Monday, October 31, 2016

The last day of the year... month..

Happy Halloween to all you trick and treaters out there... Today at our house when you trick and treat here we will be giving out ghost pepper chips..  They are really nice and warm..

Todays entry is going to be an odd mix so ...  Watch and learn.. Or read.. Over this past weekend I watched some football... And the game I watched more or less was that Texas/Baylor game mostly because.. Well I love watching a team struggle especially when it's a team I can't stand.. Texas, and as well Notre Dame.. But Texas because we were in the same conference with them, when Texas forced their way into the big 8 conference and started to quickly screw things up, eliminating one of the greatest rivalries in college sports when they dropped the Oklahoma/Nebraska rivalry.. I think it was one of the big reasons why Nebraska left the big twelve conference was mostly Texas U.. Well having Nebraska leave also made schools like Baylor get better because Nebraska used to recruit quite well from the Texas area.. But now we go elsewhere mostly because we don't play down there in Texas regularly anymore.. And so when Texas got rid of their coach and went with Charlie Strong, that was supposed to fix their ailing football program.. IT DIDN'T..  Leaving Louisville to go to a bigger school/bigger conference was not the best move he could make but it was Texas that threw that money at him.. We saw that at Nebraska getting Bill Callahan from the NFL's Oakland Raiders the year after he took them to the super bowl, the next year the team went in the toilet so he was about to get fired, he left for greener pastures in Nebraska and subsequently proved that it was no fluke there in Oakland, he was a great recruiter but the worst head coach..   Had Nebraska stayed in the big twelve conference we might be as good as we were back in the golden days of Osbourne but.. I doubt it..

Faster... By Within Temptation...   

Everytime I think I've heard the best songs by Within Temptation.. I hear a new version of a song and hear why I like it even more.. The studio versions of their songs, after hearing the live versions is quite a nice change..

 Covered by Roses.. This version.. Very good.. Sherry never misses..

Just one more... Stairway To The Skies...  WOW...  Saw this one at the end of the Elements concert.. Very Powerful...

Alrighty then.. This past weekend saw a shift in watching movies.. Not a shift away completely but rather a different source for watching...  First off was this one

10 Cloverfield Lane.. A sort of prequel to the Cloverfield movie a few years back.. You know the one where the guy used a shaky hand cam to video the events of whatever night it was that they were at a party and we got invaded by aliens.. Bummer.. But this movie had me questioning weather the guy was just playing the girl for stupid and hoping she wouldn't go out and find out that everything was just fine..  Interesting movie.. And this wasn't on Netflix...

There was something about this movie, Lilla and Eve, that made me think.  Something isn't quite right here.. Interesting movie though.. Confirmed suspicions as it turns out..

Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil.. This one was one I saw my brother mention on Facebook so i found it on Netflix and gave it a go..  Kinda fun when you see from both sides..  Really interesting goofy fun..

Finally I am watching this four part BBC documentary on the American/Soviet Union space race.. I'd seen other versions on the space race and so this really isn't telling me much I didn't already know..

Currently I am on season five of Justified...  The end of season four was the best and really I remember not wanting the series to ever end but.. and it will again..  Oh well... I think Dark Shadows will be next..  All one thousand episodes.. Hope the channel stays lit through that all...

Badge Henry

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The election that wasn't

Alright, the big question today I'm sure most who look at this blog wonder why I didn't mention the new Scandal involving Hillary and and bit on her emails... First off it really isn't known what if anything is in these this time, the truth being that there likely is NOTHING  to them.. My feeling is that I wasn't going to mention it because .....

It's only a blip.. Likely she lost a few voters or a tenth of a point here and there but nothing that significant..

Trump on the other hand has more scandals coming out of the woodwork all the time...  And in his case they all stem from the fact that he is a horrible business man.. He stiffs the people he contracts to do work for him...

Will he be brought up on charges anytime for all these wrong doings???  Good question..

But here is what I really think.. The early voting has already started and the votes that were cast in those states that do that are leaning heavily towards Hillary.. at a fifteen point advantage which means election day might be un needed... we might already know the outcome by then... But for those who think that a new scandal will do anything to change the voters minds.. If they are like me no new scandal will change who I would vote for.. But if the voting public is like me the new scandal might sway me to not even bother voting.. How dirty does it have to be??

Badge Henry

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Ghoul a go go

From OSI74...  Saturday morning fun..  Some more weirdness from.. Me..

No more tomorrows ...

This is scary..

In which we see Trump say we should just not have the election and anoint him president..  I had heard a year ago about someone said this will either be the first female president ever.. Or the last president ever...  In the case of the later I thought yeah, we get Trump who is such an ignorant fuck that he gets us into WWIII and ends the world as we know it, not even figuring that with his rabid followers that they would be alright with abolishing elections completely because at a rally earlier this year Trump said we need to get rid of the first amendment.. You know, the one that centers around free speech...   This with the election needs to be the greatest deciding factor against voting for him...

