This week the grandest of grand events happened, they had their big ground breaking ceremony for the new hospital there in the big city.. Every one and their dog has been waiting for this big event.. So there it was, in the paper the next day and the very first paragraph stole the show for me.. Here it is directly from the paper so you can see that I didn't make this shit up..:
I thought I'd put it extra large so you can read it.. That's right "the largest hospital of it's kind".. That alone made me laugh because if you know the hospital in Sidney, you know the joke that this line means.. Largest Hospital.. The worst hospital of it's kind needs to be big.. The suck can really be delivered in grand scale this way.. But that's not all... :
This must truly explain what they are about.. How that statement the day my mom was there, transferred from another hospital to have her intravenous antibiotics continued and the little Miss Dr. Short and Sassy told mom "we do things differently here".. Oh fuck, that's what you mean.. We're two and even THREE steps ahead of what success looks like... I'd settle for doing it right ... NOW you stupid shit!!
Sadly he is right, but the sad part is they should let the staff at the hospital go, and bring in new.. Kind of the old saying How would you fix my car? I'd take off the radiator cap off, drive a new car under it and then toss the radiator cap and put a new one on".. (budu bu)... When a community builds a new hospital there must be the feeling that they deserve a new one or that the other is beyond it's usefulness as a hospital.. But from what I've heard and I've seen some of the bull shit first hand, the hospital as a whole sucks.. However there was this feeling I had earlier. When I thought about it and finally came to this conclusion.. Is there anything good you can say about the hospital and I could come up with something.. At least their toilets work.. Yep, their toilets work.. A proud moment is at hand I gave them a compliment.. At least they can pass their shit out the bowels of the hospital.. I keep hoping that it will rain enough to where they will fall way behind.. 16 months from now we'll be pissing people off at our new facility.. Good for you..
RIDDING HIGH.. Literally ridding high.. The bike ride to Silverton was last week.. We figure they rode in snow.. Or didn't ride at all..
This looks like a replay of the pictures from an earlier entry.. But it's NOT..
The trifecta of train pictures.. We were at the cemetery Monday and noticed the headstone on my dads grave is starting to wear a little bit.. And the talk turned to how hard it was to get the guy to get the train on it.. We weren't sure if we should get the headstone when we did, or to wait.. It does seem like there felt like a rush but I thought it might be good to get it sooner rather than later.. The headstone has a a train on it, just about but not completely quite like the one from back home..
Dad's graduating class.. He was the class president his senior year.. He was quite popular.. And his brother Bill as well.. When you see his class numbering thirteen, it's no wonder he liked going to a town where he did to teach..
Badge Henry
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Classic to classic
By the way 2000 is a lot.. I'm still thinning the herd as it were, thinning the twitter twits as I call who I follow.. Sorry twitter users but I have a tendency to throw quick nic names to things (ala Cabellaville for the new expansion of town down there)... What's new with you?? Well this past Saturday the movie of all movies was watched.. That's right I finally got THE movie.. The Exorcist.. That's right, the movie so scary it made so many people freak out.. Well I can see the reason for that reaction.. But in the years since it's release there have been more movies dealing with being possessed and it really made the Exorcist tame.. It's amazing how that can happen how time and many movies dealing with this subject matter or horror or suspense movies can tame the beast from then.. Don't get me wrong, it still can get to you, the Exorcist I mean, and the introduction to the movie by the director might have helped keep it in perspective as well.. A religious movie I never thought of it being but sure enough. it was.. sort of.. Did it make me question my beliefs?? Sadly no.. I'm just as confused as I was before I pushed play.. Not confused, but more ... open minded.. I have a site on the roku that has all sides of the religious issue called Sound Reason.. A lot of debate about religion and all things therein.. Worth the time to listen but just.. You have to have an open mind.. I really don't dive into anything blindfolded anymore.. I listen to all sides and take a bit from everything and not dive into the deep end of any pool but rather stay at waist depth so I can climb out of it with little effort.. I think there are a lot of people who say they are religious but only act it when it is to their advantage in reality they have their big toe in the pond and not more than that.. Maybe that is me as well but I don't preach..And I don't quote passages from the bible to impress anyone.. I am rarely impressed by that behaviour because if you were just in a holding cell two days ago.. You found god there ... GOOD FOR YOU... End of the rant there.. Where that came from I don't know.. The Exorcist was a good movie and was not as scary as it might have been when it first came out way back when? 1973... WOW and YIKES... The next classic movie will be "Battle of the Bulge" coming in July I think..
