WAIT A MINUTE.. Was I really that pissed off at Google to want to leave everything they have?? Last year at this time I was just so sure about wanting to have everything under the Google umbrella that I was nearly giddy to have it be that way.. Well giddy might be a little too... But I wanted everything to be under the Google umbrella and that meant the Blogger, the i-Google homepage, the Google+ and YouTube.. YouTube might be the only thing I will keep of Google, but that might change as well.. When I said they had five hundred million users on Blogger I was way wrong.. They might only have several hundred thousand using blogger.. It will likely be the next thing to be gutted.. They are moving away from computer proper and going in the gadget direction.. That's fine, I have decided that the entry for December 27 on the PNOP will be the last, it was preloaded back in October and I wasn't sure if it would be the end or not. Since I am THAT pissed off at Google I will leave that site and likely this as well, the search for a new blog site will start shortly.. The video hosting site while I started the search, I don't want to just start a site just really quick and regret later.. YouTube should remain active because it still is growing at such an alarming rate, I'm not that worried about this at all.. But blogger could be gone by this time next year and I don't want to be around when they pull the plug... Getting a blog site away from Google will happen sometime soon and when it does i plan to use it and abandon the Blogger sites right away.. I will link to the new blog and run only the link to the new blog on days when an entry wasn't preset.. Fridays were all preset through the remainder of the year from April on (I think).. That was the plan, to have entries set at least on one day through to the end of the year.. Might have to get a picture of a moon (wink wink) for the entry on the 28th of December.. Maybe.. But I do understand why Google is doing what they are doing.. They don't want to be trailblazers, they want to be just like everybody else, offer only a few things and not offer some things that might be used by a fringe number but rather go after the whole pie.. I get that, it's the American way to blend in with everyone else.. Google was a leader but they are taking it in the shorts by sites like Facebook and so they want to lead by losing now.. Sounds like a good idea.. They aren't astronomically HUGE like they once were, now they are just awfully big.. Keep pissing people off and see how you shrink then you dipshits..
Badge Henry
Badge Henry
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