Does this mean anything at all??  I like to think he means what he says.  But the one thing, he is building up his forces in the Med and trying to get Syria to be completely be done.. Or he is tempting fate..

What this all means to me is we are all on the brink.. of a really large tea party???

What I feel about everything.. First I get my news from all sorts of news sources.. How reputable they are.. I have no idea..  Anonymous being what I call a conspiracy type that would like to keep people in constant freakout mode being for wikileaks and having them post stuff.. But I am noticing a trend and that is with this being the election that it seems like this is their time, and when it is all over they will be back in the background setting up for the next round.. Julian Assange seems hell bent on getting Clinton for whatever the reason, but Marco Rubio said it best when he said don't get too happy with him going after Clinton, they could easily turn against the Republicans next, and while i don't like Rubio, he is right..  This is just a game they are playing...

I don't know what stories are completely 100% trustworthy.. I get my news on line from many sources, some seem like they are good, others are or seem to be full on bull shit meant to freak people out, I just link to them, let you read them and decide should you buy a bomb shelter or go about getting the dog fixed.. Truth is the state of things in the world today are up in the air.. If Trump loses (Likely) will he concede and everything will go along fine, or will he fight the results and try to stir up a civil war??  Will there be enough people who care that much about this to fight??   I highly doubt it but Trump sure would like that the people telling him at his rally's that there are thousands who would take up arms for him.. That's why the election must be a landslide, that way the few, the proud, the idiot can think long and hard about taking on those who know better..

And why is it that Trump feels like the election is rigged, and that if he loses there should be an uprising.. If Hillary loses there should be an uprising, but there is no talk on her part that if she loses that all her supporters should take up arms..  She will likely concede..  Simple.. Don't think we have to worry about that.. Hope not..

Badge Henry

Friday, October 28, 2016

The big news isn't so big when you know the behind the scenes story..

The big news isn't that great, I mean I heard about this..

They filmed all of the members of Rick's group being offed so that they had no idea who would be killed so no one could leak the news..  So seeing Maggie being killed shouldn't come as a surprise because they all got offed at the end of last season... Then they started filming this season after they all came back from break..  This show, The Walking Dead, you get this feeling that there will be no "and they all lived happily ever after"  ending...  That is the feeling I get.. It seems like there has to be an ending to the walkers, I mean how long can they survive out there.. They seem like the temperate zone they live in, the warmer climes of the southern USA is where they can survive the best.. I one time Googled the time frame and map of where all this has taken place in and it surprised me where all it has been in.. About a fifty square mile area.. And mostly in Georgia until they moved north into Virginia most recently... But the timing seems like they are stretching it a bit...  Remember that store or warehouse where the roof collapsed??  From the wikia of walking dead    "Although, The Walking Dead has been around for quite a while, the actual show has explored a time period a lot shorter than this. In fact, it seems the whole world went to ruin surprisingly quickly. According to Walking Dead Wikia, the last episode, "Coda," is set 514 days after the initial walker outbreak."   514 days is less than two years...   

Then there is the show getting crap for the show being so gory to start season 7.. If you have a problem with the gore this season you must have slept through the previous six seasons because the blood splattering has always been like this and if you suddenly don't like it, it must be because your favorite character got his head bashed in.. get over it or stop watching.. 

My feeling is that the Negan character should have been creepier looking..  I feel like the Governor from earlier in the series was creepier...  Maybe it was the eye patch.. I think if Negan has a partial face tattoo it would be just better.. Why a partial face tattoo??  Let's say he was getting a tat when the world started to turn sideways and after that he started to try to get a different part of it fixed and that is how he picked his crew.. or killed them.  He was a gang bad ass leader.. That's the only way I can see him being the leader of this that he is, he's not that big..  But anyway.. to each his own, they needed another bad ass character and.. THEY HAVE IT NOW... 

Badge Henry

Dick Tuck ... remember that name??

Me either..

Could Trump not conceding cause a civil war???   Who knows...

While I have had entries lately that might make it sound like I am changing my stance on Trump, I'm not.. I don't trust Trump mostly because he is republican party affiliate, and that is reason enough not to vote for him..  I don't trust him.. Hillary I don't trust very much more than Trump and truth is if there was a third candidate who was viable I would vote for him (Bernie Sanders.. Why can't he be a write in candidate, I still don't get why no one has issued a protest vote campaign with Bernie being the one to vote for...)   My  feeling when I heard Hillary say she would issue a no fly zone over Allepo or Syria as a whole and my feeling is that could instigate a war with Russia..  Maybe they think that would be a good thing.. I really see Syria as a lost cause and as well no one is screaming HELP US from there so.. Why should we bother.. Allepo is pretty much leveled and I say let them have it.. Assad and Putin are one in the same mentality and are both horrible dictators...  Yeah I get the humanitarian reason to help there but no one is inviting us to help..   Oh well.. We had a good run as a democracy.. Sort of.. I mean I have never liked our election system... I know there are those who could school me but I don't understand how three states elect our president.. Actually two seem to do it.. We don't count and yet we feed not only the country, we feed the world, the bread basket of the country, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska....  And yet none of these states are the viable in the election..  I think all states should have equal representation in the election..  Because right now there aren't many states that are important although they make it sound like it is your civic duty to vote..  Why vote??  There were years there when it felt like both parties were the same.. They still are for the most part, but a few little differences.. The republicans are the party on the bat shit CRAZY.. While the democrats keep their bats shit a little less insane.. Oh well bring on the cheese dip, this election like all the previous ones is already decided.. Except Bernie hasn't won yet... Go Bernie... GO BERNIE... GO BERNIE..... Not going to happen but the feel good feels good...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why.. simply put... ?????

