The sky is no longer falling, although it seems to be low with it's ozone thing.. The computer seems to be working better since last Monday's fix.. After a few days everything seems better but.. There has to be a but.. The old BSOD seems to keep showing.. It scares me because I have videos that need to be set for upload to the 'Tube sometime.. Most of what that is is video I have shot since the nephews T ball season started and ended this past Monday, even though I didn't shoot an overly huge amount I need to put a video comp of the season.. I think I do have the very first game up there but I have the entire season to put a video together with.. Also the adventure of the summer so far, the trip to the caboose the day or two before the forth of July.. A first for him, he had been wanting to go in that thing for years.. I thought he might squeal with delight.. He didn't but he was very happy.. Then there's the girls.. Em and Ellye, the Sunday before the forth and then the forth of July.. All of this has been on the smart card and needs to be edited to upload form for either upload to youtube or burn to disc.. Either way..
So this morning after searching the web and Google and everything the diagnosis of what the nephew has was staring me in the face this whole time.. I just never put it together until now.. It's ODD.. Now that might read like A.D.D. but it isn't.. ODD is just that.. the letters don't correspond to anything other than the letter of the alphabet. Or in other words he has odd.. Or rather he is odd, but not stranger than any other little boy his age, he is just a little goofy boy... Just like everyone else his age.. Pass the ice cream, and the crackers.. Let's eat now..
Badge Henry
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