Please tell me someone wants to take his gadget away from him and replace it with the pacifier he should have... This will be our undoing as a country.. Yes Obama has a facebook and I assume a twitter account but how many times has either of these been quoted as bad things he has said???
Trump gets most of his news, that that he trusts, from idiot Alex Jones, the conspiracy therories expert who believes everything his cow tells him as true.. A truth cow.. Never heard of one but.. You gotta believe in something..
First off.. I'm white and I don't understand why blacks are treated this way.. This person.. If you want to call him that, should never be anywhere near the white house, not even on a tour...
I keep saying voter fraud happened.. How could the polls be that far off?? A few points yes but they were all way ... WAY off...
My feeling towards the hate.. You hit a nerve of republicans and the only way they can respond is to throw hate at you.. They generally can't see your way of seeing things.. I watch more than one source for news, and have a lot of internet (youtube) sites I watch.. Every now and then I will reply to the videos, but not very often.. This guy has a lot to offer.. Just watch and let it sink in...
In sports... Denver lost in Over Time an it was hard to take.. it's like the magic was gone Sunday night, where they usually get a perfectly timed turnover any other week, Sunday it just didn't happen.. Now that the season is slipping away we might have to realize this team isn't as good as it was last year.. There might be a lack of desire and that happens after winning a title, it's hard to return to the pinnacle of your sport year after year.. I have said earlier that right now I feel like the teams that will go to the super bowl will be.. Initially I picked Atlanta to go and play New England.. Now I have changed and am picking the Patriots (same AFC team) but playing the Dallas Cowboys.. With the Patriots winning and a surprise after the game when MVP Tom Brady announces his retirement.. (hardly likely but he is as old as Manning was last season and he walked away a champion as is the dream of all players of every sport..
Usually by now everyone is getting used to saying the new presidents name and getting an idea that everything will be fine.. But with President elect Trump nothing like that could be further from the truth.. The one thing he is doing right from the start is going back on promises, although truth be told while he said he wouldn't touch social security and medicare and medicaid the feeling everyone had to have is knowing Trump as the grandest liar to be elected president it should come as very little surprise that he might have said he won't touch these programs, quite a difference for him to keep any promise seeing as he has been divorced twice.. He has to be a really grand liar.. But not that good, as I said being divorced twice means he can't keep his lies straight..
My overall feeling about Twitter is it is a good way for pussified people to carry on a conversation.. And that includes anyone who uses it to get a very small point across.. Seriously, this is how we will end as a nation and a human race..
then there's Net Neutrality which most people view as a good thing.. It was something else I worried about losing although social security (going to be privatized) as well as medicare and medicaid will likely be privatized because the idiot that wants to privatize it keeps saying these two programs are breaking the bank of the government.. That person is Paul Ryan one of the stupidest people to be in the government but he knows how to play the gullible Americans, just appear on stupid American FNC channel.. That is the GOP base audience, the old and people who have no idea how a remote control works or that there are so many other channels to watch, most that contain brilliant programming.. Can Trump repeal Obamacare (the ACA) yes he can, and likely will right of way.. Will he replace it with anything?? Well he might, but affordable?? Highly unlikely.. Privatizing medicare/medicaid... What is the point of that?? Government programs are not ... NOT supposed to turn a profit.. The republican party missed the boat on that one.. But here is the worst part.. Democrats generally govern, they would rather work with the republicans, and do work together fairly well. However that being said they also have a tendency to eat their own, which really means that in the case of medicare and medicaid that these two programs will likely be gone mostly because they won't be able to keep from having them be privatized.. The reason more than anything is the democrats are more wuss than bite.. It is a sad statement of fact..
So what will happen to net neutrality?? Good question, I mean there are users of the internet to deliver things like Netflix that if this is changed might have to charge more to deliver programming.. Or maybe not, maybe they will get a fast track of the internet.. We just got a nice bump in out internet speed this past spring but I really wasn't sure how badly we needed it.. With losing net neutrality a lot of people will be effected by that.. Some might have to leave.. If you own a roku (streaming players in general) and see the number of offerings then you have to understand that some of this might be gone...
Everyone would likely benefit from a refresher course in the constitution.. I as well would benefit.. But then I'm not the newly elected president of the USA..
We need to keep the settlement of Trump university in the front.. Why?? Because shortly after Trump takes the oath he will be faced with increasing the debt ceiling and that is when we will likely here the words "I'm not going to increase it" and then watch as the domino effect starts..
One of the biggest reasons I didn't vote for Trump is starting to raise it's ugly head.. Trump can become unhinged at the drop of a hat, he can become hard to understand at the drop of a tweet and Hillary even warned in several ads on tv during the final month of her campaign.. She wasn't telling a half truth story about him, he was continuously dropping truths about himself and still.. Getting elected is so easy in this country now, all you have to do is cheat lie and fill people with fear.. We're a very gullible country..
There is a launch for a recount on the ballots, and Trump went off his nut.. You would think he would be for any recount and in fact would welcome it if there wasn't something to worry about.. What is the deal with your fear of a recount there Donnie?? I fear a recount will result in a different result and if it does it means our electoral process is flawed, which isn't a good thing..
