Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring cleaning

Normally I am for a fast moving month especially when it is March but holey crap this month halled ass...  Where did it go??  I don't know..

Next music entry on the PNOP site (tomorrow) won't be Easter themed, I wouldn't have known how to do that anyway.. All this talk about religion recently makes me nod my head.. I don't get it.. I really don't get religion because to me all it really is, when it comes down to it, a sense of community more than anything else.. A sense of belonging to a greater good than being selfish except that it brings out the worst in people..  I'd rather not go to deep into it but when people use god or anything like that I just think they have security issues.. It's nice to go into that valley but the truth is it is you.. Single.. One..  So there you go, that didn't make sense and it wasn't supposed to either..

This week coming up will see yet another expansion in the family.. Donald will be getting another addition to his family when he welcomes his second child, a second son, and things will really start to move because like I've said kids seem to be the reason time flies..  Stop having kids people, the clock moves too fast now, stop having kids.. Too late, oh well...

One of the Easter weekends I remember the most was one year me and another kid slept out in our back yard for whatever the reason and it was nice but still chilled out to the point of cold to me.. One of those events that was  a non event.. 

Checking the roku streaming player this past week and checking the "channels" to see what I might want to keep and some of the stuff I checked was sites that have really odd movies.. More than likely they would be dubbed  "b" movies.. Checking a few of these and they have commercial breaks in them which isn't horrible but it is when they put them in that doesn't make sense.. The public domain sites are the best for old material.. If you are in high school or younger this is maybe a novelty, but to those of us a bit older these represent a part of our life.. Old commercials as well as tv shows are on here.. They still don't have some of the old shows from when I was young like that but it's getting closer.. We had one channel that came in clear, KTVS out of Sterling.. The other channels were very snowy.. Then when I was a little older we got KDUH out of Scottsbluff and KTNE, the PBS channel. three whole channels, and yes I remember that and it is the reason why the idea of having HD tv isn't that big of a deal.. I can remember when we got cable, then satellite tv.. The satellite tv with the digital signal was great to see.. DVD is clear and HD isn't that much better but everyone is programmed into thinking it is a better picture because   well why would they lie to us.. 

The latest channel to be scrutinized is the Pub D Hub  or Public Domain Hub has all these old commercials a lot of old shows that are about parenting and studies like that..  seriously interesting but twisted at the same time.. There is enough interesting stuff here to keep this channel.. Some of the movie channel sites have been removed mostly because of the commercial aspect, but also I haven't watched anything on them.. They are off my lineup but could be brought back if I want to check them out again..

BASEBALL SEASON STARTS TOMORROW ...  So what..  By the way I was trying to check my standings on the big tournament and I can't find it.. After yesterdays games I think I still have two teams that are picked for the title game.. Will they make it??  Doubtful..

Badge Henry 

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