The question on my mind when I heard one of my friends is a republican, I thought he is way better off than I thought he was and yet he works regular job driving for walmart distribution center...

Why is he voting for republican even though living in a state where we will end up voting republican because we are stuck in that rut.. It blows me away how states with agriculture is their primary business.. I mean I guess figuring how to move your money or lack therein..  But it blows me away, it seems like the thing that states like that should be more in tune with the democrat party because the republican party and democrat parties have switched.. The republicans are almost fully for the rich and the democrats are more for the middle class and poor (supposedly, although neither party is for the middle class, the democrats just pretend a little harder than the republicans do)...

Again again.. I guess if it ain't fixed why fix it...  Hillary will almost likely be the same government action as Obama and while things seem better, they just are that way.. If the democrats get control of the senate then...

..this last story is moot but it has to be flipped to democrats.. if the republicans retain control of the senate then Hillary will go into her first term as a nearly lame duck president because the spoiled brat party (republicans) will not work with her.. Gawd what a load of shit political shit is.. I mean things could have been better had Obama had a congress that was looking out for the American people as a whole.. Maybe this will be a good thing.. The GOP will weather the Trump storm and come away smelling like a daisy that got severly dumped on by a huge cow...  Taking a diarhetic dump on the party because he could and they loved it because they made it..  That fear mongering they have loved for the past eight years is now being brought to you by a childish Trump.. And the thing is.. IT'S WORKING...  The election will likely be closer than it should be because people in this country are flat out STUPID.. Gullible sheep..   Just really sad..

Hows that WWIII thing going for you???  Not that I am trying to scare anyone but have you seen the news lately?? No??  Well it's alright, because if you have or haven't this little link above here is more true than not.. Will World War three happen after the election?? Maybe, hard to say.. I don't follow this that closely as well do no other Americans.. Talk about easily fooled.. I have said what would be worse knowing the end is near or just having it happen and be wondering BUT WHAT HAPPENED?? ..  What happened is we (the USA) needed to stop covert actions sooner but are like the bully on the block, until someone slaps our hand solid we just keep going about it like there is nothing wrong..  After we got Osama Bin Laden we needed to stop that.. But we haven't, and we keep going about it wrong and the world is getting fed up with our shit..

When this earthquake happened I thought with that tsunami that occurred that this was going to end up being a very serious event..  And that it could be devastating for the whole world.. And as it unfolded eventually it was.. And is.. But not to worry things could be worse..

Thanks and sleep tight..

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Strangely late

A late entry here.. But well worth the wait..  Check this video out... That looks like it could hurt..

Famous landmarks put into perspective..    I never knew some of these even with Google Earth..

 Dirt bike vs. police chases.. Kinda fun to watch but as a news report says not all these chases end well.. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Head to head... (sorry about the pun)

Alright, I made it to the almost to the end of the first quarter of the game last night, the game felt like it was heading down the Chargers path so I went off looking for something else to watch and take my mind off this game.. And went to the YouTube channel... Well I actually looked it up yesterday morning but couldn't look at anything in depth and ..mostly because of a busy day starting early and going until the afternoon.. But I did check during the holding penalty-a-thon part  of the game and .. I am  talking about of course the walking dead season opener in which we see the results of the cliff-hanger from the end of season six in which we last saw Negan doing his eenie meenie minie moe thing trying to decide who was going to meet Lucille first.. 

*****************SPOILER ALERT************ (Also gore alert but then you knew that)

Yep it's that gory.. That's what we watch it for...    This is as well all of the show I watched from Sunday night (so far) and I might watch the full first episode but then might wait until January when it is on Netflix and I won't have to watch the commercials..   My impressions on this episode or rather the clip is that Abraham from what I understand had lived beyond what they said he was originally killed in the graphic novel, and so when I heard that it was time.. Glenn was a surprise for some but again in staying with the graphic novel it was about spot on.. my feeling was that in the episode where he was knocked off a wall or gate or whatever and ended up climbing under a trash dumpster that that is when he should have died, he cheated death is some odd as way..  Your guess is as good as mine.. When I heard all the reviews on the first episode I wished I had watched it but I also heard that this first episode was plagued with network commercialization, which is to say the 5/3  ratio of five minutes of programming followed by three minutes of commercial.. I get that this show is expensive to make but if it gets that bad premier it on HBO and then let AMC run it and not have it be so hard to watch because of the commercials..  But as this clip moves along and Negan gets bat happy and continues to bash an bash all I could think was this clip over and over..
"I think she's dead, NO I'M NOT"...   Told you I have a twisted sense of humour..