Badge Henry
Badge Henry
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Then there was a hurddle
It was frustrating Memorial day this year as I was sitting out on the deck and watching my nephew play for his ten minute play time in the sand box.. Sadly for whatever the reason he has the attention span of a gnat.. I was sitting there thinking I should get a ball and we could play catch.. So I did but instead of playing catch with him I ended up kicking the ball a couple times and he was so disinterested that I was ... Sort of shocked although not really.. He has to be in the mood to play ball of any kind.. And so we get back to the deck and I'm sitting there thinking of the many games that we played when I was his age.. We don't with him.. And why?? I have no idea.. By the time I was in first grade I was playing Monopoly, I didn't understand the game much but I played it.. We played Sorry by then easily and with this little guy there is no game he can play.. He simply doesn't care to play.. I think there are just too many distractions and too much gadget use.. Computer games were introduced into our playing back when the old radio shack game system with that ball that bleeped and blooped back and forth off the walls and paddles.. We played it on an old black and whit tv but it was no substitute for a good old fashioned board game.. In fact through the atari game console it was nice to play but we still played board games.. The dice games, card games and even the trivia games.. Then came the dvd games.. Those games that were on dvd and you played that way.. Games like the price is right and clue were so cool to play.. Those aren't played anymore and really were just a one and done game anyway.. I now play the Monopoly on the computer as well as Risk and of course Scrabble.. Scrabble was a game I got hooked on back when it was a board game. The days I would spend playing mom on the front porch and I would win and she would win and all the time we were just enjoying playing a game where the words would be interesting.. Later on it would be competition as my brothers daughters would try to beat me thinking they were beating some mater of the game where the truth is I could only win if the letters came at the right time.. But since playing on the computer I learned that it isn't just the letters that win the game but the board.. I learned quite quickly that the strategy isn't just playing for the highest score one way but also to link as many words as possible.. To challenge myself to play better I started to play timer games.. I play a ten minute game 45 seconds per turn which might sound like a small amount of time but once you get used to it you can check two or three sites for a word.. Most of the time I see where the word will go and not try for the highest score by way of checking it but play the word and know that that is what will give the highest score.. I just know.. And then moving up to the next level of hardness.. Then the next. A few weeks ago I broke my high score record for the first time in a year.. Was over 400 but then fell to just under at 397 because I was stuck with the V... Four point docking..
Mom is watching the little guy for the past couple of days, actually the weekend and then again today and there is a "new" channel on the cable tv called Sprout and they watch it and it is like watching public television and there was a website to enhance the viewing experience.. Mom wanted me to look it up for her and so I did, on her computer.. She looked at it and decided, with Ian there, to try to get it.. They are on line lesson stuff or something like that.. She checks and they have a month of free lessons but there's a catch.. you have to purchase a years worth to get that month free.. It isn't too expensive but it is offered as a discount if you pay all at once.. 12 months for the price of 8.. Wow what a deal.. And after she got it all activated she tries it out on the lil guy.. There were hitches and troubles from the git go.. Ian really doesn't want it, he said he did, but as with all things it just isn't what he wants.. Maybe it reminds him of school, and truth is I wouldn't have wanted anything that reminds me of school when I got out.. Bother me again in October.. And so that was the excuse I used when I told mom it might not have been a good idea.. She will try a few more times to have him do it today and tomorrow but I doubt that he will do anything with it.. Supposedly we can cancel in the first month, hopefully we can.. I think mom just wants to leave a mark on the little guy in some way.. I think she thinks his parents don't care about certain educational things.. But I am sure they do care they just seem to not show it.. She wants him to be a nice young man and he either will or he won't, it's truly a crapshoot to be honest..
Badge Henry
Mom is watching the little guy for the past couple of days, actually the weekend and then again today and there is a "new" channel on the cable tv called Sprout and they watch it and it is like watching public television and there was a website to enhance the viewing experience.. Mom wanted me to look it up for her and so I did, on her computer.. She looked at it and decided, with Ian there, to try to get it.. They are on line lesson stuff or something like that.. She checks and they have a month of free lessons but there's a catch.. you have to purchase a years worth to get that month free.. It isn't too expensive but it is offered as a discount if you pay all at once.. 12 months for the price of 8.. Wow what a deal.. And after she got it all activated she tries it out on the lil guy.. There were hitches and troubles from the git go.. Ian really doesn't want it, he said he did, but as with all things it just isn't what he wants.. Maybe it reminds him of school, and truth is I wouldn't have wanted anything that reminds me of school when I got out.. Bother me again in October.. And so that was the excuse I used when I told mom it might not have been a good idea.. She will try a few more times to have him do it today and tomorrow but I doubt that he will do anything with it.. Supposedly we can cancel in the first month, hopefully we can.. I think mom just wants to leave a mark on the little guy in some way.. I think she thinks his parents don't care about certain educational things.. But I am sure they do care they just seem to not show it.. She wants him to be a nice young man and he either will or he won't, it's truly a crapshoot to be honest..