Now you might think how can people be told to fear something that doesn't exist and believe in it?? Well this isn't done over night.. As the video shows it started before the 2012 election, back in 2011 is when they started.. People will believe anything if you strike at it continuously for so long, and there might have been subliminal messaging.. I don't watch any news channel continuously the way a lot of FNC disciples do.. I have an uncle who seems like a regular person, but when it came to Obama he couldn't say a good thing about him, and as this election drew nearer he spewed more fear that if Hillary would win we would all lose our guns and the same yadda yadda yadda bullshit as every election.. The lies they spew.. UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE... And yet here we are with proof that fear mongering works, we have someone who can become unhinged or maybe he is in a constant state of unhinged minute to minute.. He is our president who will try.. things.. like this...
I had written about the first amendment in a Facebook entry by a site I follow and said something about Trump will change the first amendment and someone said "well you obviously don't know shit about what it would take to change the first amendment" I might not know what it takes to change the first amendment in peace times, but in an unforeseen event changing the first amendment and as well tossing the constitution as well as the bill of rights in the trash, could very well happen.. He might not legally get the first amendment changed for everyone but he could change for his own good or for his own perceived good, in other words a hoax which might be what this election was all about to begin with.. Trump is a thin skinned crybaby.. He is starting to prove it more and more every day.. I don't like flag burners for protest reasons but it is their first amendment rights to do so, just as kneeling at a football game during the national anthem is.. They rarely show that part of the game so it's not a big deal... if it offends you just realize this is America and that is a first amendment right being on display right there, that would likely get you shot in another country.. If you don't like the flag being burned as a protest YOU can move to another country, don't be going off on the flag burner.. You can say well what about what all it stands for, the flag being draped over the coffins of the soldier being returned from duty.. The same thing there, it is the first amendment... And if that gets changed it's a slippery slope to the way Hitler ran Germany.. And it could happen extremely quickly.. It is amazing how fast someone like Willard Romney went from a serious dislike of Trump to kissing his ring.. Did you see that??
Samantha Bee... The ridiculous thought.. But even worse.. Donald Trump..
This begs the question.. If Trump were as rich as he says he is, why did he want to be president?? Is it ultimate power grab as everyone says?? When I thought before the election several times I thought there is no real reason for him to buy or rather run for the position.. And then you start looking at what it really means and you look back at the top of this entry and realize there really is a likely fact that this election was rigged.. Why do we need the results the same day?? Why can't it take a few days.. At least a couple days.. We need to go to an analog system completely off line so the russians have no way of hacking the electoral system.. Now I know some people read that and think why don't you like the russisans.. Well it is simple, we can be friendly, but as with the history of the USA as if you watched that the fifties part of that series the untold history of the United States, we had a serious breach of security even back then, weather real or perceived, and we needed to get to the bottom of that.. Back then we didn't want a russian anywhere near our government, but in the past four or five years the GOP looked to the russians as a way of telling the idiot elite, the gullible republicans that they are now great and we should do like they do.. WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK????? trump has business concerns, and conflicts of interests most of them are and he told everyone that and still he got elected.. So that makes it alright?? Guess again Trump, you STOOGE..
Trump won the popular vote.. Or so he says.. even though the gap between he and Hillary continues to grow.. This is Trump showing how easy it is to fool his followers.. And it is easy, no matter how unhinged he seems to real people, his followers see it as just alright, he is fighting for what is his.. Watch how much you stoke his ego.. He will shit on you and not look twice..
This in response to a flag burning part of a protest by students in Massachusetts.. Does he want to stay busy with this stupid behaviour, because I can see flag burning being the new thing to do, right up there with that mannequin challenge that is the odd craze now... Don't push it Donnie, you can find people won't respond well to your threat, because if given the choice of staying here and watching you take this country over the edge or leaving for a year, I think a lot of people will go elsewhere for a year..
Again, instead of giving him free air time to air his ridiculous fear mongering, they should have grilled him about this.. Why not?? Now he has what he wants and you are left with knowing anyone with a brain can be a better journalist than you are.. The media is rigged and so was the election.. Trump was right on target, by now had he lost he would have had recounts nationwide and launched those lawsuits that were all set to go on the day after the election.. But now he has to get with the process of shitting on this great country that is in the shitter..
Does anyone else watch Black Mirror?? I watch it and last night it was about politics and the election.. It was done before our election but shows how someone can become popular enough to not only be considered for an elective position, he can get it... And it reminded me of Trump, and was almost exactly the way it was here.. Cult of personality...
100 days of governing assuming he isn't up for impeachment precedings.... His congress better get on a steroid system, this is going to be a work that these guys haven't done in.. Well. Eight years... The do nothing congress has been used to being a worthless lot for at least the past four solid years as well barely doing anything before that.. Good Luck Donnie... You will likely have to show them everything of their job, and since you have never held a job of this kind, it should be fun to watch you govern the most dysfunctional lot of humans on the planet.. And they are all in the same city...
