Thursday, July 31, 2014

bacK iN thE daY

This seems really strange to say.. "I like a show on.... NBC"...  NBC, REALLY?? Yep no doubt that it really seems strange to say that there is a good show on a network that I forget is a tv network, because their shows suck so bad.. They have more one and dones that any other network, in fact they have more non compete, which is to say they have more shows that don't even get aired.. But this one really has caught my eye this summer, called The Night Shift.. Really a good show so far and I'm on the forth or fifth episode ... I think.. I'm torrenting it, so I am guessing here... The first clip is what I called Meatball surgery, and it is basically the night shift emergency staff is doctors from the army that performed and figured out new ways to do things in the field in the war(s) zones in the middle East.. 

In this scene ... Geriatric STD's ...   Makes me shudder...

Hazing the new interns.. Or in this case this guy seems to get nailed the most.. Poor guy..

This was one of those scenes where you know the guy is just sure he is impressing the girl.. Juggling, yeah that will do it..

Another hazing the interns scene.. In this case it was one of the interns hazing the guy who got nailed by the "dead" guy in the ambulance..

Badge Henry

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