Badge Henry
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
In through the in door.. Out through the you're done door
Sunday I was ready for the PNOP site to be done.. Not in November but when the last entry was set which was the end of May.. Then I pulled back and decided to go to November.. And so now the final entry for that site might be November.. Might because right now I feel like it should be lain to rest, it's going nowhere fast.. Not that I thought it would ever become huge but it was starting to get there only now to look like I set it to private so only I could see it.. I'll see how I feel in a few months but right now it looks like a dead soldier walking..
Speaking of dead walking, I am at the point in the series where they were getting too comfortable on the farm.. They find out that the owner wants them to go and soon.. I watched or am watching Walking Dead because when I watched it before I was watching Survivors at the same time.. Survivors is a BBC show that had survivors of a pandemic virus doing about the same thing as on Walking Dead except that there are no "zombie" type of gruesome nasty chasing our heroes, they instead are trying to figure out what happened and where to go to figure things out.. I hope to watch that series again after I get through with this run through of the Walking Dead here in about a few weeks.. See what the difference is.. The survivors series was only twelve shows long.. They left on a cliff hanger.. Nice work BBC, looks like something the idiot networks here in America would do..
Weed control is always tough to do.. I would run the tiller and then plant and hope the plants outpaced the weeds growing but rarely do.. And I don't mind weeding, or didn't before.. The reason they got away from me the past few years is the plants I planted from seed were old seeds.. They are designed for that year only.. They turn to weeds or the weeds grow better right where the seeds were planted.. This year I'm planning to have pumpkins again.. Maybe.. As the date to plant everything I'm planning is fast approaching, in fact some might say that date is here now and they would be right but.. There's always a but in there.. Every year before two years ago Mothers day was the target planting date and I nailed it only to have the plants get nailed by hail storms.. So the last two and this year as well will see Memorial day be the target day for planting everything except.. This year I will plant the last weekend of May since Memorial day is the week before. We got hail this week and will likely get more weather that delivers that crap.. Also years prior I had a good number of varieties of tomatoes growing, two different kinds in the Earthbox which puts two variety in close proximity to each other meaning cross polination would occur.. The past two years that was quite evident as the tomatoes were a third variety that weren't planted at all.. Truth is last year the production of the tomatoes was disappointing to say the very least.. They had end rot and I think I only got maybe two dozen off of five plants.. This year the Earthbox will have the same variety and the third plant will be placed further away and there will only be two plants this year.. If I'm not happy with this years production of tomatoes I might try something different next year.. By the way the weeds this year we tried something different to control them : Yep grandmas recipe for weed control.. Mom tried it earlier and it worked so I'm trying the pumpkin patch with it.. Fingers crossed that it works..
Badge Henry
Speaking of dead walking, I am at the point in the series where they were getting too comfortable on the farm.. They find out that the owner wants them to go and soon.. I watched or am watching Walking Dead because when I watched it before I was watching Survivors at the same time.. Survivors is a BBC show that had survivors of a pandemic virus doing about the same thing as on Walking Dead except that there are no "zombie" type of gruesome nasty chasing our heroes, they instead are trying to figure out what happened and where to go to figure things out.. I hope to watch that series again after I get through with this run through of the Walking Dead here in about a few weeks.. See what the difference is.. The survivors series was only twelve shows long.. They left on a cliff hanger.. Nice work BBC, looks like something the idiot networks here in America would do..