If I were in Cuba I would run to Canada.. Just joking... But where to go?? Stay and watch the Cuba thing get torn up.. Oh well, four more years of idiot rule...
I saw a video of this and it said Allepo in crisis.. What, another street in rubble, I didn't know there was anything but rubble there... It's a sad situation when a ruler has nothing but love for his people, and so much so that he wants you to live in complete destruction.. we'll rebuild.. eventually.. maybe..
When Trump said this is what Hillary's presidency would look like, every other week she would be defending herself on whichever thing they wanted to look at.. And now it looks like the shoe will be on the other foot as they likely will be looking into Trump's fraud and false business dealings.. But first..
It's true, I switched over from the walking wounded to the walking dead last night (aka NFL football) and watched last nights episode.. I will admit there is nothing like watching it on Netflix, watching with the commercials cut out is so much better but... Last night was one of those second/third/forth/fifth story lines.. Remember Tara.. I thought she was dead... But no...
... then again there hasn't been a president elect less qualified since... Well ... EVER... I would say Washington with an excuse but... Even he was more qualified...
We laugh nervously... These words he says are true... Mostly...
I'd like someone to ask him how to fix a flat tire... See if he can give an answer that is even remotely close to being true for that and then move on from there.. Trump is in another zone... Does he lie om purpose?? He lies because he is the most lost person on the planet..
People don't know what this guy did.. He flushed his life for exposing the bullshit our government was doing (IS STILL DOING and don't think they aren't because they still are even though they say they aren't)...
The reason I really like Samantha Bee... Here it is... Watch and realize that.. These things she says and shows no one else seems to do.. Putting this video... Talk about BALLS... She should have had the Daily show or taken the time slot after the daily show..
Living Blue in a red State ... Bizzaro world... Three thumbs up.. (three thumbs?? I'm deformed, comes in handy when I want to show how much I like something... ) (Only joking about being deformed)..
Trouble with impeaching or getting rid of him post 1/20 is... His VP will be president, and he is a wild card.. Hard to say if he would be better.. Trump, after all, might not be the greatest republican, or even a true president.. Democrat?? They were calling him the party of Trump... Which is closer because he has started the flip flop that will likely continue until... I've said if you believe anything he says you are a bigger fool...
A lot of people think that Kieth Olbermann is a blowhard... Well if that's true.. Tough shit..
These words he speaks are true, We're all humanary stew, if we don't pledge allegiance to...
Seriously any reason to dump Trump... Everyone remains in scramble mode and literally every other entry on my Facebook page is about trying everything to avoid a Trump presidency.. Seem like should they keep him from taking the oath then it keeps Pence out as well and the dirty laundry list of HOLY CRAP NOT HIM as secretary of state and other positions.. Steve Bannon, the grandest joke of them all.. Back in October, before the election and even earlier I was saying Trump isn't qualified.. Please listen.. Trump isn't qualified to be the president, he will scare us and not just with his appointees but with his "I don't give a shit" attitude (see his Twitter boy response to Castro's death as a case in point)..
People getting pissed off about his demeanor.. Get used to it, this is as good as it will get over the next four years... Someone made the comment a few months ago stating that one of the easiest things to do for most presidents is to show condolences when a soldier dies or anyone like that, but Trump may not even be able to do that, as this shows..
Yeah, the people who voted for Trump and are just so sure everything will be great for them... He has no agenda, not one that is set in stone at any rate.. And when he can't get congress to do what he wants.. Well the party will really begin...
The Oath accountability project... I never thought much about it but then I started watching the videos on this guys site as well as others and it's amazing how many rights we flush down the toilet when encountering a police officer.. Just amazing...
Well it was Black Friday season again the day after Thanksgiving, and that as you know the day after giving thanks for all we have and are grateful for and turn around the next day and try to kill your neighbor for something that you can get for cost.. I've never been to one of these in a big city... This years was quite... fun to watch.. I've always said they should try to present these on live tv.. People might pay good money to watch this shit live..
And then there is this little video.. Found on the Reddit channel on the Roku.. Don't mix coke and liquid nitrogen... Well... Ok, if you say not to...
If there is nothing else you do today look up this.. Oliver Stone Untold History of The United States...
And look for episode The Fifties... That is like looking at the events that are unfolding right now in the United States.. When Trump was about to get elected my mom said he reminds her of Hitler and after watching the fifties episode it is.. Almost exactly verbatim...
The saddest part is.. Through the entire campaign Hitler, er rather Thump was this way.. He was getting people roused up, saying things that made people go crazy, inciting violence and Trump kept encouraging violence..
This one is likely bullshit, mostly because everything they have reported has been the opposite as being true.. This site, like the site that the right has reports things for the people on the left that think everything Trump does is off the mark, just the same as the right reporting how horrible dumb dumb Obama is.. There is nothing on Facebook you can trust completely anymore.. Just the way it is..