Hey it's almost Easter... Halloween rather and here's a good way to make caramel apples.. Or not.. YOU DECIDE...

There was one other movie I watched Sunday instead on the not broncos game, since it was on Monday night..  Captive...  This was from 1986, and as I judged it it was an art house type of movie..  So it is more independent type of movie.. I had always wanted to see this movie, thinking it might be on the order of More or Le Vallee... But it wasn't it was about three young people who abduct a rich barons daughter and try to convert her into a person like they were.. Which only sort of works.. It was a bizarre movie but then Art House movies generally are.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, October 24, 2016

And then again.. this is getting old..

Listen you pile of shit, you no good for nothing heap of crap...  You were great when you were the best but then you had a blowout or whatever the hell happened and this makes....  You... Not a favorite anymore... I am talking about... Of course...  Donald Trump... NO.. NOT THIS TIME... Can't always be about that heap of shit, no this time I am talking about the browser that was so great.. Ice Dragon by the Comodo boys (people, whatever)..  Comodo dragon is the Chromium version of the two which I can't stand Chromium or Chrome for those who can't figure out what I am talking about.. Why did Chrome go shitfuck??  This happened a few years back in fact.. You know I said Chrome was the greatest browser EVER.. And then it shit the bed, so I changed and went back to Firefox only to discover that it too sucks.. So what to do???  I went in search of another browser and found Aurora to be the IT browser.. Aurora is the development browser of Firefox and at times worked better than Firefox.. but them it should have not worked better because it was the beta version, for developers and people who had time to be fucked over by new ideas that crashed regularly but it so rarely did, I thought give me beta every time.. That caught up with me fairly quickly and then Aurora was soon placed on the scrap heap of used it but aintnevergonnauseitagain browser..(all that in there with no spaces to prove a point, they suck...  So Chrome based browsers are avoided at all costs, all of them although UC Browser is kept, I swore by it and then swore at it.. Using it when I just want a change up.. Then there is Safari browser that is equal to none.. And there's a reason for that but I like using it once in a while as well...  So after deleting the Comodo dragon and Ice Dragon I went in search of the next browser I would be tired of being pissed off at shortly.. Pale Moon is it.. For a minute then I went to the Firefox proper...  The actual latest version, the 49.2  or whatever.. I was going to try 50. but it was beta and I'm simply tired of guessing why this browser sucks... beta is better???  Maybe.. Prove it..

This weekend was a first for me.. I actually did a fairly lengthy binge watch session.. On Sunday because the local team was set to play Monday Night Football...   Meaning their defense could show how much they suck on nationally televised  game...  I'm losing interest in the .500 season...  Anyway here is what I watched..

The show you have seen the trailer for all over tv..  13th...  About everything that is wrong with America right now which mostly is race..  Hard to believe, and it seems to be a very long anti-trump commercial..  I liked it, but not the subject matter.. I thought by now we would have moved passed this.. We haven't and likely never will...

Muscle Shoals about the recording industries leading studio location.. You go there and make the greatest music ever recorded...  Very much a great movie..

The Siege at Jadotville, about the Irish army platoon that helped stave off  world war 3 way back before Korea was even going on.. My feeling was that if they would have had a better support staff  they would have won.. They were that ready.. But.. They put up a good fight, for being hung out to dry...

Then there was Saturday watching evening (evening viewing...) was Justified.. The final six episodes of season three..  Four in a row Saturday night followed by the final two of season three late night.. Then another cool find I'll try to find and link here....   

Watched the final three Quantico episodes last night.. I'm not sure how much I care for this series.. It was a bit much to keep straight and the same with the way the first season ended was  tearjerker if you're into investing any emotion into these shows.. Seriously NOT...   But not a great ending but could be alright.. But why call next season Quantico when it shouldn't flash back to then.. And if they use the flashback sequence then the show might very well have jumped the shark, as they say..

Badge Henry..

Know your rights..

This was interesting to come across recently..  These videos, I had no idea you can fluster the police like this..

This is almost like the jedi mind trick at times..  These are not the droids you are after.. You are free to go..

When this guy identifies the police by their ranking, and start to quote supreme court rulings ... This is quite interesting.. Now the comments are also interesting.. People need to know that while this guy might seem like an asshole he is proving what everyones rights are..

More schooling of the law...

I know after a few that it gets redundant but these people know more than I will ever and like I said the comments are all negative but if you have seen people get gunned down, they don't have a camera.. The best thing you could possibly have is a camera..  Most of these people would be getting the shit kicked out of them if they didn't have a camera, for as little as questioning authority.. And telling them no you can't see my ID...

Another one but mostly this one I put on here because of the three panel video like most videos like this but in this case all three are identical...  Kinda trippy..

Badge Henry .

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Then there's this

The reason to elect Trump is a farce at best..

