Sunday, May 18, 2014

to me it sucks.. but that's opera..

A half an hour of set up time was really all it took.. I was getting tired of Firefox locking up and so rather than delete it and start from scratch I moved the essential speed dials to chrome browser and will have that be the back up browser when firefox acts up and sucks which is most of the time now.. I always hated to get so riled up at the two firefox browsers because as much as I wanted to jump ship and use the life raft that is chrome, chrome was never set to be the back up browser even though it is set as the default in the settings, it really is only used when I get something on the internet.. Also setting the speed dials up was always something I dreaded doing knowing it could take a day to do.. In the case of setting up the back up browser it really does only have the essential dials (sites) I use the most. Amazing how the counter on the FVD speed dial helped decide which dials those are even though it isn't the version that I am currently using on the chrome browser.. That is SPOTS.. What does SPOTS stand for??  I really didn't get that nor did I give a shit because it was the third or forth that I tried in a quick time.. I knew what I wanted and it was ease of use.. Load and go.. That's what I wanted.. I found the FVD speed dial to be great on firefox it, but  really does blow on chrome..

I forget a lot of things and the password to my yahoo email site was one of them.. I was trying to remember and I even got up and walked around to get the blood flow to my brain and still   .. NOTHING.. Then I tried what I thought it was and must have done it just right because I got into it.. Why is it tougher to remember than any other password?? Because the variation is quite different from the other sites.. I'll tell you what it is, or was.. It's in a book.. A book of scripts of every Monty Python skit ever written and performed on the Monty Python's Flying Circuseseses  show..  it came to me while thinking about a simple and yet completely unrelated password.. There are no letters in that password that are in my actual name..  It is unrelated to where I live or anything like that so when they tell me to update my password I add a number, or whatever .. very slight to where it is literally the same EXACT password, just extended by one thing.. Number or whatever.. But on the yahoo it was different, after trying for an afternoon I got extremely pissed off and put the longest password they would allow.. And then tore it up not knowing that it took.. I would have to call them and tell them I needed to change the password to something I could remember and they got it set.. took some doing but I got it.. Now it is just a little hard to remember because it isn't anything like the other passwords..

Badge Henry 

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