Speaking of idiots, Paul Ryan.. Enough said.. Hope he figures out that people who are dependent on programs they have been paying into for their entire lives are depending on them to be there or remain there until they are through the retirement age.. Trump and his bunk buddies, leave theses alone..
The feeling at the last election (the one with Romney and Obama) felt like who was the lesser evil. This year was a no brainer at all.. The lesser of two evils was Hillary.. For the exact reason we are currently facing right now with Trump.. How horrible of a cabinet (white house staff) will he end up with.. No one knows.. I still think this election was a scam.. Trump shouldn't have won... And I still don't think he did... Hacked??
You can't stand there and honestly think we should just ride the Trump train over the ledge and think we will all enjoy it.. There are people who voted for Trump because they were generally afraid of the statement that a vote for Hillary would be a vote for four more years of Obama.. That might not have been ideal but just wait until Trump does all that he says if he can do any of it..
Gerrymandering has to stop.. redraw the districts to make sense, because certain congressmen don't represent who voted for them.. Actually very few do.. More than anything congressmen don't work for the betterment of the country but the complete opposite..
Have you ever gone off and looked at a friend suggestion on Facebook and find they are republican big time and see that they are so off the rails for their candidate that you can't imagine being friends with them?? My uncle.. Say no more.. Actually I will, he is so for Trump and his hypocrisy and then turn around and post the most seeming to be regular religious memes and that is when you realize he might either be off his nut or not realize that he can't be religious and be that into Trump.. Either one or the other but NOT BOTH...
The tale of two completely different families.. Nobody in the republicans can stand that the Obamas are as they are, and the people who like Trump are people I don't want to be around, and there are more people like me than there are that like Trump.. In fact there are likely more reversing their feelings about Trump every day as we start to get seriously closer to the two fateful days up coming quickly.. Electoral college haves their votes final in December and the inauguration is the 20th of January... Where will you be that day?? Getting dead drunk?? I think there's gonna be a lot of people that way that day and 1460 days there after...
You get this feeling that no one wants to see Trump even get into the whitehouse ever again.. I'm for that.. But if the electoral college doesn't vote for him then it will be Hillary but getting in under that circumstance will make this very questionable.. This could be the weirdest election forever..
Another reason Obama wants Trump to get into the white house..There is supposedly an economic collapse forthcoming that is supposedly going to be worse than the recession of 2007/8... That was nasty but it was plugged up with a fix by GWB as the last desperate attempt to do something good for America.. Iceland was involved in that as well as almost everyone, but unlike everyone they let their banks fail and they are better for it.. Why couldn't we have done that?? Americans want a quick fix when it looks like the economy is about to shit the bed.. I can't say I'm any more different.. The fear that things won't get better are very real, we've been there, we've done that, and more than once I might add.. So would a businessman like Trump be able to fix something like this??? No, it is now too late, it should have been fixed ten years ago.. He will be in office when it happens and be the second consecutive republican in office to see the economy take a dump..
Speaking of taking a dump.. The novelty gift of the year.. On the Q&A section someone asked does Trump make any money from the sail of this item, the answer being no he doesn't, but how can you tell.. He might make money.. Or he will sue to do so.. He knows he isn't very well liked.. Hopefully he will eventually get that point and deal with it (here's a hint, stay away from Twitter about it.. Thing skinned much??) .. Another thing to sell might be a hand with small sausage fingers.. The comments in the comment section.. "This is the worst toilet paper I've ever used" Well like Trump being president, he wasn't expecting to get elected, and now that he is he will soon be the worst president ever, so the toilet paper matches the job he did..
I can think of another novelty gift.. A copy of the constitution with a scorers table to keep track of how much he has violated.. Also a scores table with his promises to cross off as he breaks yet another one.. Shit, buy it now, the promises are being crossed off sometimes several a day..
My feeling is that if people felt as much for their candidate wining the general election before the election as they have after, maybe the outcome would have been different.. I still think a lot of people did on our election the same as the brexit vote there in Britain which is to say voted for Trump because they thought there was no way he could win.. I say the polls are rarely this far off.. Had it been within ten points maybe but it was like sixty on some..
There are times when I think the majority of the rhetoric that Trump spewed during the election was just spewage and meant nothing.. He took it too far way to often and that is why most people are afraid of him.. Deeds not words, action not words will determine if people will trust Trump.. If he could do one thing that they don't think of when they think of Trump.. For instance I DON'T think of him as a statesman, someone who could negotiate a peace settlement somewhere.. This would be so unexpected that if he would do that that some might actually change their feeling towards him.. It would for me, and if I were to change my mind about him, a lot more would too...
Does Trump actually think he really is smarter than the intelligence community?? He had said he knew more than the Generals, but... Here's what I think.. He likely gets his information from the KGB anyway, why stop now..
Baffling Catch 22 that the election was when you consider that none of the candidates were very well liked.. What wish the ballots would say is here's your candidates, pick one or the other or NONE OF THE ABOVE and have a full redo meaning because they are so seriously unliked they redo the whole process again from the very beginning.. That would make everyone groan (FUCKING NOT AGAIN)... Would that make people pay more attention and get involved with the voting process, or would it turn them off.. Does the whole thing have o take 18 months again??? WHY ???