If you follow Alex Jones and he is your savior then you are living on the edge of your seat freaking out at any little sound that you can't identify right off..  They want you to freak right the hell out at anything you can't identify and they don't want you to think for yourself.. Let them think for you.. And don't, by any means DO NOT GOOGLE ANYTHING...  My uncle will put all sorts of conspiracy theory type of shit on his Facebook page and believe it as gospel truth.. I will see it, google it and debunk it and put it on FB as a load of shit.. But I will also put it on twitter because as I have said having three hundred people see it will make a bigger difference than having less than twenty see it..  There is the potential of that number on twitter but.. you never know, I see stuff by people I don't follow so there is the potential for even more to see it on twitter...  Where Alex gets the one third figure from I don't know.. Depending on how severe the war is, if it is a nuclear war, the numbers are closer to fifty thousand surviving WORLD WIDE...

Americans embracing bad government because we don't know history... My older brother can run circles around my knowledge of history as pretty much can anyone.. I hated history in school..  To know history however is to know we are on a slippery slope.. And although I have little knowledge of history I do know that we can't just keep assuming that with every screwy black ops we do the day is coming when someone is going to slap us HARD back..  And it won't be too long either.. The shit in Yemen means we are a step closer to an all out war there, and why??  Because we are like the older bigger brother that the little weaker brother picks on and eventually we retaliate.. Well that little brother will go telling to mom eventually and in this case it will be any country that doesn't like us and that number keeps rising by the day.. So who will decide to help after the retaliation??? Hopefully that will not happen but it likely will..  Then we will be in  a war that we can't get out of just like Vietnam...  Fight them there so it won't have to be done here... Crock of shit..

Badge Henry

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The way it is.. Alright this is the weirdest entry I've ever done.. I think..

                                ONE EARTH



Don't fall for anyone's B.S.  







No trips were taken during the putting together of this entry... Seriously none were, I just like weird shit.. 

Badge Henry





Friday, October 21, 2016

This was a close call..

Knowing what we know now..  This was a close call..  here I was looking through some old pictures on one of my flash drives and this can only be called a close call..     what am I talking about??  This:

How close was it??  Actually this last vote they had wasn't that close, they were closer the first time, this was the third time they voted and it was really a blowout on the AGAINST side.. Had this been voted to be done they likely would have broken ground before the announcement that Cabelas was up for sale..   Had that happened.. Let's just say things would have been interesting to build on  a tax system that is in dire straits right now..  And will get worse when Cabelas loses a third more employees (that's assuming that is all they will lose, I read where half of Cabelas employees will be working elsewhere by the end of next year)...  I'm sure they still need a new school but why not move to the old hospital, this building design looks like the old hospital.. Or.. once the takeover of Cabelas is done and the new corporate building is emptied there's where the new school could go.. Or not, it's an idea, to keep that building going..    or not...

Badge Henry

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Small town America easily duped??

This is not another political entry... Seriously it's not..

Ok, so the link above tells of the 5 types of Trump supporters..  and it nails it on the head.. With the exception that I feel like the average Trump supporter also watches FNC channel and listens to Rush Lumbar and any other right wing radio personality... Truth is they likely are afraid to watch or listen to any outside ideas..  To me watching just a single tv channel, especially when you know there are only three that are out there.. If you watch FNC you are afraid of everything, outside ideas, the Earth is round and revolves around the sun.. Most knuckle draggers (republicans) believe that the sun revolves around the Earth, just how self important are these idiots??  Uneducated might be a stretch but under educated, and people who are way easily duped.. Some people think that small town America is easily duped and that makes us stupid in some way..  I was reading in the local paper (right wing rag that it is) and they had little kids (second graders) were talked to and they really sounded like they are so easily duped, but they listen to their parents and that can be dangerous especially if they think what Trump is up to now with his "this election is rigged" rhetoric..

This story above really nails it for me..  The seven things the author can tell about a deep Trump supporter..  To me however and i hate to admit this but I have three uncles who are republicans and were set to vote for Trump, right up to that video two weeks ago when he was bragging to Billy Bush about grabbing a woman by the...  You know.. and so THAT was the breaking point of one of my uncles to not vote for Trump.. THAT  was your breaking point?? Wow.. Must be nice to have such high tolerance  for stupid behaviour..   The other two uncles it's hard to say.. One calls Hillary Killary because of the Beghazi thing.. While that was bad you have to know that there was another president before Obama that had issues with the same type of thing.. Had a few more die.. Here.. Let me show you ..:

So much outrage aimed at the current administration and yet... there it is...

So is small town America easily duped??.. Really no more than big cities..  Like I said.. Read more than one paper.. Watch more than one television channel...  Listen to more than one radio station..  Open your mind..

I've said as far back as the first part of this year or maybe even shortly after Trump entered the race that when he loses he will likely sue all aspects of the electoral system.. And maybe it needs a good wake up call.. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Trump at all for being the president but waking up the system to change things, I think a change would do us good..  I've said I'd like to see a three party system or even more, open the electoral college to more than the two party system that is legitimate..  That likely will never happen because of voter fraud...  But I am for voter registration cards but it can't be done and implemented very soon.. It might take twelve years to get it going.. But upon a persons 18th birthday they register to vote and go to the DMV and get a voter registration card.. This would enable you to vote anywhere in the country, but only for the president (think registered  independent)  but to vote for all that you can vote for you have to vote in the district you are registered to..  There is a lot more to vote on than just the president all across the country..

