Thursday, August 7, 2014

anotheR deraileD entrY

When I get the movie End of The Century in the next week or two it will be a return to those times.. There was a point after (actually long after) the initial punk movement where I got into some punk music..  I didn't initially and dismissed it as not being worth time or effort, but then when a group I listened to covered a song by The Ramones I tried the groups original release.. Actually I got a live album with the song on it and thought still that it wasn't my cup as it were.. But then, as with most music I gave it a try and eventually got into them.. Getting several best of compilation albums, and started to get into them.. I don't know when it was that I thought about trying to get more of their studio albums but it just seemed to happen..  But then as quickly as I got into them, I stopped.. Just quite that quickly.. Not that they did a disco album to turn me off.. I just stopped.. With the movie coming in the next week or two it might turn me back on to them.. Like the movie I got a few weeks ago about the New York Dolls I started listening to their music a little.. The difference with the 'Dolls" is that I had only one album of theirs, a greatest hits collection culled from their three albums, and in the compact disc era that could be the entire catalog being placed on the one disc..  And very nearly was.. But the songs are good, but not great.. I liked them, and started looking for more albums by them, but they are out of print vinyl and except for the best of album on disc, were never released in the new medium for lack of interest.. Maybe that will change with the remaining members who are alive touring again now.. Or maybe they have split up by now, who knows..   Then some time back the album set (box set) from Sire records that had so many punk artists and some of it I already had but didn't know they were punk.. Siouxie and the Banshees... I think I figured she was punk, at the very least she was Milly "circus" Cyrus does a lot like Siouxie did twenty years ago.. Why aren't I amazed by lady ga ga.. Same reason.. Not original by any stretch..   Punk music did have their place, and when End of The Century gets here it will be, well... likely it will be cracked as with most good music docs they've been cracked and have to be attempted to get an uncracked (broken) disc..  At least punk was a form of rock music.. That is gone from most music now, the feel, the feeling that there are people playing an instrument on the majority of music out there now..   That's for me, I like my rock groups to be fierce.. Rock it hard and LOUD...   Where was this going???   Um.... tis done  .. nuff..

Badge Henry

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