The republicans wouldn't do this would they??? Yes they would and they will.. There is no replacement for the ACA.. Simply put when Trump said he will repeal it and replace the same day.. He was lying.. Er sorry stretching the truth a bit.. If the congress repeals the healthcare law then that will be the greatest win for them, they have tried to repeal it for the past six years but when they sent it to the senate, until two years ago it was voted down there, then they got control of the senate it got to the desk of Obama and he vetoed it.. Why?? Because they never proposed a replacement,And it will be the same now with Trump, but because he has promised to repeal it will be, he will sign it, without any replacement and there won't be for.. Anytime to come..
When Ben Carson said he wouldn't accept a cabinet position because "he wasn't qualified for one" I think everyone was left scratching their heads.. You don't qualify for a cabinet position, but was qualified to be the president?? Talk about a baffling catch 22... But for Trump to get him into his staff will add colour to an already bleached staff.. "See I do to have an African American Friend"... No you don't, you need a fall guy you can fire and have no conscience about doing so.. He will have a good handful of these types of people.. It is strange to see him at his tower greeting people and saying great things about them, when just the past month before he was running most of them down.. Amazing what a brown noser looks like..
When you have to preface this story as not fake, you know it likely is.. But to think that Hillary could win a few states in a recount.. Makes all the talk of Trump's situation seem moot, But let's think about that.. When Hillary was working on her transition team before the election (some saying she was derailing her campaign doing so) but When I read this on Facebook this morning I thought, quite possibly this would make the election process be changed, a fairly significant overhaul, going analog (paper) all the way, might take getting the results completed more than a day or two, but getting it right, I'd rather have it right, rather than have an outside country influence by hacking the system.. This election had the feeling of being rigged as Trump said.. How can the polls be that far off?? They all were off... I can see them being off by a percentage here and there, but just before the election one of them had Hillary chance of winning something like 84%, to 16% for Trump.. Now should this be right and Hillary wins then the republican party might go after Hillary for her emails scandal.. But wouldn't it be better to do that than to start impeachment hearings . ON TRUMP??
Screwing over his supporters.. Well yes they will clap for that too.. Because Obama was trying to look out for the American workers, but Trump knows that his supporters will love him no matter what.. At least for a while..
And so the corruption begins.. Where will this end?? Well the big one won't be Watergate but could it be something else, a Trumptowergate??? He better watchout where his people get caught, that name will go down in infamy, but will still have gate attached for that relation to the very worst presidential deed ever committed .. UNTIL TRUMP..
I can hear them now, when will the Trump corruption end?? Hey, the FBI went full corrupt to get him elected, same with the networks that had a love affair with Trump... You wanted him to be elected, not sit there and clean your peas..
Could Trump be impeached?? Before he takes office, i would say no, but there's a first time for everything. To have Hillary might be worse in a different way, but Trump going in is a corrupt businessman and will only get worse..
On the Hillary recount story, Obama doesn't want a recount, he wants a smooth transition and transfer of power.. Why?? Well I feel like his popularity is about to sky rocket the closer the 20th of January and will leave the most loved president quite literally EVER.. That part of his legacy will never be tarnished.. Trump might be liked at first but before he is in power for fifty days I look for him to be in trouble and for that to just keep getting worse.. No one wants Pence but it might come to that.. I think Trump will be censured shortly and throwing most of his staff under the buss won't help at all.. If it were to happen before June they won't have been in power long enough to be.. Impeached or Censured, Either one could be the end of Trump before he gets a good head of steam going...
If you work overtime you should be compensated.. The republicans (and Trump) will eliminate this.. However it was always an overtime rule at certain places.. I worked at McDonald's and never saw overtime pay.. They have a screwy system that made getting overtime extremely hard to get.. Spreading your hours over the entire pay period, meaning if you got twelve hours one day and seven the rest in that pay period, they would spread it over those next six days, or rather thirteen days depending on the pay period.. Nice work A Hoal... (not spelled wrong, that was the owners initials and last name.. A Hoal... hard to believe, who does that to their kid???)
There should be a rule stating that if you win the presidency you have to move whoever your family is into the white house.. If some of them want to live elsewhere they get only a small two or three person protection detail...
Is stating that the first amendment could be changed a little under Trump mean that he can't touch it.. He will try, he hates YouTube, everything he has ever said can potentially be on line, or if not online could have been recorded somewhere and then posted back when the shit gets tough.. Good luck, you'll need it..
For anyone who doesn't already know this... : European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent. Yeah no shit... So there you go...
Does anyone remember watching Back To The Future II?? I watched it a few months back and thought, could things turn that far south??? EVER??? Turns out we are about to find out...
yikes... When I woke up on the Wednesday after the election, actually I almost didn't actually sleep, the results were already known and I had known because I couldn't get to sleep... And this needle dick was still president and I thought... This feels like Back To the Future II, the one with the alternative time line... Maybe if I get a better night sleep Wednesday I'll wake up Thursday and things will be back to normal... No such luck but then I still haven't had a good night sleep and anyone who this election outcome bothered them like it did me, they still haven't gotten a good night sleep yet and likely won't anytime soon...