Weed control is always tough to do.. I would run the tiller and then plant and hope the plants outpaced the weeds growing but rarely do.. And I don't mind weeding, or didn't before.. The reason they got away from me the past few years is the plants I planted from seed were old seeds.. They are designed for that year only.. They turn to weeds or the weeds grow better right where the seeds were planted.. This year I'm planning to have pumpkins again.. Maybe.. As the date to plant everything I'm planning is fast approaching, in fact some might say that date is here now and they would be right but.. There's always a but in there.. Every year before two years ago Mothers day was the target planting date and I nailed it only to have the plants get nailed by hail storms.. So the last two and this year as well will see Memorial day be the target day for planting everything except.. This year I will plant the last weekend of May since Memorial day is the week before. We got hail this week and will likely get more weather that delivers that crap.. Also years prior I had a good number of varieties of tomatoes growing, two different kinds in the Earthbox which puts two variety in close proximity to each other meaning cross polination would occur.. The past two years that was quite evident as the tomatoes were a third variety that weren't planted at all.. Truth is last year the production of the tomatoes was disappointing to say the very least.. They had end rot and I think I only got maybe two dozen off of five plants.. This year the Earthbox will have the same variety and the third plant will be placed further away and there will only be two plants this year.. If I'm not happy with this years production of tomatoes I might try something different next year.. By the way the weeds this year we tried something different to control them : Yep grandmas recipe for weed control.. Mom tried it earlier and it worked so I'm trying the pumpkin patch with it.. Fingers crossed that it works..
Badge Henry
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
That's what I remember
Yesterday I'm working on the lawn here and there.. And I come to the pine tree in the front yard and it is looking great, quite well and as I am raking around it this smell wafts up and it is the pine tree, but not just the pine tree.. Or I should say not that pine tree although it is that pine tree, it is the pine tree smell from everywhere.. And it got me thinking of that pine tree or pine smell from the first school I would ever attend.. The grade school had pine trees and shrubs around the entirety of the front and sides of the building and the walkway around the school had the pine trees and shrubs all over.. That smell will always mean school.. But also the entry to the grade school had that smell to it.. Not pine but rather the smell it had.. No other school had that smell to it.. The high school didn't have that smell nor did any other school in our conference or any school that I visited for whatever the reason.. Just the grade school had that smell, and years later I would smell it again when I worked as a substitute custodian.. Where did that smell come from??? Then there was the paper room.. That smell was unlike anything else.. I loved going in there for that smell. It can be equaled by going by the school supplies in late July/early August at the local department store.. it is only that time of the year that the smell is that prevalent...
Now schools are getting out everywhere and the kids are running .. or I should say they were yesterday.. What was going on here yesterday?? It seemed like a scavenger hunt or something.. I remember one year as we got into the later parts of the school year that our history teacher had a particular end of the school term test he devised and it was called how well do you know your town.. And he asked what might be considered to be stupid questions but it was actually quite interesting because I didn't know.. It was great to see how much he knew that we didn't.. Questions like signs here and there and I went out after that and found the answers.. One of them was where is this sign with the STP sticker on it.. At the time it was a speed limit sign a block south of the high school across from the Methodist church.. I knew that was there, and was since I started to school.. More than likely put there on a Halloween deface things night.. My memories of May from school days are that that was the best part of the school year.. A lot of the kids got squirt guns and tried to get away with squirting people.. Little did they know that I didn't care, it was only water and felt cool on those days the school was getting warm to be in (back then there was no central air).. I never felt like I could use a squirt gun since my dad was the principal, I didn't want to get in trouble nor did I want to find out that my punishment wasn't as bad as theirs was.. Grade school field trips were fun.. The next to last day were spent cleaning the lockers and desks and the last days were picnic days.. The best times of school.. Then summer started and the dread to August and the start of the new school term, but that's forever and a day away..
Badge Henry
Now schools are getting out everywhere and the kids are running .. or I should say they were yesterday.. What was going on here yesterday?? It seemed like a scavenger hunt or something.. I remember one year as we got into the later parts of the school year that our history teacher had a particular end of the school term test he devised and it was called how well do you know your town.. And he asked what might be considered to be stupid questions but it was actually quite interesting because I didn't know.. It was great to see how much he knew that we didn't.. Questions like signs here and there and I went out after that and found the answers.. One of them was where is this sign with the STP sticker on it.. At the time it was a speed limit sign a block south of the high school across from the Methodist church.. I knew that was there, and was since I started to school.. More than likely put there on a Halloween deface things night.. My memories of May from school days are that that was the best part of the school year.. A lot of the kids got squirt guns and tried to get away with squirting people.. Little did they know that I didn't care, it was only water and felt cool on those days the school was getting warm to be in (back then there was no central air).. I never felt like I could use a squirt gun since my dad was the principal, I didn't want to get in trouble nor did I want to find out that my punishment wasn't as bad as theirs was.. Grade school field trips were fun.. The next to last day were spent cleaning the lockers and desks and the last days were picnic days.. The best times of school.. Then summer started and the dread to August and the start of the new school term, but that's forever and a day away..
