Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hows that fit

I know anyone who reads this is like great what's he going to rant about this time...  I put on some jeans last week that I hadn't worn in quite a while and just figured these wouldn't fit.. Well long story short they fit.. the end...

Well not quite the end, I mean if you want a quick story that ended well stop reading now.. Fair warning.. Anyway I put those old jeans on and they did fit quite well.. The waste and length are equal, they were 32X32   or as I call them 32 by..   That was the size I wore for so many years and regardless of brand or style they were the same size, sometime smaller waste wise.. Then in the past five years or so the waste size has changed, no surprise I'm getting bigger.. But why did those old jeans fit perfectly and nothing I get now fits right??   I put on some jeans I got at Christmas time and they were from an outdoor supply store, and were on sale.. I bought them just to try.. They were carpenter style which are so easy to wear and are perfect for me to carry a cell phone with, otherwise I don't have the phone on me (hard to believe anyone out there with a cell phone/gadget fixation that I wouldn't step foot in the world without a cell phone).. These jeans were lose and fit oddly and within a week or two the pocket split from the main material.. Then the jean material started to fray.. Then the crotch split out and then things got seriously bad from that point on..  My point being these jeans I even tried on before buying and they felt fine.. But they are always so long.. I've worn 32 length since I graduated from high school. Now I walk on the leg part, that being nearly under the balls of my feet now on almost every pair of jeans I own.. The new style??   The waste rarely is where it is supposed to be, and...  Well this seems odd to say but has the world of clothing changed that much??  Yet I put those old jeans on and they fit right.. What gives Harriet??...

Roku last night I checked into the Nowhere Stream channel and ended up watching a tutorial on Adobe lightroom for a while.. Then found myself popping in and out of channels (streams) here and there one of which was Philipino news.. They had a global weather thing I've never seen the weather presented this way before, they had the globe spin and the temperatures for cities around the world, sort of like Google Earth type of thing..   So there is yet another site that will be kept..  I had mentioned about a channel on Nowhere tv that was called Challenge and it was a favorite, is now no longer there because the programmer changed what was on it, the Nowhere tv dropped it, and replaced with what is called Vintage music video.. They run music videos like MTV only based out of England so there will likely be more British music or that seemed to be the case last night.. Heart tv is still the better of these two for music videos, and Capitol television plays the now music videos.. Speaking of music video channels the Vevo channel was added again.. I added it after dropping it.. They have a good lot of videos but most is from the now era.. But there is a search link that lets you look for something more tolerable..  I was thinking earlier, I think my tolerance for anything new is just about gone.. I used to be able to try anything new but in the past few years it has become harder to get into anything that is new.. And from American music perspective it all sounds the same.. Maybe that will change someday.. You never know..

Badge Henry

(P.S. I did something after pushing enter here. I added a RSS feed to the old reader to see how it might look and it looked fine.. Just like Google reader sort of.. The plus is that the visual is right on par, however I'm not sure the folders will be in the old reader like Google reader has them and if the folders aren't there then the five hundred RSS sites will be a huge mess to look at.. So hopefully it will be showing the folders if it ever gets done loading my OMPL file.. Hope it happens soon.. )

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