So if you could turn the clock back would you and would it be to before the election and why?? For me the answer is.. NO.. The reason?? My feeling was the only way there is a difference is if they had a better selection process for the democrat running against Trump.. I had felt even before the election that Hillary was the anointed one.. Super delligates what a crock.. Anyway from the early parts after Trump has been elected (I still can't say that without a certain amount of vomit forthcoming)... But.. He won.. And what has he won, Johnny Olson tell the bright candidate what he just won.. Well.. He has a huge job ahead of him, he has inherited an economy that isn't horrible but has become stagnate, with incomes that are frozen and minimum wage set at early seventies standards and of which won't change any time soon.. I got an email or saw something on a site that says the economy is about to take a huge plunge.. Worse than 2007/08.. Which means we are headed for a serious recession.. And it won't be anything Trump necesarily does or doesn't do.. This is still fallout from the 2008 collapse in the financial area.. It was never fully fixed and so we will have an even worse collapse And Trump will take the fall for it although kicking and screaming.. Like George W Bush, Trump won't know how to fix it... He will want a quick fix and if he lets it fix itself we will be better off.. But they said that about GWB and he was completely lost..
From the Mike Rowe Facebook.." THE PLAY IS THE THING!
“I'll have grounds more relative than this—the play's the thing Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.” - Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.
Mike - Please pardon my “white privilege,” but I’m pissed. I was at The Richard Rogers theater Friday night in NY. I thought the show was fantastic. I thought the cast was amazing. How though, can anyone justify their unsolicited comments to Mr. Pence during the curtain call? I didn’t pay (exorbitantly, by the way,) to hear someone’s personal opinion spouted from the stage. Just curious on your take, as a self-proclaimed former thespian.
Jack Boyer
Hi Jack
It’s true. I have indeed committed acts of dramaturgy on more than a few occasions, and shockingly, I do have some thoughts on the difference between art and artists. First though, I have to correct you about the nature of what you “paid for” last Friday. Hamilton is in fact, a personal opinion. Specifically, that of the playwright – Lin-Manuel Miranda. Make no mistake, that’s the opinion you paid to hear. If you're pissed, I suspect it's because you got some other opinions as well. But since you asked, here’s another!
I think the cast of Hamilton shared their feelings publicly, because it felt really good to do so. Unfortunately, I think their comments diminished the impact of an excellent show, and probably accomplished the exact opposite of the playwright’s intent.
A brief digression, before I circle back.
Last week, Matt Malone, the CEO of Grub Hub, wrote a letter to his employees that encouraged anyone who agreed with Donald Trump to tender their resignation. Frankly, I was stunned.
What kind of CEO would alienate a public company from half the country? Is he, as some have suggested, “a leader of deep personal conviction?” Or is he just a very bad businessman who values his personal feelings more than the feelings of his board, his shareholders, or his customers?
I had a similar question when Colin Kapernick refused to stand for the National Anthem. What kind of American refuses to respect a flag that so many died defending? Is he, as many seem to believe, a courageous and principled patriot who took a stand by sitting down? Or is he a disrespectful, self-serving opportunist with no regard for his team, his league, or his fans?
Beats me. It's hard to know the motive of another. However, I do know how satisfying it is to share my feelings with millions of people. Unfortunately, I also know that my feelings - in and of themselves - are profoundly unpersuasive things. It's satisfying to share them, but it’s almost never convincing. And yet, that’s precisely what the whole country appears to be doing - including the cast of Hamilton. They just told the next Vice President that they are overcome with feelings of “alarm and anxiety.”
In my opinion, that was a mistake. Because unlike athletes and CEO’s and protesters and millions of other concerned Americans with similar feelings, the cast of Hamilton didn’t have to deliver a lecture in order to make their point. Because the cast of Hamilton has at their disposal, a far more persuasive device. They have a play.
When Shakespeare wrote, “The play’s the thing,” Hamlet was telling us the most effective way for him to make his point was to keep his personal feelings out of the conversation. So Shakespeare constructed a play within a play, in which Hamlet was able to achieve his goal. Brilliant. And that’s precisely what’s so ironic about Friday’s outburst.
Hamilton is already a love letter to diversity. It's a very persuasive homage to inclusiveness, individuality, and many other things that make America a place worth immigrating to. The play delivers that message to everyone - including people who may have voted for Trump and Pence. But the cast - speaking out as they did – failed to make the play more persuasive; they simply made it more personal. More partisan. Smaller. The cast forgot that the play is the thing! By sharing their personal feelings with paying customers, they turned a play into a polemic. And polemics are the most unpersuasive things of all.