Badge Henry
Sunday, May 18, 2014
to me it sucks.. but that's opera..
A half an hour of set up time was really all it took.. I was getting tired of Firefox locking up and so rather than delete it and start from scratch I moved the essential speed dials to chrome browser and will have that be the back up browser when firefox acts up and sucks which is most of the time now.. I always hated to get so riled up at the two firefox browsers because as much as I wanted to jump ship and use the life raft that is chrome, chrome was never set to be the back up browser even though it is set as the default in the settings, it really is only used when I get something on the internet.. Also setting the speed dials up was always something I dreaded doing knowing it could take a day to do.. In the case of setting up the back up browser it really does only have the essential dials (sites) I use the most. Amazing how the counter on the FVD speed dial helped decide which dials those are even though it isn't the version that I am currently using on the chrome browser.. That is SPOTS.. What does SPOTS stand for?? I really didn't get that nor did I give a shit because it was the third or forth that I tried in a quick time.. I knew what I wanted and it was ease of use.. Load and go.. That's what I wanted.. I found the FVD speed dial to be great on firefox it, but really does blow on chrome..
I forget a lot of things and the password to my yahoo email site was one of them.. I was trying to remember and I even got up and walked around to get the blood flow to my brain and still .. NOTHING.. Then I tried what I thought it was and must have done it just right because I got into it.. Why is it tougher to remember than any other password?? Because the variation is quite different from the other sites.. I'll tell you what it is, or was.. It's in a book.. A book of scripts of every Monty Python skit ever written and performed on the Monty Python's Flying Circuseseses show.. it came to me while thinking about a simple and yet completely unrelated password.. There are no letters in that password that are in my actual name.. It is unrelated to where I live or anything like that so when they tell me to update my password I add a number, or whatever .. very slight to where it is literally the same EXACT password, just extended by one thing.. Number or whatever.. But on the yahoo it was different, after trying for an afternoon I got extremely pissed off and put the longest password they would allow.. And then tore it up not knowing that it took.. I would have to call them and tell them I needed to change the password to something I could remember and they got it set.. took some doing but I got it.. Now it is just a little hard to remember because it isn't anything like the other passwords..
Badge Henry
I forget a lot of things and the password to my yahoo email site was one of them.. I was trying to remember and I even got up and walked around to get the blood flow to my brain and still .. NOTHING.. Then I tried what I thought it was and must have done it just right because I got into it.. Why is it tougher to remember than any other password?? Because the variation is quite different from the other sites.. I'll tell you what it is, or was.. It's in a book.. A book of scripts of every Monty Python skit ever written and performed on the Monty Python's Flying Circuseseses show.. it came to me while thinking about a simple and yet completely unrelated password.. There are no letters in that password that are in my actual name.. It is unrelated to where I live or anything like that so when they tell me to update my password I add a number, or whatever .. very slight to where it is literally the same EXACT password, just extended by one thing.. Number or whatever.. But on the yahoo it was different, after trying for an afternoon I got extremely pissed off and put the longest password they would allow.. And then tore it up not knowing that it took.. I would have to call them and tell them I needed to change the password to something I could remember and they got it set.. took some doing but I got it.. Now it is just a little hard to remember because it isn't anything like the other passwords..
Badge Henry
Friday, May 16, 2014
the facts of life explained a bit.. HEY SID, have a seat..