Badge Henry 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Rebel Force episode 4

Ah... um..  Well I've been looking for this for the past four months or so.. Finally found it to share.. And here it is.. After looking for yesterdays entry...  This is a different take on.  Well you'll get what it is three minutes in, let the song Time by Pink Floyd fade out..

Unlike the actual theater release, this is really a fan put on.. with actual throw away reels.. Dubbed with .. adult language shall we say...  Enjoy...

Badge Henry

Not to beat a dead horse.. Don't beat a dead horse..

Oh what the hell Let's give a dead horse a good flogging, why not... Seriously I said no more entries with election as the main topic but.. Ahw... hell... Just can't help it.. But you know the main reason is Americans have a short memory..  And with tonights round three debate you just gotta know this should be a quick victory lap for Hillary.. But there is a catch.. If she loses tonight, even just a slight chink in the armor then Trump will close the gap.. This debate is so unnecessary for Hillary and really a last gasp for Trump.. If he is serious he goes out there and goes full boar on the issues and learned to breathe when the mic is up to his mouth..  Pull that thing away from your mouth when you are breathing in Donald, it sounds like Darth Vader when you breathe.. That or stop breathing.. There's an idea..    Tonight is for all the marbles, and the bag they came in.. The final fall and really this might be the most important because this could change the way some feel about Hillary should she stumble even ever so slightly...  But it will likely devolve into a he said she said playground fight.. With hair pulling, titty twisters, purple nurples and atomic wedgies... While everyone wants to see where the candidates stand on important issues there are those who want to see the hair pulling reveal just what the hell that is on Trumps head...  Is it alive or is it some new space age polimer holding a weird wig on.. A rug as they say..

Had to throw that last link in there..  The president is playing games with Trump and winning...

I remember back in February when Scalia died that the Republicans said we needed a mandate of the people electing the next president and it should be the next president that will get to nominate who will be the next supreme court nominee... Well now he has changed his mind and wants to block the next nominee especially if it is Hillary doing it..  McCain doesn't mind stomping on the constitution when it suits him and his party..   These jokers are really not interested in the government by the people and for the people... WHAT??? ...  

 This one here above is the one everyone needs to see..  What has the congress done in the past two years since they have had full control of the congress..  Took me a while this meme is wrong, they took full control two years ago except they are so dysfunctional, mostly because they are not just the republican party, they are the TEArepublican party.. And that's where the dysfunction starts.. They are not together at all.. and that is why we have nothing to show from it..
 Putin wants a Trump presidency because Trump has no idea what Putin is about to do which is to reinstate the old USSR back to it's hayday and that means being broke and void of any values..

 When I saw this one I thought yeah, and stop dating their sister... ^^^^^^
 His statement of putting America back to work and bringing companies back to America is a choice statement when you consider that he knew he was going to run for the whitehouse as far back as three years ago that he could have at least brought one of his factories back here and start the process of bringing more back and said I will make other companies bring back manufacturing plants here LIKE I DID and be able to show it..  He didn't and likely wouldn't..  He lied??  He has lied about EVERYTHING... 

 Yes but.. You see the people who bought 50 shades of grey aren't running for president..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The end of the world.... na..

It's the end of the world as we know it...  and I feel fine...  Well.. Good for you...

The Duggar cult is back at it again..  this time Jill Duggar and he husband Derrick Dillard are watching how god plans to end the world...  Well good for you you...  reverse pervert.. actually they are religion perverts.. They really think all that they read in the Bible is going to happen... I thought all that was supposed to happen when the myans had the calendar run out years ago.. We are living on borrowed time then??   Whatever.. this girl is NUTS...  But then that whole family is way off their nut.. ...

Badge Henry

Pass the word

If I told you I have only one password for everything I do online would that surprise you???   I have three variations of the same password for all the different email/blogs and Facebook but that my MySpace account is the same as it was ten years ago..  well.. i think it is.. I haven't been there in about as long..

Have I ever been hacked??  Yes, you get cocky and think they will never hack this and pretty soon you find your friends list has grown extremely large and why???  You got hacked.. On Facebook, the first time... The first time I was on facebook I had "friends"  from all over the place, all over the world mostly because I thought more was better... I had friends from every corner of the planet and maybe even off the planet.. Just joking, back then they didn't allow astronauts to have facebook while on the space station.. Not sure about now..  But it really wasn't worth having nearly two thousand "friends" because I really only knew a handful and so I shut the first FB account down.. That one was my name was nuclear infected.. I got questions about that name and .. I think most of the people thought it was a band name, others thought I was fighting cancer..  It wasn't any of those or anything other than a quick name I came up with using the title of an obscure Alice Cooper song ...

