Thursday, May 29, 2014

Classic to classic

By the way 2000 is a lot.. I'm still thinning the herd as it were, thinning the twitter twits as I call who I follow.. Sorry twitter users but I have a tendency to throw quick nic names to things (ala Cabellaville for the new expansion of town down there)... What's new with you??  Well this past Saturday the movie of all movies was watched.. That's right I finally got THE movie.. The Exorcist.. That's right, the movie so scary it made so many people freak out.. Well I can see the reason for that reaction.. But in the years since it's release there have been more movies dealing with being possessed and it really made the Exorcist tame.. It's amazing how that can happen how time and many movies dealing with this subject matter or horror or suspense movies can tame the beast from then.. Don't get me wrong, it still can get to you, the Exorcist I mean, and the introduction to the movie by the director might have helped keep it in perspective as well.. A religious movie I never thought of it being but sure enough. it was.. sort of..  Did it make me question my beliefs??  Sadly no.. I'm just as confused as I was before I pushed play.. Not confused, but more ... open minded.. I have a site on the roku that has all sides of the religious issue called Sound Reason.. A lot of debate about religion and all things therein.. Worth the time to listen but just.. You have to have an open mind.. I really don't dive into anything blindfolded anymore.. I listen to all sides and take a bit from everything and not dive into the deep end of any pool but rather stay at waist depth so I can climb out of it with little effort.. I think there are a lot of people who say they are religious but only act it when it is to their advantage in reality they have their big toe in the pond and not more than that..  Maybe that is me as well but I don't preach..And I don't quote passages from the bible to impress anyone.. I am rarely impressed by that behaviour because if you were just in a holding cell two days ago.. You found god there ... GOOD FOR YOU...  End of the rant there.. Where that came from I don't know.. The Exorcist was a good movie and was not as scary as it might have been when it first came out way back when?  1973...  WOW  and YIKES...  The next classic movie will be "Battle of the Bulge" coming in July I think..

Badge Henry

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