Hey Sid, tough break on that school bond issue again.. I mean we all know how badly you want a new 75 room school house (exaggerated a bit I suppose) but, let me give you an idea why it might have lost again.. First, and this is the biggest reason, you have a story run in the yocal paper about possibly needing a new court house or police/sheriffs office jail holding cell setup.. Yep, great move.. I guess that was suposet ta be free? No the bumpkins in yer town are starting to add up the amount they are being taxed and coming up with "BUT WHAT DO I EAT ON" and the answer is not much.. Yeah, you need a new school, pool, police station, yada yada yada... You're about to break ground on a brand spankin new hospital.. All I've got to say to that is OH THANK GAWWWWWD We need a new hospital like you need another hole in your budget.. Who's paying for the new hospital? Is not the tax payers, so they say and I believe them.. Sure, why not.. But the truth is the tax payers are paying for the new hospital, a hospital that isn't needed nor wanted by most patrons of the current regime that runs the hospital... The people that use the farce of doctration that is the current staff starting at the apparent top with the chief of staff one Mandy Shaw.. Or as I came to call her short and sassy because she was wearing platform shoes that she slogged around in.. I swore she had to climb up on step ladders to put them on.. She must disappear into the carpet fibers when she takes them off.. Can you tell I'm not impressed with her?? Now she is chief of staff which begs the question, who did she sleep with to get that position? And with the reputation of the SRMC in question do you really want a multiple malpractice suited doctor to be the chief of staff?? Talk about setting the bar low.. Why do they need a new hospital?? Because then everything will be so much more better than it ever was before.. So they are firing the doctors that are there now.. THANK GAWD... No I doubt that we will pay for the new hospital in taxes.. That will be paid for in the new high mortality rate brought to you by the fine second rate staff of Doctor Mandy and the Mandettes she hires on.. Bet they are fashionestas.. You look good in these white things we have to wear to prove we are doctorators.. The Mandettes will be held to the same standards that she is.. First and foremost they have to show their medical license achieved from long hours working towards acquiring them from the cracker jacks boxes..
The continuation of frustration happened this week as we went to Scottsbute, embankment .. You know.. Anyway to see a doctor that wasn't really supposed to happen where the week before mom was supposed to see the doctor she had seen nearly three years earlier.. This doctor told her to come back in six weeks which would have been in November.. Was it three years?? Maybe two and change.. ?? I'm a bit lost on the timing.. Anyway it felt like three years.. on with the story.. We get up there a bit early and go to different stores not looking for anything and end up blowing the three hours until the "get there fifteen minutes early" time came.. We get there just about twenty minutes early, mom gets checked in and find out that the doctor she was there to see wasn't set up for.. The original doctor that blew her off for the past how ever long, nor the doctor we were there to see.. They come out and talk to mom and say "we've been trying to get a hold of you the past two weeks" and that mom wasn't on the doctors schedule did she want to see the other doctor, the original and I couldn't hold my tongue, I said hell no.. Why not?? Because she didn't care to see hor for the past however long so let's see the new "guy".. Turns out the new doctor is a woman.. oops.. But I was getting more upset because I have zero tolerance for dipshit doctors after the shit everyone in the family is getting and it's getting worse.. Started with the mistakes the hospital made with my dad and has built from that point to now, there is NO EXCUSE for that kind of behaviour.. Continued through yesterday.. But back to Tuesday.. The doctor did see her.. I thought the office staff was going to say could you come back in two weeks or whatever and I was going to say why doesn't she make a special trip to our lousy doctors office because they suck here and they suck there.. THEY JUST PLAIN ASSED SUCK!!.. Again can you tell I have an issue with doctorators?? She does see the doctor and after much discussion she starts her on a prescription.. So then Thursday happens and she goes to the screening they have there in the quad C.. She gets in gets all signed in and goes through the screenings and after tells me what all they did.. On one of them they have her lay on her back (or lie on her back, whichever it was) and bend her legs up, and mom asks so what does this one do and the techie says I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to talk to your feet.. I would have asked politely so are you from here in town, and if she said yes, I would have said oh that figures.. Another fucking bitch from the do nothing right medical staff centered with the boss of bosses Mandy "Roll Over Lay Down" Shaw... Yep.. If you didn't see that one coming you weren't paying attention..
Badge Henry
(P.S. To add to the confusion on Tuesday was the phone call confirming the appointment that most people get a day before the appointment.. So mom got that call, the only problem was instead of 24 hours before the day it was the Friday before and gave instructions on what to do and where to go and that she was in fact there to see the doctor that she saw.. And yet we arrive Tuesday and they ask are you here to see the first doctor?? DUH NOPE and I started to put together the scenario of what was about to unfold.. As I've said with what has been going on not only with mom but my niece and her daughters I have developed the attitude from HELL towards all things doctor and doctoration (the medical field)...