Please – don’t misunderstand me. Few things are more critical to our democracy than the first amendment. I know that. And if the cast of Hamilton wants to express their personal feelings from the stage, that’s fine by me. Likewise, if athletes want to nap during the Star Spangled Banner, and corporate CEO’s want to publicly proclaim their contempt for those who vote the “wrong way,” I say go for it! Just remember, the first amendment does not include the right to be agreed with, or the right to be understood, or the right to express your feelings without consequences. Last I checked, Grub Hub stock is down over 10%. And the NFL ratings are down 14%.
I’m sure the future of Hamilton will be just fine. They're sold out through 2017, and I say good for them. It's a hell of a good show. But if I were Lin-Manuel Miranda, I’d be the one demanding an apology. From my cast. And I'd be having a very serious conversation with them about the eternal wisdom of Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.
PS. As for Trump’s return tweet, I think he’s also mistaken. The theater should not be a “safe place for everyone.” If you want a safe place, go to Yale. Or Rutgers. Or Brown. Whatever else our universities are becoming, our theaters should continue to be a place that challenges us. A place that makes us think. A place that makes us occasionally uncomfortable. That’s what a good play can do. Assuming of course, the actors can stick to the script, and let the play speak for itself."
What is Mike Rowe that smart or what.. He actually had people write him in on election Tuesday.. We don't want a smart person in the white house. Why?? I have no idea..
The SNL skit that has Twitter Boy Trump all a twitter... poor guy, has no sense of humour...
I really like Seth Meyers a closer look segments on his show Late Night With Seth Meyers..
Jon Stewart talking about the weird world we live in.. Trump is president..
Spoofina on YouTube, i've never heard of this channel before.. Shouldn't post it but... Why not, either way..
Sometimes these cartoon and other funny things are poking fun at Trump and other things and they can be funny, but other times they are more truthful.. We can laugh, and we do very nervously.. Why are we so seemingly afraid?? we don't like change and truth be told had almost any of the other early candidates in the Party part of the primaries we might could take.. But there were others that are just as off their nut Trumplike.. Scary?? Better believe it.. But when it came right down to election Tuesday we had someone who was possibly over qualified, and another who was so underqualified that it seems like it was a gimme as to who should win... Crooked Hillary, and I don't think she was any worse than any other candidate in the past few elections So what??
Stephen Colbert.. Making fun of Trump might be more fun than ever.. Or.. Not.. Depending on how much Trump will be able to take when the congress says NO a lot..
Yes we witness history every day but the event I am talking about is a slow fall of the empire that is US.. America... By electing an already known corrupt person like Trump to be the president (and yes it could have been Hillary as well, just less nazi like) We have elected known petulant adult, already with his first tirade on Twitter against a skit against him on Saturday Night Live.. Get used to that Donnie, that's just how it works, when they stop making fun of you that means you have finally made something better for us.. That's gonna be a while..
This is big on Twitter right now...: #ImpeachTrump Bigger than even I thought.. Could he be impeached before he gets sworn in??? That might be interesting to see, but what people don't realize is.. Then there is Pence who might seem more presidential but could easily get us into so much more war action.. He is an admitted Dick Cheney desciple.. And that can't be good..
Redistricting AKA gerrymandering ... Wish they would redo the entire country.. That way a representative represents people... That will likely never happen..
Trump admitting there could be a link between humans and global warming (climate change) is a HUGE step in the president joining reality,..
That might not seem like much but then you have to realize that the republican party is owned by the most richest two idiots on the planet in the Koch brothers (Bert and Ernie).. And they are Fossils.. er rather fossil fuel magnates... and climate change deniers from way back.. There isn't anything wrong with a warmer planet.. REALLY??
Before the election was even held I looked at several things that were pointing towards a chance that WWIII could be about to happen... Very scary to think that this could happen.. But then I thought it could be that world war three could already be in the early stages right now, the technology part.. I posted something on Facebook yesterday as a reply about a possible change to the first amendment by the new president.. I was called out for not knowing civics and how the government works.. In a war situation, it wouldn't matter, they can change everything about amendments and depending on the severity of the damage could see every aspect of the constitution be thrown in the trash... I hope we can stay civil but in the eye of the storm civility will be the first to go..
He tricked you.. Did anyone see the opening of SNL the other night??? This isn't that but it sure feels like it.. Seriously, the people who voted Trump better be ready for the ride of your life.. Like I said he will try all sorts of things but he might not get much done.. Congress on his side, he has two years to get something done. Not that he can be voted out in two years but the midterms are always a fair barometer to tell how he is doing.. If the democrats can get control of the Senate then he will be put in check.. and that could happen, the republicans have control of the senate just barely at two seats.. The house is gerrymandered in their favor so bad that it doesn't actually represent the true American electorate.. Now the video above.. The 8 things so far that Trump has backed down a little from.. Jailing Hillary would make it look like he kept a promise from one of the debates that Hillary should be in jail, that was viewed as a dictator saying that, and should he keep this promise I think it will continue the rift in the country, and he should be pushing for a fix and healing... Mexico wall.. Too expensive and Mexico won't pay for it.. Simply a lie.. Banning Muslims.. Like the Mexico wall is a lie.. This is America, land of the free.. Trump should read the constitution, before he destroys it.. Iran Nuclear deal.. All these other countries have signed on to it, if Trump tears it up it still exists.. Going into Iran guns a blazzin will likely get his buddy Putin to be pissed off.. Get other countries the pay and build their own defense including nukes (although he denies ever saying that, he did, look it up on YouTube) There is kind of a reason we don't want them to have their own defense/nukes ummm Read a history book and skim forward to world war one and it's more impressive brother world war two.. Bringing back waterboarding and worse forms of torture, Although both his sons say it would be like a college pledge week prank it seems quite a bit worse but if they think it would be fun let them get it done by the people who like doing it.. They might still love to do that on a drunkin' wild weekend.. And fiannaly scrapping Obamacare aka the ACA... He likely will try to do that right out of the gate.. Why not let the new congress men and women get their seats warm before shitting on America.. You will be able to do that gradually, you have three an a half years to do that.. Why rush to shitting on America.. Guess you want to see your numbers plunge quickly..