Yeah..  like I said very obscure, but effective and was my first FB account.. I left that one went with the next one with my online name of Badge Henry up until earlier this year and then (it got hacked) I changed to my real name.. Or as close as I will come to having my real name on it and the password that from the start of the N.I. FB page was the same or almost the same.. The password  is 15 characters long including the old alpha numeric they insist on.. and my passwords have never been related to my name, either real or faked.. In fact they are in a book..  Strange to say this but if you know me and what I did like or have liked or still do like...     And that includes comedy, music and literature, although I can tell you my favorite writer, Douglas Adams, it doesn't include any of his works, although I should say it does, that would make it extremely hard to find my password..  It's not really that hard but you have to know just what passage I would take from what book or song lyric...  How strong does the password have to be??   Know it can be easy.. for me a lyrics page from any group I have been into could be as many as three thousand albums I currently have on compact disc or vinyl..   Start at A.. (Alice Cooper ?) and go to Z...  (Warren Zevon ?)  and there you'll have it.. And remember, I like odd shit...

To prove my point about liking weird shit.. This is what I fell asleep to last night...

If you can tolerate this... You might be weird too...

Badge Henry

(P.S.  This link will show it as I see it on OSI74 on the roku..  Very little difference but still there is some difference..  )

Monday, October 17, 2016

Deprogram yourself

I've done an entry about this subject not too long ago, and while it might seem like the stuff Alex Jones thrives on, I watched a mainstream media program that doesn't usually go with this kind of thing.. I'm talking of course about the very real threat of world war three or as it is more known as WW III

Pentagon Finally Admits WW III Is Around The Corner, Reveals It Will Be Fast And Deadly
If you knew voting for Trump would curtail a possible nuclear war would you vote for him?? I was looking at a few pro right sites and they are so scary.. If you think Alex Jones is a crazed wacko you are right but they stick to their fear mongering like stink on shit..  That more than anything scares me that they will scare the vote for Trump more than anything else..  Now what is going on in Syria is real.. And we need to get out of there ASAP.. We have no reason to be there, we weren't asked to be there for any reason, we are just there to "help".  But what we are doing is playing a cat and mouse game with Russia and what will happen when we accidentally bomb their troops and then they accidentally bomb ours is anyones guess..  Actually that has already happened..  We are playing with them in a deadly game of chicken..  We need to get out of the middle east altogether, we've been there for way to long, time to let them have it back completely.. They will never be like us because they don't want to be like us, and we need to stop forcing them to be.. Listen, an aide to help them is fine, but we are more in the way.. the leader there wants to level the city, it's what the Russians did in WW II  and what the Germans did in Poland as well..  Bomb the shit out of them.. Well this needs to stop but we need to just let them have the city of Allepo and we need to leave.. 

Also what are we doing in Ukraine??  Seriously, we are there do lend a hand in what is another front of a war that Russia is in..  Can we just go back to minding our own business??
Here's my feeling on both as well as Yemen..  Are any one of these worth starting world war 3??  To me they are not..  What we are doing is a high risk no reward game of cat and mouse with a country that if they don't get their way might start the big war.. Yeah, I know what anyone reading this is thinking we will not let it get that far.. Don't bet on it.. There are those who think that Russia values life like we do and they might.. But then there are those who want to see what a nuclear war will get us..  I don't want to find out which side might blink, like the Cuban missile crisis...  Back then cooler heads prevailed.. I would be willing to bet that would not happen this time..  Even in a limited nuclear war the likelihood that we will see a whole lot of the country uninhabitable  is very real..

 (P.S. More  on this bull shit..   Listen I was ready to blame the US but it is obvious to me that both sides are playing a deadly game.. This has to stop now..

No matter what side you come down on, a small nuclear war would tip the condition of the planet into a red zone what with climate change going into a very warm state.. We just had a nearly ninety degree day yesterday.. This is October... A limited nuclear war doesn't exist, they might say it will be short.. But what are they going to target, the bread basket where food is grown for the whole of the world??  Or the outskirts of the country, the largest cities like New York and L.A.  And you do know about fallout and that shit will effect the whole country..  We need this to stop now... )

That was thin

So ..  What to say...  Ok there's going to be an entry later today.. It deals with the ongoing situation with the current heightened tension with Russia and us, the USA... And it is very real and should be looked at..  And... Well one of the shows I watched this past weekend I wasn't watching because of this but it does..  And i was,'t wanting to get pissed off but I did, and.. Well here is the first movie in my review as it were.. :

Dirty Wars.. No it's not about smut.. This is the worst thing that we can be involved in because these operations are going on all around the globe, they are little tit for tat things where we are trying to make the world a better place but in reality we are making it worse because no one is taking us on..  The day is coming when we will get slapped hard for this behaviour and it is coming very soon. sad to say, and it won't be the military covert ops that gets hit, it will be like 9/11 where innocent lives will be lost.. We need to get out of these things NOW...  We will be the cause of world war 3 because we are fighting little wars here and there..  The entry I did last Tuesday and set for today scared the hell out of me and I hope anyone who reads the entry later understands that it is very real.. When I say that we are the most lack of knowledge country I mean we watch the Kardashians get their jewels stolen and really think that is news.. IN ISN'T...  Watch anything but the MSM  main stream media here, watch Sky news, watch Global (Canada)  watch anything but the CBS NBC ABC  FOX...  and if you can't get it on most cable or satellite providers (which you can't)  Get a roku or look on your computer..  It is scary to see but you have to see it because when those CP sirens blow and the sky is clear, that's not a test, that is too late to give a shit time...