The continuation of frustration happened this week as we went to Scottsbute, embankment .. You know.. Anyway to see a doctor that wasn't really supposed to happen where the week before mom was supposed to see the doctor she had seen nearly three years earlier.. This doctor told her to come back in six weeks which would have been in November.. Was it three years?? Maybe two and change.. ?? I'm a bit lost on the timing.. Anyway it felt like three years.. on with the story.. We get up there a bit early and go to different stores not looking for anything and end up blowing the three hours until the "get there fifteen minutes early" time came.. We get there just about twenty minutes early, mom gets checked in and find out that the doctor she was there to see wasn't set up for.. The original doctor that blew her off for the past how ever long, nor the doctor we were there to see.. They come out and talk to mom and say "we've been trying to get a hold of you the past two weeks" and that mom wasn't on the doctors schedule did she want to see the other doctor, the original and I couldn't hold my tongue, I said hell no.. Why not?? Because she didn't care to see hor for the past however long so let's see the new "guy".. Turns out the new doctor is a woman.. oops.. But I was getting more upset because I have zero tolerance for dipshit doctors after the shit everyone in the family is getting and it's getting worse.. Started with the mistakes the hospital made with my dad and has built from that point to now, there is NO EXCUSE for that kind of behaviour.. Continued through yesterday.. But back to Tuesday.. The doctor did see her.. I thought the office staff was going to say could you come back in two weeks or whatever and I was going to say why doesn't she make a special trip to our lousy doctors office because they suck here and they suck there.. THEY JUST PLAIN ASSED SUCK!!.. Again can you tell I have an issue with doctorators?? She does see the doctor and after much discussion she starts her on a prescription.. So then Thursday happens and she goes to the screening they have there in the quad C.. She gets in gets all signed in and goes through the screenings and after tells me what all they did.. On one of them they have her lay on her back (or lie on her back, whichever it was) and bend her legs up, and mom asks so what does this one do and the techie says I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to talk to your feet.. I would have asked politely so are you from here in town, and if she said yes, I would have said oh that figures.. Another fucking bitch from the do nothing right medical staff centered with the boss of bosses Mandy "Roll Over Lay Down" Shaw... Yep.. If you didn't see that one coming you weren't paying attention..
Badge Henry
(P.S. To add to the confusion on Tuesday was the phone call confirming the appointment that most people get a day before the appointment.. So mom got that call, the only problem was instead of 24 hours before the day it was the Friday before and gave instructions on what to do and where to go and that she was in fact there to see the doctor that she saw.. And yet we arrive Tuesday and they ask are you here to see the first doctor?? DUH NOPE and I started to put together the scenario of what was about to unfold.. As I've said with what has been going on not only with mom but my niece and her daughters I have developed the attitude from HELL towards all things doctor and doctoration (the medical field)...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Silence of the pew..
A "new" tv show on a channel we don't have (FXX) called Fargo.. Anybody heard of it?? I heard they were making a series of it.. A retelling or something about the movie, story (a reality story) of the happenings there in Fargo North Dakota way back in ???? and I say I'm not sure because wasn't the movies earlier than that?? Anyway I started watching it and it has Billy Bob Thornton playing a creepy guy (a real stretch) Colin Hanks could have been the creepy guy but plays a police officer.. Bob Odenkirk (he of the lawyer in Breaking Bad and soon to be in Better ask Saul (I think he is supposed to play the Saul part in that Breaking Bad spinoff))
How good is this show?? Well it is not the same as the movie by any stretch.. Is it better?? I don't know, depends on how you view it.. So far, and this clip was from show number two, it isn't horrible but it feels strange watching a show that might or might not be on later.. I mean is this a mini series or is it a show that will be back again next year.. My vote.......... MINISERIES.. But I'm probably wrong..
Hey I started watching "The Walking Dead" from show number one the other night.. For no other reason than to take a look at the first few shows.. How's this for starters?? The way the series starts Rick is walking into a gas station looking for gas amungst the walkers (zombies yikes) and they are there but then switch to the opening credits and then come back and he and his deputy are parked eating food and nothing has happened yet.. The world is alrighty then.. As the story gets going the best way to have the world end without explanation is to put you lead person into a coma.. For how long?? A few weeks.. Maybe more.. The hell breaks loose and no one has an explanation.. Rick wakes up and shit's in place of reality.. Everything about the show is strong.. No slow start here.. Could there be more explanation to the situation?? Maybe it's better there isn't.. Does it ever develop beyond the hacking of heads stage?? It gets interesting for sure.. I've seen the final episode from this past season that saw things slow to a crawl as far as the story goes but getting story development for background was a good thing this past season.. There really isn't much in the way of that as people do plenty of dying..
