Wednesday, July 16, 2014


WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SKUNK WE HAD??  Ian gets a bath.. He's clean now.. Watch out girls.. 

So we went out to see a harvest thing going on.. Saw a combine pretty darn closeup yesterday as we were watching him clean an area that was a small area but he was  almost done because his hopper was almost full..  He pulls up next to us and we get a closeup look at that machine.. up til yesterday combines were mean and nasty.. Then afterwards they were friendly.. We pull around to the area where the trucks are parked in the field and wait for the guy to get there.. As he pulls up to the truck the auger unfolds from the machine and starts to unload to his amazement.  There was another combine heading towards us but turned around and went the other way..  The guy unloading took a few minutes to unload his hopper and all I could think was I bet the trucks my dad drove in the day would get filled with just that one combine full.. My dad drove for harvest for a numb dipshit farmer who's main trucks were held together with bailing wire and duct tape, and were pre world war two era trucks.. You don't see too many of those type of trucks in this day in age of the super sized combines.. I drove an old.. OLD combine, the kind in which there was no cab.. And it was alright.. I mean I was more afraid of making a mistake of any kind so I drove with the old butt pucker situation.. Farmers become total shitfucks during harvest because they have only a set amount of time to get the wheat in before the grain loses protein and whatever else happens.. Anyway I got to drive a combine for a day or two one year.. Big deal..   The little guy could have stayed and watched that combine all afternoon and had the driver asked if he would have liked to ride he more than likely would have.. The cab space is huge.. He had some girl in there with him...  we then headed for town and the elevator where the wheat trucks dump their precious cargo..   But we told him of his grandpas work in harvest time, driving trucks.. How his uncle drove a combine, and as well my driving a combine.. Not sure he quite comprehended that everyone except his dad worked a harvest at one point in their lives...   "Can we watch the corn harvest?"  And I said it will be October - December sometime when they will be doing corn.. The latest I've seen corn harvest is January a few years back.. That was an odd site, to see these machines associated with hot weather working when it was rather cold outside..

After the harvest watch we went to the library.. Why not.. This was the first time in I don't know how long that I had been in that library.. My mom used to work there way back when.. She liked it there.. It  is really a nice place, was then and still is today but a lot has changed.. Thinking back to way back then. how they had records but now they have computers, and digital media.. They still have tapes though.. the old audio tapes.. i looked through them and as I was looking I realized I don't think I have a working tape player of any kind.. Here I have all the tapes I have and no way to listen to them.. I think I might need one.. Or not.. Maybe just a simple tape player, stereo thing..  also a record player.. Something to play the old discs on.. I love compact discs but rarely listen to them as well.. Why??    The nephew isn't impressed by books, they seem to bore him, but then he is still a while away from reading for real, maybe that will change.. I told him his cousin could read fairly well by the time she went to kindergarten.. He just looked like "SO WHAT"...  Yep, the times they are  a changing..

Badge Henry

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