I thought I would address the fake news issue again here.. The day of the election I saw on Facebook that the FBI was going to check the fact that Russia was helping Trump and might be hacking the election.. This was a story I shared on Facebook but not anywhere else.. Thankfully I didn't share here or any other blog I control.. It was a fake story.. How do I know?? No other news site had it on anywhere.. Then the story of Trump having a meeting with the Japanese leaders last week, the site said Trump blew it off, completely dissing the meeting.. Way to start the presidency off.. That didn't happen at all, he had the meeting.. Trump having troubles filling his cabinet (staff) and that might be a little true but the way it was written like no one wanted to work for Trump.. That really isn't true, he might be having trouble filling positions but it mostly was because of Chris Christie... You know the rest.. So I tell you here and now I am not a news site but what I try to do is get the news I like and although I didn't vote for Trump, I still will try to get news about Trump that isn't full on false.. But the internet is best known for finding out what you like to read and force feeding you that.. it's that way for me anyway.. Likely it is that way for everyone.. Read and watch many sites.. I Watch the David Pakman stuff.. I like views that represent my taste.. My values.. But.. One thing we can agree on...
Within Temptation is one of the best bands in the world..
Is it tolerance or blind trust or... I mean to police your own site, Twitter trying to keep certain bad things from being said.. Should they have done this to Twitter Boy Trump during the campaign?? I say no because literally what he had said as a candidate should have been enough to have the majority of the country to have been turned off from that rhetoric.. But they loved it and loved him for saying it.. But it opened up the floodgates to all those who love to hate.. He started the direction we are going down and there will be no turning around... One of the fears I has was this country turning into the world like Mad Max or Thunder Dome..
Stephen Colbert... Trump to live in the white house seems like slumming it...
Everyone is sure this is going to happen... I hope it doesn't but because of certain things that have already started to happen..
This is just the start and everyone better watch this shit.. He is a crook and when I said he will bankrupt this country I meant it.. But not like just run us out of money but rather not paying the debt... Negotiating that down.. Yeah, after pissing China off for his first 100 days negotiating the debt will be suicide.. Let's see his minions come up with cherry things to say about this fool then..
I'm not afraid anymore... Not afraid any less either... That Tuesday night into Wednesday morning of the election I might have slept all of an hour.. Maybe slightly more because I was thinking what does Trump winning mean to everything we depend on... Well likely everything we depend on... Will be gone.. Those who are retired and depending on the government for certain things to make ends meet will have nothing of that sort by the end of this coming year...
Trump lied on his candidate disclosure form... Will that be enough to eliminate what will likely be the greatest mistake America has ever made on election day?? Highly unlikely, we will have to follow through with our version of Brexit... What having the worst president ever will do is change the wording of "anyone can be president".. I hope anyway.. If you don't show your tax returns, and he didn't and likely won't EVER because it will show what a crook he not only is now but was always a crook, a liar, a cheat, a scoundrel... But the people who voted for him are so sure having apiece of shit being the president will be infinitely better than Obama or Hillary... Just wait until they are having to put in twice the hours because he will ruin the economy..
Refusing service to customers you don't agree with has always been cool.. Especially if you don't agree with their sexuality.. How would some store know unless you were getting hot with each other in a store ail...
Dan Rather says what everyone is thinking every time Twitter Boy Trump garners this nickname.. He likes to freak out at anyone who speaks their mind... This should be absolutely no fun to watch the first amendment come under fire, and Trump could change it, but better try early in his first few weeks as the president, because if he waits too long, his sham presidency will be seen by his followers upon waking up and realizing what a huge mistake they made... And while it doesn't seem like it could happen now, they all have that stink of man love on them, it can happen, and will happen before this time next year Trump will either be the most hated or.. impeached.. or worse...
Trump, protecting all that is in his inner circle... Yippee what an idiot.. He has nothing better to do than send out tweets... Glad the transition is completed...
Thanks Rachel Maddow... There will be more of people like her watching out for US...
Badge Henry
(P.S.. As of the last few entries I have looked on different channels to see if they are real news or not.. So this entry I have placed an * where I'm not sure if the stories are real... )