Badge Henry
(P.S. I almost forgot.. This past Thursday night I set new high record in Scrabble.. 401.. Well it would have been 401 but I still had the V which means I lost 4 points.. 397 for my record second highest score but is actually my highest score.. The highest score was in the 400 range but I don't count it because I was playing the "Genius" level but used the help button for every turn, that doesn't count.. Oh, also it was a timed game.. 45 seconds per turn, fifteen minute game.. Fifteen minutes total.. It was actually over in about seven minutes.. i like a little extra time for breathing..)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
But I want that.. and that and that and that..
Last week I was on a site that had the old follow us on facebook and or twitter and how I determined which I will use to follow a site is if I care very much at all I follow on Facebook, because that gets opened and looked at every day.. Twitter on the other hand I am following ... ????? HOW MANY?? And as I decided to follow by twitter I found out that I was over the amount I could follow.. That number is two thousand.. Actually two thousand and one.. BUT i WANT TO FOLLOW THIS SITE!!! I instantly got pissed to the point I was going to start another twitter account.. "I'll show them".. Show them what exactly and wasn't I trying to get a lower number of everything not so long ago?? Yes, yes as a matter of fact I was wanting to lower the number of sites I followed on reader and finally got around to thinning that down after of course they made me thin it out by way of a charge if I followed more than however many it was.. I got that down.. So the same thing with the bookmarks, and Facebook and then Twitter but it was so massive.. two thousand is a huge number in twitter land and I rarely used twitter because of that fact.. It has been three lengthy sessions and I have whittled it down to just over two hundred, with some fifteen hundred to go.. I am checking them each.. Some are dead, some are irrelevant to what I care about.. Some are political in all directions, what I believe in and what I don't but I feel you have to see things in all directions or you become jaded.. I like to read more than what I believe in to make up my own mind.. To me, hat's the only way to be.. If I thought FNC (the benghazi news network as I've started to call it) was the only way to go, tear the knob off, that's ALL I need to see.. (For those of you unfamiliar with the term "tear the knob off" it has to do with the old tv sets that you actually had to physically turn a knob to change the tv station, hard to believe but they didn't always have a remote control to change the channel.. That's what little brothers/sisters were for.. hey change the channel wud ye?) .. But I want the Twitter to be down to a manageable number, hopefully under a thousand by a lot.. Maybe five hundred.. That would be good.. Less is more..
Badge Henry
Badge Henry
Monday, May 5, 2014
Flagged for fifteen..
What happens when your cable tv provider gets into a snit over costs of channels?? The programming costs keep going up and so they push the cost onto the subscribers, and that is fine until they push back.. Back a few years ago, quite a few years ago actually, we had dish network mostly for the choice in programming but also because the cable tv had twelve channels which wasn't horrible.. As It turns out I was watching fewer and fewer channels and so switched first to digital cable, and then to the analog cable which is only some fifty or so channels.. That and use of the Roku has changed my viewing for the better.. Most of the better channels on the Roku are VOD which is short for Video On Demand which means no more getting in on the show ten minutes after it started.. With our cable tv system currently in a negotiation ploy to drive the price down, it won't work.. They are way too small.. They likely lose several subscribers to satellite systems every year.. Sadly they are our internet provider and likely to fold up completely if they lose cable tv.. Then we will be looking at a satellite provider for all three (tv, internet and phone service).. Hard to believe that the consolidation of these services elsewhere are what might be causing this to be going on here now.. But the little guy gets squeezed in the deal.. I knew it might happen when the big two cable tv companies announced they will try to merge their companies.. Not only does it effect their subscribers in a negative way but it looks like it is effecting us here in podunk land.. The worst part of tv in any delivered version is the nasty tiers they have.. Both satellite companies out there have their tiers and you look and see "oh, this is in the lowend tier here but not there"... Seriously how much is enough?? How many channels do we need?? What tier has the most of what I want without paying for the usual twenty plus channels that I will never watch?? With this tier you get three hundred channels of which twenty might be watched.. You can set your list and exclude the chaff.. Well you are still paying for those channels even though you won't be watching them.. Univision, I'm looking at you, or rather I'm not.. And that goes as well for all you spanish channels as well as all the home shopping channels.. Buy two hundred to watch twenty.. WHAT A DEAL.. Get that screw out your ass.. Reamed.. Well we will stay with cable tv for now.. Until they pull the plug on ESPN, then dish.. HERE WE COME...
Badge Henry
Badge Henry
Friday, May 2, 2014
Badge Henry
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