Sunday I was ready for the PNOP site to be done.. Not in November but when the last entry was set which was the end of May.. Then I pulled back and decided to go to November.. And so now the final entry for that site might be November.. Might because right now I feel like it should be lain to rest, it's going nowhere fast.. Not that I thought it would ever become huge but it was starting to get there only now to look like I set it to private so only I could see it.. I'll see how I feel in a few months but right now it looks like a dead soldier walking..
Speaking of dead walking, I am at the point in the series where they were getting too comfortable on the farm.. They find out that the owner wants them to go and soon.. I watched or am watching Walking Dead because when I watched it before I was watching Survivors at the same time.. Survivors is a BBC show that had survivors of a pandemic virus doing about the same thing as on Walking Dead except that there are no "zombie" type of gruesome nasty chasing our heroes, they instead are trying to figure out what happened and where to go to figure things out.. I hope to watch that series again after I get through with this run through of the Walking Dead here in about a few weeks.. See what the difference is.. The survivors series was only twelve shows long.. They left on a cliff hanger.. Nice work BBC, looks like something the idiot networks here in America would do..
Weed control is always tough to do.. I would run the tiller and then plant and hope the plants outpaced the weeds growing but rarely do.. And I don't mind weeding, or didn't before.. The reason they got away from me the past few years is the plants I planted from seed were old seeds.. They are designed for that year only.. They turn to weeds or the weeds grow better right where the seeds were planted.. This year I'm planning to have pumpkins again.. Maybe.. As the date to plant everything I'm planning is fast approaching, in fact some might say that date is here now and they would be right but.. There's always a but in there.. Every year before two years ago Mothers day was the target planting date and I nailed it only to have the plants get nailed by hail storms.. So the last two and this year as well will see Memorial day be the target day for planting everything except.. This year I will plant the last weekend of May since Memorial day is the week before. We got hail this week and will likely get more weather that delivers that crap.. Also years prior I had a good number of varieties of tomatoes growing, two different kinds in the Earthbox which puts two variety in close proximity to each other meaning cross polination would occur.. The past two years that was quite evident as the tomatoes were a third variety that weren't planted at all.. Truth is last year the production of the tomatoes was disappointing to say the very least.. They had end rot and I think I only got maybe two dozen off of five plants.. This year the Earthbox will have the same variety and the third plant will be placed further away and there will only be two plants this year.. If I'm not happy with this years production of tomatoes I might try something different next year.. By the way the weeds this year we tried something different to control them : Yep grandmas recipe for weed control.. Mom tried it earlier and it worked so I'm trying the pumpkin patch with it.. Fingers crossed that it works..
Badge Henry
Speaking of dead walking, I am at the point in the series where they were getting too comfortable on the farm.. They find out that the owner wants them to go and soon.. I watched or am watching Walking Dead because when I watched it before I was watching Survivors at the same time.. Survivors is a BBC show that had survivors of a pandemic virus doing about the same thing as on Walking Dead except that there are no "zombie" type of gruesome nasty chasing our heroes, they instead are trying to figure out what happened and where to go to figure things out.. I hope to watch that series again after I get through with this run through of the Walking Dead here in about a few weeks.. See what the difference is.. The survivors series was only twelve shows long.. They left on a cliff hanger.. Nice work BBC, looks like something the idiot networks here in America would do..
Weed control is always tough to do.. I would run the tiller and then plant and hope the plants outpaced the weeds growing but rarely do.. And I don't mind weeding, or didn't before.. The reason they got away from me the past few years is the plants I planted from seed were old seeds.. They are designed for that year only.. They turn to weeds or the weeds grow better right where the seeds were planted.. This year I'm planning to have pumpkins again.. Maybe.. As the date to plant everything I'm planning is fast approaching, in fact some might say that date is here now and they would be right but.. There's always a but in there.. Every year before two years ago Mothers day was the target planting date and I nailed it only to have the plants get nailed by hail storms.. So the last two and this year as well will see Memorial day be the target day for planting everything except.. This year I will plant the last weekend of May since Memorial day is the week before. We got hail this week and will likely get more weather that delivers that crap.. Also years prior I had a good number of varieties of tomatoes growing, two different kinds in the Earthbox which puts two variety in close proximity to each other meaning cross polination would occur.. The past two years that was quite evident as the tomatoes were a third variety that weren't planted at all.. Truth is last year the production of the tomatoes was disappointing to say the very least.. They had end rot and I think I only got maybe two dozen off of five plants.. This year the Earthbox will have the same variety and the third plant will be placed further away and there will only be two plants this year.. If I'm not happy with this years production of tomatoes I might try something different next year.. By the way the weeds this year we tried something different to control them : Yep grandmas recipe for weed control.. Mom tried it earlier and it worked so I'm trying the pumpkin patch with it.. Fingers crossed that it works..
Badge Henry
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