Ok on with the viewing here... 

Amber Alert.. There are several Amber Alert movies but this is the one to watch..  Such an interesting movie and.. From the start you get this feeling (***Spoiler Alert***)  That things are not quite as they seem... You .. well I won't give too much away but from when they are in the warehouse.. Just listen.. And you will understand right from the very start.. that it isn't what you think.. Watch with an open and suspicious mind.. 

Serving Sara.. This isn't about cannibalism at all, but rather a process server, lawsuits and that fun.. With Mathew Perry and was very funny.. Just what I needed after a freaking weird ass week..  One of the funniest movies..  Really worth the time..

Kidnapping Heineken "In 1983, a group of childhood friends pulled off the crime of the century: kidnapping one of the richest men in the world, the heir of the Heineken beer."   So many times they were busted or nearly busted..  This is really a good movie ending the way all movies like this end.. Was it predictable??  To a degree but not as bad as you might think... The soundtrack was quite good as well...

One show I am not missing a day of watching at least one episode of is P.O.I.  or Person Of Interest.. From CBS and it ended last season earlier this season.. I could have started at that point and finished it but like other shows I could have done that with this needed to be watched from the start to get to that point.  I really liked the earlier seasons and then it became like a soap with Root being the main not so good guy character in the show... 

Here's an addiction show I am watching.. Justified.. I watched the entire of this by way of torrent and now am watching it again on the X-TV channel...  While I am addicted to this show my mom is watching every episode of Dark Shadows and I want to as well but first I've got to get through Justified.. I finished season two last night by watching the final three and then starting the season three late night starting with episode 3-1 and 3-2 at about eleven last night.. Hope to get through this series by Thanksgiving..  Same with POI... 

Badge Henry

Sunday, October 16, 2016

NASA Panic!!!

Here's one for you...

Every time there is a story like this I read it and I read this, so what it says is a mass of asteroids heading for Earth.. a lot of meteorites heading for the planet.. well we are going to send our best space ship with Astronauts to land and get samples... For anyone who knows where we stand on sending a rocket into space with people on it, this should tell you don't worry.. It's not likely going to happen in your life time.. In other words, go ahead and get the cat fixed, you've got time..

Badge Henry

To win an argument

Here is why I really like Tarja Turunen as the best vocalist now..  Check this out..

One of my current favorite groups Schiller.. Tired of Being Alone...

Mike Oldfield  "Never Too Far"...  Fantastic  full range vocals...

One of my favorite songs by Nightwish  "Ghost Love Score"  Magnum Opus at it's best..

Demons in You...  This is her latest and what a track...

Six songs from Walken...   The live shows are always the best way to see a group... And these guys are fantastic live..

Badge Henry

(P.S.   I should have waited until I checked this video out here..

Tara was the lead vocalist of Nightwish and then she was replaced by a vocalist who was ok.. Then Floor Jansen took her place.. They are real life friends as well.. This is a bootleg version so .. It's not great but does show they are friends in real life but I would take Tarja over any of them.. )

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The end of walking dead??

Nice subject line.. Actually this season isn't the end of the series but for me, the way last season ended kind of made me wonder if it is going to be worth watching anymore..

This clip gives absolutely nothing to the way the story goes, will Glenn or/and Maggie die???  Didn't Glenn die last season under the trash dumpster when he got knocked to the group of walkers??  No he didn't.. So who can we live with losing this season??  The truth is while the way that last season ended it should have come as no surprise to anyone.. They had become complacent and I could tell the shit was going to hit the fan.. I mean they lost that one girl that got a crossbow bolt through the eye.. That was a signal that they would be in a world of hurt and fairly soon too.. But as I had said there were other times when they took it in the shorts.. The governor was a nasty character that did nasty to our heroes.. But now with Negen being the new bad guy supposedly we are going to see multiple deaths by our heroes.. What I have begun to wonder is what if anything is going to be worth watching.. Remember the show Jericho where there was a nuclear strike, and the world changed for our heroes there to the point of going back to horse drawn buggies.. Well with the Walking Dead, my feeling is about the same, it is like Bonanza (an old show about cowboy ways) and really without the walkers that is what you have.. I mean the walkers are still there but it seems like it is the secondary part of the story..  Will I watch this season?? I'm not sure.. I mean I won't be torrenting it like years in the past but having two ways to watch it either by waiting and getting to watch it on Netflix or another place that I will try to watch.. Not sure.. Or watch it live as it is on the tv..  I've never done that before..

Badge Henry