3, 2016

The end of the union as it has been for over two hundred years..

Not that this election will change anything.  The truth is the United States could be over before the next election because of the bawl babies in the congress.. They want to see what this country will be like without a supreme court.. From Google search/Wiki  "There haven't always been nine justices on the court. The U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court but left it to Congress to decide how many justices should make up the court. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices."  But I remember  reading about Paul Ryan or one of the other bawl baby brats in the republican party that we don't need 9 justices.. Ok that is fine but I also read where they don't even think we need the supreme court... Well isn't that interesting.. Truth is if we go that route we might be headed more towards a Russian government..  How would that be??   hopefully we get control of the Senate (democrats) and I know we only need an odd number of justices (judges) to get decisions made but I'm all for five.. Whatever just make it work.. I never thought I'd see the day when our government simply couldn't work together at all... But that is the way it is more than it isn't.. So sad the republicans are more to blame, and a trump presidency likely won't change that because he is a republican in name only, he isn't a true republican, he had dissed and pissed the republican party mainstays...  And things are really getting interesting as we get literally hours away from election day.. Make your vote count because four years with a winy toddler could be three years and 48 weeks too long..  

Badge Henry

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